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Chapter 324 Kamikaze Death Squad

With a sound of "Peng!", the soil that had sunk Dahe's body suddenly burst. Dahe stepped out in one step, and his feet landed on the grass with a thunderous sound. The momentum was astonishing.

What kind of martial arts is this?

Zhang Yang's pupils suddenly tightened, and he felt the surging power. The river seemed to become extremely powerful in an instant, and its momentum doubled geometrically, giving people a frightening feeling.

Zhang Yang found that the general was also surprised. Apparently, Dahe's martial arts also surprised the general... However, the general's surprise was only for a moment, and was immediately replaced by a fanatical fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit was burning again, and the air was suppressed to its peak. Zhang Yang suspected that if there was fire, the air would probably burn. He could feel the hot air waves hundreds of meters away.

A battle between strong men is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

What makes Zhang Yang even more incredible is that Dahe's momentum is always growing, as if it will never stop. Dahe's entire body also looks extremely tall. Of course, this is just a visual illusion, not that Dahe has really changed.

Got taller.




Dahe approached the general step by step, and the general's eyes became sharper and sharper. His whole body was like a sharp edge, creating an extremely powerful pressure to fight against Dahe.

When martial arts reaches the level of Dahe and General, momentum becomes particularly important. In fact, humans are often similar to animals in nature. For example, the fight between peacocks is not about force, but a way to show off their feathers. In theory, showing off is

Beautiful feathers are also a kind of momentum. Whoever has beautiful feathers has high momentum and will win the final victory, and no force is needed to determine the outcome.

In the ordinary life of human beings, especially during childhood, this animal instinct is vividly displayed. The battles between children are more about who is bigger. The bigger one often does not need to pay any practical significance.

Achieve victory, because the weak will not dare to act rashly because the opponent is larger than themselves, and choose to show up or admit defeat.

This is the principle of returning to nature. When human martial arts reaches a certain level, the winner can be determined by momentum alone. People who lose momentum often find it difficult to defeat their opponents in the current fight.

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is impossible for a weak person to burst out with a momentum that makes people feel powerful.

Now, both Dahe and the general strive to overwhelm each other in terms of momentum. Of course, the momentum of Dahe and the general is not in the infant stage, but more of a manifestation of mental power. Whoever stands on the commanding heights of mental power will be more conducive to controlling the entire situation.

War situation.

Masters' fighting also has a sense of rhythm. Whoever masters the sense of rhythm will win the final victory, unless the disparity in strength between the two sides is too large.

Slowly, Zhang Yang felt that it was a little difficult to breathe. It was not comfortable to curl up in the tree trunk and peek. Moreover, his control of his heart and blood flow would be exposed in front of two strong men.


Now, Zhang Yang doesn't want to expose his position. He always has a feeling that something is wrong, and hiding is the best choice.

At this time, the momentum between the two has reached its peak.

The air was so hot that Zhang Yang was sweating all over, and the woods and lawns fell into a dead silence. All the snakes, insects, rats, and ants seemed to have disappeared without making a sound.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt something was wrong. It seemed that something was wrong with Dahe's behavior.

By the way, I felt this way from the beginning.

Why does this feeling occur?

Zhang Yang looked at the two strong men getting closer and closer...

Suddenly, a chill ran down Zhang Yang's spine. Dahe's behavior didn't seem to be a smart and sensible one, but more of a desperate one. Why was there such a behavior?

Zhang Yang was making crazy calculations in his brain. From the beginning, Dahe went all out to fight the general. Judging from Dahe's wisdom and ruthlessness, there shouldn't be such a desperate performance from the beginning. Is there some conspiracy?

"Boom!" While Zhang Yang was thinking, a loud noise exploded in the air, like a thunderbolt from the blue. Dahe's long sword and the general's short sword were seen hitting each other heavily in the air, exploding into a dazzling colorful light.


The intersection only lasted a moment, and the two bodies retreated crazily. With Zhang Yang's calculation, the two of them retreated fifty meters each with this strike. The general even retreated to the lake. The volley moved on the lake, leaving behind

There were ripples in circles, like a dragonfly touching the water... Astonishingly!

Before Zhang Yang was mentally prepared, the general took the initiative to attack. He slapped his palms on the lake several times, and a water curtain wall was erected on the lake, heading straight towards the river. The general followed closely behind the water curtain.

It seemed like it was driving thousands of troops and horses and rushed to the lake shore, with unparalleled power.




Earth-shaking loud noises kept ringing, and the fierce battle quickly entered a fever pitch. Every blow shook the earth and the mountains, and there was a heart-stopping pressure in the air... Unfortunately, Zhang Yang did not pay attention at this time.

During the fight between the two, Zhang Yang was frantically calculating all kinds of possibilities. Zhang Yang always felt that Dahe was a little abnormal. A master should not make such a reckless attack.


Could it be an ambush?

Suddenly, Zhang Yang broke out in a cold sweat, and a boundless fear spread in his pore cells... Obviously, Dahe's crazy attack was to weaken the general's power. It was already obvious that the general was in the battle with Dahe no matter what.

Both his energy and physical strength are exhausted. It seems that although the general has the upper hand, the general is not easy. After all, Dahe is also a strong man, and he is one of the geniuses for hundreds of years. His strength

Naturally, it should not be underestimated. Even if the general wins, there will still be some price to pay.



It must be an ambush!

Zhang Yang has confirmed this possible surname. It seems that Dahe now wants to ambush the general after dragging him down to a certain level.

What kind of ambush method will Dahe use?

Soon, Zhang Yang turned his thoughts to ambush methods. After all, the general's troops had inspected this place before, and Nana and Nana's mother had also been here. Wang Feng and Zhang Han were also here.

, Zhang Yang couldn't think of any way Dahe could ambush a master like the general. You must know that when martial arts reaches the level of the general, it can't be defeated by wearing down the physical strength, nor can it be defeated by adding a few ordinary people.

Rats and cats have been feuding for tens of thousands of years. There are always more rats than cats, but no one has ever heard of a cat being beaten to death by a group of rats.



The earth-shattering loud noise was endless. The duel between Dahe and the general had reached a fever pitch. Sharp murderous intent was hovering in the air. Even Zhang Yang, who was hiding in the tree trunk, felt the painful pressure on his face, as if he was being pricked by needles.


The lawn seemed to have been robbed, stripped away by the crazy murderous aura until only the brown soil was left. All the turf was scraped clean, and the exposed soil was filled with wet lake water... Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt an inexplicable feeling.

This kind of pressure is different from the pressure given by General Dahe. In the distance, there is a sound of neat footsteps, very regular footsteps, which can only be heard by the army.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's hair stood on end as he saw hundreds of densely packed people wearing ancient pilot uniforms appearing from all directions. They were well organized and very orderly. Everyone's face was extremely cold and unfazed by the earth-shattering fight.

And shocked... This is an army. Seeing this kind of clothing, Zhang Yang vaguely felt a familiar feeling, because it seemed that this kind of clothing had been seen somewhere before. It seemed that this kind of military uniform was very ancient and was used in modern times.

There should be no such ancient military uniforms in the world.


Sweat poured down Zhang Yang's forehead. He remembered that he had seen these military uniforms in a World War II movie.

It's a kamikaze!

Also Kamikaze!

This is Japan's famous kamikaze team in World War II, also known as the Kamikaze. It was this team that caused huge losses to the U.S. fleet. It was this team that made the United States decide to attack Japan.

Ben dropped nuclear weapons... This is a force that scares the US military!

This is the most loyal army of the Emperor!

For this army, sacrifice is the highest honor!

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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