Turn off the lights
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Chapter 398 Low Grade Bullets

"Yes, Mr. Chen's calligraphy attainments are so profound that he has reached the level of a master. If Mr. Chen takes Cai Jing as a guide and Shu Yan Zhenqing as his character, I think Mr. Chen can reach the level of a master whether as an official, as a person, or as a calligrapher.

, If a person can choose between being famous for eternity and being infamous for eternity, it is undoubtedly the best to choose to be famous for eternity... Of course, if there is no such way to choose, being infamous for eternity is not an option..."

Looking at the gray night sky, Zhang Yang's eyes were extremely deep.

"Do you have a choice?" President Chen asked with a sigh. He felt that this question was a bit puzzling.

"No, by the way, I'll just get off here. I want to be alone for a while."


President Chen did not leave immediately. He watched Zhang Yang's back disappear before starting the engine of the bridge car.

Throughout the night, President Chen suspected that he was having a dream. As soon as it dawned in the morning, he rushed to the tree. When he saw the old and lonely tree again, President Chen finally believed that he was not dreaming.

It was already four o'clock in the morning, and Zhang Yang was wandering the streets alone.

Destroy heroes!



Famous for eternity, infamy for eternity...

These words are always swirling in Zhang Yang's mind. The truth is that when things come to one's own head, not everyone can do it.

Noble city.

Almost intuitively, Zhang Yang looked up and saw three golden typing letters under the bright street lights.

Seeing the three golden characters, Zhang Yang couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face. Subconsciously, he walked to the gate of the Noble City on the pedestrian street.


A faint orange light could be seen through the curtains, and it was certain that there was someone in Noble City.

Zhang Yang worked in Noble City and knew the rules of Noble City. Because Noble City is in a bustling pedestrian street, there are security and monitoring systems 24 hours a day. Therefore, there is no need for anyone to be on duty in the store. The store rules stipulate that the store is closed.

At this time, employees must check water and electricity and turn off all power...

Obviously, it's Wang Yan.

At this time, only Wang Yan can enter the noble city.

With almost a subconscious action, Zhang Yang pushed the door open and went in. The door was locked, but this was not a problem for Zhang Yang. With just a slight exertion, the lock opened.

There is no one on the first floor.

Zhang Yang walked up to the second floor.

The glass door on the second floor is open, and bright light shines from here onto the first floor.

Zhang Yang walked gently into the automatic glass door.

Almost all the lights in the room were turned on, and it was quiet and depressing.

Wang Yan was not seen.

Zhang Yang slowly walked over and discovered that Wang Yan was lying on the sofa and sleeping. Wang Yan was wearing a yellow vest and a pair of low-waisted jeans that exposed her calves, revealing a small white waist.

A small black and white striped pillow is curled up on the sofa.

Obviously, Wang Yan was a little cold, and she wished that her whole body could curl up into the gap in the sofa.

Wang Yan's silky hair was scattered around her face, revealing her small and white nose. A pair of jade arms hugged the pillow around her chest, squeezing out a deep and thrilling ravine...

Zhang Yang did not wake up Wang Yan, he took a blanket from the bed and gently covered Wang Yan's body, squatting next to Wang Yan and looking at the face that was covered by hair so that only his nose could be seen.

After a long time, Zhang Yang sighed softly and stood up. He turned back and glanced at the calligraphy works on the wall.

The Qin Dynasty is as armored as clouds.

Inexplicably, Zhang Yang thought of the long-haired middle-aged man from another dimension and the dozens of armored men.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly again. Sometimes, his imagination is too rich. It is not uncommon for humans from alien civilizations to come to the earth. However, it is obviously impossible for humans on the earth to enter an alien space.

, after all, the technology on earth simply cannot do it.

Even though the technology on earth has developed explosively in the past hundred years, it is obviously impossible to travel freely in and out of space. At present, humans are still unable to leave the solar system. Even going to the nearest moon to the earth requires a very complicated journey.

Preparation work: Over the years, humans have landed on the moon only a handful of times.


Zhang Yang thought of a question, if that long-haired middle-aged man were a human being who left the earth, would he let them in?

Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat.

Why did I have this strange thought?

Why do you want to choose?

Could it be that subconsciously, I don’t want this person to come in...

Zhang Yang felt wet all over.



Why did you come up with this idea?

Is it just because the other party is a being that surpasses the strong?

Is it just because that person's martial arts skills are higher than mine?

Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt terrible for his own thoughts and terrible for his own selfishness...

Zhang Yang strode out the door. He didn't want to see that calligraphy. That calligraphy gave him an indescribable pressure. That kind of pressure was everywhere. This calligraphy gave people a different feeling than Dahe's.

The feeling of murderous intent, but the feeling of dominating the world...

"Zhang Yang!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's body stiffened, and his hand was already placed on the lock. However, Wang Yan's softer voice made his body look like a sculpture.

"Zhang Yang, is that you?" Wang Yan upstairs seemed to be putting on shoes.

Zhang Yang's body trembled, and he slowly used his true energy to control the door lock, opened the door, and quietly disappeared outside the door...

"Dong dong..."

Wang Yan came down from upstairs and turned on all the lights. Immediately, the first floor became brilliant.

Wang Yan walked to the glass door and glanced at the moved lock. She suddenly became excited and hurriedly opened the glass door...

"Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, I know it's you, come out, come out..."

"Zhang Yang, I know it's you!"

"come out……"

"Woooo... come out..."

Wang Yan shouted to the empty street, her voice became hoarse and looked extremely sad. However, except for a few security guards who rushed over after hearing the sound, there was not even a single figure in the building on the street. Finally, Wang Yan couldn't help but squat down.

I covered my face and cried on the ground...

A group of security guards looked at each other, but did not speak after all, and quietly retreated. Every manager who works on the pedestrian street knows that the boss lady of Noble City has a perverse personality and a hot temper. It is best not to mess with her. Whenever someone comes in,

Newcomers and some seniors will teach by words and deeds.

"Zhang Yang..."

"Zhang Yang...why should I meet you? Why?"

"Why are you coming again?"


Wang Yan suppressed her voice and cried quietly. Suddenly, she saw a pair of brand new leather shoes between her fingers.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at the face that she missed day and night. Wang Yan could no longer control her emotions. She suddenly raised her head and hugged the increasingly generous body. Only by hugging this body could she

Make her feel an unparalleled sense of security.

"I know you will come, I know!" Wang Yan cried with joy.

Zhang Yang didn't know what to say, but he couldn't help but appeared from behind a sign on the second floor. From the beginning to the end, he kept looking at Wang Yan.

Listening to Wang Yan cry, it felt like my heart was being cut with a knife.

"I know, I know, when you come to the provincial capital, I know you will come to Noble City to find me. I have been waiting for you here every night these days, do you know?" Wang Yan murmured.

Zhang Yang gently patted Wang Yan on the shoulder. He could only comfort her in this way.

The two walked into the aristocratic city clinging to each other.

In fact, Wang Yan was almost hanging on the ground, holding Zhang Yang's arm tightly, for fear that he would suddenly disappear.

Sitting on the sofa, feeling the coldness of Wang Yan's body, Zhang Yang wrapped the blanket around Wang Yan's body.

"Why didn't you wake me up just now?" Wang Yan allowed Zhang Yang to wrap up the package and refused to get off Zhang Yang's body.

"I saw you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't disturb you."

Zhang Yang adjusted his position so that his back was facing the calligraphy work. The painting made him feel inexplicably nervous. He found that the higher his martial arts skills were, the greater the pressure the calligraphy work put on him.

This is just a print. If you see the real thing, I don’t know what you will feel like.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang had a strong desire to see the authentic work.

"Zhang Yang, why can't I forget you?" Wang Yan interrupted Zhang Yang's reverie.


"I've been trying to forget you, but the more I want to forget, the more I miss you. You make me obsessed with Zhang Yang. I can't help myself. I can't forget you. I think about you all day long, even though we spend so much time together.

Not long, but those bits and pieces almost occupied all my thoughts, Zhang Yang, you are the devil, the devil..."

Wang Yan closed her eyes slightly and kept murmuring. Her delicate body squirmed in Zhang Yang's arms, and her cold skin became extremely hot...

"I know the reason." Zhang Yang smiled bitterly.

"Do you know the reason?" Wang Yan was stunned.

"Yes." Zhang Yang's expression was full of helplessness.

"Tell me." Wang Yan's eyes lit up.

"Martial arts."

"Have you learned "The Road to Immortality"?" Wang Yan opened her eyes wide in surprise and struggled to sit up from Zhang Yang's body. The snow-white and plump skin exposed due to her messy clothes dazzled Zhang Yang for a while.

"Don't look." Seeing Zhang Yang's dull expression, Wang Yan suddenly blushed and hurriedly arranged her clothes.

"You also know "The Immortal Road"?"

"Why don't I know that Wang Feng is my cousin?" Wang Yan rolled her eyes at Zhang Yang, and her charming and seductive expression made Zhang Yang's heart skip a beat. I have to say that Wang Yan's charm is different from that of other women.

Silly and charming.

"Oh, I know..." Zhang Yang lowered his head and pondered. He seemed to vaguely feel an important point, but he deliberately avoided it.

"Let me ask you, have you learned "The Road to Immortality"?" Wang Yan said with excitement.

"Yeah, seventy percent."

"Wow, then you must be really powerful, right?" Wang Yan waved her hand, and there was a pistol in her hand. She waved her hand again, and she already had a silencer in her hand.


Zhang Yang was shocked as he watched Wang Yan assemble the muffler.

"Hehe, my mother said that if you learn 20% of the martial arts in "The Immortal Path", you can withstand pistol bullets..."


Looking at Wang Yan's raised gun barrel, Zhang Yang's spine trembled with chills and his hair stood up. The sudden burst of "The Immortal Road" and the energy gathering were almost instinctive. He swung his palms into the air, transforming into a fragment of debris in the air.





There were seven dull gunshots in a row, and there was a smell of gunpowder smoke in the room. Wang Yan knelt on the sofa, looking at Zhang Yang with a pair of big and clear eyes, her eyelashes blinking non-stop, full of surprise...

(To be continued)

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