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Chapter 436 Five Old Men

"Let me see the power of reincarnation!"

The strong man laughed, and surprisingly, a sharp murderous aura grew crazily, with thousands of murderous auras. The whole person seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person. The mediocre facial features actually became radiant, domineering, and became like a leer.

Like the emperors of the world.

The strong man actually placed the safe on the dead leaves on the ground, and turned around and walked towards Zhang Yang step by step.

Looking at this strong man who seemed to suddenly become taller, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little interested in this man. Undoubtedly, this was a very interesting strong man.

At the beginning, his performance was unsatisfactory. He was just an ordinary strong man. He escaped from the encirclement of four people, but he exceeded their expectations. Now, his performance is so powerful that Zhang Yang even feels

There was a surge of pressure, which was simply unbelievable.

You know, so far, Zhang Yang has never felt any pressure when using the Devouring Martial Arts.

"I, Gambari! One of the top five masters in the world of strong men!" The strong man strode to a distance of less than five meters from Zhang Yang, with a proud expression on his face.

"Top five?" Zhang Yang's eyes lit up.

"Yes, top five, if you exclude a few special people, I would be ranked second."

"Who is more powerful, you or Dahe, General Stuttering?" Zhang Yang had no idea about the ranking of the strong.

"Hahaha... No matter Dahe or the general, they are all geniuses among geniuses. You must know that there are very few people who enter the realm of strong men in their thirties. I have to say that they are aliens, but..." Gan

Barry changed the subject and said: "Geniuses also take time. In the eyes of real masters, they are still too young, too young..."

"Are you awesome?" Zhang Yang raised the corners of his mouth and said with a slight smile.

"Whether you are great or not is not what you say!"

"Yes, then let's fight!"

Zhang Yang didn’t know that Gambari was almost equivalent to the patron saint of Myanmar. In Myanmar, people believe in Buddhism. However, Gambari does not believe in Buddhism. The source of Gambari’s martial arts is very complicated. He has no faith. His faith is loyalty to his country.

General Ruidan is loyal and always the first to stand up whenever there is a national crisis. Gambari's influence can almost rival that of Buddhism.

During World War II, he fought thousands of miles away, hunting Japanese strongmen and sniping Japanese senior commanders with Chinese strongmen in Burma, Thailand, Laos, China and other places. Everyone who survived that tragic era

Everyone is a hero. It is precisely because of the existence of people like them that the outcome of the war is closer to victory step by step...

And his influence in Myanmar is unparalleled. Maybe many ordinary people don't know it. However, as long as the Myanmar soldiers who stand at the pinnacle of power know about Gambari, he is just like China's Sun Yat-sen.

The same thing is that everyone knows that Sun Yat-sen is the founding father of China, but only those who stand at the pinnacle of power know about Gambari.

Suddenly, the woods fell into a depressing silence, so quiet that it was suffocating, as if this was a place isolated from the world.

Zhang Yang's body is becoming more and more solid.

Energy has filled every cell in his body, and the crystallization of energy in his body has reached more than 80%. Zhang Yang felt that his cells were undergoing mutations. He could clearly feel that waves of energy were transforming each individual cell.

The cells are connected in series, densely packed, and then, like a surging tide, wave after wave, fighting spirit is burning in every cell of the body...

Within a two-kilometer radius, trees were rapidly withering, and some wild beasts were fleeing in panic.

These strange sights are invisible to Gambari. Gambari always thought that the area with withered trees and weeds was only a limited area around him...

The energy within a two-kilometer range is so surging!




The fighting spirit of both of them has reached its peak.

Shockingly, it moved!

As if they had made an appointment, the two moved almost at the same time. Gambari's muscles all over his body tightened, and then he bounced up more than ten meters in the air like a spring. His strong body drew an arc in the air. Dapeng.

Generally pounced down...

Gambari opened his arms, and his dark fingers were like steel needles, but the steel needles were extremely huge!



The ten dark fingers were actually expanding rapidly, each finger was like a mallet, and the nails were also turning a strange dark red color, which was shocking to see.

Only ten meters away from Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang could already feel a sharp breath on his face, as if a cold knife had been scraped...

Five meters!

Two meters!

One meter!

Zhang Yang moved, and the hand he had been carrying behind his back moved. However, he moved only one arm, a white arm. The hand suddenly swelled, like five extremely thick arms, instead of a small, rootless arm.

Compared with Gambari's rootless fingers, the small fingers are larger and thicker. The only difference is that this hand is smooth and moon-white...

Zhang Yang has concentrated all the excess energy into this hand. In fact, Zhang Yang's arm is not completely a hand anymore, but is made up of energy and matter. There are only 20% of Zhang Yang's meridians in it.


A sinister smile flashed across Gambari's lips. He was full of confidence in his own hands. Even if the opponent was made of steel, he was sure to crush him into powder.

He remembered that during World War II, he once penetrated the turret of a tank...

Suddenly, a hand seemed to appear from the void. It was an unpredictable hand. This hand was like a hand stretched out from the field without any warning. It was as if that hand was right in front of you...


In the flash of lightning, a sudden hand grabbed Gambari's thick waist.

This hand is like the heavenly hand of Tathagata Buddha.

"Chichi!" the friction sound.

Gambari's dark hook-like hands suddenly grasped Zhang Yang's huge fingers and traced them without leaving any trace...


Zhang Yang shouted violently, tightened his big hand suddenly, made a "click" and waved again, and Gambari was thrown out like a meteor.



Gambari's body flew into the air, blood spurted out, and countless withered and decayed trees were smashed into powder, like a cannonball...



In a burst of intensive collisions, Gambari crashed into countless towering trees before falling heavily onto the thick leaves on the ground.

Time has stopped.

The air was extremely oppressive.

Wisps of bright blood spilled out of Gambari's mouth. His internal organs had been injured by Zhang Yang's giant hand just now. The huge squeezing force was simply not something that humans could resist.


Gambari, who had just stood up desperately, fell heavily to the ground again, as if the power of the giant hand was still contained in his body.

A strong smell of sadness spread in the woods.

The end of the hero!


Gambari vomited another large mouthful of blood before he felt better. He did not run for his life. Although he had heard the "rustling" footsteps, he still did not run for his life because he knew that he could not escape.

However, his strong mental power allowed his body to stand up unsteadily. When he stood up, he was holding a delicate small mobile phone in his hand. The mobile phone was placed on his calf and was not damaged.

"Ahem...I am Gambari...Gambari..."

The "rustling" footsteps were getting closer and closer, and a sharp light flashed in Gambari's eyes.

"I'm looking for the general...ahem..."

Gambari's eyes became dull because he saw the expressionless man. Behind this man, there were three people, one of whom had a small military green safe under his armpit.

"You can finish the call." Zhang Yang looked at this once all-powerful man calmly.

"Who are you?" Gambari regained his composure. He is a strong man. No matter he wins or loses, he is still a strong man, a strong man with strong spiritual power.

"Chinese." Zhang Yang smiled slightly.

"China is indeed full of talented people. By the way, you don't know about the Agreement between the Strong?"

"I know, but I'm going to revise the strongman agreement!"

"..." Gambari was stunned for a moment, then immediately laughed and said: "Okay, okay, I am ready to modify the agreement between the strong men. You are the second person who dares to say this..."

"Has anyone ever modified it?" Zhang Yang frowned. He actually didn't know that there was such a thing. He said that modifying the strong man's agreement was just a temporary change. You know, he, Xiao Lizi, and Aze already have three

Strong men, if Liu Biao also breaks through to the realm of strong men, there will be four strong men. According to intelligence, the power of the four strong men is quite huge, and they can completely modify the strong men's agreement.

Who has so much power to arrogantly revise the agreement of the strong?

Could it be that he also has many strong men?

"Haha, he finally gave up. Well, you will know later. I want to make a call." Gambari raised the phone in his hand.

Zhang Yang nodded.

"General, I'm leaving. Tell Xiao Hei that someone wants to modify the strong man's agreement..."

"You can tell him my mobile phone number." A cold smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth.


Gambari opened his mouth, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. Zhang Yang's meaning was simple, he wanted to subvert the world of the strong.


"Okay, General, remember this number, 139xxxxxxxxx."

Gambari's voice was very depressed. He had a lot to say, but he didn't know what to say. He kept asking questions on the phone, so he could only remain silent and then hung up the phone.

"Kill!" shouted suddenly.

With a depressed look on his face, Gambari suddenly overflowed with murderous intent. The mobile phone in his hand suddenly hit Zhang Yang. The mobile phone suddenly exploded while it was in the air, and countless spare parts flew into the air.


Gambari spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly swelled like a bucket. His figure suddenly became dozens of centimeters taller, and the green camouflage uniform on his body exploded into strips of cloth. The muscles on his body were bulging and intertwined, making him look incomparable.

of terror.

Gambari is overdrawing his life.

He is burning his life in an instant.

A powerful momentum spreads in the woods, and the murderous intent is overwhelming...

In fact, Gambari didn't admit defeat at all from the beginning. His call was just an excuse and a buffer time to adjust his physical condition.

As a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles, it is absolutely impossible for him to lose his combat effectiveness because of a single defeat. Gambari has a strong willpower and national belief, and it is even less likely that his spirit will deteriorate because of a single blow.

Now, his body has reached its peak fighting state.

swish swish...

The leaves were flying in the woods and the wind was blowing violently, as if the world was coming to an end.

Zhang Yang never moved, his eyes just looked coldly at Gambari who was entering a frenzied fighting state in front of him. Zhang Yang was sure that even if Gambari survived, his martial arts would have declined a lot because he was no longer old.

Allowing him to exert himself in this way, he could clearly feel that Gambari's body cells were aging rapidly.

No matter how much Gambari exerts his energy, Zhang Yang will never feel a sense of crisis, because he now controls the energy within several kilometers, and he can mobilize the energy of heaven and earth to fight against Gambari in an instant.


When Gambari rushed over like thousands of troops, Zhang Yang just gave a gentle palm, and Gambari's body flew out like a kite with its string broken...




After a violent sound of branches breaking, there was another heavy sound of falling, and the woods returned to silence...


There was a sound of footsteps, and Zhang Yang and the other four walked up to Gambari again.

Gambari's strong body was like a mummy that had been suddenly dried. It was so shriveled that only the skeleton was left. Under the withered skin were bones, which looked extremely weird. It seemed that in just a few seconds, Gambari had aged dozens of years.


"I didn't say I wanted to kill you." Looking at Gambari covered in blood, Zhang Yang sighed softly.

"Ahem...I will die without regrets...I will die without regrets...It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and it is true...the world of the strong is no exception...ahem..." Gambari kept saying

He was coughing, and from time to time he would cough up clusters of black blood clots in his mouth.

"This is an inevitable law of social development." Zhang Yang said lightly.

"Haha... Yes, yes, it is the law of social development. When we get old... we get old... we should retire and give young people a chance... but... but... ahem..."

Gambari kept coughing. Suddenly, his eyes rolled up and his head fell down. The last blow that burned his life just now left him in a state of exhaustion, and he couldn't even say a word.

"But what?" Zhang Yang's body suddenly moved, and he put a palm on Gambari's vest, and a strong flow of true energy was continuously poured into Gambari's body.

"There is a person... there is a person... he... he is not bound by this natural law. You are not his opponent, you are not..."


"He is...is...ah..." Gambari's open mouth froze, and his eyes stared strangely into the void. He refused to say the last name, and his pupils quickly dilated.

"He committed suicide." Zhang Yang slowly let go of his palms and felt an inexplicable heaviness in his heart. Gambari actually committed suicide. He burned his own life in order to win.

A once all-powerful man fell like this.

Of course, there is no regret in Gambari's death. He was already over a hundred years old, and his life was a glorious one. He was different from geniuses such as Medivh, Radili, and Lu Fei who died young.

Soon, a new tomb was built in the withered woods. There was no tombstone, no mark, nothing. Who knew that a peerless person was buried here.

Looking at the new grave, although the four of them were not familiar with this person, they felt an inexplicable heaviness.

Undoubtedly, this is a strong and strong man who will not compromise at all. He would rather sacrifice his life to have dignity.

However, this kind of dignity makes Zhang Yang feel a little baffled.

In fact, Zhang Yang couldn't understand the feeling of a strong man being defeated by an ordinary person, and it was such an easy defeat, almost an insult. No strong man could accept the result of being grabbed by the waist and thrown out easily by a rising star.

Neither can Barry...



Just as the four of them were standing in front of Gambari's grave, suddenly, a burst of dense footsteps came from all directions.

The four of them didn't move, just looked at each other.

The air once again became oppressive, and the "rustling" sound was getting closer and closer, like countless reptiles in all directions...







One hundred and two...

Zhang Yang silently calculated that there were actually 102 people surrounding them. These people obviously had rich experience in jungle fighting. They approached them very regularly. They were very patient and not anxious at all.

Kong Laoer.

Kong Lao'er was thirty-two years old and in the prime of life. It was said that he was a descendant of Confucius. Unfortunately, Kong Lao'er couldn't even recognize a few Chinese characters. Confucius could only be used as a weapon to fight back when others made fun of him for being uneducated.

Of course, although Kong Laoer only attended elementary school in the village for a few years, this did not affect his prestige at all.

Among the descendants of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, he is the core force. Although he is not yet at the decision-making level, the descendants of the entire expeditionary force know that as the hundreds of years old guys in the decision-making level pass away one by one, like Kong

A young and powerful man like the second brother will one day reach the peak of power.

Kong Laoer's marksmanship is very accurate. He can shoot down birds flying in the air with an old-fashioned rifle from World War II.

Moreover, Kong Lao'er's martial arts are also very powerful. It is said that he blended the gentle martial arts of Tai Chi into the fierce Muay Thai, creating a unique school. Many old people said that if Kong Lao'er lived in ancient times, he would definitely be the best of his generation.

Grandmaster, it’s a pity that Kong Laoer lives in modern times, and he lives in the Burmese Expeditionary Army tribe where everyone has a gun...

Yesterday I received news from the border that someone was looking for the 62nd boundary monument. Kong Laoer, who had a keen sense of smell, immediately thought of General Qi's safe, and then summoned 101 people to rush over.

Why one hundred and one people?

Kong Laoer is very superstitious. He thinks that the number one hundred and one is good, but he doesn’t know what is good or why it is good. In short, it is good!

Including themselves, one hundred and two people rushed here. After a short search, they found many traces of fighting. What surprised them most was that at one time, all the trees and weeds in the forest had withered, and there was no life at all.

Kong Laoer almost immediately judged that there was something going on in the woods...



The footsteps began to gather slowly, and Kong Laoer felt that the air was becoming oppressive.

There seemed to be someone in the open space in front of him. Kong Laoer became cautious, holding an old-fashioned rifle and approaching slowly against some large decayed tree trunks.

Four people.

Four young people.

Looking at the four unarmed young men, Kong Laoer couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. However, immediately, his eyes became as sharp as blades, because he saw a green safe, which was stained with rust.

The military green safe was held under the armpit of a tall and burly young man.

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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