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Chapter 507 There are still twenty-seven minutes

"I don't know what his name is, but once I heard a name from a senior general in the United States..." The old man lowered his head and thought for a moment, as if he was recalling the memory of this person in his mind.


"What's your name?" Zhang Yang's eyes shot out a heart-stopping light, and his whole body exuded a boundless pressure. Everyone, including Xiao Lizi, felt a suffocating pressure, as if Zhang Yang's body was

A gravity machine.

"Wang Hao!"

The air in this majestic underground space seemed to have suddenly become colder. The initial palpitating pressure disappeared and was replaced by a bone-chilling cold. Everyone couldn't help but shudder.

And at this moment, Nana's eyes became extremely bright, staring closely at the long-haired young man galloping on the screen...

That rapid speed!

That flying long hair!

Put the cold face...

Everything brings out the dominating momentum of the long-haired young man. Watching him running wildly in the desert, killing among countless beasts, with blood flying and yellow sand splashing, makes people's blood boil.

Wang Hao!

Wang Hao!

It's him!

It's him!

Zhang Yang's gaze is as sharp as a sword. Now, he is certain that the long-haired middle-aged man in the different space is the long-haired young man in the screen. The guess from the time is also very consistent.

Obviously, this long-haired young man is also Wang Yan’s father...

Just when Zhang Yang's body muscles were tensing up, Nana slowly walked towards the screen as if she were puzzled. The screen was very large and high up. Nana's soft figure looked very small standing underneath. Nana's

He looked intoxicated and determined, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Finally, Nana walked under the screen, stretched out a pair of white catkins, and gently stroked the images flying on the screen.

Looking at Nana's obsessed expression, Zhang Yang felt a sense of inexplicable jealousy. He had almost never seen Nana lose her composure when seeing other men. But today, he saw that Zhang Yang's heart was bleeding.


Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt a sudden change in his mind.

"Nana, do you know her?" Zhang Yang walked up to Nana's back, gently wrapped his hands around Nana's soft waist, and a powerful infuriating energy wrapped around Nana, restoring clarity to Nana's brain.

Unfortunately, Nana still had an obsessed expression, even a little dull, and her bright eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

"Dad, it's my dad..." Nana murmured.



Zhang Yang felt as if his head was going to explode. Suddenly, countless imaginary images in his head were superimposed.


Where is the pressure?

It turns out that all the pressure comes from one person, Maimaiti's boss, Wang Yan's father, Wang Feng's father, Nana's father... He has been ignoring an important issue. He never thought that these people would

He is a person. Although he occasionally has this idea, he cannot imagine that countless outstanding women will marry a man, and this man is the long-haired middle-aged man who commands millions of battleships in a different space...

Whether in Japan or the United States, the shadow of this long-haired middle-aged man is everywhere.

In fact, Zhang Yang was initially keen on developing his own power to counter the invisible threat. However, later on, he found that he could not surpass the invisible task no matter what, so Zhang Yang began to set his sights on strengthening his own power.

Force and tap powerful partners above.

Now, Zhang Yang has finally determined that some of his fictional enemies and potential rivals are all the same person.

This is a man who is like a mystery.

He controls the entire Chinese underworld.

He controls numerous multinational companies.

He even controls the entire upper echelons of China, whether they are generals or general secretaries, he has his shadow behind them...

Moreover, it is very obvious that the young monk with the wisdom program also obeys the orders of the long-haired middle-aged man.

Zhang Yang also finally understood why the little monk was eager to open the space channel, all for the return of the long-haired middle-aged man.

"Do you know him?" Moore didn't hear Nana's low murmur, and seeing Nana's obsessed expression, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You know some, what else do you know?" Zhang Yang took a deep breath to calm his heart and regained his usual calmness.

"I know very little. According to the senior general, this is related to national secrets. I have only heard one very important piece of news. He destroyed the underground base we built in the Sahara Desert..."

"Did he drop nine nuclear bombs?" Zhang Yang felt a chill running down his spine.

"If the source of the information is reliable, this should be true. At that time, nine nuclear bombs were dropped in a very narrow area. The purpose was very obvious, which was to completely destroy the NY life code research base. Moreover, at that time, this was the United States [*

**] Party’s top military secrets, no one understands why several countries launched nuclear bombs at the same time..."

When Moore finished speaking, the empty hall suddenly fell into a boundless silence, which was oppressive and suffocating.

Whether it's Li Zi or Aze, they both have shocked expressions on their faces.

Even the bold Liu Biao had a dull expression with his mouth open from ear to ear.

Drop nine nuclear bombs in one place at once!

Who has such a big hand?

Thinking of the possibility of nine nuclear bombs falling on their heads, everyone suddenly felt a ray of light on their backs. Now, they all wanted to leave this gloomy underground base as soon as possible. Moreover, it seemed that the underground base was getting darker and darker.

Well, there probably isn't much emergency energy left.

"Zhang Yang, this is my father!" Nana suddenly pulled Zhang Yang's arm, with a proud look on her face, as proud as a child who got a big red flower.

"Yeah!" Zhang Yang felt that his body was uncomfortable and he didn't dare to look into Nana's eyes.

"Zhang Yang, my father is the greatest father in the world. There is nothing in this world that he cannot do..."

Nana was still immersed in the ecstasy of seeing the image of the long-haired young man. Although her hands hugged Zhang Yang tightly, her eyes were always looking at the incomplete effect on the screen, as if she wanted to take these images deep into her heart.

It is deeply engraved in my mind.

"Have you never seen your father?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, he disappeared nineteen years ago. We have invested a lot of manpower and are unable to find his traces. However, we all believe that he will come back...'

"Nineteen years...nineteen years..."

Zhang Yang is a little distracted. If the time is real, then it can be said that the long-haired young man entered the different space nineteen years ago. He spent nineteen years to defeat the ruler of the different space and build a million-warship empire.

Space Force…

Nineteen years!

He spent nineteen years doing something that no one else could do in a lifetime...

Everything seems incredible.

There was a long silence. Except for Nana who was still immersed in those images, Liu Biao and Xiao Lizi all saw that Zhang Yang was full of worries.

No one knows what Zhang Yang is thinking.

Several years later, some historians wanted to analyze Zhang Yang's current inner thoughts, but no one could think of Zhang Yang's real thoughts, not even Aze, who was in a high position, and it became a permanent mystery...

"Let's go!" Zhang Yang gently patted Nana's beautiful shoulder.

"Let's go..." Nana woke up and her eyes became clear. She did not forget her mission.

"Dear lady, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I am willing to cooperate with you because I am quite sure that you will not gain any information about the life code in this underground base." Looking at Nana's patrolling eyes,

The old man immediately thought of Nana's thoughts, spread his hands and shrugged.

Nana didn't look at Moore, but cast her eyes on the screen again, frowning and thinking for a while, as if she was making a difficult decision.

"Since my father doesn't want to see biochemical people appear, why should I force it?!"

Finally, Nana sighed and made a decision, which made Zhang Yang relieved. He had been weighing the pros and cons of this matter. From what happened in this underground base, it can be seen that biochemical genetic people have always been biochemical.

Genetic people, rather than actual humans, is a research fraught with risks.


Moore actually came down from the control room and bowed deeply in front of everyone, looking extremely sincere.

"What are your plans?" Zhang Yang looked at the old man with a slightly crowned head. He had an inexplicable respect for this old man. Not every scientist can completely destroy his own achievements, but this old man did it. He

The spirit has been elevated to a state that ordinary people cannot understand.

"Haha, I have no plans. You can leave. In half an hour, I will completely seal off this base..." The old man smiled freely.

"Half an hour!?"

Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, half an hour." The old man smiled slightly and said, "You don't have enough time."

"You set a time bomb?!" Zhang Yang was shocked.

"You are very smart. Haha, this place will be in ruins in half an hour. Oh, no, it should be twenty-seven minutes..."


Zhang Yang suddenly shouted loudly, stretched out his long arms, took Nana in his hands, and ran away wildly. Almost at the same time, Xiao Lizi and Liu Biao followed closely behind and ran wildly...

"Moore, thank you..." A loud and rich voice came from the corridor.

"Young man, there are still twenty-seven minutes, there is no need to rush..."

Watching a group of figures disappear into the dark passage, Moore gently rubbed the spherical control handle on the console with his rough arms, and a kind smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

From the beginning, he had decided to let these intruders be buried with him, but at the last moment, he gave up this idea.

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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