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Chapter 1013 The Land of Sleep and the New Permanent Teleportation Channel

After recovering the body, Zhang Yanhang checked his soul point balance again and wanted to know how many soul points the eight permanent teleportation channels could help him obtain.

[Soul Points: (+)]

"Originally, there were only 2,503,745 soul points in total, but now my soul point balance has increased to 14,960,146 soul points, which is equivalent to a gain of 12,456,401 soul points. It is really as expected.

reached more than 10 million."

Zhang Yanhang had a hunch before that he could use these low-level permanent teleportation channels to increase his soul points to more than 10 million, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. It only took a few minutes including recovering the corpse.

Twelve million soul points have been obtained.

"Although I have lamented it once before, I have to say that I really couldn't even think about this kind of soul point acquisition efficiency at the fourth level."

Of course, eight digits is definitely the limit of these low-level permanent teleportation channels. It is definitely impossible for Zhang Yanhang to restore his soul point balance to more than nine digits by quickly swiping these low-level permanent teleportation channels.

After all, it would take at least dozens of low-level teleportation channels to be opened continuously. Even if you are unlucky, you may not be able to collect 100 million by opening seventy or eighty low-level permanent teleportation channels. After all, he has eight permanent teleportation channels this time.

The teleportation channel only harvested 12 million.

As long as the income is lower, it would be normal even if it takes a hundred low-level permanent teleportation channels to collect 100 million soul points.

But that would be boring. Zhang Yanhang mainly brushes these soul points casually. After all, it is close and it does not waste time. But if you look for it specifically, it will be a waste of time. It is better to just find a high-level person.

It is convenient to brush hard the permanent teleportation channel.

"Speaking of which, I was saying before that I would definitely not use these low-level permanent teleportation channels after being promoted to the fifth level, but it has only been a few hours and it has become so fragrant. It's really unpredictable."

Of course, Zhang Yanhang felt that this was mainly due to the multiple choice. After all, if the multiple choice had not been hinting at him in the options before, he would definitely not come to Africa, which is regarded as basically worthless by people.

Mainland country Niger.

"But after the eight permanent transmission channels are cleared, there are basically no more transmission channels nearby."

However, there are no permanent transmission channels 'nearby'. Although the entire Niger is a large desert, it is still very large, about one million square kilometers, at least compared to Japan and South Korea.

is much larger, so there must still be many permanent transmission channels being opened within the country.

Zhang Yanhang estimated that if he searched hard, he wouldn't dare to say hundreds, but there should definitely be a hundred. After all, Niger is a big country in terms of land area, with an average of 10,000 square kilometers.

There is absolutely no problem with the permanent transmission channel.

To be more specific, Niger's country area of ​​1.27 million square kilometers can actually be ranked 21st in the overall list. Compared with some regional powers in Africa in terms of hard power, such as

South Africa, Ethiopia and Egypt are all much larger.

Moreover, the entire territory of Niger runs nearly 2,000 kilometers from north to south, and Zhang Yanhang has only explored one direction so far, and has already harvested 3+8 eleven permanent teleportation channels before the exploration is complete.

This shows that Niger still has a lot of potential that can be tapped, and indeed, as mentioned in the options, there are really teleportation channels everywhere.

Therefore, if he can continue to encounter the opened permanent transmission channel in the future, Zhang Yanhang would not mind cleaning it up again.

"Oh, what kind of spirit do I have? This is simply a fearless humanitarian spirit. I risk my life and come to Africa for no other reason than to return the African people to a state of purity that is as clear as a living creature.

A beautiful home that doesn’t exist.”

Zhang Yanhang feels that the African Union should simply award him a medal, such as the African Neoliberal Medal or something, in recognition of his great achievements in allowing all living creatures to enjoy the freedom of the underworld after death.

"But should we say it or not, the African Union is really useless. Niger has been reduced to this by monsters, and it doesn't even have to express its position at all?"

Of course, Zhang Yanhang can understand to some extent. After all, most of the member states are currently in a state of being harassed. Naturally, it is difficult to allocate more strength to selflessly rescue neighboring countries that have nothing to do with them. Therefore, only Zhang Yanhang can

Only such staunch internationalist warriors would come here to clean up monsters for free.

After all, it makes sense. If Zhang Yanhang cleans up low-level permanent transmission channels on a large scale within the empire, it will be a paid cleanup. Each cleanup will require a share of the salary. In Niger, it is really pure unpaid labor. If Zhou Muxi knows

It must be called a waste of the empire's high-end human resources.

But what I have to admit is that the speed of clearing permanent transmission channels within the empire will definitely be slower, and it will probably take many turns. After all, it is impossible for things like transmission channels to be opened together and then opened one by one like in Niger.

Waiting for his clearance, you will only have to go to whichever province it is that is open.

After checking the soul point balance, Zhang Yanhang continued flying westward, heading for the Ayir Mountains.

This time, after clearing some of the surrounding permanent transmission channels in advance, Zhang Yanhang finally no longer only flew for one or two seconds before encountering a new permanent transmission channel. This time, he flew for a full five seconds before encountering a new one.

permanent transmission channel.

That's right, Zhang Yanhang encountered a permanent teleportation channel again, and this time it was a third-level permanent teleportation channel. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang once again confirmed that sentence, Niger is really full of permanent teleportation channels.

Zhang Yanhang has only flown forward for eight seconds since he crossed the Niger border. This is already the twelfth permanent teleportation channel he has encountered, and he has only flown four hundred kilometers so far.

That's it, it has only flown to the middle level, and it is still 400 kilometers away from the Ayir Mountains to the west.

Well, in fact, in terms of a range of four hundred kilometers, the density of this permanent transmission channel may not be very high. After all, in many countries, this is basically the size of a province, with thousands of awakened people in one province.

There are actually very few people who have opened such a permanent transmission channel.

Speaking of the population issue, Zhang Yanhang suddenly remembered that Qindao City seems to have a population of 20 million, and Niger also has a population of 20 million. Since there are 20,000 awakened people in Qindao City, where have the awakened people in Niger gone?

What? Do they all die in a world of ashes?

From the information he had learned in the past, Zhang Yanhang remembered that the awakened people in Africa should definitely not be able to practice the Qiankun Wuji Kung Fu, but could only practice some local indigenous meditation methods. Therefore, their overall strength was weak.

It is naturally very normal for those who have awakened from the empire, which will also lead to a greatly increased mortality rate for them in the world of Ash-End.

But in addition, Zhang Yanhang felt that the more likely cause of death for some of these awakened people was that the city they were in was attacked by monsters but lost their lives during the fight against the monsters. After all, there are basically no living people in the entire Niger.

In addition, Zhang Yanhang also felt that many awakened people should have joined the army or were rebels. They all stayed in the large army and were stationed together, so they were not visible from the outside.

There are still some awakened people left. Zhang Yanhang thinks it is possible to flee to other more stable countries. After all, the identity of awakened people is popular no matter where they are. They are all superior people. No matter where they go, they will not worry about being wanted.

Yes, it is completely different from the burden that ordinary refugees receive.

This is just like before the revival of spiritual energy. The rich were popular wherever they went and could immigrate at will to obtain green cards. However, ordinary people who wanted to immigrate, even if they worked very hard, could not easily get a work visa. Once the visa was terminated,

He was immediately sent back to the country and was purely harvesting human resources.

Zhang Yanhang feels that the death or escape channels of the above four awakened people, plus some other branched channels, may explain why he has basically seen no living people or awakened people along the way.

As for why he felt that many awakened people had joined the government army and the rebels, it was naturally because he had indeed seen a lot of awakened people among the rebels before. There were only four to five hundred people, but the proportion of awakened people was at least among them.

Accounting for one-tenth, that is, about fifty people, this is naturally one of the strong proofs that the army has absorbed the awakened people.

Of course, now, Zhang Yanhang feels that he should probably focus more on the third-level permanent teleportation channel in front of him, instead of caring about the life and death of the Niger Awakener.

After making an option at random and taking the time to pause and scan the surrounding environment, Zhang Yanhang discovered that there were at least 200,000 monsters in the third-level permanent teleportation channel in front of him. It has to be said that this scale is indeed very large.

It is almost the same as the fifth-level Christmas teleportation channel that Zhang Yanhang cleared in Greenland last time.

Well, maybe it's not that this third-level permanent teleportation channel is very big, but that the fifth-level Christmas teleportation channel he cleaned before was too small. After all, normally, the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site he just cleaned up would be useless even without an increase.

There are nearly 100,000 monsters, and after the Christmas permanent teleportation channel is increased tenfold, there are only 20,000 monsters.

This can only mean that the number of monsters in the original Christmas permanent teleportation channel was too small. Before the increase, there were only 20,000 monsters. Basically, it was almost the same as the number of demonized swamp monsters in the third-level area that Zhang Yanhang had cleaned up before. It was a bit disappointing to be honest.

The face of the teleportation channel.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang had always thought that the Christmas permanent teleportation channel was a micro-area in the fifth level.

Of course, Zhang Yanhang doesn't dislike even this kind of micro area now, but unfortunately, he has no chance to clean it up anymore. It's so funny that he can't find a fifth-level teleportation channel to clean up, so he can only clean up some low-level teleportation channels.

Barely get some soul points.

After observing the third-level teleportation channel in front of him, Zhang Yanhang confirmed that it was probably a desert series of permanent teleportation channels that also came from the Land of Sleep, just like the previous desert permanent teleportation channels.

Because, Zhang Yanhang saw a very familiar worm-type monster inside. However, the giant desert worm that was previously a lord monster seemed to have become a mob in this third-level area, gaining the same characteristics as the previous first-level spider lord monster.

Same treatment.

The previous first-level spider monsters did not even have any chance to appear in this third-level permanent teleportation channel. After all, the weakest ones in this area were the second-level one-star monsters.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the relatively high proportion of worms among second-order monsters. Zhang Yanhang discovered that this third-order lord monster of the third-order permanent teleportation channel is also a worm-type monster, but its size is much larger than an ordinary giant worm.

Much bigger.

Moreover, this is a third-level permanent transmission channel after all, and the distribution range of monsters is much wider than before, basically reaching an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers. At this level, it will not be so easy for Zhang Yanhang to clean it up.

But fortunately, Zhang Yanhang is no longer what he used to be. Even under normal conditions, he can move at a speed of Mach 145, and if he is blessed with spiritual energy, he can reach a speed of Mach 290.

Before, he didn't bless spiritual energy when he flew all the way here or when he cleaned other permanent transmission channels, but now, with this third-level permanent transmission channel covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers in front of him, Zhang Yanhang felt that he had to be a little more serious, otherwise

, it will indeed be easier and more tedious to clean up.

After reaching a moving speed of Mach 290 with the blessing of spiritual energy, Zhang Yanhang found that his hunting efficiency had greatly improved, and he was able to clear dozens of square kilometers every second.

More than several digits of kill prompt messages were constantly pouring into his brain.

[Successfully killed the second-level one-star monster ‘Desert Rotting Worm (Elite)’ x1, soul points +60. 】

[Successfully killed the second-level two-star monster ‘Desert Death Worm (Elite)’ x1, soul points +105. 】

[Successfully killed the second-level three-star monster ‘Desert Giant Scarab (Elite)’ x1, soul points +175. 】

[Successfully killed the third-level one-star monster ‘Desert Giant Spiked Scarab (Normal)’ x1, soul points +320. 】


Zhang Yanhang estimated that this third-level permanent transmission channel could provide him with at least eight figures of soul points. This was also the source of his motivation to clean up this transmission channel. After all, he was not really here to help those in need.

This chapter has been completed!
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