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Chapter 1024 All Attributes Improvement

"My agility attribute in the naked state is only 123 points, which is still two points short of the tier limit of 125 points."

However, Zhang Yanhang feels that it is unlikely that the agility attribute can be improved by relying on the Qiankun Wuji Kung Fu. After all, the Qiankun Wuji Kung Fu can only increase the agility attribute a little more, which means that it can at most help raise the agility to

One hundred and twenty-four points, and the last point still needs him to improve.

"Oh, as expected, agility has once again topped the demand list, as expected. I need to find a way to improve it."

Zhang Yanhang is ready to find out if there is any way to improve his agility attribute. If not, then use free attribute points to improve it. After all, he now has six free attribute points in his hand, so he only needs to use one of them to improve his agility attribute.

That’s it.

"Although the agility attribute is unsurprisingly low again, the intelligence attribute is as good as ever. Originally, I only had 122 points of intelligence attribute including the equipment bonus, but because I got a six-point improvement this time, I suddenly

The score was directly raised to 128 points, resulting in an overflow of three points of attribute value.

At the same time, even in the naked state, the current intelligence attribute has reached the level limit of 125 points. It is the first of my current four main attributes to reach the level limit.


It can be said that Zhang Yanhang is not surprised by this performance of the intelligence attribute. After all, if he had not deliberately raised the intelligence attribute a little less before, then the intelligence attribute would have overflowed even more now.

But no matter what, this time the intelligence attribute is destined to exceed double digits. After all, he will have to upgrade the volume Dragon Bloodline later, and that is the big one. He even feels that this time the intelligence attribute exceeds twenty points at the fifth level.

The above may all be perfectly normal.

"And the charm attribute that I was lacking in the past has only improved a little this time, from the original 119 points to 120 points."

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang still needs to find a way to improve his charm attribute in the future. He plans to see if he can get some props or treasures that can improve his charm attribute. Only when there is really no way to improve it, will he plan to use it.

Free attribute points improve the charm attribute.

"But then again, I now have a total of six free attribute points. I allocate one point to agility and five points to charm. This can just increase both agility and charm to the level limit of 125 points."

But although this plan is really tempting, Zhang Yanhang is still prepared to work harder. After all, he has just been promoted to the fifth level and is not in a hurry yet.

"As the charm attribute increases, my charm attribute value health has also dropped again. The original 17-point equipment bonus accounted for 14.3% of the charm attribute value, but now it has dropped to 14.2%.


Yes, it has obviously increased its charm a little, but the proportion of equipment bonus has only dropped by 0.1%. It can only be said that without reducing the equipment bonus, it is indeed difficult for Zhang Yanhang to significantly improve his agility attributes at this stage.

Health level.

After checking the attribute list, Zhang Yanhang found that it was not a big problem to raise the four main attributes to the level limit this time. After all, intelligence had already arrived in advance, and strength and physique only needed to wait a little longer.

The agility alone is still a bit weak, but it can be easily improved.

Therefore, there is basically no need to worry about not getting the main attributes together before promotion.

After raising all four main attributes to 125 points, Zhang Yanhang turned on the skill effect of [Death Wave·Origin LV.MAX] again and took a look.

[Death Wave·Origin LV.MAX (Passive/Active)]

[Passive effect: Weaken the enemy's defense by 40%.]

[Active effect: After the skill is activated, it will cause 1000+20×125(+3)[Intelligence]+20×120(+1)[Charm]=5900 points (+80 points) fixed damage to everyone within the coverage area.

The coverage area is 2000×240%=4800 meters. It can only cause damage to the same target once within 6 hours. There is no cooling time and it consumes a moderate amount of physical strength.]


"After the intelligence attribute was increased from 122 points to 125 points, it provided me with a fixed damage limit of 60 points, and the charm attribute provided me with a fixed damage limit of 20 points. In total, it provided me with a fixed damage limit of 80 points.

This increased my fixed damage limit from the original 5820 points to 5900 points."

If we calculate the upper limit of beheading, it has been raised from the original 9700 points to the upper limit of 9833 points. It can already kill a fifth-level monster with 151 points of physical attribute. However, it is still far away from killing a sixth-level monster instantly.

It's far from it. After all, according to Zhang Yanhang's experience, a sixth-level monster has an upper limit of more than 10,000 health points at the beginning.

But fortunately, Zhang Yanhang currently has no need to kill level 6 monsters instantly. After all, he is only level 5, and it is rare to see level 6 monsters appearing together.

After briefly checking the skill effect of Death Wave, Zhang Yanhang then opened the skill effect of Seeking Good Luck and Avoiding Disaster to check it.

[Seeking good luck and avoiding evil·Origin LV.6 (passive/active)]

[Passive effect: Nerve reflex speed +60.0%]

[Active effect: Perceive the location of the enemy within the range, and predict the enemy's next attack to a certain extent. The current perception range is 6000+100×125(+3)[Intelligence]=18500 meters (+300 meters). No cooldown

Time, a small amount of energy consumption.】


"Originally, my basic perception range was only 18,200 meters, but now with the improvement of intelligence attributes, the perception range has increased by 300 meters again, becoming a perception range of 18,500 meters. The increase is not a lot."

If Zhang Yanhang currently wants to gain a lot of growth, the best way is to upgrade his skill level of seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster, but unfortunately, he cannot afford to upgrade it at present.

"And because the additional attribute of seeking good luck and avoiding misfortune also provides a 40% range bonus, so currently, simply seeking good luck and avoiding misfortune can actually provide me with a perception range of 25,900 meters."

Of course, this is still not the limit. After all, Zhang Yanhang's golden quality tarot card set also provides a 90% skill range bonus. Therefore, it is actually a perception range of 49,210 meters, compared to the previous perception range of 48,412 meters.

It is said that Zhang Yanhang's perception range is only equivalent to an increase of 798 meters this time.

But although the sensing range did not increase much, the perceptible coverage area increased from the original 1810 square kilometers to 1902 square kilometers, which is another increase of 92 square kilometers, which is not bad.

It’s just that even if the coverage area has increased by 92 square kilometers, it is still 194 square kilometers away from Zhang Yanhang’s next small goal, which is the 2096 square kilometers of Huangdao District. But this part of the gap can only be determined by

You can make up for it by raising your skill level. After all, the attribute value bonus has now reached its maximum.

"Since the physical attributes and intellectual attributes have been improved now, my upper limit of health and energy should also have increased to a certain extent again, right?"

As Zhang Yanhang spoke, he opened the upper limit of his health and began to check it.

[Health: 57459/92435/127413/277307 (Physique × 124, the current body has been officially digitized, health recovery speed, 153 (+2) points per hour.)]

"Originally, my upper limit of health points was 275,611 points, but now it has increased to 277,307 points, which has once again increased the upper limit of my health points by 1,696 points."

Unfortunately, Zhang Yanhang had previously set a small goal of reaching a maximum health point of 280,000 points, but he is still 2693 points short of completing this small goal.

At the same time, Zhang Yanhang also noticed that his current health recovery speed has increased from the original 151 points per hour to 153 points per hour, which is equivalent to gaining another two points of health recovery speed, but this is a regular increase.

After all, he had just raised his physical attributes to 125 points, and every five points of physical attributes automatically increased his health recovery speed by two points.

"But although the small goal of the upper limit of 280,000 health points was not achieved, the other small goal was achieved incidentally."

Zhang Yanhang's upper limit of health was originally only 33.9 times that of a fifth-level awakened person, but now it has increased to 34.1 times that of a fifth-level awakened person, once again increasing the upper limit of health by 0.2 times.

Zhang Yanhang is going to set the next small goal at thirty-five times. Currently, he is still 0.9 times away from this small goal, but he still feels that it can be completed easily. After all, his Tiangang Hegemony has not been upgraded yet, and, no

The Bad Golden Body has not been upgraded yet, and he is still far from the peak health limit of the fifth level.

After looking at the upper limit of health value, Zhang Yanhang opened the upper limit of shield value and took a look.

[Shield value: 1303345/1303345 (maximum health value × 470%, recovery rate: 20% per second.)]

"My original upper limit of shield value was 1,295,374 points, but now it has been increased to 1,303,345 points, which is equivalent to another increase in the upper limit of shield value by 7,971 points. It's not bad."

Although the improvement is not much, the small goal Zhang Yanhang set before was originally very low, only 1.3 million points. He just completed it this time, but the next small goal is 1.35 million shield points.

The value has reached the upper limit. He is currently more than 40,000 points away from completing this small goal, which can be said to be quite far away.

But because of his confidence in invulnerability, Zhang Yanhang felt that the current small goal of a mere 1.35 million shield value limit would be easily achieved. Based on his understanding of invulnerability,

He felt that the upper limit of his fifth-level shield value should be at least two million, which was his short-term goal.

"Before, the upper limit of my shield value was only equivalent to 159.4 times the upper limit of the health value of the fifth-level awakened person, but now it has been increased to 160.4 times the upper limit of the fifth-level awakened person's health value, which is exactly 1 times."

Zhang Yanhang's current short-term goal is to increase the upper limit of the shield value to two hundred times. He is still short of forty times, which seems like a lot, but he believes that it will not take long to increase it. This short-term goal must be

Not enough.

After checking the upper limit of health and shield, Zhang Yanhang then turned on the skill effect of the Eternal Demonic Body. After all, he had just increased the upper limit of health and the recovery speed of health.

[Eternal Demonic Body LV.6 (Passive Skill)]

[Skill effect: 'Destiny Lord' generates 1 magic energy crystal in his body. Under the action of the magic energy crystal, Destiny Lord will obtain the 'mana cycle' effect, automatically recovering 277307 (+1696) [maximum health value] per second

6%+4100(+53)[Health recovery speed]×60%=19099 points (+134 points) of health.

Every time the 'Destiny Lord' launches an attack, it will trigger the 'Surge of Magic Energy' effect, gaining 4100 (+53) [health recovery speed] × 60% = 2460 (+32) points of additional damage bonus.

Every time 'Destiny Master' launches an attack, it will trigger the 'Magic Energy Gathering' effect, absorbing 2460 (+32) [extra damage bonus] × 60% = 1476 (+19) health points from the enemy's body to restore itself.

HP, if your own HP is full, the excess HP will be stored in the magic crystal.

The current storage limit of the magic crystal's health value is 277307 (+1696) [maximum health value] × 120% = 332768 (+2035 points) health value. The health value stored in the magic crystal can be accessed at any time, and there is no cooling time.

No consumption, cannot be destroyed.】


"With the increase in the upper limit of health and the increase in health recovery speed, the efficiency of my breathing and blood recovery has increased from the original 18,965 points per second to 19,099 points, which is equivalent to an increase of 134 points per second.

And although my health recovery speed only increased by two points this time, from the original 151 points to 153 points, with the 2580% health recovery speed bonus, my actual health recovery

The speed has still increased from the original 4047 points to 4100 points, which is equivalent to an increase of 53 points."

The increase in health recovery speed has also brought about an increase in additional damage bonus, increasing it from the original 2428 points to 2460 points, gaining an additional 32 points of damage bonus, and thus increasing the blood-stealing efficiency by ten points.

Nine points, increased from the original 1457 points to 1476 points.

"Finally, the upper limit of the life value storage of the magic energy crystal has been increased by 2035 points, from the original 330733 points of the upper limit of the life value storage to 332768 points of the upper limit of the life value storage."

It can only be said that because the conversion ratio has not been improved, it is really difficult to significantly increase the maximum limit of health storage if you only increase the upper limit of health. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang feels that if he has time, he should find a few more linkers.

Okay, only in this way can the upper limit of health storage be increased as soon as possible.

After checking the skills related to health, Zhang Yanhang felt that he also needed to check the upper limit of energy. After all, in addition to physical attributes, his intellectual attributes had also increased by three points this time.

However, this increase comes from the final increase in attribute values. After all, his four main attributes have now been increased to 125 points. The subsequent improvements in the naked state are really just pure improvements.

No more bonuses or growth can be provided.

This chapter has been completed!
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