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Chapter 180 Hunting and Killing Sea Monsters

On October 10, the day after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday and the National Day holiday, at 5:30 in the afternoon, House 702, Unit 3, Building 6, Donghe Community.

In addition to marinating some barbecue at noon, Zhang Yanhang also chatted with the landlord about renting a house and made an appointment to view the house.

Because Zhang Yanhang finished class at 5:20, so in order not to waste time, he directly made an appointment at 5:30 pm. With his speed, even at a slower speed, he could rush from school to Donghe in just a few minutes.

It’s a community, so you don’t have to worry about being late.

The landlord is a middle-aged man with a slightly chubby build. He smiles kindly, but his request is not very kind. "You will deposit one and pay three, three thousand two thousand a month, and you will pay the water and electricity bills yourself."

Zhang Yanhang thinks that the rent price is relatively normal. The houses of 70 to 80 square meters nearby are basically around 3,000 yuan, so 3,200 yuan is not too much, and it is reasonable to pay the water and electricity bills yourself.

What he mainly finds unfriendly is the deposit of one to three. Although this requirement is normal most of the time, it is not very friendly to him.

Zhang Yanhang’s previous savings have all been deposited in the bank, and the deposits are still in the period of death. The only cash in hand now is the subsistence allowance of the awakened person. It used to be 8,200, but after a month of expenses, he only has about 6,000 left.

A thousand dollars.

If he can only deposit one to three, he will need to pay four months' rent at a time, which is 12,800 yuan. Currently, he is still short of nearly 6,000 to 7,000 yuan.

"Do you have to deposit one and pay three? Is it okay to deposit one and pay three? I am renting for a long time, at least for one year." Zhang Yanhang thought he might be able to bargain with the landlord.

But when faced with Zhang Yanhang's bargaining, the landlord showed his signature smile, but his reply was very simple, with only two words, "No!"

"Then you wait a moment, I will go to the bank to withdraw the money, and when I come back we will sign the contract directly." Zhang Yanhang was really not good at bargaining, so he gave up on bargaining, but this did not mean that he really had to go to the bank to withdraw the money.

Money, after all, it is more troublesome to withdraw it before death.

Zhang Yanhang ran all the way downstairs, and he had to make his own choice next.

Speaking of independent choices, Zhang Yanhang couldn't help but think of the incomplete agility attribute. After restoring his energy value to full in the afternoon, he immediately began to try to trigger options that could improve his agility attribute.

However, after trying several times in a row, although it was successfully triggered, the content of the options made him not want to choose at all. There were three options in total, two of which were the same as before, one was to give up directly, and the other was to grab the relevant information.

As for the spiritual fruit of the department, you cannot choose either of these two.

But the remaining option is also unavailable. In that option, he is asked to hunt a spirited sea monster in the Yellow Sea near Qindao City. After successfully hunting, he can rely on taking the treasure collected by the sea monster.

to improve agility attributes.

The strength of the sea monster is actually not too strong. It is only at the second level. Zhang Yanhang can still hope to kill it if he tries hard.

But the key to the problem is not strength, but Zhang Yanhang’s inability to swim.

Yes, it is embarrassing to say that although he is an adult male who grew up in a coastal city, Zhang Yanhang does not know how to swim. Moreover, in addition to not being able to swim, Zhang Yanhang also hates eating seafood. He even said that he often eats seafood just because he is on the way.

He goes to the beach, but he never plays on the beach.

Therefore, generally speaking, Zhang Yanhang has not been very interested in the sea since he was a child.

It was already a huge disadvantage to cross over to fight the second-level sea monster with first-level strength. If added with the trait of not being able to swim, Zhang Yanhang suspected that he might be directly defeated because of this option.

Although there is an energy shield to isolate the sea water so that he will not drown even if he cannot swim, but once the energy shield is broken by the sea monster, Zhang Yanhang estimates that he will not be far from death.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang was unable to choose this only seemingly reliable option because he could not swim.

But even though Zhang Yanhang did not choose any of these three options, he was still deducted a large amount of energy as a handling fee.

Once the energy value is not satisfied, the multiple choices will not respond. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang cannot continue to make independent choices and can only seize the time to run the Qiankun Wuji Gong again to restore the energy value.

After the energy value was restored to full, Zhang Yanhang began to try to trigger the options that could improve the agility attribute, but still failed. Although the options triggered this time had changed, they were still not what he wanted.

So Zhang Yanhang continued to run the Qiankun Wuji Gong to restore the energy value. Next, Zhang Yanhang repeated this cycle several times but did not see any useful options.

At this time, it was almost time for school to end, and because he had made an appointment to view the house after school, Zhang Yanhang could only temporarily give up on triggering the option to increase his agility attribute.

However, giving up is only temporary. After the renting matter is resolved, Zhang Yanhang will continue to try to trigger relevant options after returning home. After all, he is currently in a state of idleness with nothing to do and has plenty of time.

"Although I haven't tried it, it stands to reason that universal multiple choice should be able to help me get money." Because his daily expenses are not large, Zhang Yanhang has never been short of money, so he

Never tried anything like this.

If he was serious about making money, alchemy would definitely be more suitable than multiple choice. After all, the original purpose of alchemy was to refine gold, but he had never done any of these things because he was not short of money.

Although after the recovery of spiritual energy, the price of gold has decreased due to the diversity of abilities of the awakened ones, it is still ranked as a precious metal.

In contrast, the price of diamonds has plummeted. The main reason is that there are too many awakened people, which has led to the emergence of a large number of awakened people like Zhang Yanhang who can easily produce diamonds. The diamond market is already saturated.

, was hit by the spiritual energy recovery, and everything collapsed on the spot.

Unlike gold, which can be used as a tool refining material, although diamonds are occasionally useful in some subdivided projects of scientific research and manufacturing, their greatest value is still for viewing. Before the spiritual energy is revived, the largest diamond in the world will not be

to one kilogram.

But things will be different after the spiritual energy is revived. If Zhang Yanhang wants to, he can even refine a complete diamond tractor out of carbon elements.

It can be said that you can refine it as much as you want, and as much as you want, because this thing does not contain any extraordinary elements. To him, it is no different from earth and earth. Therefore, the energy required for refining is equivalent.

of low.

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