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Chapter 259 Start the first phase of the clean-up plan

The main reason is that Zhang Yanhang feels that he might encounter some special situations on the way, such as the kind where there are dozens of red iron ants that are just separated by a wall but are constantly moving far away. If this is the case, Zhang Yanhang

He will activate the death wave skill because he is afraid that they will have fled when he arrives.

This will naturally increase Zhang Yanhang's physical exertion and shorten his battery life accordingly.

Nothing can be completely smooth sailing. Therefore, it is precisely because of the occurrence of certain unexpected factors that Zhang Yanhang went to Shaoli to estimate his battery life. Otherwise, he would have estimated seven hours of battery life.

The battery life is actually quite normal.

Just as Zhang Yanhang was thinking about the issue of battery life, a red iron worker ant jumped down from the roof of the cave. It seemed that it wanted to conduct a sneak attack and jumped directly to Zhang Yanhang's head. However, when the body of the red iron worker ant was still

When it was hanging in the air, Zhang Yanhang stretched out his right hand and pinched its neck.


With a crisp sound of the exoskeleton shattering, the neck joint of the red iron worker ant broke, and its head fell directly to the ground, while the body part was casually thrown aside by Zhang Yanhang.

[Successfully killed the first-order, one-star monster ‘Red Iron Worker Ant (Normal)’ × 1, soul points + 3. 】

After killing the red iron worker ants who only wanted to carry out a sneak attack, Zhang Yanhang stood there and waited silently for a few seconds.

Although the movement speed has been greatly increased due to the promotion to the second level, the refresh time of the treasure chest is still the same, which continues to trouble Zhang Yanhang.

Just like now, he has only killed one monster, but he still has to stand there and wait for the treasure chest to be refreshed. This behavior is quite a waste of time, but he can't do it because it is the most important to him.

is the income from the treasure chest.

If you could get a treasure chest every time you wait, then Zhang Yanhang would have absolutely no complaints about the time spent waiting for the treasure chest to be refreshed. However, unfortunately, most of the waiting will not bring any reward and is just a pure waste of time.

That's all.

In the past, eight or nine red iron ants would drop a treasure box, but now it has become twenty red iron ants to drop a treasure box. This caused Zhang Yanhang to waste more time waiting for the treasure box to be refreshed.

, if the treasure chest can be refreshed immediately after the monster dies, then Zhang Yanhang's hunting efficiency will definitely be greatly improved.

After waiting for a few seconds, the corpses of red iron worker ants on the ground still showed no signs of refreshing the treasure chest, so Zhang Yanhang could only sigh silently, and then ran away again.


Ten minutes later, just as Zhang Yanhang expected, he successfully cleared the area closest to the C-shaped passage. Currently, he is still 39 square kilometers away from clearing the entire hematite ant nest.

By the way, after Zhang Yanhang cleared this area just now, he activated a self-selection and paused time to re-explore the road to the cave where the refined hematite was piled.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean that Zhang Yanhang got lost. That's impossible. He was just dividing the areas that needed to be cleaned up this time.

Counting this area that has been cleaned up, Zhang Yanhang divided the next first phase of the cleanup plan into a total of eight areas, with the average area of ​​each area being about one square kilometer.

Therefore, if Zhang Yanhang wants to complete the first phase of the Hematite Ant Nest cleaning plan and go to the Hematite Cave to upgrade the Four Great All-Kong Pure World Fist, he must continue to clean up an area of ​​seven square kilometers.

"An area of ​​seven square kilometers. If calculated based on forty minutes per square kilometer, it will take about 280 minutes, which is almost five hours." Zhang Yanhang remembered that there can only be six transmission channels in total.

Half an hour's time.

Zhang Yanhang had already wasted half an hour in the main world on running the Qiankun Wuji Gong to restore energy. Therefore, when he first entered the red iron ant nest, he actually only had six hours left in the transmission channel.

The duration is up.

Then these six hours were spent because Zhang Yanhang was surrounded and killed by red iron ants as soon as he entered the red iron ant nest, and half an hour was consumed to deal with the more than two thousand red iron ants that surrounded and killed him.

After that, Zhang Yanhang spent another half an hour digesting the gains from killing more than two thousand red iron ants, and by the way, he restored his energy value by relying on the Wuji Movement of the Universe.

"If you calculate it this way, before I start officially cleaning the red iron ant nest, the transmission channel only has five hours left.

In addition, I just spent forty minutes cleaning up the first area, so the current teleportation channel actually only has four hours and twenty minutes left, but I cleaned up the remaining seven areas.

However, this area requires at least four hours and forty minutes.

Fortunately, I specifically asked for leave from school before. Otherwise, if I could only clean the hematite ant nest during the period when the teleportation channel is open, I would not even be able to complete the hematite ant nest cleaning plan in six hours.

The first stage of.”

Zhang Yanhang felt that he was quite foresight in asking for leave before entering the red iron ant nest. Otherwise, if he could only hunt for a few hours each time and have to wait for five days, it would be too troublesome. Moreover,

Under normal circumstances, this would seriously slow down his advancement to level three.

Of course, in some extreme situations, it is possible that Zhang Yanhang has been promoted to the third level, but the small red iron ant nest Daragu has not been cleaned up yet. This is very possible.

Zhang Yanhang estimated that the promotion time for himself was three weeks or one month, but the transmission channel to the red iron ant nest could only last for six and a half hours at a time.

Even if each activation can increase the duration by half an hour, Zhang Yanhang still needs to wait for at least three activation cycles, which is fifteen days to complete the twenty-seven hours required to completely empty the entire red iron ant nest.


Fifteen days are equivalent to two weeks. If Zhang Yanhang is promoted to the third level faster than he expected, for example, a week ahead of schedule and only takes half a month to advance to the third level, then it will be completely

It is possible that he has been promoted to the third level, but the red iron ant nest still has not been affected by Qing Kong.

It was precisely because he had considered this aspect from the beginning that Zhang Yanhang was already prepared to stay here for five consecutive days.

This chapter has been completed!
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