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Chapter 299 Red Iron Ant King

A burst of transparent twisting waves spread rapidly around Zhang Yanhang, and the first one to bear the brunt was the red iron ant king lying on Zhang Yanhang's body and biting the energy shield.

Like other low-level red iron ants, in just a moment, large cracks appeared in the exoskeleton armor of the red iron ant king, and the tightly protected muscle tissue and various internal organs inside were immediately twisted and torn.

It split into an irregular mixture of flesh and blood tissue.

The huge exoskeleton wings on the back of the red iron ant king detached directly from the fragile connection on the back after making a strange sound. However, before detaching, these huge exoskeleton wings had long been destroyed and were everywhere.

It has fine cracks like broken tempered glass.

In addition to the exoskeleton wings directly detaching from the body, other fragile joints on the red iron ant king's body also fractured in the twisting under the action of the death wave, causing large amounts of blood to pour out of the red iron ant king's body accordingly.

Red viscous body fluid.

Because the distance was very close, Zhang Yanhang quickly reached the rightmost area in the inner area. To his surprise, there were three large red iron ants guarding the area at this time, which were comparable in size to rhinos.

Before heading to the passage to the core area.

If Zhang Yanhang is correct, the three red iron ants here that are as big as rhinos should be the red iron ant kings.

As for why they appeared here, Zhang Yanhang thought it was probably because he had killed the red iron breeding ants that were originally responsible for guarding this passage. Therefore, the red iron queen ants could only send out the red iron ants that were supposed to stay in the core area.

The red iron ant king responsible for serving it came to guard this last line of defense.

After seeing the intruder suddenly appearing in front of them, three of the only four red iron ants in the small red iron ant nest Daragu launched an attack on Zhang Yanhang at the same time. The three red iron ant kings quickly

He used his mouthparts to spit acid fireballs the size of a washbasin, constantly attacking Zhang Yanhang.

In the past, the acid balls and fireballs spewed out by the hematite breeding ants were only as big as fists, but the acid balls and fireballs spewed out by these hematite king ants were as big as a basin. You can see the difference in power just from this size. These faces

Ripples and ripples appeared on the surface of the energy shield exploded by the basin-sized acid fireball.

Zhang Yanhang first looked at the size of these acid fireballs and felt that they might cause significant damage to his energy shield. However, he did not expect that although the acid fireballs looked powerful on the surface, they were also

It can only barely penetrate the energy shield's defense.

On average, each acid fireball can cause him to lose two to three points of shield value. Considering Zhang Yanhang's upper limit of more than 3,000 points of shield value, it is just drizzle. Even if he stands here and continues to be blasted by the red iron ant king for several times.

Minutes are no problem at all.

As a second-order two-star elite monster, the Red Iron Ant King will at least have the strength of the second-order three-star level according to Zhang Yanhang's experience. Therefore, as a monster of the same level, Zhang Yanhang has already prepared the defense against being broken through the energy shield.

get ready.

But I didn't expect that although the defense of the energy shield was indeed broken, the damage caused by breaking the defense could only be two or three points each time. With this amount of damage, it is estimated that even if the red iron ant king consumes all the energy value, it will not be enough.

At most, he barely managed to knock off a three-digit shield value, which is basically nothing compared to his upper limit of 3,000 points of shield value.

Zhang Yanhang felt that the reason why this happened was probably related to the hematite rings and the hematite heart on his body.

If all these equipments are added up, the fire resistance and acid resistance provided to him are almost 60% rounded off. This part of the resistance bonus can completely overcome the fire damage of acid fireball and acid.

Liquid damage double superimposed energy attack.

Coupled with the defense provided by Zhang Yanhang's physical attribute of fifty points and the energy attack defense provided by his intelligence attribute of forty-seven points, Zhang Yanhang feels that this situation should be quite normal, or rather

It is really not easy for the Red Iron Ant King to break through his energy shield defense.

After roughly feeling the attack power of the Red Iron Ant King, which can be called scraping, Zhang Yanhang began to look at the opponent's attribute list with peace of mind. He has now developed a habit of checking the opponent's attributes first every time he encounters a new monster.

Good practice with lists.

[Red Iron Ant King (Elite)]

[Level: Level 2, 2 stars]

[Talent: 1, the power of ants. 2, red iron ant (ant king). 】

[Power of Ants: There is a 0.1% chance of triggering an additional attack effect when launching an attack. Strength effect +10%.]

[Hematite ant (ant king): A male hematite that is born from the mating of the lord monster queen ant and the king of hematite ants. It has normal fertility and is not only fully developed physically but also has extraordinary development.


Compared to the hematite worker ants, hematite flying ants, hematite soldier ants and hematite breeding ants, which have low levels of development, the hematite king ant is the ultimate red ant that develops beyond normal after the hematite ant reaches the final stage.

The iron ant combines the advantages of all the previous hematite ants and is the strongest hematite ant in the hematite ant nest except the hematite queen.

Because of their extraordinary development, hematite soldier ants are much larger than normal hematite ants, and the corresponding exoskeleton wings are much larger than hematite flying ants and hematite breeding ants.

This gives them flexibility and proficiency in aerial combat skills.

There are Hematite worker ants who are responsible for building the nest to collect food and are also the first line of defense for the ant nest, Hematite flying ants who are part-time guards and scouts for the second line of defense of the ant nest, and Hematite soldier ants who are dedicated to guarding the inner area of ​​the hematite ant nest.

Just like the hematite breeding ants that are responsible for guarding the core area of ​​the hematite ant nest, the hematite ant king is also responsible for guarding the ant nest.

The red iron ant king is the last line of defense in the red iron ant nest. They will use their strength far beyond that of other red iron ants to block any intruders who attempt to attack the red iron ant queen. In addition to being the last line of defense

, the main job of the red iron ant king is to mate with the red iron ant queen to reproduce ordinary red iron ants.

Because of the extraordinary development after full development, the formic acid of the king ant is far stronger than that of worker ants, flying ants, soldier ants and breeding ants, which allows them to

He absorbed more nutrients from the raw hematite to build himself an extremely hard exoskeleton armor.

It is even said that because the formic acid of the hematite ant king has reached a level that far exceeds that of hematite worker ants, hematite flying ants, hematite soldier ants and hematite breeding ants, the hematite king ant not only obtains hematite raw stone from

He absorbed the power of the flame and easily integrated this power into his daily attack method.

Due to eating a large amount of raw hematite, the hematite king ant is completely unable to adapt to other foods and its entire body is glowing red.

Unlike other hematite ants with low digestion ability, as the most powerful hematite ant in the hematite ant nest except the hematite queen, the hematite king can already completely digest hematite raw stones.

Therefore, compared with other ordinary red iron ants, the king red iron ant has a certain hormone with miraculous effects inside its body.】


[Energy value: 510/510]


[Agility: 30]

[Physique: 37]

[Intelligence: 34]


[Skills: 1, red flame bite. 2, acid spray. 3, red flame fireball. 4, acid fireball. 】

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