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Chapter 432

Zhang Yanhang remembered that the last time he obtained so many dropped treasure chests through normal hunting was probably when he first entered Raccoon City. At that time, he was cleaning up the zombies in Raccoon City at the normal treasure chest drop rate.

At that time, he could easily harvest one or two hundred treasure chests. At that time, he naively thought that this level of profits would continue in the future, but he did not expect that there would never be such an opportunity again.

As for the more than 100 treasure chests previously harvested from the clear inner area of ​​the small red iron ant nest Dalaguri?

That was not considered a normal hunt at all, it was just the Red Iron Ants collectively dying. They all gathered together and were directly taken away by one of his thermobaric bombs. It was more like a funeral than a hunt.

Before opening the treasure chest, Zhang Yanhang first took a look at his soul point balance.

[Soul points: 18923 (+15200)]

"The soul point gain from killing alone is actually 15,200 soul points? It feels pretty good. It shouldn't be a big problem to get the soul points needed to upgrade to high will x this time. Stay at lv.3

After so long, this time the supreme will can finally be improved."

Zhang Yanhang cleared a total of ten square kilometers this time and killed almost more than two thousand monsters. Naturally, the majority of them were the first-order and one-star elite monsters, the Sword Goblin, including the hundred swords in the slot machine just now.

Goblins, Zhang Yanhang killed about 2,300 Goblins with swords in total.

Then the rest were all first-level and two-star elite monster Goblin Spear Throwers, and they probably killed more than two hundred of them.

"I remember that the last time I got so many soul points, it seemed that I had to rely on thermobaric bombs to kill two-fifths of the red iron ants in the small red iron ant nest Daragu in one fell swoop to get so many soul points.

But now, I have only cleared less than one-tenth of the Goblin Plains area and have obtained the same level of benefits, and the gap is really huge."

Zhang Yanhang was not surprised at all by this level of difference. After all, Goblin Plains completely overwhelmed the small Hematite Ant Nest Daragu in both the quantity and quality of monsters.

The number of monsters in the Goblin Plains alone is twice that of the Small Hematite Ant Nest Daragu. Among them, the weakest first-level one-star elite monster, the Sword Goblin, has a kill profit of as much as the Small Hematite Ant Nest Daragu.

It is twice as powerful as the red iron worker ant, the weakest first-level one-star ordinary monster.

Two times times two, this time and again, it directly widened the gap by four times. It is no wonder that the current situation has emerged.

"The four-fold difference means that the small red iron ant nest Daragu must produce four-tenths of the monsters to compete with one-tenth of the monsters in the Goblin Plains.

By the way, after I clean up the entire Goblin Plains, will the overall income I can get still be four times the total income I got from cleaning up the small red iron ant nest Daragu before?"

Zhang Yanhang thought about it carefully and felt that it was still possible. After all, he had only harvested a few hundred thousand soul points in the small red iron ant nest Daragu before.

In the Goblin Plains, perhaps four times is difficult to achieve. After all, the Hematite Queen and the Hematite King account for the majority of them, which increases the overall income. But if you want to achieve twice the amount of the small Hematite Ant Nest Daragu

Gains or triple returns should not be difficult to achieve.

In other words, after collecting the soul points needed to upgrade Invulnerability·Original Code lv.6 and Seeking Good Luck and Avoiding Misfortune·Original Code lv.6, he should still have a large amount of soul points left.

Upgrade something else.

After briefly checking the soul point balance, Zhang Yanhang began to carefully count the treasure chests he obtained this time. Because the treasure chests all came from the Sword Goblin and the Goblin Spear Thrower, the treasure chests he obtained this time

All treasure chests are green treasure chests.

After carefully counting, Zhang Yanhang found that he had obtained a total of 127 treasure boxes this time, 116 of which came from the Sword Goblin, and the treasure boxes contributed by the Goblin Spear Thrower were

There are only eleven.

However, although the treasure chest contributed by the Goblin Spear Thrower was relatively small, Zhang Yanhang was very much looking forward to the new items that could be found in it. Previously, the sword goblin's treasure chest could only contain a medium-sized magic power restoration potion.

But this time, Zhang Yanhang felt that more useful things could be found in the Goblin Spear Thrower's treasure chest, such as equipment or other related props.

In anticipation of the new treasure chest, Zhang Yanhang immediately picked up a Goblin Spear Thrower's treasure chest.

[Do you want to enable ‘Treasure Box Drop (Goblin Spear Thrower)’? 】

"Yes, open it." As Zhang Yanhang made his choice, the familiar time pause came to the Goblin Plains again. As before, Zhang Yanhang still wanted to open it in the treasure box to increase his attack speed or movement speed.

related props and equipment.

[Please select the specific content of ‘Treasure Box Drop (Goblin Spear Thrower)’]

【Item 1:?】

【Item 2:?】

【Item 3:?】

【Item 4:?】

【Item 5:?】

"Although the Goblin Spear Thrower is a first-order two-star elite monster, it is one level stronger than the Sword Goblin, but in terms of strength, it is only comparable to the first-order three-star monster, so it still only drops

Green treasure chests, and only blue-quality equipment and props can be found inside the treasure chests.

They are also green treasure chests. I just hope that the treasure chests dropped by the Goblin Spear Thrower will never contain medium-sized magic recovery potions.

After having the sword goblin as a channel, I have no shortage of medium-sized magic recovery potions. Therefore, I still hope that some normal blue-quality equipment and props can be found in this treasure box, preferably with attack speed and movement speed.

Related equipment and props.”

Zhang Yanhang remembers quite clearly the attribute lists of the two Dragon Vein Goblins, the Sword Goblin and the Goblin Spear Thrower. Their first skill can increase their movement speed, and their second skill can increase their attack speed.

If in such a closely related situation, it is completely impossible to develop related equipment and props, it would indeed be a bit unreasonable.

Of course, if he really couldn't get it, he wouldn't force it.

After all, as long as he doesn't continue to prescribe medium-sized magic power recovery potions, he can generally accept whatever is prescribed. Anyway, with his luck, as long as he can prescribe it, it is generally useful.

However, the direction of action will be different.


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