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Chapter 46

Zhao Yalan urgently called on her spiritual power to isolate the hot steamed dumplings in her mouth, but when she looked up again after the isolation, she saw that Zhang Yanhang had already disappeared. She quickly chased him out to find Zhang Yanhang, but, standing outside the store, Zhao Yalan only looked at

Arriving at a figure that gradually disappears at the end of the horizon.

"Is this fast? This is ridiculously fast! The fast man is actually next to me?!"

Zhao Yalan wanted to catch up at first, but her eyes accidentally glanced at the road next to her, and she found that the bad guy who kicked her shoes away yesterday, causing her to limp to pick them up, causing her to be late for class.

His cat was running faster than the cars on the roadside, and the overall speed was really too crazy.


Zhang Yanhang, who had the highest speed along the way, really did what he said in the previous option. He completed the entire distance in only one and a half minutes.

Zhang Yanhang is not surprised that his speed is now faster than ordinary cars in the city, because the speed limit on urban roads is generally 40km per hour, which is about 11 meters per second when converted into seconds, and his speed

It has reached 14 meters per second, so with his speed, it is normal to overtake cars on ordinary roads.

Besides, even if he is driving on a highway with a higher speed limit, Zhang Yanhang can still run faster than a car through the blessing of spiritual energy.

After returning home smoothly, Zhang Yanhang took out the breakfast he had just bought from his pocket. This time he bought a total of four cages of fresh meat dumplings, two bowls of millet porridge, two tea eggs, a bowl of fresh meat wontons, and

A meat roasted on fire.

Yes, in fact, it can be seen from the lunch that Zhang Yanhang bought yesterday that his appetite is much larger than that of ordinary people. Therefore, he almost eats enough to feed two to three adults.


If you want to ask the reason, it may be because the energy contained in ordinary food is too little, and the related load and consumption of awakened people who have awakened supernatural powers are much higher than that of ordinary practitioners. Therefore, in order to absorb

More nutrients will result in a larger intake of food.

Well, this is the explanation given by an official expert from the empire. Generally speaking, this sudden increase in food intake is actually quite common among the awakened people, but ordinary practitioners do not need to worry about this problem at all. They

The food intake basically remains the same, and even decreases to a certain extent due to the spiritual energy nourishing the body.

In fact, if the food intake of ordinary cultivators also increases, I am afraid that the empire will consider delaying the start of national cultivation. Otherwise, national cultivation will bring about an unprecedented food crisis, affecting a quarter of the world.

No matter how you think about it, if one person does not have enough to eat, the consequences are extremely terrible.

By the way, Zhang Yanhang's appetite has roughly doubled compared to before he awakened his powers. Before, he usually ate two steamed buns and then a bowl of porridge, and then a bowl of chaos and he was full. Considering his height and weight,

He said that this amount of food is actually quite normal, but of course, it becomes abnormal after the sudden increase.

As for how to solve the problem of sudden increase in food intake? In fact, all you need to do is practice hard. After practicing the exercises, you will upgrade yourself to the second level. Then, you will automatically gain the ability to live without food. At that time, you can completely use your spiritual power to replace what food can do.

brought energy.

In other words, once you advance to the second level, you will be full even if you just drink some northwest wind (the aura brought by it) every day.

When that time comes, if you still want to continue eating, it will be entirely to satisfy your own appetite.

But although fasting is a good thing to a certain extent, it is actually a bad thing from another perspective. After all, if everyone is fasting, no one will eat and consume, the economy will definitely decline, and a lot of restaurants will close down.

There will inevitably be a huge wave of unemployment.

However, it will take a long time for ordinary people to cultivate themselves to the second level. During this time, the empire will definitely lead the transformation of related industries and gradually eliminate the power of this coming wave of unemployment.

In fact, there are currently many emerging industries in the empire that need to be vigorously developed in this area. Well, basically all of them are related to spiritual energy. After all, spiritual energy has revived, so related industries must also keep up.

Therefore, since the empire has chosen to take the initiative to start cultivation for all its people, it means that the empire must have been fully prepared. It is definitely not the empire's style to fight an unprepared battle.

While Zhang Yanhang was eating, he clicked on a news information video to see what major events happened yesterday. In fact, this is also a habit of Zhang Yanhang. He likes to watch the news while eating. This helps

He knows whether there have been any recent updates or changes to the policy on awakened people.

Because the Awakened are an emerging group after all, fine-tuning of various details often occurs. Therefore, as a genuine stakeholder, Zhang Yanhang must pay attention to these things.

Unsurprisingly, yesterday's headlines were still related to the Awakened. However, it was not an Awakened within the empire, but an Awakened from a small African country, The Gambia. He relied on his own strength to start a civil war.


However, it was not so much a civil war as a unilateral beating. Because this awakened person was immune to gun attacks, he ignored the siege of hundreds of military police and forced his way into the presidential palace and killed the president.

Zhang Yanhang actually knows something about The Gambia. After all, this country is not only extremely arrogant in foreign policy, but also good at making repeated leaps. It once withdrew from the Commonwealth seven years ago, but returned two years ago.

They boasted that they would occupy North America within one day, and they even threatened Soviet Russia that they would send troops to help them establish a real war zone.

Obviously, the total population of the country is only two million, the GDP is less than 10 billion, and the total number of the army and police is only four figures, but in terms of diplomacy, it just likes to jump around like crazy. Zhang Yanhang really can't understand this country.


In fact, except for the founding father, basically all the presidents of this country came to power through this strange method.

Regarding the news about civil wars in small African countries, Zhang Yanhang has now become a little accustomed to it. In fact, from the time when the spiritual energy recovery began until now, the chaos in Africa has basically never stopped.

In time, there will inevitably be powerful awakened people who disobey the state's control and embark on the path of rebellion.

This chapter has been completed!
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