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Chapter 490 Dark Purple Quality [Barbarian Stone Bandage 1]

"It seems that the fusion of Swift Leggings + 4 can only wait until the middle area of ​​the Goblin Plains is cleared. No, by then, in addition to the fusion of Swift Leggings + 4, maybe we can also directly break through the limit and fuse the dark purple quality Swift Leggings +


Zhang Yanhang's demand for swift leggings and Dragon Power Bracers is the same as 128 pairs. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang estimates that the number of the two thousand four hundred Goblin Wolf Cavalry in the Goblin Plains should be almost enough.


Therefore, since there is a chance to annihilate all the Goblin Wolf Cavalry later, there is a high probability that the number required to fuse the Swift Leggings +5 can be gathered directly.

"This time, after the swift leggings were fused to +3, the movement speed bonus was increased by 1.5% again, so that the bonus provided by the additional attributes was increased from the original 8% to 9.5%. However, although it has been improved, it can be compared with the increase in magnitude.

For a small reason, it is still impossible for me to move at a speed of 90 meters per second."

Zhang Yanhang estimates that after adding this 1.5% movement speed bonus, his movement speed will only increase from 88 meters per second to 89 seconds per second at most, which means that the movement distance can only be increased by one meter per second at most.


"In addition to the bonus to movement speed, the rating of this swift leggings +3 has also increased by 22 points, from the original 104 points to the current 126 points, still maintaining the previous average.

I just don’t know if the swift leggings will also replicate the dragon power wristbands when I break through the limit and advance to the dark purple quality..."

Zhang Yanhang felt that since the Dragon Power Bracers and Swift Leggings were made by the same alchemist using dragon skin and dragon scales ripped from the same giant dragon, and then were consecrated and finalized by the same 007 angel, then maybe the subsequent ones

In the process of breaking through the limits, these two pieces of equipment will also be assimilated.

However, because the Dragon Power Bracer +5 directly turned into a dark purple medium-rated equipment after the fusion, Zhang Yanhang is actually quite happy about the possibility of assimilation, at least it is better than turning into the same dark purple passing grade as the refined hematite dagger.

It's much better to separate the equipment.

After quickly checking the attribute list of Swift Leggings +3, Zhang Yanhang threw two pairs of ordinary Swift Leggings into the alchemy circle to refine a pair of Swift Leggings +1.

After refining the Swift Leggings +1, Zhang Yanhang immediately replaced the Swift Leggings +2 on his calves with the pair of Swift Leggings +3. In this way, he still had a pair of Swift Leggings +2 and

A pair of swift leggings +1, they will play a role in the subsequent fusion process.

After counting the number of Dragon Power Bracers and Swift Leggings, Zhang Yanhang went on to count the last piece of equipment, the purple-quality wild stone bandage. Because he killed less Big Goblin, he only used it this time.

Two wild stone bandages.

Although he still doesn't know where this wild stone bandage is used, Zhang Yanhang feels that there is nothing wrong with integrating it first, and then slowly study the equipment location of this thing after the fusion is completed.

With this idea in mind, Zhang Yanhang immediately restarted the alchemy circle again. Because it was only the first time to fuse it, the difficulty was almost non-existent, so Zhang Yanhang completed the fusion quickly.

"By the way, I remember that this wild stone bandage seems to be a purple quality equipment with a nearly full rating. If nothing else happens, even if it is only fused once, it should be able to be successfully promoted to dark purple quality."

As Zhang Yanhang spoke, he checked the attribute list of Wild Stone Bandage +1.

[Wild Stone Bandage +1]

[Quality: dark purple]

[Type: Equipment]

[Origin: Ash World, Goblin Plains, Outer Area, Zhang Yanhang.]

[Durability defense: 43]

[Additional attributes: Strength effect +12.5% ​​(+1.5%).]

[Usage requirements: 45 points of strength.]

[Rating: 170 (Dark purple items have a rating of 151 to 260.)]

[Introduction: After successively launching two popular products, Dragon Power Wristbands and Swift Leggings, for the purpose of continuing supply-side reforms, Red Dragon Salcano did not settle for the status quo. Instead, it wanted to pursue the victory and then

Re-develop new products and put them into the market to continue to seize market share...]

"After being fused to +1, the wild stone bandage was directly upgraded from the original purple quality to the dark purple quality. I remember that the original score of the wild stone bandage was 148 points, but now it has been increased to 170 points, which also increased the score by 22 points.

It is obviously an equipment with purple quality at the beginning, but the growth rate in this aspect is the same as the equipment with blue quality at the beginning such as Dragon Power Bracers and Swift Leggings. It seems that although a new angel is consecrated, the final quality will not be the same.

The degree of control and homogeneity may be more related to the alchemist."

In addition to the assimilation in scoring, Zhang Yanhang also noticed that the additional attributes of the Wild Stone Bandage were also assimilated, as were the Dragon Power Bracers and Swift Leggings. Both were fused together to increase the bonus by 1.5%, making the strength effect more effective.

The bonus has increased from the original 11% to 12.5%.

"If the subsequent fusions also increase the score by 22 points each time, wouldn't I need to fuse it four more times to upgrade the wild stone bandage to a state close to the dark purple full score?"

Zhang Yanhang simply calculated that 170+88 equals 258, which is exactly two points short of the full score of 260 for Dark Purple.

"Looking at it this way, there is really no good thing that can directly upgrade the wild stone bandage to light gold through fusion..." The reason why Zhang Yanhang said this is because let alone fusing the wild stone bandage to +6,

In fact, he couldn't even get the number needed to fuse to +5.

After all, fusion +5 requires 32 wild stone bandages under normal circumstances. Based on the fact that ten giant goblins drop one treasure box, 320 giant goblins are needed, but the total number of giant goblins in the Goblin Plains is only 140.

If there were only this amount, and calculated based on the lowest drop rate of one treasure box for every ten big goblins, Zhang Yanhang could only obtain fourteen wild stone bandages.

If you can't even get together the sixteen wild stone bandages needed to fuse +4, then naturally you can't even mention +5 and +6, which is simply unrealistic.

"Looking at it this way, even the +4 fusion of the Wild Stone Bandage depends on luck. The final quality of the Wild Stone Bandage should be the same dark purple as the Dragon Power Bracers and Swift Leggings, but with ratings and bonuses.

It should be a bit higher than the two of them in terms of aspects.”

Zhang Yanhang made a simple calculation and found that based on the current number of Big Goblins, the drop rate would be at least nine Big Goblins. It would take one treasure box to drop just one treasure box, so that he could barely collect the number needed to fuse the Wild Stone Bandage +4.

This chapter has been completed!
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