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Chapter 530 Energy value recovery speed increase

After spending less than half a minute to open the treasure chest, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to sort out his gains. The first thing was naturally the gains in talents. This time, he obtained a total of six E-level talents, two of which were

'Thin Dragon Veins (Mixed)' and four 'Slow Decay'.

"I had 270 thin dragon veins left in my hand before. Now adding these two, the total is 272 thin dragon veins. There are still 1915 thin dragons left before I can collect 2187 thin dragon veins to upgrade the dragon blood volume to SSS level.

Dragon Vein, just thinking about this huge number makes me feel desperate."

Although Zhang Yanhang did say that he would look for other monsters with the same thin dragon blood talent to hunt and use this to continue to improve the quality level of the dragon blood in the volume, but that will happen later, at least until he clears the forest to the north.

Only then will it be possible to find that monster.

But the problem is that he should have reached level 3 at that time, and the level penalty for hunting level 1 monsters at level 2 has reduced the drop rate of treasure chests to one drop after twenty kills.

And if you continue to hunt level 1 monsters after reaching level 3, the least likely thing will be that the drop rate of treasure chests will continue to drop, and if it's more serious, the drop rate of treasure chests may be canceled directly. This is very likely to happen.


Therefore, it is indeed difficult to continue to upgrade the dragon bloodline talent quality in the future, but fortunately, he has multiple choices. Multiple choices should more or less help Zhang Yanhang solve this problem.

"As for slow decay, I had a total of 117 in my hand before. Now adding these 4, the total is 121. It is still short of the 2187 slow decay talents needed to upgrade the SS-level talent Shoushan Fuhai to SSS.

2066 slowly decaying is a number that is even more desperate than the thin dragon veins."

Zhang Yanhang sighed silently, then put all six small light balls into his pocket and began to count the weapons. As for weapons, he only fired a light golden quality Jiuxiao Lei this time.

Hell Sword, and this sword cannot be used due to attribute restrictions.

"I already had a light gold quality Tianwu Soul-Eating Sword before, and now I have a light gold quality Nine Heavens Thunder Prison Sword. And if I want to upgrade my Four Great All Sky Pure World Fist to gold quality, I need to

Three weapons of light golden quality.

So, now I only have the last pale golden weapon to upgrade the Four Great All-Kong Pure World Fist to golden quality. So, the question is, where can I get the remaining pale golden weapon?"

Zhang Yanhang thought for a while and felt that there might be a chance to get a light golden quality weapon from the ashes treasure chest later. In that case, the Four Great All-Kong Jingshi Fist that he had not upgraded for a long time should finally be promoted for the third time.


After counting the only weapon, Zhang Yanhang put it directly into his pocket, and then continued to count the equipment harvest.

Compared to weapons, the number of equipment is naturally much greater. Well, maybe not that many, just four times the number of weapons. In other words, there are only four pieces of equipment in total.

First of all, the first piece of equipment is naturally the classic and fashionable small waist bag produced by the treasure chest dropped by the police zombies, which gives Zhang Yanhang another +2 success in the grid slot.

Zhang Yanhang counted the number of pockets on his body. In addition to the five integrated pockets + 4, there are also six separate ordinary pockets. Including the ones opened this time, there are a total of seven ordinary pockets.

"Unexpectedly, there are still not enough eight, so let's continue to save them. After we have collected all eight, we can merge them together into a +3."

As Zhang Yanhang spoke, he put the classic and fashionable small waist bag into the waist bag +4 and put it together with other ordinary waist bags.

Then the second and third pieces of equipment were also found in the treasure chests dropped by police zombies. They are two set parts of the Raccoon City Police Department’s standard police equipment.

Although these white-quality suit parts are no longer useful to Zhang Yanhang, they are still very good as inlay materials and can help bring out the corpses of many monsters.

Therefore, this time he also ignored the function and directly chose the two largest suit parts. After all, if the volume is large, the volume that can be accommodated will naturally become larger.

Then the last piece of equipment was the most important light golden quality magic energy totem pole. After seeing the specific object, Zhang Yanhang discovered that this thing was only as big as one of his knuckles, much thicker than a

The stick-like lightning totem pole is much smaller.

"I accepted the lightning totem pole before if it wasn't a talisman. But with such a small totem pole, there's no way it's not a talisman, right?" Zhang Yanhang really didn't think it looked like this knuckle-sized magic totem pole.

It's a serious piece of equipment.

So, Zhang Yanhang immediately put the magic totem pole directly into his pocket and tried to see if he could directly obtain the relevant attribute bonuses. Then, he really succeeded. He clearly felt the power from the magic totem pole.

Energy value recovery speed bonus.

"My current energy limit is 2240 points, and the total energy recovery speed bonus is 150% after counting the 60% provided by the Lightning Totem Pole and the 90% provided by the Magic Totem Pole."

Zhang Yanhang did a quick calculation. According to his current automatic recovery speed, he can recover almost one hundred energy points every hour. It should only take about twenty hours to restore the energy value to 100% by automatic recovery.

Once the quota is full, the recovery time can finally be reduced to within 24 hours.

Before, his automatic recovery took twenty-eight hours. In other words, the 90% energy value recovery speed bonus helped him speed up his recovery by eight hours.

Of course, the most important thing is still the speed at which Zhang Yanhang recovers energy by running the Qiankun Wuji Kung Fu. Calculated based on five times the efficiency, Zhang Yanhang can recover five to six hundred points of energy almost every hour, and it only takes four hours at most.

Can restore all energy values ​​to full.

"I remember that the time calculated before seemed to take six hours to fully recover. In this way, the 90% energy value recovery speed bonus of the magic totem pole is equivalent to saving me two hours of time and recovery speed.

It’s become faster than before.”

Zhang Yanhang originally needed nearly five hours, but now it only takes four hours at most, which is nearly an hour faster than before.

"That's great. This way, I don't have to worry about energy recovery when I'm in the main world. Although when I use the dragon essence and blood in the future, it should increase part of the energy limit and cause recovery accordingly.

The speed is reduced, but it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Speaking of this volume of Dragon Essence and Blood, Zhang Yanhang, who had finished counting the equipment, immediately began to count the income from the props this time. All of them added up to a total of nine props.

First of all, the largest quantities are naturally the three green herbs and the three red herbs dropped from the treasure chests dropped by ordinary zombies, and then the rest are a bottle of first aid spray dropped from the zombie dog treasure chest and the licker treasure chest.

A yellow herb blooming from inside.

Finally, the most important thing to Zhang Yanhang is the bottle of light golden quality item 'Volume Dragon Essence Blood (Holy Spirit Blessing)' that can increase the upper limit of energy value.

After setting aside a red herb, Zhang Yanhang put the rest of the green herb, red herb and first aid spray into his pocket, then immediately picked up the yellow herb and put it into the alchemy circle together with the red herb to start refining.

Make red and yellow pills.

After the quick refining was completed, Zhang Yanhang immediately put the freshly baked red and yellow pill directly into his mouth, chewed it briefly and swallowed it directly.

After taking the red and yellow pills, Zhang Yanhang did not rush to check his upper limit of health immediately, but immediately drank the 'Volume Dragon Essence and Blood (Holy Spirit Blessing)' next to him.

The overall situation was almost the same as last time. Zhang Yanhang still felt like he had swallowed a big mouthful of air, and the taste had evaporated directly in his mouth before he could taste it.

After taking the red and yellow pills and the dragon essence and blood in a row, Zhang Yanhang opened his upper limit of health and energy and started to check it.

[Shield value: 5485/5485 (maximum health value × 210%, recovery speed: 20% per second.)]

[Health: 2612/2612 (Physique × 21, the current body has been officially digitized, health recovery speed, 15 points per hour.)]

[Energy value: 2560/2560 (intelligence × 21 (+2), the current body has been officially digitized, the energy value recovery speed is 45 points per hour.)]

"After only taking one red and yellow pill, my upper limit of health increased from the original 2603 points to 2612 points, which is an increase of nine points in the upper limit of health, six of which are red and yellow herbs.

The original effect, but the three extra points are derived from the 50% bonus effect of the upper limit of health provided by the indestructible golden body."

Zhang Yanhang estimated that when he comes to the Ashes World next time, he should be able to obtain some red and yellow pills by hunting monsters again and continue to use them to increase the upper limit of health, but that should be the last chance. After that, this

The channel will become completely unusable.

"After the increase in the upper limit of health, my upper limit of shield value also increased from the original 5466 points to 5485 points. A total of 19 points of increase in the upper limit of shield value. Although the increase is indeed not much, it is barely enough.

It’s a small step closer to my small goal of ten times the upper limit of shield value.”

Zhang Yanhang feels that he needs to work hard to find more channels to increase the upper limit of health in the future. Only in this way can he achieve his small goal.

"Compared with the upper limit of health value and the upper limit of shield value, the growth efficiency of the upper limit of energy value this time is dozens of times higher than theirs. It has increased from the original 2240 points to the current 2560 points in one breath, which is equivalent to a direct increase of 320 points.

Point energy value upper limit.

Among them, the volume of dragon essence and blood directly increases by only one hundred points, and another hundred points are due to the increase in the maximum energy value upper limit conversion coefficient from the original 19 points to 21 points, and the remaining additional

The upper limit of 120 points of energy value is all derived from the upper limit of energy value bonus provided by the SS-level volume Dragon Bloodline."

Zhang Yanhang really didn't expect that he would be able to increase the energy limit by so much in one breath at the end. He directly completed the small goal of 2,500 points of energy limit set before on the spot, and exceeded it by an additional 60 points.


"If that's the case, then the next small goal should be set at 3,000 points. But this time without the help of the scroll dragon's blood, the scroll dragon's essence blood and the scroll dragon's blood, it should really change as it grows.

It was extremely slow.

Thinking back to the day when the upper limit of the energy value was less than 1,000 points, it seems like yesterday, oh, no, it seems like it was indeed yesterday.

It's just a day apart, oh, no, it's actually only ten hours apart, but now my energy limit has increased sharply by 1.5 times, from the original one thousand points to two thousand five hundred points, basically all of them are gone.

Relying on the Scroll Dragon makes me want to turn myself into a Scroll Dragon.

Now my upper limit of health points is only 2612 points, but my upper limit of energy points is 2560 points. There is only a slight gap of fifty-two points between the two.

Moreover, although there is a slight difference in the specific values, the maximum health value upper limit conversion coefficient and the maximum energy value upper limit conversion coefficient are already on the same level. They are all blackjack. I didn't expect that my previous small goal turned out to be

It was done so easily."

Zhang Yanhang originally thought that making the conversion coefficient of the maximum health value limit and the maximum energy value limit conversion coefficient equal could only be solved at the third level, but he did not expect that he could complete this small task immediately after just clearing a Goblin Plain.


When the upper limit of health value was overtaken by the upper limit of energy value, he thought that this was something that even the third level could not accomplish, but now, it has almost been solved.

"Of course, it just seems to be solved for now. After all, the growth rate of the upper limit of health value is indeed much higher than the upper limit of energy value. Not to mention the indestructible golden body lv.6 that will be raised in the future, it is just too much.

The red and yellow pills obtained again in a few days will once again widen the gap between the upper limit of health and the upper limit of energy."

After checking the growth of the upper limit of health and energy, Zhang Yanhang looked at the empty ground and felt that all the things he had opened in the treasure box this time had been counted, so he directly opened his soul point balance to take a look.

Take a look.

[Soul Points: 63415 (+47652)]

"The balance of soul points has increased from the original 15,763 points to 63,415 points, a total of 47,652 soul points. Sure enough, the income from the lord's treasure chest occupies an absolutely dominant position. One treasure chest option is worth 40,000 soul points, while other kills

The income and treasure chest income combined are only a fraction."

Sometimes Zhang Yanhang really wants to kill more lord monsters, but unfortunately there is only one in each area.

This chapter has been completed!
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