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Chapter 545 Special Talent

"I guess you must be a sophomore. Freshman students have just entered school. They will listen carefully no matter what class they take, let alone this kind of open class. So, someone like you who sits in a corner and fishes must be

Sophomore veteran."

Speaking of listening carefully to the lecture, Zhao Yalan suddenly discovered why the awakened person on the stage could only open his mouth and make no sound? She could clearly hear his voice just now in the corridor.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right. Didn't you say you had no classes in the morning, so you went hiking in the mountains and looked for treasures? Why are you back now?" Zhang Yanhang really didn't expect to meet Zhao Yalan again.

"Because I had already found the thunder-attribute heavenly material and earthly treasure, and then I saw the counselor sent me a message asking me to come over to attend the class, so I came back." Zhao Yalan said as she took out a purple pear-shaped object.

The treasures of heaven, materials and earth were shown to Zhang Yanhang.

"You can actually find thunder-attributed treasures? Isn't it made up by Leigong Mountain?"

Zhang Yanhang looked at the thunder-attributed treasure in front of him and began to wonder if his life in the past twenty years had been in vain. Why had he never heard of the so-called Leigong Mountain?

"Oh, that one is indeed a current one. Moreover, this thunder-attribute heavenly material was not found on that mountain, but on a hill next to it." After Zhao Yalan finished showing it, he took the thunder-attribute heavenly material.

Dibao put it back again, and she planned to exchange it with other awakened people for something useful later.

"That's outrageous!"

This was the first time that Zhang Yanhang encountered such an outrageous situation. He even began to wonder if Zhao Yalan across from him was the so-called daughter of destiny.

Oh, no, the term "Daughter of Destiny" seems a bit weird. After all, since he is the master of Destiny, wouldn't being a "Daughter of Destiny" mean that he likes to be a father?

"Indeed." Zhao Yalan couldn't help but nodded. She actually thought it was outrageous, but as the saying goes, reality does not require any logic, so even outrageous things can happen.

If you look at this problem from this perspective, Zhao Yalan suddenly feels that this matter is not so outrageous. After all, compared to those who have truly awakened their lucky abilities, her luck is actually just like that.

"And, what's even more outrageous is, how come you were suddenly promoted to the second level? Weren't you still at the peak of the first level two hours ago?" Zhang Yanhang discovered this anomaly that looked completely wrong as soon as Zhao Yalan came over.

"I've been awakening my abilities for several months. Is it abnormal to be promoted now?" Zhao Yalan felt that compared to the person sitting next to her who was promoted to the second level in just two weeks, and who boasted that it would take another week to advance to the third level.

For people who know her, her promotion speed is really nothing to mention.

"It's completely abnormal. Have you encountered any other adventures in the past two hours? Otherwise, why would your strength increase so quickly?"

Zhang Yanhang now wants to know more and more what kind of ability this guy Zhao Yalan has. Although he is still not as lucky as him, the master of destiny, compared to other awakened people, he is definitely an abnormal individual.

"You said this, actually I just quickly edited the video I just took and posted it on Douyin, and then it was naturally promoted to the second level.

The main reason is that the video became popular inexplicably. When I watched it just now, it had 200,000 likes in just two hours. It shouldn’t be a problem to get at least 500,000 likes before the popularity subsides. This should be my first breakthrough.

A short video with half a million likes.”

Zhao Yalan clicked on her phone to show Zhang Yanhang the video. Now it had increased from 200,000 likes to 230,000 likes. Moreover, after a slight refresh, it immediately increased from 10,000 likes to 240,000 likes.


"What ability have you awakened? Could it be that your Douyin account has become a master? Can posting short videos directly increase your strength?"

Zhang Yanhang originally thought that his multiple choices were outrageous enough, but he didn't expect that he had even more outrageous abilities. Isn't it too awesome to be able to directly increase your strength by posting short videos?

If this ability falls into the hands of some big capital or relevant departments, and all kinds of publicity resources are piled up like crazy, it won't take long to create a pile of fifth-level awakened people.

Even Level 6 is not impossible. After all, there are a lot of short videos in the official media that have exceeded 10 million likes, and they have been played hundreds of millions of times.

"The ability I awakened is called [Power of Gathering], which is similar to the way of worshiping gods in various Western fantasy worlds. As long as you see any media that stores my image, such as photos, videos, statues (figures)

), will passively provide me with the power of faith.

Moreover, whenever my name is mentioned, or my name is heard from other channels, it will also provide me with a power of faith, but these are one-time, and these guys can only be regarded as pan-believers at best.

Therefore, there is a limit to the amount of power of faith provided to me every day, usually up to five servings a day.

But following my account is different. Once you follow my account, you will passively become my shallow believer. It will provide me with a piece of faith every day, and when you see related media, that is, short videos,

, and can also provide additional power of faith.

Moreover, in addition to watching, each like can also provide me with five copies of the Power of Faith. At the same time, the limit of the Power of Faith will also be unlocked from the original five copies per day to ten copies per day.

And if they can watch and like my videos multiple times every day, that is, if they can continue to provide ten points of faith power every day for more than a week, these shallow believers will advance to true believers.

A true believer will provide me with five pieces of power of faith every day, and the power of faith provided by watching videos and liking will be doubled. In addition, each true believer can also provide me with up to five pieces of power of faith every day.

Ten pieces of faith.

As for the devout believers, fanatic believers and higher levels of believers, I don’t know, because I haven’t developed believers at that stage yet. At most, they are just true believers, and there are still a lot of them.


After Zhao Yalan finished explaining the conditions for obtaining the Power of Faith, she then told Zhang Yanhang the specific uses of the Power of Faith.

Zhang Yanhang summarized it after listening to it. To put it simply, Zhao Yalan's power of crowd talent in terms of attack is actually an entire list of psychic powers.

It has been unlocked to the third level. Each time you unlock a psychic power, you need to consume the corresponding power of faith. Only by learning all the psychic powers in the psychic powers list can you unlock the next level of psychic powers and be promoted.


As for before, Zhao Yalan relied on the power of faith provided by the video she just sent out to learn all the remaining second-level psychic powers in one go, and unlocked the subsequent third-level psychic powers.

, so I was promoted to the second level by the way.

As for psychic powers, Zhang Yanhang still has some understanding of them. This is also something that belongs to the DND power system. In other words, overall it is similar to Zhang Yanhang's spell list, except that it contains many more psychic spells.


Specifically, the main reason is that the person who created this power system was lazy at the beginning, so he directly plagiarized the spell system next door and slightly changed it, then added some psychic spells and named it shamelessly.

For psychic powers.

Most of the psychic powers are actually spells in the spell list, but there are also some powerful spells such as assimilation, mind exchange, and mind demon seed.

The function of the assimilation technique is to integrate a certain organism from soul to body into the caster. Therefore, it is the so-called "if you love her, you must become one with her."

The soul exchange plays a role of seizing a body. When you feel that your body is not doing well or your life span has reached the upper limit, you can choose a young and strong body to start over.

Moreover, because psions major in the mind, physical weakness has little impact on whether they can exert their full strength. Once they successfully seize the body, they can immediately inherit all their strength and return to the top.

Moreover, this ability is also very suitable for escaping. As long as the seeds are planted in advance, when facing death or already in a state of dying, you can instantly seize the body.

And this so-called seed is naturally the mind demon seed. Once the mind demon seed is planted, the subject will slowly be assimilated into another caster, whether it is soul or body, all will be assimilated into the same person.

The performer has exactly the same appearance.

This is also the most suitable object for seizing a body. After all, there is no resistance at all when it comes to seizing a body, and the subsequent adaptation process can also be said to be basically non-existent.

Moreover, in addition to spells such as assimilation, mind exchange, and mind demon seeds, the most basic memory modification, mind splitting, and mind control are all available, but these are generally four or five rings.

Spells, and assimilation, mind exchange, and mental demon seeds are ninth-level spells and eighth-level spells.

By the way, the list of psychic powers that are also nine-level spells also includes reality modification, true creation, and world creation. Just by looking at their names, spells that seem to be incredibly powerful are listed.

Of course, they are not spells in essence, but use the power of the mind to simulate similar functions. Therefore, they should still be called psychic powers, and the grading is not from one to nine, but from one to nine.

level, but its specific expression is almost the same as that of ordinary spells.

When Zhao Yalan uses these psychic powers unlocked through the power of faith, he is treated the same as Zhang Yanhang's spells instilled by the dragon's blood in the scroll. They can cast spells instantly without practicing, and they can also cast spells multiple times. However,

There are no free releases.

But although it is true that it cannot be released for free, Zhao Yalan can choose to use the power of faith as a replacement energy value to release psychic powers, so that she can use a large number of psychic powers and hunt monsters with high intensity.

Moreover, you can also increase the power of psychic powers by consuming additional power of faith. It can be said that this power of gathering is indeed a talent that is very suitable for use in combat.

The three female awakeners that Zhang Yanhang has met so far, the group leader, Zhao Yalan, and Zhou Muxi, each of them have special abilities and are very good at fighting. Perhaps it is for this reason that they go to the Ashes World to hunt monsters.

And as a result, he was promoted quickly.

And multiple choices like Zhang Yanhang have nothing to do with combat. The main function is definitely an auxiliary talent now and in the future.

After listening to Zhao Yalan introduce his talent "Gathering Power", Zhang Yanhang finally figured out who the guy who extracted the power from his body was. It turned out to be Zhao Yalan. He actually scanned Zhao Yalan at the foot of the mountain before.

There have been speculations since then, but it has not been officially confirmed until now.

Zhang Yanhang was frozen in place by Zhao Yalan's Human Body Holding Technique. In addition to being surprised by the Human Body Holding Technique, he was also mainly surprised by the dense golden threads surrounding Zhao Yalan's body. After that, he stood in place.

The main reason for not moving was to observe the fine lines on her body.

Under the scanning method of seeking good luck and avoiding evil, he could clearly see that a large number of golden thin lines flying at high speed were continuously converging on Zhao Yalan's body from all directions.

Moreover, Zhang Yanhang himself also had a thin golden thread fly towards her body because he saw Zhao Yalan. Therefore, he had already figured out who was extracting his power at that time. Now it is just

It's just a formal conclusion.

"In fact, when I scanned and found someone extracting power from my body, I was planning to call the police directly and report you to the relevant departments."

Zhang Yanhang doesn't really think about reporting Zhao Yalan now. After all, the little bit of power she extracted can be restored directly to him in just one breath. In fact, it doesn't matter at all. Moreover, Zhao Yalan is more or less an acquaintance. If he is a stranger,

If his power is extracted like this, he will definitely report it.

"Can you see the power of faith?" Zhao Yalan was stunned after hearing this.

"Originally it was not possible, but after I upgraded my skills, it became possible again. By the way, I have been following your account for a long time, so I should be one of your casual followers now, and I will give it to you every day.

You provide a force of faith."

But even though he has become a casual follower of Zhao Yalan, Zhang Yanhang feels that he definitely has no room for upward development. After all, the most basic thing of watching and liking her short videos for a week in a row is something that Zhang Yanhang is completely unable to do. After all, he does it every time.

I would go to Ashes World every week, and sometimes I would go there for several days.

This chapter has been completed!
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