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Chapter 563: Abandoned Haunted House

October 22, the fourteenth day after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday and the National Day holiday, and the second day after Zhang Yanhang left the ashes of the world, at 12:30 midnight, Shinan District, Dunhua Road, Wuming Hill.

After arriving at this unknown hill on Dunhua Road, Zhang Yanhang briefly scanned the hill and found that this hill was actually shorter than the hill next to Beiling Mountain. It could only be about 18 meters tall.


But fortunately, the problem is not big. As the saying goes, if there are immortals and gods on the mountain, as long as there are natural materials and treasures on the mountain, even a small mound is much better to Zhang Yanhang than famous mountains and rivers that are worthless.

After Zhang Yanhang found the specific location of the Sky Demon Orange Crystal Grass, he jumped directly to reach the halfway point of the hill.

But what made him feel a little uncomfortable was that when he took off, the road surface around him was hard enough to provide support, but when he landed, the soil under his feet was inexplicably soft, causing two deep footprints with his two feet.

And the calf was partially sunken.

Zhang Yanhang often encounters this kind of thing when hunting monsters in the Goblin Plains, so he is very familiar with it, and his solution strategy is to manipulate the energy shield to directly prop himself up, okay?

, in fact, I’m just a little too lazy to move.

To outsiders, Zhang Yanhang looked like he suddenly flew up from the ground, but in fact he just simply modified the shape of the energy shield.

If the energy shield formed by Invulnerability is his innate ability, Zhang Yanhang estimates that he should be able to use this energy shield to perform various tricks, but unfortunately, Invulnerability is only one of his skills.

The various degrees of freedom of operation are not as sensitive as talent.

Moreover, the cool operations that the energy shield can perform actually have corresponding high-level alternative versions. There is no need to use the energy shield to do any redundant development. It is not only a waste of time but also meaningless. After all, it can be used

Not on.

For example, Zhang Yanhang once thought about giving the energy shield full attack power. For example, when encountering a monster standing by the wall, he suddenly expanded the energy shield and directly crushed the monster into a meat pie.

But later I felt that fists and machine guns were the most useful, so I was too lazy to deal with these troubles. After all, energy shield is still a defensive ability, and there is really no need to forcibly develop any offensive uses.

Moreover, the attack distance is also a problem. It can only attack a few meters away from the whole body. If you don't have the time to adjust the energy shield, it is better to just punch the enemy to death.

Moreover, it still depends on the environment. This method can only be used if the environment is suitable. If it is in a large plain like Goblin Plains, releasing the energy shield can at most push the enemy. If you want to suppress it,

It's simply impossible to make a meatloaf.

Unless the enemy is really close to him, he can directly wrap it with an energy shield and then force it inward. In that case, there is no need to consider environmental issues, but it will be more troublesome.

And for Zhang Yanhang, watching the monster being crushed to pulp in front of his eyes is a bit mentally polluting. Of course, it might be okay if he gets used to it. After all, he often beats the enemy into pieces with his fists.

Meat puree.

And compared with the attack ability, Zhang Yanhang actually considered the ability to move in the early days, for example, changing the bottom of the energy shield into two legs, so that he does not need to move himself, as long as he controls the legs formed by the two energy shields.

Just step forward and it will move on its own.

But although this method looked really good, it was later abandoned by Zhang Yanhang because it was too troublesome to operate, and the speed was a little too slow. He now reaches a speed of 97 meters per second under normal conditions.

It is simply impossible for an energy shield to reach this level of speed.

Zhang Yanhang had already found the location of the Sky Demon Orange Crystal Grass during the previous scan. At this moment, it was hidden in a pile of pebble-like stones, with only an orange petiole exposed outside.

Zhang Yanhang pulled the stones aside and quickly dug out the Sky Demon Orange Crystal Grass. Looking at the orange-colored heavenly material and earthly treasure from the petiole to the rhizome, he nodded with satisfaction and ate it directly.

Although the bitter taste can be felt as always, probably because he had just eaten the Sky Demon Green Crystal Grass, Zhang Yanhang, who ranked lower than the Sky Demon Orange Crystal Grass, unexpectedly found it acceptable, or in other words, after eating it

After eating so many Sky Demon Crystal Grasses, he finally became accustomed to the smell.

After carefully sensing the warm current in his body, Zhang Yanhang discovered that the effect of this Sky Demon Orange Crystal Grass was almost equivalent to that of two Sky Demon Red Crystal Grasses. It was similar to the plum that Li Zerui brought before, helping him increase his energy level by about 10%.

Physical limit.

"There is indeed an advantage in ranking lower. Although the difference is only one color, the effect is twice as bad."

After increasing the upper limit of stamina by another 10%, Zhang Yanhang estimated that the number of releases of his death wave skill at the maximum coverage area should increase from the original approximately 80 times to 85 times.

"It would be great if I can find some more treasures that can increase the upper limit of physical strength during the search of various hills. It would be best if I could increase the number of times I can release the death wave skill to a hundred times. That way

, after reducing the coverage area, it is equivalent to me being able to release the death wave skill 200 times."

Zhang Yanhang had previously worried about whether the battery life would be significantly reduced due to the increase in consumption when he had just upgraded the original LV.6. But now it seems that the battery life should not only not appear

If it decreases, it will rise to a certain extent.

After all, he had already increased his physical limit by 40% in less than a day, and he might be able to continue to find related types of treasures in the future, although the probability is not very high.

"Then, here comes the question, what should I do next? Should I directly trigger the option and use the time pause to explore various hills to find treasures of heaven and earth? No, I'd better look at the map first."

Zhang Yanhang felt that in order to find the various hills within Qindao City more efficiently, it would be better for him to look at the map first.

After all, ordinary scanning and scanning of Tiancai Dibao use two precisions, so scanning will be more troublesome. It is impossible to simply scan the general terrain and the number of monsters like Goblin Plains and end it directly.

If you want to find natural treasures, you must search carefully and in all directions, inch by inch. After all, the growth range of natural treasures is quite random. It is very normal to appear anywhere outside the mountain, on the top of the mountain, in the belly of the mountain, in the valley, on the mountainside.

It is precisely because it is very troublesome to scan the treasures of heaven and earth, so Zhang Yanhang will only choose to scan each hilltop, instead of directly scanning the entire Qindao City. The workload is too great, even if he has time to pause, he will find it very troublesome, at least

It seems unlikely to be completed at this stage.

If you have time, you can try the third level in the future. Although it may not necessarily bring much gain, it is precisely because it may be thankless and laborious that Zhang Yanhang thinks of waiting to do it later.

After carefully looking at the map, Zhang Yanhang began to think about what reason he should use to trigger the option. However, because it was troublesome to think of a reason, Zhang Yanhang decided to use the same reason as last time. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the option is, as long as it can be triggered.

Multiple choice is fine.

"Choose! What should we have for supper this morning?" Zhang Yanhang remembered that he met the senior sister when he used this question as an option last time, but it would definitely not happen this time. After all, the senior senior student could not be idle all day long.

Why don't you always go to his house whenever you have free time? It's not logical.

【What's for supper this morning?】

[Option 1: Eating grass (Not long after you woke up, you suddenly felt a little hungry after a long-distance night run of ten kilometers, but because of your inediate ability, you are actually not that hungry. Specifically, one

A very subtle feeling of hunger fills your body, making you want to eat something.

Because you were in this state of feeling hungry but not hungry, you did not go to any convenience store or barbecue stall to find food, but headed straight north. When passing by a gas station, you were

The Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass on a hill next to it, which can increase the energy limit, attracted attention.】

[Option 2: Eat dirt (After a long-distance night run of ten kilometers, you suddenly felt a little hungry and wanted to find something to eat, but you bought a few steamed buns at a convenience store on the roadside.

After eating, you still feel a little hungry. That subtle hunger makes you feel that maybe ordinary food cannot relieve this hunger.

As a second-level awakened person who has already mastered the ability of fasting, you feel that you should probably find something rich in energy to eat. This is the food more suitable for awakened people. You start to head west, and in the near future

When you arrive at the beach, you encounter a six-way intersection. There is an abandoned house next to the six-way intersection.

After perceiving it, you find that there seems to be an old ghost hiding in this house, and it has a tendency to develop into a century-old ghost. However, you are not interested in the century-old ghost. What is valuable to you is him.

Under the floor tiles at the door of your home, there are two cubic meters of corpse-raising soil about two meters deep that contain a small amount of Yin energy and seem to have buried a few spiritual stones. You do not hesitate to dig up the floor tiles and start eating in large chunks.)]

[Option 3: Drink the northwest wind (Although you feel a little hungry for no reason after a long-distance night run of ten kilometers, you think it is just a psychological effect. After all, the inescapable ability gained when you were promoted to the second level has continued.

It takes effect. As long as the energy level is sufficient, there is no problem without eating for the rest of your life.

You feel that the reason why you feel hungry now is just because you haven’t completely gotten used to the ability of inescaping, so you feel a little hungry after not eating for two days. In order to verify this, you start to stand on the top of the mountain and drink heavily like a storm.

Northwest Wind, as expected, just drink some Northwest Wind, and you will feel the hunger in your body disappear without a trace in an instant.)]

"Eat grass, eat dirt, drink northwest wind, I feel like this option is a bit weird for some reason." Although Zhang Yanhang hadn't started to check the specific content yet, he felt something was wrong just by looking at the name of the option.

"Obviously I just wanted to take the time to pause and search the various hills, but I didn't expect that the multiple-choice option would inexplicably bring out the Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass for me, and put it directly in the first option. It's really outrageous.

, is it because my current energy limit has skyrocketed?"

Zhang Yanhang had originally thought that the Heavenly Demonic Blue Crystal Grass might not be available until tomorrow when the adventure was triggered again, but he did not expect that the Heavenly Demonic Blue Crystal Grass would appear on its own after he casually made a late-night snack option.

"After acquiring the last Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass, even though I have completely collected all seven colors of Sky Demon Crystal Grass, I feel inexplicably like the Dragon Balls, but in terms of rankings,

The Sky Demon Amethyst Grass, which has the most powerful effect, was given to the group leader, but fortunately it was not a big problem. After all, I don’t need that kind of spatial understanding, and I wouldn’t use it at all after eating it.

But this time there seems to be no location marked in the options. It only says that there may be Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass on the hill next to the gas station you encounter after going all the way north. However, there are many gas stations to the north. At least you can go there this way.

I saw more than a dozen, and the ones with mountains next to them probably accounted for a third of them."

Zhang Yanhang doesn't know why gas stations in Qindao City always like to be close to mountains. He can only say that it may be because the land near mountains is cheaper. Of course, it may also be simply because there are more hills in the urban area.

"In other words, since the Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass this time is also a natural treasure that can increase the upper limit of energy value, its effect should be better than the Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass I ate before.

Are you going to cut it off? I feel like I’m already looking forward to it.

The Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass helped me increase the energy limit by fifty points last time. I am not greedy for this Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass. I will be satisfied if it can increase the energy limit by seventy-five points."

Zhang Yanhang felt that this time his energy limit might finally be able to exceed the health limit.

"The Sky Demon Blue Crystal Grass in the first option is relatively normal, but what the hell is the Corpse Soil in the second option? Who would eat such a thing?! And gorge on it?! I'm crazy.

? Don’t let me stuff this weird stuff into my stomach just because I have strong digestion ability!

Moreover, what is this six-way intersection? Does there still exist a six-way intersection? If there were two more forks, wouldn’t the eight-way intersection directly become a rice-shaped intersection? How much traffic is there on the seaside?

Is it big? Although Qindao City is indeed a tourist city."

Zhang Yanhang really couldn't help his desire to complain.

This chapter has been completed!
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