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Chapter 577 Pale Gold Quality Jewelry

"Although the blue-quality hematite ring + 6 is still a second-level equipment even if it is forcibly fused into the purple-quality hematite ring +7. It will be eliminated after it is promoted to the fourth level, but at least the third-level equipment will still be

It has been used for a long time, so it still has great integration value.”

Fusion of the hematite ring +7 is an easy thing for Zhang Yanhang to solve. Therefore, since it can be solved easily, and after solving it, you can get more charm attribute bonuses, it is naturally very valuable to Zhang Yanhang.


If it is something that requires Zhang Yanhang to work hard for a long time to get a small amount of income, then Zhang Yanhang will definitely be too lazy to do it. After all, if the income efficiency is too low, it is really not worth it. It is better to use that part of the time to do it.

Look for other things with higher yields.

After wearing the two hematite rings + 6, Zhang Yanhang put the four extra hematite rings + 4 and an ordinary hematite ring into his pocket, and immediately began to count the hematite hearts again.

This time, he obtained a total of six blue-quality hematite heart necklaces.

But these six hematite heart necklaces have no fusion value. The hematite heart necklaces he had accumulated before were originally a hematite heart +5, a hematite heart +4 and a hematite heart.

+2, but then the red iron heart +4 was given to the group leader, and he only had one red iron heart +5 and one red iron heart +2.

"But although there is really no value in fusion, I'd better just do it. Anyway, I have plenty of time now."

Zhang Yanhang took out the Hematite Heart +2 from his pocket and put it into the alchemy circle. Then he also put the six ordinary Hematite Heart necklaces he just obtained into the alchemy circle. After quickly fusing them, he

, Zhang Yanhang received a Heart of Red Iron +3 and a Heart of Red Iron +1.

"Including the Hematite Heart+5 that was replaced a long time ago, I actually have forty-two more ordinary Hematite Heart necklaces on my body. Alas, the difference is too far."

Because he remembered the small goal of merging the hematite ring into the purple quality hematite ring +7, Zhang Yanhang couldn't help but think of another small goal, which was to fuse the hematite heart necklace into dark purple quality hematite.

Heart +7.

It's a pity that the progress between the two is hugely different. The Hematite Ring only needs the last three Hematite Rings + 4 to complete. Just wait until the next time you enter the small Hematite Ant Nest Daragu.

It will definitely be completed.

But the small goal of the Hematite Heart Necklace has not even started yet, and we don’t even know when the second Hematite Heart +6 will be fused.

"If I want to fuse the Hematite Heart Necklace with the dark purple quality Hematite Heart +7, I need a total of eight Hematite Hearts +6, which is 512 Hematite Heart Necklaces.

But the problem is, even if the Hematite Heart Necklace on my body is deducted, I am still short of 406 Hematite Hearts. Compared to before, not only has there not been more, but there have been fewer."

Zhang Yanhang had only 396 hematite hearts before he could fuse +7 after staying in the small hematite ant nest Daragul for five days. But now, because he gave a purple quality hematite heart +4 to the group leader's

The reason is that compared to that time, he now has ten more gaps in the Heart of Iron Necklace, which is really outrageous.

"For 406 Hematite Heart Necklaces, even at my current drop rate, I need to kill about 8,000 Hematite Flying Ants and Hematite Soldier Ants.

As for the total number of red iron flying ants and red iron soldier ants in the small red iron ant nest Dalaguri, even if the two are added together, there are only two thousand.

It takes four kills to collect so many Iron Heart Necklaces.

It is even said that if the rank is promoted to the third level, the number that needs to be hunted will be even more, maybe it will increase to 16,000, and it will need to be killed eight times. If nothing happens, this

I probably won’t be able to accomplish my small goals in this life.”

From a rational point of view, Zhang Yanhang decided to give up the small goal of merging the Hematite Heart Necklace into a dark purple quality Hematite Heart +7. After all, this small goal cannot be achieved at all. If the Hematite Ring is an easy difficulty, then

This side of Heart of Iron is the Purgatory difficulty, which is really a crime without war.

"In other words, this seems to be the second time I have given up on this small goal. I actually gave up on this small goal when I cleared out the entire small hematite ant nest Daragu, and I also gave up on fusion at the same time.

Purple quality hematite ring +7 is a small goal.

But although the small goal of fusing the purple quality hematite ring +7 can be restarted, the small goal of fusing the dark purple quality hematite heart +7 is completely impossible to restart, or in other words, it will restart immediately after a minute or two of restarting.

It was abandoned."

If Zhang Yanhang can immediately spawn 16,000 red iron flying ants and red iron soldier ants next time he goes to the small red iron ant nest Daraguli to hunt monsters, then Zhang Yanhang will definitely restart this small goal immediately and complete it on the spot.

, but unfortunately, that is just a daydream.

After fusing the Hematite Heart +3 and the Hematite Heart +1, Zhang Yanhang immediately put it into his pocket and began to count other equipment. In addition to the Hematite Ring and the Hematite Heart Necklace, Zhang Yanhang

This time, a pair of hematite dentures was obtained, but Zhang Yanhang also had no use for these hematite dentures.

Zhang Yanhang currently has a pair of purple-quality hematite mad shark teeth + 4 in his mouth. If he wants to continue to fuse them, he needs to assemble sixteen more sets of hematite dentures.

Zhang Yanhang originally had two pairs of hematite dentures left, but then he gave one pair to the group leader, so now he only has one pair of hematite dentures left in his pocket. And if you include the one he just opened,

The number of red iron dentures in Zhang Yanhang's hand returned to two sets.

"In other words, I still have fourteen pairs of hematite dentures before I can fuse the hematite mad shark teeth +5. Calculated based on the drop rate of a pair of hematite dentures dropped by twenty hematite breeding ants, I need to attack again.

Kill two hundred and eighty hematite breeding ants.

The total rated number of hematite breeding ants in the small hematite ant nest Daragu is only 300. Therefore, I am actually equivalent to killing the hematite breeding ants in the small hematite ant nest Daragu again.

It takes only one time to collect so many hematite dentures.

Therefore, although the number of Hematite Shark Teeth + 5 does not seem to be large in terms of fusion requirements, unfortunately, this matter is as impossible to complete as the previous fusion of Hematite Heart + 7.

Not to mention anything else, I went to the small red iron ant nest Daragu after almost ten days this time. However, only the first-order and one-star red iron worker ants were refreshed in it, while the first-order and two-star red iron flying ants were spawned in it.

Ants and red iron soldier ants are unwilling to refresh any of them.

Even the first-order and two-star red iron ants are like this. The first-order three-star monsters like red iron breeding ants really don’t know how long it will take to refresh. Moreover, even if they are refreshed, it will definitely be very slow. If you want to collect two hundred

It will definitely take a long time to breed eighty red iron breeding ants, and by that time I may have advanced to the fourth level and eliminated the red iron mad shark teeth accordingly."

Regarding this small target that had just emerged, Zhang Yanhang chose to kill it as soon as possible. After all, this matter did not have the conditions to be completed.

After putting the hematite dentures into his pocket, Zhang Yanhang was left with the most important piece of equipment, the dark purple Makarov's Regret with a full rating of quality.

Zhang Yanhang briefly checked the attribute list of this Makarov's Regret. After discovering that it was exactly the same as the Makarov's Regret on his ears, he immediately removed the two Makalov's Regrets he was wearing on his ears.

My husband took off all his earrings to prepare for the fusion.

Although it is a set, it is essentially different equipment. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang first started to fuse Makarov's Regret after restarting the alchemy circle. It is probably the reason for the first fusion. The whole fusion process was smooth.

It was so painful that it reminded him of the days when he used to eat Dove.

It was probably because the whole process was so smooth and smooth that it took Zhang Yanhang less than a minute to successfully complete the fusion.

After successfully integrating Makarov's Regret to +1, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to look at its attribute list.

[Makarov's Regret +1]

[Quality: light gold]

[Type: Equipment]

[Place of Origin: Main World, Qindao City, Unit 3, Building 6, Donghe Community, Living Room 702, Zhang Yanhang.]

[Durability: 80/80]

[Defense: 45]

[Additional attribute: Fire resistance +20% (+2.5%).]

[Additional attribute: Acid resistance +20% (+2.5%).]

[Additional attributes: Strength +1, Agility +1, Intelligence +1 (+1), Charm +1. 】

[Requirements for use: 40 points of charm.]

[Rating: 300 (Light gold item scores are 261 to 350.)]

[Set Effect 1: Makarov’s Gift (two-piece set unlocks attributes)]

[Introduction: Damn Alchemist! Damn Alchemist!! Damn Alchemist!!!


Customers who once asked me to forge their hematite equipment came to me one after another to ask for an explanation, claiming that if I didn't pay for mental damages, my blacksmith shop would be smashed to pieces.

——From an unknown blacksmith who can no longer make money silently]

"Makarov's Regret is indeed a set component of dark purple quality with full ratings. It can directly increase the rating by 40 points after being fused once, from the original 260-point rating to 300-point rating.

Logically speaking, if it was only fused once, this Makarov's Regret should be at best a low-rated light golden equipment, but this Makarov's Regret was ridiculously fused only once and directly turned into a medium-rated piece of equipment.

of light golden equipment.

If this trend continues in the future, I should only need to fuse it twice more at most. That is, when I fuse Makarov's Regret to +3, it should be able to be promoted to golden quality.

Karloff earrings are considered a gold quality set.

But unfortunately, although the prospects are indeed very good, the problem is that I don’t have that much Makarov’s Regret in my hands.”

If Zhang Yanhang wants to fuse Makarov's Regret to +3, he still needs to gather six more Makarov's Regrets, which is sixty red iron ant kings.

The slot machine prize pool is refreshed once a day, so if Zhang Yanhang wants to fuse Makarov's Regret to +3, he needs to stay in the small red iron ant nest Dalaguri for two months.

And if Zhang Yanhang wants to fuse Makarov's Regret to +3 and then fuse Makarov's Regret to +3 to combine it into a gold-quality set, he needs to reach the level of the small red iron ant nest.

I will stay in Laguna for another two months, making a total stay of four months.

At that time, Zhang Yanhang should be at least a fifth-level awakened person by then. It is not impossible to be a sixth-level awakened person. Equipment like the Makarov suit has probably been eliminated long ago.

"After fusing Makarov's Regret with the light golden quality +1, the bonus of Makarov's Regret in terms of fire resistance and acid resistance increased from the original 17.5% to 20%. A total of

It increases the fire resistance and acid resistance bonus by 2.5%.

In addition to the bonuses to fire resistance and acid resistance, Makarov's Regret +1 also increases the intelligence attribute bonus. Although my current intelligence attribute has exceeded ten points, the bonus is always

Okay, although you can’t use it now, you can use it after you advance to the third level.”

In addition to the increase in attribute bonuses, Zhang Yanhang also noticed that the requirements for using Makarov's Regret +1 have also increased. From the original 30 points of charm to use, it now requires 40 points of charm. This has increased.

Meet the requirement of 10 points of charm points.

"Although the requirement to use Makarov's Regret +1 has increased to 40 points, fortunately, my current Charisma attribute value is 46 points, so I can still use it normally.

Besides, it’s actually not a big problem even if it can’t be used. After all, I can’t use the attribute bonuses provided by Makarov’s suit now due to attribute restrictions. Therefore, even if the Makarov suit’s charm value and attribute value are

Doubling the usage requirement from 30 points to 60 points is not a big problem for me.

After all, when I reach the third level where I can use the attribute value bonus, I will naturally unlock the attribute value limit of 75 points accordingly. For me at that time, the mere 60 points of charm value will definitely be easily increased."

The reason why Zhang Yanhang is so confident in this matter is that in addition to the promotion of his rank, he also thinks that he should be able to obtain information about the new monster lair at the bottom of the Daragu underground tunnel in the small red iron ant nest.

New equipment in terms of Charisma bonus.

The reason is that during the previous hunting process, he had already learned about the relevant components in the hematite rough stone from the introduction of various items.

This chapter has been completed!
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