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Chapter 581 Robot Arm

Zhang Yanhang carefully checked the refresh of the third prize pool of the lucky slot machine in Goblin Plains and found that the prize pool content of the slot machine in Goblin Plains was inexplicably average.

This average is specifically reflected in the fact that when Zhang Yanhang carefully counted the prize pool, he found that whether it was the first-order two-star sword goblin or the first-order three-star strength Goblin Spear Thrower and Goblin Wolf Cavalry, or the second-order

For the one-star big goblin, the number of these four monsters is all twenty, which is really evenly divided.

Then there is the second-level two-star Goblin Shaman. The number of this Goblin Shaman is slightly less, only nineteen, and the last monster is a second-level three-star goblin.

Chief Shaman Makha Bagga.

"So, rounding off, it's actually equivalent to keeping the number of the other five dragon-veined goblins at twenty except for Maka Baga."

Zhang Yanhang does feel quite baffled by this situation. After all, in the past, whether it was the lucky slot machines in Raccoon City or the small red iron ant nest Dalagu, the number of monsters in their third prize pools was generally inversely proportional to their own strength.

The stronger the strength, the smaller the number.

But the lucky slot machine here on the Goblin Plains broke this rule. If the third-prize prize pool didn't have a maximum of one hundred prizes, Zhang Yanhang even suspected that there would be twenty Goblin Shamans.

"But although it is indeed quite baffling, to a certain extent it is actually a good thing. After all, if the number of monsters is average, it means that the positions that strong monsters can occupy increase. In this way, I can clear the slot machine prize pool.

The benefits obtained will also be higher.”

Zhang Yanhang is generally quite happy about the current situation.

"Speaking of which, I originally thought that a monster with a name like Maka Baga would be unlikely to appear in the prize pool of the lucky slot machine, but I didn't expect that even though it has a name, Maka Baga's treatment is obviously different from T

The -001 trial tyrant is similar to the mass-produced monster like the Red Iron Ant King. If nothing else happens, one should be refreshed every day."

Zhang Yanhang was not able to kill Maka Baga with his own hands when he was still alive. This time, he was given a chance to make up for his regrets. Of course, the more important thing is definitely the treasure chest that Maka Baga dropped.

If he can get another treasure chest dropped by Maka Baga, then Zhang Yanhang can get another set of [Maka Baga's Alchemy Set].

The [Maka Baga's Alchemy Set] that Zhang Yanhang opened before happened to have not been opened, and the [Maka Baga's Alchemy Set] is a dark purple quality item with full rating. If Zhang Yanhang can get another [Maka Baga's Alchemy Set]

Alchemy Set], it should be possible to upgrade it to a light golden quality item through fusion.

By then, the quality of the props in [Maka Baga's Alchemy Set] should also be improved accordingly, and even the types and other aspects may also be improved.

Zhang Yanhang thinks that since he doesn’t have time to tinker with alchemy now, he might as well keep this [Maka Baga’s Alchemy Set] for a while and see if he can get another [Maka Baga’s Alchemy Set] before leaving the world of ashes.

Alchemy Set】, there won’t be any losses anyway.

"In addition to the treasure chest that may be obtained from Maka Baga, the most important thing to me in the current Goblin Plains slot machine prize pool is actually the Goblin Wolf Cavalry, since there are twenty Goblin Wolves in the prize pool.

As for the cavalry, according to the normal treasure box drop rate, one treasure box should definitely be dropped.

In this way, I should be able to start integrating the dark purple quality swift leggings +5 immediately. Previously, the movement speed has been stuck at 97 meters per second, and has been unable to break through 100 meters per second, but this time it should definitely be possible.


Therefore, I choose option one, the first-level one-star elite monster Sword Goblin."

In the past, Zhang Yanhang would dig a hole in the ground specifically to clean up the monsters in the prize pool. Yes, it was the hole in Raccoon City just now, but since he got the death wave skill, Zhang Yanhang has never done that again.

Something happened.

Mainly because it's not necessary. After all, the purpose of digging holes in Raccoon City was to improve the hunting efficiency. But since the death wave skill was introduced, the hunting efficiency has been directly pushed to the limit. It can be killed in one second at most.

All the monsters in the prize pool, so Zhang Yanhang doesn’t need to dig any more holes.

But now, Zhang Yanhang inexplicably wants to dig a hole again, not because of any reason to improve the killing efficiency, but because he is afraid that these Dragon Vein Goblins refreshed from the prize pool will escape. If these Dragon Vein Goblins

If he really escapes, clearing the third prize pool will suddenly become troublesome.

After all, although it is not difficult to chase down the Dragon Vein Goblins, it will definitely waste extra time. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang wanted to dig another hole this time mainly because he wanted to save time.

Of course, whether it is necessary to dig a hole actually depends on the performance of the Dragon Vein Goblins in the prize pool. Zhang Yanhang feels that as long as he does not attack, these Dragon Vein Goblins will not escape immediately.

According to Zhang Yanhang's previous experience in cleaning up the Goblin Plains, although the Dragon Vein Goblins do have escape skills, they are not really so cowardly that they would run away immediately after seeing the enemy, at least

Only when you know for sure that you can't fight will you run away.

Therefore, these Dragon Vein Goblins are not timid due to cowardice, but simply bully the weak and fear the strong. They can only fight against the wind and directly activate their escape skills uniformly in the headwind game. Zhang Yanhang will be amazed every time he sees that scene.


Zhang Yanhang even once doubted whether there was some hidden ability between them such as telepathy or spiritual connection, otherwise why would they run away so neatly?

After Zhang Yanhang made his choice, the time pause disappeared instantly, and at the same time, a transparent gashapon popped up from the slot machine's outlet. When the gashapon was opened, a sword goblin jumped out. This sword goblin just appeared

When he saw Zhang Yanhang, he immediately raised the big knife in his hand and struck Zhang Yanhang in the abdomen without hesitation.

Because he was afraid of the Sword Goblin escaping, Zhang Yanhang did not do anything unnecessary, but directly started to pull the metal rocker on the side of the slot machine again.

In fact, when he clears the prize pool, he usually follows this process. In the early stage, he focuses on pulling the joystick, and in the later stage, he directly kills all the monsters in the prize pool with a wave of death. This is also the most efficient process.


About five minutes later, Zhang Yanhang held up the totem pole of the Shaman Goblin blessed with 'Activated Muscles (Lightning)' and firmly pulled the metal rocker on the side of the slot machine again.

Probably because Zhang Yanhang had greatly improved his defense in the main world before, he could only defeat the Shaman Goblin with a single-digit energy shield value by using his four-stroke lightning skill.

Now it is completely impossible to break through his defense.

This resulted in that although the nineteen shaman goblins and the big goblin had been taking turns using skills to attack Zhang Yanhang's head, he did not suffer any damage, and the shield value remained at full capacity throughout the process.

The reason why they were so arrogant was mainly because Zhang Yanhang was afraid that they would escape, so apart from pulling the metal rocker on the side of the slot machine, his body made no other movements at all, just like a humanoid robotic arm.

But perhaps it was precisely because of this harmless performance that they did not scare away the dragon-veined goblins that emerged from the prize pool. Instead, they surrounded Zhang Yanhang and continued to attack him.

This is exactly what Zhang Yanhang wants to see most.

As Zhang Yanhang made his last choice, a lively Maka Baga jumped out of the transparent gashapon. Zhang Yanhang originally thought that after his defense increased a lot, he would be able to defeat second-level Maka Baga.

Monsters with three-star strength cannot break through his defense.

But soon, he discovered that he was a little too naive, because Maka Baga's activated muscles could actually be superimposed with those of ordinary Goblin Shaman.

After the two were superimposed, not only did the ordinary Goblin Shaman break through his defense and once again cause single-digit damage to him, but Maka Baga was able to kill two of his enemies with every attack.

Number of digits of shield value.

"Good guy, it's a good thing we killed this guy in advance. Otherwise, if there was such a thing that led the Goblin Shaman to buff the Goblin Chief, wouldn't the Goblin Chief be able to stack three layers of BUFF?

Then when the Goblin Chief hits me with five lightning strikes in a row, I will lose at least four digits of shield value. It is not impossible to even lose 2,000 points, which is already one-third of my shield value.

A shield worth more than one."

After such a simple calculation, Zhang Yanhang can only say that he is glad that he killed Maka Baga in advance, otherwise...

Well, it actually doesn’t matter. After all, even with the blessing of Maka Baga and other Goblin Shamans, Zhang Yanhang estimates that the Goblin Chief can only destroy half of his shield value before death. In fact, that’s not the case.

It's okay, after all, it recovered in three seconds.

"It's just that if you look at it this way, the Goblin Chief is still at his strongest when he is with other goblins. Not only can he stack three layers of buffs, but he can also explode when dying... Ah, how annoying,

Can you please stop knocking?"

Although Zhang Yanhang was thinking about the Goblin Chief, Maka Baga never stopped attacking.

This guy has grown to three meters in height after activated muscle amplification, and his whole body is full of muscles. Except for the fact that the weapon in his hand is a four-meter-long totem pole, he is actually nothing like the Goblin Chief in his normal state.

There is a huge difference, both in height and appearance.

Of course, it may also be the reason for Zhang Yanhang's facial blindness. After all, when he looked at Nico, he couldn't tell the difference in appearance at all. Although Nico was dark, he was still a human being, but as for the goblin, he was not even a human being. Naturally

Not to mention, it is really difficult for Zhang Yanhang to distinguish the difference in their appearance.

Only dragon-veined goblins with extremely abnormal facial features can be clearly recognized by Zhang Yanhang, but Maka Baga is obviously not the same. Therefore, in this state, it is really difficult for Zhang Yanhang to distinguish between it and his brother.

Chief Brynn Nu Shan.

Zhang Yanhang originally thought of holding Maka Baga's totem pole with one hand and then punching him to blow it up. Finally, he would strike a pose because he thought that would be very handsome.

But he didn't expect that something would go wrong in the first step, because Maka Baga's four-meter-long totem pole was nearly half a meter thick. Zhang Yanhang's hands were too small to hold it, but he wanted to hold it by force, and then he

As a result, the totem pole was broken into pieces. I really can't blame him. I can only say that the material of the totem pole was surprisingly brittle.

Looking at the totem pole with his hand broken into two parts, Zhang Yanhang sighed silently, and was too lazy to do any more fancy moves, and directly activated the death wave skill.

A transparent distortion wave quickly spread to the surroundings with Zhang Yanhang as the center. Naturally, the first person to bear the brunt was the chief goblin shaman Maka Baga who had been standing in front of him and attacking him.

Under the action of the distortion force field, the thick scales on Maka Baga's chest that played an important protective role instantly shattered into pieces, directly shattering into irregular-shaped horny residue, and the sternum protected by the thick scales also

Immediately afterwards, it was broken and torn, causing the entire chest to sink deeply inward.

The sternum that was supposed to protect the heart immediately pierced into Maka Baga's huge heart that had been strengthened by magic medicine and began to hinder the circulation of blood and the exchange of oxygen. Although with its vitality

He said that he might be able to hold on for a while longer despite this level of damage.

However, this is only a negligible collateral effect after the death wave is activated. When the twisting force field begins to destroy the heart, the heart strengthened by the magic potion appears so fragile and weak.

In just a moment, the inside of Maka Baga's chest seemed to be tightly grasped and squeezed by an invisible big hand, and the whole heart turned into a pile of minced meat.

At the same time, a large amount of blood was forcefully pumped out along the wounds caused by the torn surface of Maka Baga's body. In an instant, at least a dozen liters of dark green blood was squeezed out and sprayed on the surrounding green grass.

The already vibrant grassland becomes even more vibrant.

Under this level of attack, although Maka Baga's vitality is stronger than that of ordinary dragon-veined goblins, it is obvious that he cannot withstand it at all. After all, although he is the chief shaman of goblins, he is

He does not have the ability to master the elementalization of the heart like the Goblin Chief.

This chapter has been completed!
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