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Chapter 7 Hunting Monsters

Therefore, the reason why Zhang Yanhang said that this old newspaper was useful was because it recorded information that he was interested in. It was celebrity gossip, right? No, it wasn't. Was it a photo of a female model? No, it wasn't either.

The real answer is actually a few simple words - 'The Raccoon City Journal', yes, it is the name of this newspaper.

It may seem strange if you read it in English alone, but the two words in the middle actually mean "Raccoon City" when combined. Therefore, if this newspaper is translated into Chinese, it is "Raccoon City Daily".

"Why did a Raccoon City appear out of nowhere? Where is the promised world of ashes? Why did it suddenly become a Resident Evil?"

Zhang Yanhang was really surprised at this time. The main surprise was that he suddenly discovered that he might encounter monsters such as lickers and tyrants. Although he could kill ordinary zombies without limit, the tyrants could also kill him.

Possibly unlimited mowing.

When he thought that he might be killed directly from a distance by a tyrant armed with a heavy machine gun, a flamethrower and a rocket launcher, Zhang Yanhang's mood immediately became unhappy.

"Forget it, let's take care of it when it comes. Although the Tyrant is strong, it is slow, so if it can't beat me, I can still run away." Zhang Yanhang now regretted why he didn't hold the handle in his hand when he slept.

Spiritual weapons, if he could bring an attack-type spiritual weapon, then he might not have to worry about being unable to defeat him.

"Let's continue searching for things that can be used as weapons." After searching under the bed, bedside tables and wardrobes but finding nothing, Zhang Yanhang walked to the kitchen, which is the farthest place from the dilapidated wooden bed, right next to the security door.


Fortunately, the original owner of the room should have the habit of cooking, so Zhang Yanhang found a complete set of Western-style kitchen knives, which mainly included seven small knives that looked similar to fruit knives but Zhang Yanhang could not tell the specific function and a similar knife.

A bone chopping knife that is larger and thicker than other kitchen knives.

The length of the bone-chopping knife was about thirty or forty centimeters, while the lengths of the other seven knives ranged from a few centimeters to more than ten centimeters.

"Sure enough, I can only find a kitchen knife, but it's actually quite normal to chop zombies with a kitchen knife, but most of the time they will be killed." Zhang Yanhang often saw passers-by housewives using kitchen knives to chop zombies in zombie movies before.

body, only to be bitten in the neck by a zombie.

In addition to the kitchen knife, Zhang Yanhang also found a bunch of keys on the table next to the kitchen. If nothing else happens, this bunch of keys should be the keys to this house, which is quite useful. After all, Zhang Yanhang will definitely come back later.

Therefore, in order to prevent Zhang Yanhang from suddenly breaking into some zombies or other monsters when he leaves, he needs to lock the room door here with a key.

Then there are the cabinets attached to the kitchen. In the lower cabinet, Zhang Yanhang found some bags of edible salt and other seasonings, as well as half a box of unknown mineral water that was not expired. There were about seven or eight bottles.

After rummaging through the lower cupboards, Zhang Yanhang rummaged through the upper cupboards and found some canned beans, pork, luncheon meat and other canned foods.

"You can actually find drinking water and food in the kitchen. This is really good news. At least it means that I will not die in the ashes world due to the most basic reasons of hunger and lack of water."

Although these things may have expired, Zhang Yanhang felt that with his physique as an awakened person, eating some expired food should not be a big problem. At least he would not die from eating it, and at most it would just cause diarrhea.

After searching the entire room, Zhang Yanhang stood next to a window facing the street. From here, he could observe the outside world, that is, the situation on the street. How should I say, the outside world was also gray, and there were still things downstairs.

There were seven or eight abandoned cars parked, most of which had no obvious damage. Only the cabs of some cars were covered in dark red blood.

As for zombies? I didn’t see them at all, yes, I didn’t see them at all. There wasn’t a single zombie on the street, not even a corpse on the ground.

"Where is the promised Raccoon City? Why is there not a single zombie on the street? When I was playing the game, I remember that the ground was full of zombies?" Zhang Yanhang initially wanted to learn more about the information here by exploring the surrounding environment.

But now he is completely confused about the situation here. It is too chaotic. The next step is to take it one step at a time.

"Now that the entire room has been searched, it's time to make a choice. I will choose the third option and wait for a while." After the time pause ended, Zhang Yanhang immediately returned to the old wooden bed.

Because he had not found suitable shoes in the room before, Zhang Yanhang could only continue to walk around barefoot on the dusty ground. Now the soles of his feet had turned black.

If possible, Zhang Yanhang felt that his next secondary task should be to find himself a pair of shoes. After all, walking without shoes is indeed very awkward.

You may ask what is the first priority? Of course it is to hunt down the monsters in the Ash World! Becoming stronger is always Zhang Yanhang’s first priority.

As for looking for weapons, to be honest, he is also an awakened person after all. But for a zombie-level monster, it doesn't make much difference whether he has a weapon in his hand. At most, it will slightly affect Wushuang's mowing speed.

Because the time was only three minutes, and Zhang Yanhang had not found a watch, he could only calculate the time by reading the numbers in his mind.

Zhang Yanhang had already thought about what to do next when time was paused. He first went to the closet to get a shoulder bag and put it on his back. This could be used to carry a lot of things in the future. Then Zhang Yanhang went to the kitchen and put the plug in

The steel knife holder with seven knives and a bone chopping knife was stuffed directly into the shoulder bag.

Yes, the entire knife holder was directly inserted in, because Zhang Yanhang felt that those knives might be used as flying knives. Although it was a bit cumbersome to directly install the entire knife holder, it was not a big problem with the power of the Awakened One.

After installing the knife rest, Zhang Yanhang had nothing else to prepare. After all, the opponent was just a goblin, and the opponent's combat power was marked in the options as extremely low, so what was there to be afraid of? The options could never be deceived.

His, so he can definitely defeat this goblin.

However, the due caution is still indispensable. Zhang Yanhang first looked through the peephole of the security door to see if there were monsters in front of the door. After confirming that there were no monsters, he gently opened the security door a crack, and

Observing the situation farther away through the crack, I still didn't see any monsters.

This chapter has been completed!
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