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Chapter 708 Flame Poison Dragon

According to Zhang Yanhang's observation, the strength of these new flame monsters should probably be around level three and two stars, and they are still early level three monsters.

As for the specific types of these monsters, if Zhang Yanhang is not mistaken, or if these monsters in the ashes world still follow the conventional definition, they should be the flaming flying dragons that are relatively common in various games and movies and TV series.

In other words, a bipedal wyvern has only two hind legs, and its forelimbs do not have claws, only a pair of wide wings that continue to open.

Moreover, the attack method of these flaming dragons is also very classic, that is, they fly in the sky and spray flames on him, or breathe dragon breath. Looking at these flaming dragons that are like bombers coming back and forth, spitting dark red flames at him,

Zhang Yanhang felt that it would be better to check the attribute list first and then activate the death wave to kill them.

[Fire Poison Dragon (Normal)]

[Level: Level 3, Two Stars]

"Huh? Poison dragon? How could a poison dragon appear?"

Zhang Yanhang observed it several times and found out that these bipedal dragons have the ability to poison. If we want to say that the only part of this group of bipedal dragons that has the ability to poison, then Zhang Yanhang is more inclined to fire poison. This is the only explanation that is more reliable.

Spectrum, but he couldn't feel it at all because he was covered by an energy shield.

Moreover, although these Flame Poison Dragons, which are most likely good at fire poison, are level three, two-star monsters, their skill attacks seem to be exactly the same as the previous level three, one-star Molten Toads, and they are also unable to cause any damage to him, not even energy shields.

He still didn't even bother to make a ripple.

If this situation continues, Zhang Yanhang estimates that at least a late-level third-level monster like a third-level three-star will be needed to really put some pressure on the energy shield.

Well, there is really only a slight chance. As for weakening the shield value and causing damage, it is probably not something that a third-order three-star monster can do, but most of it should be a third-order four-star monster.

It's possible.

"By the way, this Flame Poison Dragon is the first normal third-level two-star monster I have encountered, and it is also the highest-level monster with the highest strength limit among the monsters I have encountered. The highest-level monster I have ever encountered before is also

It’s just the third-order two-star lord monster in the demonized swamp area, the demonized four-eyed boar queen Peppa Pig.”

According to Zhang Yanhang's observation, the body length of these flame poisonous dragons is about the same as the previous three-level one-star molten toads, that is, they are about ten meters in length, but the height may be a bit unsatisfactory.

Compared with the Molten Toad, which looks particularly stocky and majestic, the overall shape of the Flame Poison Dragon is flat, which makes it look a bit short. It may only be two or three meters tall at most. Only the Molten Toad

less than half the height.

But monsters flying in the air have always looked like this, so Zhang Yanhang didn't care too much, because it was completely impossible to obtain the materials. Even if he obtained them, they would only dissipate in five seconds and be directly refreshed.

Therefore, what Zhang Yanhang is most concerned about now is the issue of soul points.

“I don’t know how many soul points the third-order, two-star Flame Poison Dragon is worth, but thinking about it, since the third-order, one-star Molten Toad alone is worth 150 soul points, then the third-order, two-star Flame Poison Dragon shouldn’t be worth anything.

It will be lower than 200 points.”

As soon as he thought of this, before the flaming poisonous dragon in the sky flew away, Zhang Yanhang immediately released the death wave skill.

A circle of transparent twisting force field quickly spreads outwards with Zhang Yanhang's body as the center. No matter it is front, back, left, right, in the sky or underground, any monster enveloped by the twisting force field of death wave will suddenly die on the spot without showing any resistance.


The Flame Poison Dragon, which was originally flying in the sky and spewing dark red flames at him in a show of force, now came into contact with the death wave and quickly fell to the ground like a dumpling, causing a huge and continuous impact sound.

Broken wings, comminuted fractures of the spine, internal erosion, organ imbalance... Under the action of the twisted force field, a series of compound injuries appeared on the body of the Flame Poison Dragon.

Naturally, the Flame Poison Dragon, which is only a third-level two-star, cannot stop the 1820-point fixed damage limit of the Death Wave. Even Zhang Yanhang does not need to turn on the beheading function and can easily kill it completely with just the most basic fixed damage of the Death Wave.


To be honest, since acquiring this beheading function, Zhang Yanhang has never had a chance to use it.

But considering that there will definitely continue to be stronger monsters in the future, such as third-order three-star or third-order four-star late third-order monsters, Zhang Yanhang feels that only monsters of that level need to be coordinated.

Kill it with the beheading ability.

But it is limited to the third-level three-star and the third-level four-star. These monsters are definitely the smallest number of monsters in this fourth-level teleportation channel. Therefore, he should not need to activate the killing ability too frequently.

Although there is no need to consume physical energy to activate the beheading, it can be used casually.

After releasing this death wave, as expected, Zhang Yanhang's ears were bombarded with four-digit high-frequency intensive warning sounds again, and this time there were more than any other time.

In the past, Zhang Yanhang usually waited until there were seven or eight hundred, or six or seven hundred monsters, and then directly activated the death wave skill to hunt the monsters.

But this time it is slightly different. Zhang Yanhang deliberately waited a little longer because of upgrading his skills. In addition, two new monsters appeared, namely the third-order one-star Molten Toad and the third-order two-star.

The reason for the Flame Poison Dragon.

It may be that these two third-level monsters gave other second-level monsters a certain degree of confidence, which led to their overall gathering level being relatively high, reaching more than a thousand. In this case, coupled with hundreds of Molten Toads and Raging Flames,

Poison Dragon, Zhang Yanhang suddenly realized that he seemed to have killed more than two thousand monsters at once.

Of course, apart from the fact that he deliberately waited a little longer, this was also related to the increased coverage of the Death Wave skill. After all, it had doubled from 600 meters to 1,200 meters, so the card was still there.

And there were a lot of them, allowing Zhang Yanhang to hunt down many additional monsters that were previously outside the range.

Speaking of this matter, Zhang Yanhang suddenly felt that he might need to retreat again. Now he is still standing at a position of 300 meters. Such a position cannot maximize the benefits of the death wave coverage. He feels that at least

We should retreat another 300 meters. It would be better to retreat to a position 600 meters away from the teleportation channel.

By the way, the fact that he can still think normally while being bombarded with high-frequency and dense sound notifications up to 2,000 times per second shows that Zhang Yanhang has now been trained and his adaptability has been greatly increased.

In this regard, he really wanted to thank the monsters in front of him for their selfless sacrifice for others. To express his gratitude, he decided to use the upgraded death wave with a wider range and greater power to clean them up with faster hunting efficiency and reduce their hunger.

A time of suffering and torture.

But before that, he still felt that he should pay attention to the soul point value of the third-level two-star monster Flame Poison Dragon.

[Successfully killed the third-level two-star monster ‘Fire Poison Dragon (Normal)’ x1, soul points +650. 】

[Successfully killed the third-level two-star monster ‘Fire Poison Dragon (Normal)’ x1, soul points +650. 】

[Successfully killed the third-level two-star monster ‘Fire Poison Dragon (Normal)’ x1, soul points +650. 】

"I didn't expect that the Level 3 and 2-star Flame Poison Dragon was actually worth 650 soul points. It was more than double the previous Level 3 and 1-star Molten Toad, with an increase of 350 soul points. The Level 3 and 2-star Flame Poison Dragon is indeed worth 650 soul points.

, but I just don’t know if the number is large or not.”

Zhang Yanhang didn't expect too much. It would be enough if he could get 5,000 people to help him collect another 3 million soul points, but even so, he felt that the probability of realizing it was not high.

But having said that, Zhang Yanhang can now clearly feel that the final income he can obtain will definitely be much higher than the previously estimated six million, and even eight million or even nine million is not impossible.

At that time, he might be able to directly maximize the Qiankun Wuji Gong to the third level x in an instant. Well, he might even be ranked in front of the Invincible Technique.

After paying attention to the soul point value of the Flame Poison Dragon, Zhang Yanhang quickly focused on a more important matter, which was the consumption of the Death Wave skill.

Soon, Zhang Yanhang discovered that whether it was due to the mercy of the death wave, he found that the physical consumption increased by the death wave was not too much, it was only doubled, and it only maintained a level similar to before.

The growth rate is basically the best case scenario he estimated.

"In this case, doesn't it mean that even after I increase the death wave to the original x, I still have the ability to release it at full power 250 times and in a small range 500 times?"

After deducting the stamina consumed by Zhang Yanhang's 100 death wave skills released before, his current physical strength still has enough room to release 200 death wave·original x.

"Previously, I had already killed more than half of the monsters in this fourth-level teleportation channel by releasing a hundred death waves with a coverage of only 600 meters. Now there are still two hundred death waves left, and it's still one

An enhanced version with a coverage range of 1,200 meters. It seems that this cleaning process should indeed be sufficient."

Zhang Yanhang was originally worried about whether he would ask Zhou Muxi to help wrap things up due to excessive physical exertion, but now it seems that his worries before were completely unnecessary, and there should be absolutely no big problem for him to last until the end.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yanhang began to retreat. He retreated another three hundred meters and stopped when he was six hundred meters away from the teleportation channel.

In response to this, the monsters on the opposite side of the transmission channel reacted fiercely. I don’t know if they were stimulated by some reason, but they actually sent out a new kind of monster. According to Zhang Yanhang’s scan results, this seems to be a three-dimensional monster.

A three-star monster.

By the way, Zhang Yanhang estimates that there are not many new monsters on the other side of the teleportation channel. There should be only one or two types left at most, which are the third-order, four-star high-level monsters and the final fourth-order, one-star lord monster.


After all, the highest level lord monster is only level four and one star. There is no way that there will be any monsters at the same level as the lord monster or even higher than the lord monster, right? That is obviously impossible, after all, the lord monster

If the monster is not the strongest monster, why should it become the lord monster?

And according to Zhang Yanhang's past experience, even the existence of third-level four-star monsters is also a problem. After all, he has basically never encountered a situation where there is only one level difference between the high-level monsters below and the lord monsters.


Therefore, there is actually a high probability that the third-level three-star monster Zhang Yanhang encountered now is already the strongest ordinary monster in the fourth-level area opposite.

According to Zhang Yanhang's observation, this third-order three-star monster seems to be a monster similar to a stone giant, or a crystal giant. Mainly because he found that the material of this crystal giant is very similar to the hard material behind the lava giant turtle.

crystalline matter.

However, the crystal material behind the giant lava turtle should only be a lower-level structure, while the crystal giant is obviously a higher-level structure. Even from the surface, the crystal material behind the giant lava turtle is much brighter, and therefore

And the high-temperature liquid flowing inside it makes it even more fiery red.

The height of this kind of crystal giant is about ten meters, which is at the same level as the wyvern. However, the length of the wyvern's tail is included, so the overall height is actually very weak. But this crystal giant is completely different. It is a real scratch.

It's ten meters tall from feet to feet, and it's as big as a single bed, and it looks very oppressive.

And the most important thing is that the speed of this crystal giant is not slow at all. Instead, it maintains the normal speed of a third-order monster, which is a moving speed of hundreds of meters per second. In other words, it is moving at 400 kilometers per hour.

Far faster than the high-speed train, it was heading towards Zhang Yanhang at a speed comparable to that of an armed helicopter.

In this regard, Zhang Yanhang could only say that this crystal giant looked as reckless as a humanoid tank. As for its speed and especially its combat effectiveness, it was even more powerful than a weak human creation like a tank.

After all, the Crystal Giant is also a late-level third-level monster. If the second-level monster can still fight back and forth with the tank, then the third-level monster is far beyond what the so-called tank can deal with. Just the speed difference between the two sides.

It is destined that a heavy thing like a tank cannot deal with flexible third-level monsters.

Moreover, the power of third-level monsters is not low, such as the crystal giant, which has at least dozens of tons of power. Even the heavy tanks on the earth are not enough for it.

This chapter has been completed!
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