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Chapter 726 The Seven Original Sins!

Even if it is not a ring that provides a main attribute bonus but a charm attribute bonus, it is the same. After all, Zhang Yanhang's current charm attribute value is only the last five points short of reaching the level limit of seventy-five points.

In terms of the attribute value bonus of high-end equipment, at most one or two rings can be used to directly add it. Therefore, it is meaningless. When the time comes, he will still have more than ten empty fingers without rings.


Moreover, although he does only have thirty fingers now, when he upgrades his three heads and six arms to LV.MAX, he will have forty fingers, and there will be ten more ring slots without rings. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang feels that the new

It is best for the ring to be of a type that allows him to obtain relevant bonuses normally even if he wears twenty or even forty rings at the same time.

After settling the matter of the hematite ring, Zhang Yanhang picked up the blue quality hematite heart necklace next to him. This time he happened to get a total of eight hematite heart necklaces again, which can be used to fuse a purple quality hematite heart necklace.

Heart of Iron +3.

Although all three of his necks have been worn now, once the three heads and six arms are upgraded to LV.MAX, he will be able to grow a new neck and wear this purple quality hematite heart +3.

As for asking if there are other Hematite Heart necklaces in Zhang Yanhang’s pocket, of course there are. Although there is no ordinary Hematite Heart necklace, there is also a blue quality Hematite Heart +1.

However, considering that he can only have four necks at most, the Hematite Heart +1 is definitely of no use anymore.

Under normal circumstances, this Hematite Heart +1 may be kept for fusion, but the current situation is abnormal after all. I want to collect more Hematite Heart Necklaces to continue to improve the other purple quality Hematite Heart Necklaces.

The number of fusions is obviously unrealistic.

Therefore, after this hematite heart +1, it will probably just remain in the pocket like the previous ten hematite rings.

Zhang Yanhang quickly restarted alchemy and started fusion, but after the fusion, he directly put the newly fused purple quality hematite heart + 3 into his pocket. After all, he hadn't grown a fourth neck yet.

, it is not available for the time being.

After fusing Hematite Heart +3, Zhang Yanhang reopened the skill effect of his death wave and took a look. After adding three points of charm attribute value just now, the fixed damage limit of the death wave must have been increased again.

It's only right that there has been an improvement.

[Death Wave·Original LV.MAX (Passive/Active)]

[Passive effect: Weaken the enemy's defense by 20%.]

[Active effect: After the skill is activated, it will cause 500+10×75[Intelligence]+10×70(+3)[Charm]=1950 points (+500 points) fixed damage to everyone within the coverage area.

The coverage range is 1000×120%=1200 meters. It can only cause damage to the same target once within 12 hours. There is no cooling time and a small amount of stamina is consumed.]

"As expected, my fixed damage limit has been increased by 30 points again, from the original 1920 points to 1950 points, which is not bad, but there is still a big gap between killing the fourth-level monster. If it is 1950 points of fixed damage,

If you don’t count beheading, you can’t even kill a third-level monster instantly, let alone a fourth-level monster.”

Of course, if you count the 20% kill, then Zhang Yanhang can easily kill all third-level monsters instantly. If you count the kill, then Zhang Yanhang can now instantly kill all monsters with a maximum health value lower than 2438 points. Compared with

The maximum health limit of monsters of the same level is 2250 points, which is 188 points higher.

Previously, Zhang Yanhang's upper limit of beheadings was 2,400 health points. Now that it has been raised to 2,438 points, it is equivalent to another 38-point increase in the upper limit of beheadings.

"As expected, I really want to find an equipment that can increase the fixed damage limit. Although the current fixed damage limit is actually enough, I just can't help but want to continue to increase it..."

Although greed is one of the seven original sins of human depravity, it is indeed difficult for Zhang Yanhang to suppress this primitive desire. Of course, he is very successful in suppressing lust. He believes that Zhou Muxi must be very touched by this. After all, greed will never

It can be stopped, and lust is indeed very easy to get tired of, at least it is much easier to suppress it.

"There were only so many things in the sixty-five treasure chests just now. It feels like there is nothing left to do?" After thinking briefly, Zhang Yanhang decided to open the data panel to check it out first.

[Name: Zhang Yanhang (third level)]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

【Age: 20】

[Occupation: Master of Destiny]

[Level: LV.30 (Legendary Essence [0/1], Source of Ashes [0/7])]

[Soul points: 1395774 (+7530)]

[Shield value: 24322/24322 (maximum health value × 350%, recovery speed: 20% per second.)]

[Health: 6952/6952 (Physique × 34, the current body has been officially digitized, health recovery speed, 30 points per hour.)]

[Energy value: 5760/5760 (intelligence × 34, the current body has been officially digitized, energy value recovery speed, 93 points per hour.)]



[Physique: 75(+3[-3])]

[Intelligence: 75(+3[-3])]


Gu Yan

[Lucky:???(This attribute is a hidden attribute)]

[Talent: 1, multiple choice (???). 2, Shoushan Fuhai (SS level). 3, Xiong Zhi's power (S level). 4, Mature Scroll Dragon [Bloodline Purification] (SS level). 5

, Ocean Rhythm (SS level).]

[Skills: 1, Qiankun Wuji Gong [Level 3] LV.MAX (passive/active). 2, Alchemy (active skill). 3, Gun Master LV. 6 (passive skill). 4, Fighting Master LV. 6 (

Passive skill).5, seek good fortune and avoid evil·Original LV.MAX (passive/active).6, invulnerable·Original LV.MAX (passive skill).7, death wave·Original LV.MAX (passive/active)

).8, Supreme Will LV.MAX (passive skill).9, Indestructible Golden Body·Original Code LV.6 (passive/active).10, Law of Heaven and Earth LV.6 (active skill).11, Three Heads and Six Arms LV.6

(Active skill).]

"When the reward from killing is only 6898 soul points, the soul point reward obtained from opening the treasure box is indeed not much, and it is also less than five digits, only 7530 soul points.

After adding these 7530 soul points, my soul point balance has only increased from the original 1388244 points to 1395774 points."

Although Zhang Yanhang gained about 14,000 soul points by killing these two thousand red iron ants this time, it was obvious that this did not satisfy him at all.

"The S-level Xiong Zhili is indeed getting more and more annoying. It really needs to be upgraded quickly."

As Zhang Yanhang spoke, he turned off the data panel and directly activated the teleportation technique to reach the underground passage that he spent four days and four nights digging with his own hands.

Zhang Yanhang's initial construction target for digging this underground passage was 77 kilometers, but in the end due to time issues, he only dug to a depth of 74 kilometers and had to return to the main world before the teleportation passage was closed.

Before obtaining the Dragon Bloodline Volume, Zhang Yanhang might have needed to spend some more effort to dig through the last three kilometers with alchemy, but it is different now. He has relied on the spell list provided by the Dragon Bloodline Volume

Obtained any door.

Before Zhang Yanhang was promoted to the third level, the teleportation distance of any gate was only five kilometers, but now it has quadrupled to twenty kilometers, even if it was used to pass through the three-kilometer-thick hematite ore before he was promoted.

It was more than enough, let alone now.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang did not hesitate, but directly opened the arbitrary door to a new area under the thickness of three thousand meters. Although his seek good luck and avoid evil can not penetrate the three thousand meters thick due to interference.

Hematite ore, but this does not prevent him from opening any door and observing the environment on the other side through any door.

After the arbitrary door was successfully opened, Zhang Yanhang finally saw the true appearance of the new area. Surprisingly, it was very bright, or in other words, red and bright.

If you want to describe it carefully, although the small hematite ant nest Dalaguri is also relatively red, it is a relatively dull red, just the faint brightness of the neon lights connected in a string.


The red in this new area is the kind of disco red, as if there are people shining headlights from all directions to look into the middle.

To put it simply, one is barely visible, while the other is filled with light pollution as if a thick red filter had been applied directly.

Although the opposite side is really red, fortunately, at least it is not a solid mineral vein, but filled with various passages like small hematite ant nests like Daragu. Ordinary humans will definitely not survive, but for the awakened ones

It was just a slightly less comfortable state, so Zhang Yanhang felt relieved and went directly through any door to reach this new area.

After closing any door, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to observe the surrounding environment. How can I put it, the surrounding hematite ore is still there, but the density of the hematite ore here is higher and the quality is better. To be more professional

The noun is 'ore grade (ore content)' which is very high.

Although it is only three kilometers away, the quality of the hematite ore veins here has suddenly improved a lot. The hematite content is extremely high, so high that it can be comparable to blue-quality refined hematite even without purification.


Judging from this situation, Zhang Yanhang believes that this new area should be a high-grade rich ore branch in the hematite vein.

This situation can only be said to be very normal in various mineral veins.

For example, the iron content of most iron ore in the empire is only 30%, while the rich iron ore in Australia is 60% or even 70% of super high-quality iron ore.

When the iron content is high enough, any smelting will be more powerful than the refining of iron ore with low iron content. The performance of the steel finally smelted after the two go through the same process is very different, which also leads to the price difference between the two.

The difference is huge.

To be specific, the price of 30-grade iron ore may be only two or three hundred at most, while the price of 60-grade iron ore can be sold for almost one thousand and one yuan. There is a several times difference between them.

If Zhang Yanhang was asked to judge the ore quality of the hematite veins, the hematite ore in Daragu, the small hematite ant nest he was in at the beginning, was of the worst quality because of its shallow depth, and was only of white quality.

He later dug down, and the second half of the underground tunnel he dug, especially the part close to the new area, could reach green quality.

After arriving in the new area, the quality of the hematite rough stone immediately rose to a new level, reaching blue quality. The biggest difference is that the hematite content contained in the hematite rough stone has become higher.

"In the previous small hematite ant nest, the hematite worker ants in Dalaguli had the habit of hoarding refined hematite, which is also the habit of hoarding cakes. But this time, I don't know if the monsters in the new area will have this habit.

If it still exists, I might be able to rely on higher-quality refined hematite to try to fuse golden-quality weapons to upgrade the Four Great All-Kora Pure World Fists. The Four Great All-Minus Pure World Fists haven't had time to upgrade since they were promoted to the third level.


When Zhang Yanhang came in just now, he scanned the nearby monsters and found that they were also monsters similar to ants. However, compared to the red iron ants in the small red iron ant nest in Dalagul, the ants here were even the smallest.

They are as big as a rhinoceros, which means that the smallest ones are as big as the three king ant kings in the small ant nest Dalagu.

Since they are all ant-type monsters, Zhang Yanhang thinks it is more likely that they also have the habit of hoarding cakes.

By the way, Zhang Yanhang thinks that the reason why the surrounding environment is so bright is probably related to the high density and high hematite content of hematite ore. After all, hematite ore is the only light source in the hematite vein. Now

It is normal and normal for the brightness of this sole light source to become higher as the content of it becomes higher, but it is indeed quite a bit of light pollution.

"Since we have arrived at a new area, let's quickly explore the specific situation of this new area." Zhang Yanhang skillfully triggered a time pause based on which step to take next, and then immediately began to explore the surrounding environment.

His current location is at the end of the fork on the left side of a Y-shaped passage. It has to be said that the location given by the multiple choices is indeed quite accurate. After digging straight down, he successfully arrived at the new area.

peripheral area.


After running around in countless twists and turns, Zhang Yanhang finally explored the entire new area. Overall, this new area is indeed quite large, even larger than the Demonized Swamp.

Quite a bit, almost 650 square kilometers in area.

But the structure is different from the small hematite ant nest Daragu. The small hematite ant nest Daragu is more like a fan shape, so it gets smaller as you go inward, while the new area is more like a square full of irregularities.

Candied haws in round and oval areas but connected straight on the same stick.

This chapter has been completed!
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