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Chapter 846 Zhao Yalan and Zhou Muxi

For example, the most classic first-level professional skills, Zhang Yanhang obtained a total of four skills at the first level, namely, invulnerability, seeking good luck and avoiding disaster, firearms master and fighting master.

The last two skills were obviously transformed directly from the firearms proficiency and combat proficiency he originally learned from the skill book after the Lord of Destiny took office.

The same is true for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. Zhang Yanhang had an enemy-detecting radar at that time. At that time, he kept complaining that the enemy-detecting radar was not easy to use. As a result, when he took office, he acquired the skill of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, and therefore completely eliminated the enemy-detecting radar.

Enemy radar.

As for being invulnerable to all attacks, it is most likely because Zhang Yanhang had eaten an Earth Spirit Fruit before, and he relied on that Earth Spirit Fruit to form a crude protective effect, or in other words, spiritual light protection. As a result,

Later, I acquired the invulnerability skill during my employment process.

It can be said that the Master of Destiny is, after all, a required profession that comes with multiple choices. He is indeed considered in every aspect. The professional skills themselves actually have no fixed content at all. They just give him whatever type of skills he needs.

Including the subsequent second-level, third-level and fourth-level professional skills, Zhang Yanhang estimates that at least most of them should have appeared for this reason, and this has also contributed to his current strong strength.

Therefore, he felt that if he mentioned this matter from time to time when he had nothing to do before he was promoted to a higher rank, then there would be a real chance that he would obtain relevant skills after being promoted to a higher rank.

Although the specific skill effects and intensity cannot be determined by him, none of the professional skills given by the Master of Destiny are weak, so this is the least of his worries.

"By the way, today I'm going to the Gray End World again to clean up monsters. I don't know if I can trigger today's adventure before entering the Gray End World."

Because the teleportation channel to Raccoon City will be opened at six o'clock tonight, Zhang Yanhang feels that it may be too difficult, but it is not necessarily true. After all, there are still seven and a half hours, and it may still be triggered.

"I don't know how big the area opposite the abandoned transmission channel of the sewer in Raccoon City is. It will take a few days to clean up..."

If possible, Zhang Yanhang naturally hopes to clear the new area before the teleportation channel is closed. After all, the teleportation channel will be opened at six o'clock this time, and the closing time will be six o'clock tomorrow morning.

This means that he will have twelve hours to hunt monsters. If he does not rest during the whole process, at his current speed, twelve hours can definitely clear a large area.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang felt that as long as the new area opposite was not too big, for example, as big as a provincial unit, it would be relatively possible for him to clear it within twelve hours.

"Speaking of which, the current maintenance time of the teleportation channel here in Raccoon City has finally reached twelve hours. In this way, the time for the next time the teleportation channel is opened in advance will be doubled to one hour, that is, directly

Advance from six o'clock to five o'clock, and then every time it starts, it will be one hour earlier."

Regarding the early opening of the teleportation channel, Zhang Yanhang thinks it is a good thing. After all, this means that the teleportation channel will last longer, and it also means that he can use it for a longer time. If he does not want to stay in the gray world for a long time,

For several days, it was indeed very important to leave the Gray End World before the teleportation channel was closed.

"Moreover, once the maintenance time of the transmission channel reaches twenty-four hours, it is equivalent to reducing the cooling cycle of the transmission channel in disguise, which is equivalent to opening it once every three days instead of once every four days."

But it is a pity that the transmission channel can only be opened one hour in advance at a time. To go from twelve hours to twenty-four hours, it needs to be opened twelve times again.

Zhang Yanhang seriously doubted that he would have been promoted to at least the sixth level or above by that time, and Baiwu Taboo could only enter an area three levels lower than himself.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he will not have the opportunity to enjoy such a long transmission channel maintenance time.

Unless Zhang Yanhang can directly find a new transmission channel that can last for more than twenty-four hours and can be opened only three or four days, then he will have the opportunity to enjoy that kind of treatment.

"So, here comes the question, what should I do now?"

Zhang Yanhang felt as if he gradually had nothing to do, or in other words, he was actually in a state of having nothing to do most of the time in the main world.

But this is relatively normal. After all, the reason why a break is called a break is because there is no need to do anything. If you have to deal with work matters during the break, it cannot be called a break at all, but you are being squeezed by your authority.

"There are only more than seven hours left before the teleportation channel to the Ash-End World opens. It is impossible to run around. In order to save energy, we should continue to stay at home."

The main reason is that Zhang Yanhang is really too lazy to wander around on the street to try to trigger adventures. He feels that the probability of triggering adventures is quite high if he stays at home. Well, at least according to his experience, this is indeed the case. After all, for him

In other words, 'pie in the sky' is not only real, but also very common.


November 1st, Sunday, is Halloween. It is also the third day since Zhang Yanhang left the Ash-End World. At 10:30 in the morning, in the main world, Shinan District, Qindao City, the relevant departments are stationed.

Because of Zhang Yanhang's special instructions, Zhao Yalan waited until 10:30 before coming to the relevant department to go through the entry procedures. How can I describe the whole process? It was simply frighteningly smooth.

As soon as Zhao Yalan walked to the door without saying a word, she happened to meet a member of the relevant department who had just returned from field work, and was asked his name. After asking her name, this strange awakened person she did not recognize at all

He enthusiastically took her to go through the entry procedures immediately.

The whole process was so smooth that she didn't even need the identity certificate she prepared. They checked her name and appearance and approved her on the spot, and also applied for her with various permissions.

The internal account is for daily use during work.

In addition, all relevant group chats with relevant departments are accepted and all applications are approved quickly.

When things got to this point, Zhao Yalan had already begun to think about whose back door she had used, and why did this back door look so awesome? Is it really possible for a fourth-level awakened person to be so awesome?

Zhao Yalan even suspected that Zhang Yanhang had directly approached the head of the Qindao City branch for her to join the relevant departments.

But doubts are doubts, but after all, Zhao Yalan did not directly ask other people. After all, it is good that she knows everything about going through the back door. Although everyone knows this unspoken rule, they all abide by it silently. It is best for her not to

Try to break through, otherwise, everyone will be in trouble, but now, it is a wonderful win-win situation for all parties.

They pleased the leader, she was hired, Zhang Yanhang also gained her favor (got her photo), and everyone has a bright future. Isn't this the legendary perfect win-win situation for all parties?

After completing the entry procedures in a dazed but extremely smooth manner, Zhao Yalan asked someone to ask where Zhou Muxi was. After all, when you first come here, you always have to go to the top of the mountain, not to mention that this was recommended by Zhang Yanhang, so it would be even more

I'm going to have a last meeting.

After all, only by finding a big leader can we implement resources, especially the allocation of media resources. The reason why she joined the relevant department was mainly because of the ability of this official department to influence and manipulate media resources.

It doesn’t take much, just add a little bit from between your fingers, for example, directly hang her profile picture or name as a logo on the TV station. Just such a simple little action, I don’t know how many short videos of her can be matched.

After all, TV can be watched continuously, and short videos can only last a few minutes at most. A "prayer" that lasts only one or two minutes is very perfunctory and can bring about the power of faith, and at least ten minutes or even dozens of minutes.

The power of faith that long periods of 'praying' can bring is naturally incomparable.

Moreover, this kind of long-term prayer is more suitable for cultivating high-level believers than the short video mode. After all, long-term and regular viewing can easily collect the daily prayer quota and improve the level of believers.

Her original short video account only had a few hundred thousand fans in total, but Qindao City alone has a population of 20 million, and she didn't need more. She could get even a quarter of them through the relevant departments of Qindao City.

Even if one-fifth of the population becomes her followers, her strength will definitely increase explosively on the spot.

And all of this only requires a small expenditure of media resources. It can be said that it is extremely cost-effective.

Moreover, because Qindao City is a municipality directly under the Central Government, it is a provincial-level unit. Even if Qindao City's population resources are not enough, it can still coordinate with other neighboring provincial-level units to help it continue its crazy expansion.

size of believers.

It can be said that as long as she has the support of relevant departments, with the empire's huge population of two billion, she can definitely easily help her quickly improve her strength. And the faster her strength improves, the more she can obtain from relevant departments.

The support will be greater, which is a very wonderful virtuous cycle.

However, the premise of all this is to be able to take the first step, that is, to obtain the initial resource support and get the whole cycle running first. No matter whether it is running reluctantly or slowly at the beginning, as long as it can run, it will definitely be able to make it work.

Her strength increased rapidly.

The prerequisite for taking this first step is to worship the mountain. Therefore, after Zhao Yalan completed the entry procedures, he immediately came to Zhao Yalan's office door and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Zhou Muxi was running the exercises while watching TV series without raising her head. Yes, Moyu must be so aboveboard. She saved the world yesterday! What happened to Moyu?! She is so confident! After fighting for a lifetime,

Can't you just enjoy it?! Even if the minister comes, she won't be afraid at all.

Zhao Yalan pushed the door open and walked in. The first thing she saw was Zhou Muxi, who seemed to be sitting there with her eyes fixed on the screen. She seemed to be working seriously, but the loudspeaker had already betrayed her that she was actually watching a TV series.

At this moment, Zhao Yalan felt that she had come to the right place. If she had a serious leader who spoke in an official tone, it would be difficult for her to communicate, but this one was obviously much better.

With a leader who fits her ideal of an iron rice bowl, and with Zhang Yanhang's relationship, communication will definitely go smoothly.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Muxi asked without raising his head, while continuing to stare at the TV screen. Yes, high-level awakened people are so arrogant. After all, there are only a few dozen awakened people above the fourth level in Qindao City.

She naturally has the right to make a show.

Besides, it doesn’t matter whether a high-level awakened person sees in all directions or hears in all directions without raising his head. Therefore, let alone lowering his head, there is nothing to criticize even if his eyes are closed, and he can still handle things normally.


"Section Chief Zhou, I was introduced by Zhang Yanhang. He asked me to come to you directly if I have anything to do after I join the job."

If she was facing a leader who was speaking in official style, Zhao Yalan would definitely have to agree tactfully, but when facing Zhou Muxi, she felt that there was no need to deal with such falsehoods and it would be better to speak more directly.

After all, looking at the way the other party is fishing in an aboveboard way, you know that the other party will definitely not want to hear any false talk. It is just a waste of the other party watching TV series. Therefore, it is better to be more direct and end it early so that the other party can be relieved early.

Watch TV series more attentively.

"Oh, Zhang Yanhang."

Zhou Muxi nodded numbly.

"Wait...who are you talking about?! Zhang Yanhang?!"

Zhou Muxi raised her head and looked blankly at this completely unknown strange woman in front of her, a little confused as to what the situation was.

"Yes, my name is Zhao Yalan. I am a senior at Zhang Yanhang University. He recommended me to join the relevant department."

As the weaker party, Zhao Yalan sometimes almost forgets that she is Zhang Yanhang's senior sister. Well, this status is indeed not very majestic to begin with.

"The relevant department that Zhang Yanhang recommended you to join?"

Zhou Muxi still looked confused. She couldn't figure out why Zhang Yanhang, a ancestral Kung Fu practitioner who had never even come to the relevant departments to register and receive high-level Kung Fu techniques, recommended Zhao Yalan to join the relevant departments? He

Where did he get the authority? Does Zhang Yanhang have other acquaintances in relevant departments?

Impossible? How could a guy with such a bad personality have other acquaintances? Shouldn't he first seek help from a fourth-level awakened person like him in the relevant department for such a matter?

This chapter has been completed!
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