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Chapter 850: The rank penalty increases

After Zhang Yanhang skillfully stood there and waited for a few seconds, the corpses of monsters covering the entire street began to appear one after another, and the treasure chests dropped.

"Looking at it this way, my current level 4 punishment is indeed not to the level that would prevent level 1 monsters from dropping treasure chests. However, the drop rate has still declined somewhat."

Zhang Yanhang quickly picked up the dropped treasure boxes and briefly counted them, and found that it was probably close to the probability of killing forty to drop one treasure box.

After all, if there are one hundred monsters under normal circumstances, if the drop rate of thirty monsters is still the same as the third level, then three treasure boxes will normally be dropped. However, most monsters currently only refresh two dropped treasure boxes.

Naturally, the drop rate must have decreased.

This time he harvested a total of seventeen dropped treasure boxes, including two white quality treasure boxes dropped by ordinary zombies, two white treasure boxes dropped by police zombies, and two white treasure boxes dropped by zombie dogs.

Three green treasure chests dropped by Lickers, two green treasure chests dropped by Beta Hunters, two green treasure chests dropped by Gamma Hunters, and four green treasure chests dropped by T-001 Prototype Tyrant

Blue treasure chest.

As for the reason why Licker can drop three treasure chests, Zhang Yanhang can only say that it should be because he has accumulated some monsters before, while the reason why T-001 trial tyrant can drop four treasure chests is more complicated.

It should be due to both the rank and the reasons accumulated in the past.

"Although T-001 Prototype Tyrant is only a second-level one-star ordinary monster, it is still a second-level monster. Therefore, naturally, the treasure chest will be dropped at the drop rate of second-level monsters. Therefore, based on past experience,

Look, almost every 30 of them will drop a treasure chest.

But actually speaking, because I still have two points of luck bonus, I only need to kill about twenty-eight T-001 trial tyrants to get a dropped treasure chest. In addition, I have

I have also accumulated some kills of the T-001 prototype tyrant, so it is normal to drop four treasure chests."

Similarly, because of the two points of luck bonus, Zhang Yanhang estimates that the drop rate of these first-level monsters does not actually require killing forty, but only needs to kill about thirty-eight.

A treasure chest dropped.

"But even if it is 38 times 3, it would take 114 monsters to drop three treasure chests at the same time. Therefore, only the Licker dropped three treasure chests while the other monsters only dropped two.

A treasure chest."

But Zhang Yanhang estimates that the next time he clears the prize pool, he will have a high probability of dropping three treasure chests.

After counting the number of treasure boxes, Zhang Yanhang looked at the zombie corpses piled up all over the street in front of him, and began to think about whether to use the waste. After all, there were still seven hundred corpses. How many could still be sucked for a while, right?

When he thought of this, Zhang Yanhang immediately activated the sky-devouring and earth-devouring skill and devoured the corpses of zombies in big mouthfuls. Because corpses are extremely small, so although there were 700 monster corpses, the total of them was only

It was only hundreds of cubic meters, and Zhang Yanhang swallowed it all in less than a second.

"When I was at the first level, I would feel sick if I was covered in zombie blood, but when I was at the fourth level, I would eat zombies alive. I must have really become a lot stronger."

Although Zhang Yanhang doesn't know what the meaning of becoming stronger in such a subtle place is.

"But this can be regarded as a preview for the development of the new area. After all, in the new area, I will definitely swallow a huge number of zombie monster corpses..."

But to be honest, after all, it was just inhaled through the space channel. Zhang Yanhang himself did not have any resistance. He couldn't taste it anyway.

Therefore, in this case, naturally, we should devour as much as we can, and we must ensure that no 'food' is wasted.

"Furthermore, at the speed I am currently devouring corpses, if I could acquire the power of a ghoul, wouldn't it explode on the spot?"

Zhang Yanhang feels that it doesn’t take much, as long as the most basic method of devouring corpses as a ghoul is to restore health. If this is done, based on the absorption efficiency of the naan space in his stomach, wouldn’t it mean that during the battle, as long as the enemy cannot directly

If you chop him to death with a knife, then his health will be equivalent to infinite?

And this kind of recovery will not be interrupted just because it enters the combat state, which is incredible when you think about it.

"Speaking of which, zombies are somewhat similar to ghouls. It would be great if we could really gain similar abilities in new areas in the future."

But to a certain extent, Zhang Yanhang felt that the probability was low, because he seemed to have not used skills for a long time. It may be that the multiple choice of skills that were too low in intensity was not the optimal option, so he had never been able to use them.

After all, there are indeed very few skills that can be compared with the professional skills of Destiny Master in terms of strength.

But you can definitely look forward to it. After all, there is still hope. It is not completely unavailable, and once it is released, it will definitely be an explosive skill with the same intensity as the Death Wave.

"Forget it, let's not think about this for now and get out of here quickly."

By the way, the main reason why Zhang Yanhang moved the lucky slot machine here from the downstairs of Dulda's apartment was because he would have to draw 700 monsters at the same time, and among them there were 100 powerful T-001s.

Become a tyrant.

Therefore, in order to prevent them from damaging Durda's apartment, Zhang Yanhang moved the lucky slot machine here.

After all, he has lived in Durda Apartment for so long, and he does have some feelings for it, and it is also related to the transmission channel, so it is better to be cautious.

Although even if it is really destroyed, he can recover through alchemy, but one more thing is worse than one less thing. For the safety of 301 households, it would be better to move the lucky slot machine away.

And now it seems that this is indeed the case. Although this dilapidated street has long been completely destroyed by Zhang Yanhang himself in the process of cleaning up monsters, it has become even more dilapidated under the ravages of seven hundred monsters.

, Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine the result if Zhang Yanhang really forcibly draws the third prize pool downstairs in Durda's apartment.

"I have to say that a hundred T-001 trial-made tyrants are indeed very outrageous. The rated number of other monsters in the area ranges from thousands to hundreds. It is normal to spawn a hundred T-001 trial-made tyrants.

The total rated number of Type Tyrant Raccoon City in Raccoon City is only fifty, and as a result, the third-prize prize pool was twice the rated number."

In addition, there are also Beta-type hunters and Gama-type hunters that are also very outrageous. The former has a rated number of seventy in the area, and the latter has a rated number of thirty in the area. Added together, the total number is only

One hundred pieces. As a result, the third prize pool was refreshed by one hundred pieces each. The total number was two hundred pieces, which was also equivalent to twice the amount.

Although he has cleared the third prize pool of the lucky slot machines in Raccoon City, Zhang Yanhang is not in a hurry to open the treasure box. He plans to spend another ten minutes clearing the lucky slot machines in Goblin Plains and Demonic Swamp before opening them together.

Treasure chest.


November 1st, Sunday, is Halloween. It is also Zhang Yanhang’s first day into the world of Ashes. At 6:37 pm, the world of Ashes, Goblin Plains, Lucky Slot Machine.

After teleporting to the lucky slot machine in Goblin Plains, Zhang Yanhang immediately skillfully pulled the metal rocker on the side of the slot machine. After all, he had already emptied the lucky slot machine in Goblin Plains six or seven times.

As time paused, the familiar text option box appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang again, but it still seemed to be almost the same as before, and it did not increase with the passage of time like Raccoon City.

However, it has only been half a month since the lucky slot machine in Goblin Plains was cleared for the first time, so it is relatively normal that there are no changes.

[Please select the specific content of this lucky slot draw]

[Option 1:???(Third Prize, Goblin Shaman, Second Level One Star, Elite Monster.)]

[Option 2:???(Third Prize, Goblin Wolf Cavalry, First Level Three Stars, Ordinary Monster.)]

[Option 43:???(Third Prize, Chief Goblin Shaman Macabaga, Level 2 Two-Star, Elite Monster.)]

[Option 72:???(Third Prize, Goblin Spear Thrower, First Level Two Stars, Elite Monster.)]

[Option 132:?☆?(Fourth prize, thank you for your patronage, no physical prizes.)]

"Indeed, there are no changes at all. There are still Goblin Goblins, Goblin Spear Throwers, Goblin Wolf Cavalry, twenty Big Goblins each, nineteen Goblin Shamans and the Chief Goblin Shaman."

One full Maca baga.

So, here’s the question, if there are still only twenty of each type of monster, then with my current level, I won’t be punished by not dropping even a single treasure box, right?”

To be honest, Zhang Yanhang still wants to get more treasure chests dropped from the Goblin Plains. After all, although all his equipment had been integrated to the limit before, after acquiring the three-headed and six-armed skills, Zhang Yanhang's original equipment suddenly became more powerful.

It has become insufficient. Now it can be said that it is very insufficient in terms of equipment.

For example, the wild stone bandages he is currently equipped with on his fourth pair of arms are of the original purple quality, and have not even been fused once. If Zhang Yanhang can obtain a new wild stone bandage, he will immediately be able to use the original wild stone bandages.

Bandages have been improved, and other equipment basically has examples of this.

Therefore, if he can drop treasure chests, his strength will be immediately improved. However, judging from the current drop rate, I'm afraid it's really not enough.

"So, I choose option twenty-five, the first-order one-star elite monster Sword Goblin."

Zhang Yanhang made his choice immediately after discovering that there was no change in the prize pool list.


[Successfully killed the first-order three-star monster ‘Goblin Wolf Cavalry (Normal)’ ×1, soul points +10. 】

[Successfully killed the first-order three-star monster ‘Goblin Wolf Cavalry (Normal)’ ×1, soul points +10. 】

[Successfully killed the first-order three-star monster ‘Goblin Wolf Cavalry (Normal)’ ×1, soul points +10. 】

After spending five minutes clearing the prize pool, Zhang Yanhang immediately cleared the entire field with a death wave. At the same time, intensive kill prompts immediately sounded in his ears.

But compared to these, Zhang Yanhang is undoubtedly more concerned about the refresh of dropped treasure chests.

After waiting eagerly for a long time on the spot, Zhang Yanhang still did not wait for the refresh of the dropped treasure chests, not a single one.

"The punishment for this level is outrageous!"

Zhang Yanhang used to drop seven or eight treasure chests in one cleanup, but now that the level penalty is imposed, not a single treasure chest drops immediately.

"I was originally hoping that whenever a Big Goblin dropped a treasure chest, I could use the wild stone bandage that came out of it to immediately increase the number of fusions of the original wild stone bandage. But in the end, there was really not a single wild stone bandage.

Dropped, obviously three of them dropped every time before."

Zhang Yanhang really misses the good old days now, but unfortunately, he was only at the second level at that time, but now he is at the fourth level, and the gap between the two levels is indeed extremely huge.

But at the same time, we have to admit that rapid advancement in rank is indeed more important than these scattered equipment drops.

"If it originally took five minutes to get part of the treasure chest, it was relatively profitable. After all, it could increase the number of equipment fusions. But now, it clearly takes five minutes, but only a few thousand soul points are obtained. It's inexplicable.

I feel a bit shortchanged.”

Of course, if the cleanup of the new area after Zhang Yanhang goes smoothly and the cleanup can be completed before the teleportation channel is closed tomorrow, then the loss will only be this once. After all, the teleportation channel is closed at six o'clock, and the lucky slot machine in Goblin Plains

However, the prize pool cannot be refreshed until the teleportation channel is closed.

"But the most important thing is that the Big Goblin on the Lucky Slot Machine is my only channel to contact the Big Goblin. There is currently no sign of Big Goblin spawning in the Goblin Plains. Therefore, I am afraid that my wild stone bandage will

It’s really impossible to get promoted at all in a short period of time.”

Zhang Yanhang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

"Furthermore, judging from the performance of the lucky slot machine on the Goblin Plains side, the lucky slot machine on the Demonized Swamp side will probably not have any good results. After all, even if the monsters in the Demonized Swamp are stronger,

Some, but the main body is still first-order monsters and second-order monsters..."

The first-level monster Zhang Yanhang needs to kill thirty-eight to drop one treasure box. The second-level monster Zhang Yanhang needs to kill twenty-eight to drop one treasure box. Neither of them is the third-level prize pool with only twenty monsters of each type.

What can be done.

In the past, Zhang Yanhang thought that this kind of even distribution, twenty of each kind, was very good, but now...

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