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Chapter 852 The powerful effect of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth!

"I remember that the small goal I set in terms of shield value before seemed to be 5,000 points. That is, 80,000 points would be considered as completing the small goal, but now I am still 450 points away from completing the small goal of 80,000 points.

The upper limit of seventeen points of shield value is not too much."

Zhang Yanhang estimated that if there was only this level of difference, he could easily get it together tomorrow just by relying on the yellow herbs dropped from the Raccoon City prize pool.

After checking the upper limit of the shield value, Zhang Yanhang immediately continued to count the gains in the treasure box. After counting the gains from talents and props, the next step was the gains from equipment. This is also the last gain. After all, besides this

Apart from that, he didn't open any weapons or other items.

In terms of equipment income, the first one comes from the two pockets of the police zombies. These two pockets can be fused by Zhang Yanhang into one pocket +1, but because of the small number, he will not fuse them for the time being.

Before, he had a total of six belt bags +4, one belt bag +3 and one belt bag +2. He still had one belt bag +2 left before he could fuse it into a new belt bag +4, but this time the two belt bags can only be fused.

After getting one belt bag +1, there is still one belt bag +1 missing, that is, there are still two belt bags left to be integrated.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang plans to wait until he has gathered four ordinary waist bags and then merge them into waist bags + 4. By then, he will have seven waist bags + 4, and if the Raccoon City police zombies drop more waist bags, he will even collect them together.

After combining eight belt bags +4, it is not impossible to consider the integrated belt bag +5.

After all, it is really troublesome to have a bunch of pocket bags hanging on your waist. Although you can nest the dolls, the trouble remains the same. You need to open them one by one.

Therefore, since he does not lack large-capacity space anyway, he can directly use the stomach space to carry large-volume items, while the waist bag only needs to hold a few odds and ends. In this case, if he can really get eight waist bags together

+4, it would indeed be better to directly merge them into one larger one, which would be more convenient to use.

For this reason, even the loss of some grid space is actually acceptable. Anyway, even in the past, the pocket space was not the main force for storage. The main force has always been to have 800 grids, which is 800 cubic meters of storage.

Therefore, sacrificing a little pocket space is really not a big deal.

In addition to the pocket bag, Zhang Yanhang also found four Raccoon City police standard equipment suit parts in the treasure chest dropped by the police zombies, but to be honest, the white ten-piece suit does not mean much to him at the moment.

, not even using 'smuggling', after all, he has no need for smuggling recently.

Moreover, in addition to this, Zhang Yanhang is also thinking about a question, that is, since under normal circumstances the undigested substances in his stomach will not be 'confiscated' when he enters or leaves the Ash-End World, is there any way to

It is possible that the stomach naan space may also play a similar role in this regard.

If this can really be realized, Zhang Yanhang estimates that he will really not need the white ten-piece suit at all.

In order to experiment with this function, Zhang Yanhang felt that if he simply swallowed some corpses in the future, it would definitely not be enough. He would also have to swallow a little more land. The stomach space could only be filled with things that could not be taken out under normal circumstances.

After the world is wiped out, it will be considered a success if it can still stay in the stomach space even in the main world.

But even though the white ten-piece suit was no longer useful, and he had even eliminated two ranks long ago, Zhang Yanhang still put the four parts of the white ten-piece suit into his pocket for the sake of past kindness.

Anyway, there are many grids in the waist bag, so it doesn’t lack such a small amount of space.

In addition to the equipment found in the treasure chests dropped by police zombies, there is no equipment option in the treasure chests of other first-level monsters in Raccoon City. There is only the second-level one-star T-001 trial-type tyrant.

The dropped treasure chest lived up to expectations and contained equipment, or rather equipment fragments.

I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck.

This time Zhang Yanhang opened a total of twelve coin fragments from the treasure chest of the T-001 trial tyrant. The total twelve coin fragments were not evenly divided, but the defense coins accounted for a higher proportion. This time, Zhang Yanhang opened a total of nine defense coins.

of pieces as well as the pieces of three attack coins.

"Before, I only had two defense coin fragments and two attack coin fragments on my body, but now that nine new defense coin fragments have been released, I can synthesize a new defense coin again, and the attack coin

There are only five pieces in total, only half of them are collected, and it is not enough for fusion at the moment."

But Zhang Yanhang believes that when the prize pool is refreshed tomorrow, he will definitely be able to collect the remaining half of the attack coin fragments again and synthesize a new attack coin.

Although these coins are only dark purple quality equipment, and logically speaking, they are already eliminated at his current level, but because of their unique bonus effects, Zhang Yanhang has always favored them. After all, fixed damage reduction and so on, really

It's super practical, especially for an awakened person like him who is too lazy to avoid enemy attacks.

Zhang Yanhang remembered that at the third level, he himself said that the defense coins and attack coins had been eliminated and had become unusable. Unexpectedly, at the fourth level, the Baiwu Taboo skill directly resurrected the defense coins and attack coins in place, and started to work overtime again.


And because the defense coins and attack coins are of dark purple quality, and the dark purple quality belongs to the third-level equipment, so, theoretically speaking, after having a hundred no taboos, let alone the fourth level, even after Zhang Yanhang is promoted to the sixth level.

You can let them both continue to work overtime.

Therefore, defense coins and attack coins are indeed of great synthetic value.

"By the way, I don't know if it's possible to get any new coin-like equipment in the new area this time. If there is, it will definitely be maxed out directly."

small book booth

Zhang Yanhang has a strong demand for any amulet-type equipment that can be effective as long as it is carried in a waist bag. After all, who wouldn't like equipment that can provide bonus effects and can be infinitely stacked as long as it is carried on the body?

Zhang Yanhang immediately took out a long-stored defense coin fragment from his pocket and spliced ​​it together with nine other defense coin fragments.

If Zhang Yanhang remembered correctly, it seemed that he obtained the fragment of this defense coin when he was at the first level, but he didn't expect to use it until he was promoted to the fourth level.

It can only be said that the number of T-001 prototype tyrants in the Raccoon City third prize pool is too small. There is only one, and it is only refreshed once a day. If only there could be a few more, for example two.

Or maybe three, then he might have collected this new defense coin long ago.

After the synthesis was completed, Zhang Yanhang immediately took a look at its attribute list.

【Defense Coin】

[Quality: dark purple]

[Type: Equipment]

[Origin: Gray End World, Raccoon City, Umbrella Company Base, Logistics Storage Room.]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Defense: 50]

[Special attribute: When encountering a physical attack, it will reduce the physical damage by 25 points, and be immune to attacks with less than 25 points of physical damage. 】

[Requirements for use: Physical constitution is lower than 75 points.]

[Rating: 210 (Dark purple items have a rating of 151 to 260.)]

[Introduction: Official cheat, the most deadly! - from an unknown person from another dimension]

"Sure enough, it's still as familiar as ever. It's still exactly the same as before. It can reduce physical damage by 25 points and is immune to attacks below 25 points. And I have a total of three defense coins on me now, so the total is

It can reduce the physical damage by 75 points fixedly, and at the same time be immune to attacks with less than 75 points of physical damage."

Although he has been promoted to the fourth level, Zhang Yanhang still feels that the effect of defensive coins is really strong. In this way, after the enemy breaks through his defense, he must be able to cause at least 76 points of damage to him.

Reduces the energy shield's shield value by one point.

It is not easy to break through the defense, not to mention that after breaking through the defense, it will cause more than 76 points of damage. Zhang Yanhang estimates that unless you encounter a monster that uses energy attacks, otherwise if you can only use physical attacks, then the fourth level

Regardless of whether the monster is level A or attacking with skills, it may be difficult to break through his defense.

"Obviously it is only dark purple quality equipment, but because it is amulet equipment and can be stacked, its strength actually far exceeds its own quality. It is worthy of being rated as an 'official plug-in' equipment in the introduction."

After checking the attribute list of the last piece of equipment, which is the coin fragment, Zhang Yanhang has basically finished counting everything he took out of the treasure chest this time.

Therefore, after putting the defense coin and the three attack coin fragments into his pocket, Zhang Yanhang immediately took out the first-prize t-virus original solution and the second-prize t-virus drawn from the lucky slot machine prize pool in Raccoon City.

Strengthening potion.

But Zhang Yanhang is not planning to drink the second-prize T-Virus strengthening potion first this time, but is planning to drink the first-prize T-Virus original solution first, because there are two bottles of the second-prize prize, but they are all bonuses to strength and intelligence. If you swallow

If the effect of the Sky Devouring Earth skill is in effect, drinking three bottles in a row will cause the attribute value to overflow and be wasted.

After making the decision, Zhang Yanhang first clicked on the attribute list of the T-Virus original solution and took a look.

[t virus original solution (essence extraction)]

[Quality: dark purple]

[Type: props]

[Origin: Gray End World, Raccoon City, Outer Area, Lucky Slot Machine.]

[Use effect: Strength +1, Agility +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1. 】

[Requirements for use: Strength is lower than 50 points, agility is lower than 50 points, physical fitness is lower than 50 points, and intelligence is lower than 50 points. ]

[Rating: 258 (Dark purple equipment scores from 151 to 260.)]

[Introduction: The 't-virus stock solution (essence extraction)' developed and manufactured by the Umbrella Company can be used to strengthen the human body and brain. However, they later discovered that human power has its limits and is far from reaching the same level as b?o

?w (biological combat weapons), so they gradually gave up this direction and focused more funds on creating perfect 'ultimate biological weapons'.】

"Compared to the T-Virus strengthening potion, the attribute values ​​of the T-Virus original solution increase more evenly. The four main attributes of strength, agility, physical fitness and intelligence each increase by one point. In this way, even if the effect of the Devouring Heaven and Earth Devouring Skill is

There’s no need to worry about attribute value overflow when the bonus takes effect.”

As for the two bottles of T-virus strengthening potion, it is definitely impossible to waste it because the fourth level may not be used. After all, the purple quality is a second-level quality, so even if he keeps it until he is promoted to the fifth level

It will still work normally if he drinks it later. Because of this, he doesn't want to waste it by drinking three bottles now.

The original solution of T-virus is contained in a special syringe. If it were used in the past, Zhang Yanhang would definitely insert the needle of the syringe into his arm and inject normally, but now with the skill of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth, it is different.

Zhang Yanhang directly took the T-virus solution and the syringe into his mouth.

With the rapid absorption of the naan space in his stomach, Zhang Yanhang soon felt a warm current emerging from his body and beginning to travel throughout his body. However, the warm current disappeared as quickly as it came. Zhang Yanhang basically didn't feel anything at all, and the warm current disappeared immediately.


After successfully eating and absorbing the original solution of T-virus, Zhang Yanhang immediately started to check his attribute list. uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com wanted to know what the effect of swallowing heaven and earth was during the strengthening process.

It doesn't take effect. If it takes effect, in what form does it take effect? ​​It can't really add 0.6 attribute points, right?


[Agility: 100 (+3[-2])]

[Physique: 100 (+3[-2])]

[Intelligence: 100 (+3[-2])]


"Overflowing two points... hmm? Overflowing two points? Why two points overflowing? Obviously the effect of the T-virus original solution is just to increase each of the four main attributes by one point. If it all overflows two points, wouldn't it mean that this time

This T-Virus original solution actually helped me increase my attribute value by eight points in one go?"

Zhang Yanhang could only gain six free attribute points once he upgraded his professional level. This time, it was almost equivalent to a level and a half of attribute points wasted in vain.

"My original four main attributes were all normal ninety-seven points. They could only reach one hundred points with the addition of equipment effects. But now they have all been increased by two points, from the original ninety-seven points to

Ninety-nine points, so the equipment effect that still maintains a three-point bonus will overflow by two points."

Zhang Yanhang also felt a little puzzled as to why this situation occurred.

"Is it because the Gray End World still uses the same rounding calculation method in this case as in other aspects? Because there are no 0.6 attribute points, so after directly 'rounding' it becomes an increase of one complete attribute point?"

Zhang Yanhang thought about it and only came up with this relatively reasonable reason. After all, other than that, it was really difficult to explain the situation in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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