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Chapter 873 Two thousand years of life!

"If there are only 85 muscle regenerations left, it's not a lot. You should be able to get it all with just a little effort later."

Zhang Yanhang felt that the next time he went to clean up monsters, he would be able to easily collect the number of talents needed to upgrade the x-level talent Tianbao Jiuru to xx level.

"This time, Tianbao Jiuru's ability to be tireless has indeed increased after being promoted to level

It increases the physical attribute by three points, so that the total bonus of ability one increases from the original nine physical attribute points to twelve physical attribute points."

For Zhang Yanhang, this is considered a regular increase. After all, the xx-level talent Long Bo's power also adds three points of attribute value when promoted to x-level.

"It's just that my original physical attributes have already overflowed a part. Now that I have three more points of physical attributes, the overflow will only be more serious. Moreover, this is only level X."

Judging from the current situation, Zhang Yanhang feels that it is almost certain that Tianbao Jiuru will be promoted to level xxx. Therefore, as the talent level increases in the future, there will definitely be more serious overflows, but overflows will still occur.

After all, overflow is also an increase in attribute value, so it is actually a good thing.

"Ability 2: Energetic has also been greatly improved after being promoted to level

% of the upper limit of physical strength, thus increasing the total bonus of my upper limit of physical strength from the original 280% to 400%."

No matter from which angle you look at it, Zhang Yanhang feels that the bonus to the upper limit of physical strength gained from this talent upgrade is indeed considerable.

"I could only release the death wave skill 7,900 times before, but it's different now. After having so many bonuses to the upper limit of physical strength, I feel that I can release it at least 11,000 times in a row.

The death wave skills left and right are almost equivalent to a one-time increase of 3,100 releases."

Moreover, if Zhang Yanhang is willing to reduce the scope to a certain extent, the already huge number of releases will be doubled again, directly reaching the level of 22,000 times. It can be said that from now on, the death wave has really changed.

It’s almost the same as an ordinary level A.

But the only pity is that the death wave cannot stack damage like a real flat A, but an enemy can only suffer damage once.

Although the current cooling time has been doubled from the previous twenty-four hours to twelve hours, it is still quite long for Zhang Yanhang. It is actually no different from the original. Therefore, in a normal battle,

During the process, the enemy can still only suffer damage once, and the damage cannot be caused repeatedly.

Speaking of the cooldown time of the Death Wave skill, Zhang Yanhang suspected that it would be reduced when the Death Wave skill was upgraded again. After all, the last time the cooldown time was reduced was because of the skill upgrade, so this time, it is indeed very likely.

Reproduce it again.

Therefore, if it can be reproduced, he hopes that the death wave skill can reduce the cooling time as much as possible. It is best to directly reduce the cooling time by twelve hours again like the last time, and it will become a zero cooling time. In that way, no matter what he encounters, the cooling time will be reduced as much as possible.

You can directly use the wave of death to kill any enemy you encounter, and you will have no rivals in the world from now on.

Well, it may indeed be a bit unrealistic. After all, his current level and strength may not be able to support that level of skill intensity.

If it were placed in the hands of the original God of Death, then Zhang Yanhang believes that this skill will definitely have no cooling time, and may even be non-consuming. But unfortunately, the death wave in his hand is inferior to the original death wave in the hand of the God of Death.

It is said that it can only be regarded as a castrated version, and it needs continuous promotion to continue to complete it.

As for the specific level to which the cooldown can be completely eliminated, I am afraid only the ghost (the god of death) knows.

"My death wave, which is still at the lv.max stage of the original classic, can cover an area of ​​2.38 square kilometers each time it is released. Therefore, if I release it 11,000 times in a row, it will cover a full 26,180 square kilometers, which is more than two square kilometers.

Qindao City is even bigger together.

And if it were placed at the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site, this level of coverage would allow me to easily cover the entire suburban area."

Zhang Yanhang feels that if the current situation continues to develop, sooner or later he will be able to clean up the entire Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site just by relying on death waves.

After all, excluding the mountainous areas without monsters, the remaining Umbrella City and suburbs only total 40,000 square kilometers. He is actually very close now, only less than 14,000 square kilometers.


And he will continue to increase the talent level of the x-level talent Tianbao Jiuru. By then, the upper limit of physical strength will definitely continue to increase, and the number of releases will also increase accordingly.

Moreover, he will increase the skill level of death wave after counting the related benefits from the treasure box. After the skill level is improved, the coverage of death wave will be further improved.

Therefore, with the simultaneous growth of both aspects, Zhang Yanhang really feels that 40,000 square kilometers or something should not be that difficult.

Moreover, more importantly, the biggest problem with the original Death Wave, which was the inability to instantly kill level 4 monsters, will be solved accordingly with the improvement of the Death Wave skill level, so that he can use Death more unscrupulously.

Wave skills are used to hunt monsters.

In addition to the substantial increase in the number of releases of death wave, Zhang Yanhang estimates that with the increased physical limit this time, the duration of his Dharmakaya state should finally be able to increase from the original eleven to twelve minutes.

The long-awaited fifteen minutes have passed.

This is indeed quite good. I can finally persist for a quarter of an hour. Next, Zhang Yanhang’s small goal will be to grow into a real man who can persist for half an hour. Although it may be difficult based on the current situation, the more

The more difficult it is, the harder we have to move forward.

"The lifespan of my ability, Three Immortals and Longsights, has been increased this time. It can be said that it is simply too much. The original upgrade of the basic lifespan can only increase the lifespan by forty years, but now it has doubled.

Once upgraded, the lifespan will be increased by eighty years.

As a result, my basic life span has increased from the previous one hundred and forty years to two hundred and sixty years.

In addition, the lifespan conversion coefficient has also been greatly improved. Originally, the lifespan conversion coefficient could only be increased by two years per upgrade, but now it has doubled, to four years per upgrade.

life conversion coefficient.

And furthermore, my lifespan conversion coefficient was directly doubled, jumping directly from the original four years to eight years. Multiplied by the 100 points of physical attribute at the limit of my fourth level, the lifespan bonus was immediately increased from 100 points.

The previous four hundred years have grown to eight hundred years."

When the basic life span and life conversion coefficient are added together, Zhang Yanhang's life span has been increased by a total of 480 years, and the total life span provided by Changsheng Jiushi has increased from the original 580 years to 1060 years.

You know, this is only level

After all, when he was promoted to the fourth level, he only gained a total of eight hundred years of life. As a result, a random upgrade here is equivalent to two-thirds of promotions.

Moreover, the lifespan provided by the current X-level Tianbao Jiuru is already higher than the total lifespan bonus he obtained by advancing to the previous level.

"But compared to the three abilities of longevity, the most important thing is the four abilities. I didn't expect Tianbao Jiuru to have a new ability after being promoted to level x. It is obvious that the level xx talent Long Bo's power is there

Even if you are promoted to level X, it will only make your original ability three stronger."

In this regard, Zhang Yanhang, who has only upgraded two x-level talents so far and is not very experienced at all, can only explain it as there may be differences between x-level talents and x-level talents, which will lead to the direction of evolution.

It became different. As for the specific reason, it was naturally impossible for him to know.

"This long-standing new ability seems to be able to provide me with additional attack power bonuses and defense power bonuses based on my life span. Although it is not the increase in physical recovery speed that I want most, this new ability is obviously far better.

It is much stronger than any physical recovery speed increase.

Now only level X can already provide a 102% attack power bonus and a 102% defense power bonus.

Although there is a restriction that requires a life span of more than a thousand years to take effect, there is no doubt that this restriction is almost non-existent for me who does not have any channels to quickly consume my life. Therefore, it can be regarded as a whoring out of thin air.

102% attack power and defense power bonus."

It is worth mentioning that although Zhang Yanhang has a lot of messy things such as energy attack bonus, physical attack bonus, long-range attack bonus, melee attack bonus, critical hit damage bonus, and living enemy damage bonus

...Waiting for a series of bonuses, but there just isn’t the most basic attack power bonus.

At least he has never received an attack power bonus from various achievements, and the equipment on his body does not provide this most basic attack power bonus at all.

Of course, if you insist that the green suit provides a 3.5% attack power bonus, then it is still there, but Zhang Yanhang usually ignores that pitiful bonus.

In addition to this, the only thing Zhang Yanhang has that can provide an attack power bonus is the dark purple quality tarot card set, but the total attack power bonus is only 45%. Compared with various special attack bonuses

To put it bluntly, this bonus is simply pitiful.

Zhang Yanhang actually didn't understand this. After all, it stands to reason that such a basic bonus attribute as attack power bonus should be quite a lot under normal circumstances.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang felt that it was probably because of the multiple choice that the attack power bonus was too basic, so he was more inclined to provide him with other rarer special bonuses.

However, Xiao He was defeated by Xiao He. It was precisely because of this that Zhang Yanhang was already at the fourth level. As a result, the only equipment on his body that could increase his attack power was the dark purple quality tarot card, except for the green ten-piece set that was rehired for the second time.

Suit, this is indeed a very strange thing.

In terms of skills, Zhang Yanhang's only skill that can increase attack power in a passive state is the three-headed and six-armed skill, and the bonus is not much, only 60%. Moreover, this is still relying on the additional attribute 'copper'.

Tou Tie'e relied on a bug to obtain the passive bonus by counting his own head as the 'manifested head'.

It can be said that Zhang Yanhang usually relies on his basic strength (special bonus) to fight head-on.

But it will be different from now on. Zhang Yanhang, the powerful awakened person who has been promoted to the fourth level and has become the realm of land gods, finally received the most basic attack power bonus.

"Obviously, we already have the strength to destroy Greenland, but now we have just received the most basic attack power bonus. This feeling is really quite subtle."

But in any case, because he only had a 105% attack power bonus before, although his attack power only increased by 102% this time, Zhang Yanhang's own attack power has indeed been greatly improved.

If so, it would be equivalent to doubling his own attack power year-on-year, which is indeed quite outrageous.

After all, as a basic bonus, the attack power bonus has a very low priority, ranking at the bottom. But because of this, it can enjoy all the other bonuses that are higher up, thus doubling Zhang Yanhang's overall attack power.


It can only be said that this kind of bonus that did not exist before, when it has just been obtained and has not had time to be diluted, is indeed quite terrifying in terms of the efficiency of improving strength.

"And, in addition to the attack power bonus, my defense power bonus is also pitiful. After all, the dark purple quality tarot card set only adds attack power but not defense power."

In addition to the 3.5% defense bonus provided by the new version of the green ten-piece suit that can be ignored directly, Zhang Yanhang also only has one piece of equipment that can provide defense.

Strength bonus, and the increase in defense bonus provided by this piece of equipment is still quite low.

As for which piece of equipment it is, it is naturally the Demonic Ape Leg Armor that Zhang Yanhang obtained in the Demonized Swamp.

This chapter has been completed!
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