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Chapter 907 [Fighting Master Original Book LV.6]

"Of course, compared to the short story in the introduction, the T/G synthetic virus modification potion itself is more important. I have always been looking forward to opening something that can increase the upper limit of health points again, and now it is finally

Related props have been prescribed, and they are normal props and do not have the same side effects as the previous two parasitic viruses.

Although the score of this T/G synthetic virus modification potion is relatively low among the dark gold quality, or in other words, it is only four points higher than the passing score of 441 points, with a score of only 445 points, but it is still dark gold after all.

Quality props can still increase the upper limit of health by 360 points."

Love reading books

Of course, Zhang Yanhang also had to admit that although this T/G synthetic virus transformation potion was also a dark gold quality item, it was indeed better than the second prize ancestor virus strengthening potion of dark gold quality that he had previously opened at the lucky slot machine.

It is much weaker, not only the upper limit of health that can be increased is reduced, but also the conversion coefficient of the upper limit of maximum health cannot be increased.

But this is normal. After all, one is a dark gold item with a full score of 530 points produced by Lucky Slot Machine, while the other is just an ordinary dark gold item with a score of 435 points that was obtained from a dropped treasure box.

If the difference between the golden passing points and the props are not big, it might be something strange.

But fortunately, compared to the limited number of two bottles of the ancestor virus strengthening potion, this T/G synthetic virus modification potion is of a large quantity and can be obtained by killing the electromagnetic rail train cannon.

In terms of drop rate, he should be able to get at least two digits of T/G synthetic virus transformation potion in the future. Therefore, it can definitely help him increase his health limit by a considerable amount. Well, at least five digits.

The upper limit of health value.

"Now, it is no longer just a matter of completing eight times the small goal. Perhaps nine times or even ten times the small goal can be completed at the same time."

But correspondingly, Zhang Yanhang feels that the pressure on him to increase the upper limit of energy value will become greater in the future. Well, it may even be unprecedentedly great.

"So, I choose 'muscle regeneration', '70,000 soul points', '70,000 soul points', '70,000 soul points', and 'T/G synthetic virus transformation potion'."

After checking all the item slots, Zhang Yanhang immediately made the final choice. At the same time, the time pause disappeared instantly, and Zhang Yanhang skillfully picked up another dropped treasure box again.


November 2, Monday, the first day after Halloween, and also the second day after Zhang Yanhang entered the gray world, at 1:27 in the morning, Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site, downtown Umbrella City.

After spending a full fifty minutes opening treasure boxes one after another, Zhang Yanhang finally opened all the dropped treasure boxes he obtained this time.

But unlike before, Zhang Yanhang did not rush to count the profits immediately. Instead, he first opened his energy limit and took a look, wanting to know how many points of the energy limit he had just consumed for the two-item selection.

[Energy value: 14245/14245 (Intelligence × 58, the current body has been officially digitized, the energy value recovery rate is 222 points per hour.)

"Originally, I had a total energy limit of 14,270 points, but just now because I opened twenty-five gold-quality treasure chests from the Cullen Left Magnetic Heavy Tank, my energy limit dropped again by twenty.

Five points, reduced to 14245 points.

Obviously the upper limit of health value has been rising crazily, which is stressful enough, but maybe the upper limit of health value has been declining due to the dual choice, and one is ebbing and the other is ebbing..."

Zhang Yanhang felt that his fifth-level promotion task was becoming increasingly heavy.

But fortunately, the upper limit of the energy value has not been reduced by much after all. At present, it has only dropped by a few dozen points in total, which is still within the acceptable range.

After checking the upper limit of energy value, Zhang Yanhang was still not in a hurry to count the profits immediately. Because he was only a few hundred thousand soul points short of being able to upgrade the fighting master skills last time, he wanted to upgrade his fighting skills first this time.

Grandmaster skills, and then count the various related benefits obtained from the dropped treasure chests.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang immediately opened his soul point balance and checked it. After all, before upgrading skills, you need to know how many soul points you have in order to know what to upgrade.

[Soul Points: 57546407 (+24982500)]

"I originally had a total of 32.56 million soul points, but now it has increased by 24.98 million soul points again, allowing my soul point balance to successfully increase to 5754

Ten thousand soul points, a little more than expected, is it because we hunted more high-level monsters this time?"

Zhang Yanhang originally thought that his soul point balance might only grow to just over 50 million, but now it is almost reaching 60 million.

"And since the soul points are enough, I'd better upgrade the fighting master skills as soon as possible. After all, besides alchemy, I only have this last skill that needs to be upgraded.

Choose! Skill level upgrade!"

Zhang Yanhang immediately started to trigger relevant skill upgrade options. As the time pause came, a row of very familiar text option boxes immediately appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang again.

[Would you like to enhance your skill level?]

[Option 1: ‘Gunmaster·Original Code LV.7’ is upgraded to ‘Gunmaster·Original Code LV.7’ (consuming 26,214,400 soul points.)]

[Option 2: ‘Fighting Master LV.MAX’ is upgraded to ‘Fighting Master·Original Code LV.5’ (consumes 1 point of source of ash, 1 point of legendary essence, 6553600 soul points.)]

[Option 5: ‘Qiankun Wuji Gong [Level 4] LV.MAX’ is increased to ‘???’ (cannot be enhanced)]

[Option 9: ‘Indestructible Golden Body·Origin LV.6’ is upgraded to ‘Indestructible Golden Body·Origin LV.7’ (consuming 26,214,400 soul points.)]

[Option 12: ‘Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth·Original Code LV.6’ is upgraded to ‘Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth·Original Code LV.7’ (consuming 26,214,400 soul points.)]

[Option 13: ‘No Taboo LV.MAX’ raised to ‘???’ (cannot be enhanced)]

"Although it is necessary to upgrade the fighting master skills, it only costs 20 million soul points to upgrade the fighting master skills from the current LV.MAX to the original LV.6. After the upgrade, I still have 3,000 soul points left.

More than 10,000 soul points are completely enough to upgrade other skills.

For example, upgrading from LV.6 to LV.7 only requires more than 20 million soul points.

But the most you can do is upgrade from LV.6 to LV.7. After all, just upgrading from LV.6 to LV.7 already requires 26 million soul points, and upgrading from LV.7 to LV.8

After doubling, it will require at least 52 million soul points, and it is basically impossible for the remaining monsters in the Umbrella Biochemical Test Site area to collect so many soul points."

By the way, the skill Zhang Yanhang wants to upgrade from LV.6 to LV.7 is the sky-devouring and earth-devouring skill.

And if you want to ask why he suddenly thought of upgrading the skill level of this skill, it is mainly because he will need to use a large amount of T/G synthetic virus transformation potion in the future. If he can improve the sky-devouring and earth-devouring skill now, it should be able to help improve it.

A lot of usage effect bonuses.

"So, here comes the question, should I upgrade my Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring skill? I feel a little bit of a loss if I don't upgrade, but if I upgrade, I can only upgrade one level..."

After thinking carefully for a while, Zhang Yanhang felt that he might have a third option, which was to neither upgrade the Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth nor use the T/G synthetic virus modification agent.

Because Zhang Yanhang feels that he is not in a hurry to increase the upper limit of his health anyway, so he may wait until he reaches the fifth level before using these T/G synthetic virus transformation potions.

After all, it is already past one in the morning. If nothing goes wrong, he will be promoted to the fifth level in more than four hours at most. After he is promoted to the fifth level, he will definitely give priority to upgrading the sky-swallowing and earth-swallowing skills. After all, he will be promoted to the fifth level.

The earth-devouring skill is a passive growth skill, which can be enjoyed as early as possible. Now its upgrade priority is even higher than that of Invulnerability.

"If that's the case, it's better not to upgrade the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Skill now. Let's wait and upgrade it together after reaching the fifth level. However, in this case, my small goal of eight times the maximum health value will really be lost.

There is no hope of completing it, but fortunately the problem is not big. Let’s wait until we reach the fifth level and then try to complete it.”

If it were the previous Zhang Yanhang, he would definitely drink it immediately after getting it, without any delay at all. But after all, he now has the bonus of using it, so he still thinks that after a few hours, he can be promoted to the fifth level.

It will be more cost-effective to use T/G to synthesize the virus modification agent after the level.

"And since the current Devouring Heaven and Earth skills do not need to be upgraded for the time being, then there is still only the only Fighting Master skill left that needs to be upgraded.

Therefore, I chose option two, which is to upgrade the Fighting Master LV.MAX to the Fighting Master·Original Code LV.5."

After some complicated thinking, Zhang Yanhang finally made the initial choice, and the time pause ended. However, he soon started to trigger a second time pause.


November 2, Monday, the first day after Halloween, and also the second day after Zhang Yanhang entered the gray world, at 1:27 in the morning, Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site, downtown Umbrella City.

After upgrading the skill level of the Fighting Grandmaster twice in a row, and successfully upgrading the Fighting Grandmaster from the original LV.MAX to the Fighting Grandmaster - Original Code LV.6, as expected, Zhang Yanhang had just finished his timeout, because of the LV.6

The related options of additional attributes have been pulled into the time pause again.

It can be said that he is very accustomed to this now, after all, he just experienced it once an hour ago.

[You have obtained the skill ‘Fighting Master·Original Code LV.6’, and additional attributes are being randomly selected. 】

[Do you want to choose the additional attributes of the skill ‘Fighting Master·Original Code LV.6’? 】

[Option 1: Grappling hand (After selecting the grappling hand, 'Grandmaster of Fighting·Original Code LV.6' will add a suffix entry of 'grabbing hand' and specialize the bonus effect of the skill itself to a certain extent.

Specific specializations include but are not limited to a slight reduction in the bonus effect of melee attack power, a moderate increase in relevant judgment attributes such as 'grab attack', 'vulnerability attack', and 'limb destruction', and the addition of an additional 'weakness detection' effect...


[Option 2: Sword Master (after selecting Sword Master, the skill ‘Fighting Master·Original LV.6’ will be completely transformed into ‘Sword Master·Original LV.7’.

Specific modifications include but are not limited to a moderate reduction in the melee attack power bonus effect when empty-handed or using weapons other than swords, including large swords, short swords, long swords, cross swords, single-edged swords, lightsabers...

...The bonus effect of greatly increasing the melee attack power when the weapon attacks.

Relevant judgment attributes such as 'dismemberment', 'cutting off', 'beheading', etc. have moderately improved...)]

[Option 3: Melee attack power +80%]

"It's the familiar text option box again. Compared to the previous soul hunting gunners and atomic energy masters on the firearms master's side, this time the fighting master's side is more normal, with a grappler and a grappler respectively.

Master of swordsmanship.

In other words, after experiencing the unpopular Heavy Weapon Master and Exotic Weapon Master, the most popular and common swordsmanship master skill finally appeared. But, unfortunately, I may not really have any talent for swordsmanship, and

In other words, I don’t like using swords at all.”

Even if Zhang Yanhang was really asked to choose a weapon, he would prefer a knife. After all, he had always thought that a knife might be more suitable for his reckless fighting style.

Moreover, he has always felt that knives may be the most powerful cold weapons to some extent. After all, the popularity of knives is so widespread that every household has one, or even many. After all, ordinary thin-edged kitchen knives and

Heavy bone-cutting knives for chopping large bones should not be used together, as the blades may be easily damaged.

Therefore, it is really normal for a family to have two or three kitchen knives and fruit knives with different uses. Therefore, from this aspect, perhaps not only one knife per household but on average each person has at least one knife.

If that doesn't work, scissors also count, even razors, wallpaper knives and even pencil sharpeners, they are all a type of knife.

After all, it may be a little difficult to kill people with razors and pencil sharpeners, but scissors are really accurate. Women in ancient times often used these things to kill people, and wallpaper knives can also kill people easily, especially in various movies.

Of course, there are a lot of news about people using scissors and wallpaper knives to kill people and even to hold up robberies. So, in fact, it is also common in modern times. After all, these things are readily available, and then when the emotion comes up, it turns into passion.


Moreover, in theory, a knife can kill people. After all, there are still a lot of news about killing people with razors or even pencil sharpeners (pencil sharpeners), but the number is compared with scissors and even wallpaper knives (

Utility knife) is just a little less.

Therefore, from this aspect, as long as you carry a knife, even a toy knife or a plastic knife, you can find a lot of news about stabbing people and committing crimes. It has to be said that the knife with the highest popularity is indeed used in the process of killing people.

The most commonly used weapon in .

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