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Chapter 933 Legendary Equipment [Small Fusion Reactor (Flesh Transformation)]!

"Moreover, I thought that equipment or props would definitely be squeezed away, but now it seems that there is no shortage of weapons, soul points, talents, equipment and props? So what exactly is being squeezed out?

Where are the things?”

Zhang Yanhang always thought that after checking the fifth item slot, he would definitely know which one was squeezed out, but now he is really getting more and more confused as he looks at it. All he can say is that he really paid too much for the multiple choices.

"Micro fusion reactors and small fusion reactors... In other words, can this kind of thing really be installed on humans?"

Although Zhang Yanhang has long ceased to be a human being, he still has some doubts about this. After all, it may be normal for such an outrageous thing to be installed on a tyrant or a machine, but if it is installed on a human being... is there really no problem with dissipating heat?


Moreover, compared with other equipment, Zhang Yanhang could infer from experience that this nuclear fusion reactor must be mounted on the heart just by looking at its name. After all, all other monsters are also mounted on the heart.

The previous miniature nuclear fission reactor installed on the monster was already relatively large, but this small nuclear fusion reactor, which not only has higher specifications, but also has more advanced technology, Zhang Yanhang feels that the size will only become even larger.

When thinking about the huge heart inherited from the tyrant at the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site, Zhang Yanhang was a little worried about what if his chest capacity was not enough?

But fortunately, he has the skills of Law and Heaven after all, and all the equipment in the gray world can be adaptively scaled to a certain extent. As long as this small fusion reactor is not tens of meters or even hundreds of meters in size, it should generally still be

No problem.

"It's just that compared to the equipment requirements, what's more important is the additional attributes. If the additional attributes are not good, then even the legendary equipment is of no use to me and can only be kept as upgrading consumables."

Zhang Yanhang immediately clicked on the attribute list of this small nuclear fusion reactor and looked at it.

[Small fusion reactor (flesh modification)]

[Quality: Legend]

[Type: Equipment]

[Origin: The Ashes of the World, Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site, A-3 Comprehensive Scientific Research Base. 】

[Durability: 100/100]

[Defense: 85]

[Additional attributes: Energy value recovery speed +180%.]

[Requirements for use: Strength 150 points, Constitution 145 points, Intelligence 135 points. 】

[Rating: 980 (Legendary item ratings are 831 to 980.)]

[Introduction: After successfully developing an unprecedented nuclear fusion reactor, I was successfully promoted from the Executive Deputy Minister of the Department of Energy to the Chief Scientist of the Umbrella Company, and will soon be transferred from the Umbrella Biochemical Test Site A-3 Comprehensive Scientific Research Base to the headquarters.

Served as the Minister of Energy Department of Umbrella Group, taking charge of the development and application of all energy sources.

I feel that my life has reached perfection at this time. The long development process has gradually made me feel a little exhausted, as if I have exhausted a lifetime of brain power in less than ten years, so I happily accepted it.

The transfer order from the headquarters is to gradually shift the focus to administrative positions and start the pension model in advance.

But after all, the nuclear fusion reactor is led and designed by me, so I still need to carry out the subsequent development and optimization work, and it may take several years to optimize it to a relatively good level.

When I returned to the large villa provided by Umbrella Group after a day of research work, I lay on the sofa and drank red wine while looking at the sparkling lake in the distance. For a moment, I felt a little unreal, a little bit

I was confused and confused. I didn't expect that I, a low-level researcher, could make it this far.

Why did I work so hard in the first place?

Looking at the large but silent villa, I felt proud but at the same time I felt an indescribable feeling of loneliness. Although the villa was large, there was no one else except me, not even small animals.

There are only peripheral Umbrella Company security personnel present within a kilometer radius.

I was trying to remember, and suddenly I remembered that I seemed to be working hard for Dr. Christine’s smile at first, but since I was transferred to the headquarters, I haven’t seen Dr. Christine for half a year.

The first time we met was at my farewell party, where everyone came together to congratulate me on my promotion to the Minister of Energy at the headquarters.

As for the last time we met, it was already the year before last. In order to focus on research, I usually have people deliver meals to the laboratory at specific times, but that day, I suddenly went to the restaurant to eat on a whim, and then Chris

Dr. Ting saw me, sat down naturally, and briefly chatted with me about work matters.

The last time we met was already two years ago, and I can no longer remember clearly such a long memory.

It's just that my assistant and I met often. I don't know when, but this guy joined my project team for no reason, and because of the achievements of the nuclear fusion reactor, he and some other core project team members were transferred to the headquarters with me.

, after all, I also need to conduct research at the headquarters, and it would be troublesome to reorganize the project team, so I transferred some core personnel.

However, this idea was told to me by my assistant, and after I sent the request, the umbrella company immediately agreed. But at the same time, something I couldn’t understand was that the assistant kept saying this when he was around me.

Some strange words.

Including but not limited to the one who just scolded me for being almost middle-aged but still single, and the other one told me that the door lock of her dormitory was broken recently and it didn't close tightly enough to open when she pushed it.

I was too tired from work, so I went to bed early every day when I got home and had no time to do repairs. I also slept so deeply that even if someone opened the door and walked in, they probably wouldn't be able to hear it.

Can I bear this?

I called the security staff on the spot and asked them to repair it immediately and replace it with a strong, top-grade anti-theft door. As the Minister of Energy, such a small matter is naturally a matter of a phone call, although I usually don’t like to see assistants.

, but she is also a member of the project team after all, and she must not be allowed to slow down the progress of the project because of such insignificant things.

Looking at the dumbfounded assistant next to me, I smiled triumphantly, see? This is the beauty of power! I have worked hard so far just to fully exercise my power!

No, something seems wrong...

But...it doesn’t matter anymore.]

"Why does this dog-licking researcher seem to be a different person this time?

Moreover, he was already the Executive Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy when he started. Before that, he was just the ordinary Deputy Minister of Scientific Research.

This shows that this dog-licking researcher must have had some other things happen in the meantime, such as the development of the Coulomb left magnetic energy heavy tank and the Omda electromagnetic rail gun. It is probably because of his achievements in this area that he was promoted to the position of Executive Deputy Minister.

, began to have the right to appoint and remove personnel.”

Moreover, in addition to these things, Zhang Yanhang felt that something more important must have happened during this period that caused the dog-licking researcher to become what he is now, that is, there were changes. However, these important things led to other

The story of the dramatic change in temperament was probably written on another piece of equipment, so Zhang Yanhang must have lost sight of it.

Of course, it is also possible that, as the dog-licking researcher himself said, a lifetime of brain power has been used up in advance, leading to the current situation where the IQ skyrockets, but the EQ immediately returns to zero.

If Zhang Yanhang had been present, he would have been able to tell at a glance that the assistant was secretly expressing his dissatisfaction with the living conditions in the dormitory, so he wanted the department leader to help him apply for public housing directly under the umbrella company, and live there as soon as possible.

Free big house like a researcher, even a big house with lake view.

But at the same time, Zhang Yanhang finally knew the name of the dog-licking researcher. This guy should be Dr. Kress, who made the life ring before. After all, he remembered clearly that this Kress was the chief scientist, and now, the dog-licking researcher

The researcher finally became the chief scientist step by step through his own efforts.

"But it should be said that he directly created a nuclear fusion reactor or something in less than ten years. This Kress is really outrageous..."

If placed in a normal world view, Zhang Yanhang estimates that this Kress may be able to pull the entire earth into a new interstellar era by himself. After all, energy sources such as small nuclear fusion reactors are available. After solving the energy problem, everything will

It's just a matter of flying bricks with great strength. You can definitely build a spaceship very easily.

But unfortunately, Kress lives in a world of biohazard. The Umbrella Company has no interest in interstellar exploration at all. They only like biochemical research and immortality.

"But I have to say that although Kress seems to have become a little abnormal, the small nuclear fusion reactor created is indeed top-notch, or in other words, it is worthy of legendary equipment. Just this one piece can directly make

I get up to 180% energy regeneration speed bonus."

You must know that the total energy recovery speed bonus that Zhang Yanhang obtained before does not add up to 180%, but only 160%.

Therefore, once this legendary small nuclear fusion reactor is obtained, Zhang Yanhang's energy recovery efficiency can be more than doubled immediately.

Moreover, correspondingly, the automatic growth efficiency of his Sky Devouring Earth Devouring skill will immediately double. At that time, his original idea of ​​growing five or six meters a day will no longer be a dream at all, but will be directly transformed into a dream.

for reality.

After all, he is already able to grow nearly three meters in size every day. If he can really double his size again, he can easily grow to five or six meters.

"Moreover, the previous divination tarot card The Hanged Man can also increase part of the energy recovery speed. By then, let alone five or six meters, maybe seven or eight meters a day is not impossible..."

Zhang Yanhang feels that now, I am afraid that it will not be long before his basic size alone will expand to hundreds of meters. But fortunately, he has the deformation technique and can freely shrink his size, which should not cause any problems in daily life.

Too big an impact.

"As for the legendary [Mutated Ancestral Virus Original Solution (Divinity Convergence)], which is also a legendary item, this high-quality prop is definitely a must-have just because of its quality.

Moreover, judging from the name, this thing must be a super-evolved version of the orange-quality ancestor virus stock solution that was previously in the first prize pool of the lucky slot machine, plus the four big words 'Divine Convergence' marked on the back, even without looking at it

The property list is definitely a good thing.”

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang decided to make a blind choice without even looking at the attribute list.

After checking all five item slots, Zhang Yanhang quickly made his choice. However, compared with the past, when he usually only chooses five items every time he opens a treasure chest, the number of items to be chosen this time is

Much more.

"So, I choose '9 points of the source of the Ashes', '6 points of the Source of the Ashes', '9 points of the Legendary Essence', '6 points of the Legendary Essence', 'Divination Tarot Card·Justice [Remnant] (Truth of

Door)', 'Tarot divination cards·Strength [disabled] (Door of truth)', 'Tarot divination cards ·The Hermit [missing] (Gateway of truth)', 'Tarot divination cards ·The Hanged Man [disabled]

] (Gate of Truth)', 'Mutated Ancestral Virus Liquid (Divinity Convergence)', 'Small Nuclear Fusion Reactor (Flesh Transformation)'."

When making choices this time, Zhang Yanhang ranked the third option in each item slot at the front, and the second option at the back, so as to make it clear which option is an additional dual choice. After all, dual selection is used

The maximum amount of energy consumed on items of lower value is also lower.

Although he now has an energy limit of more than 10,000 points, he still has to be diligent and frugal. After all, he has finally managed to collect these energy limits bit by bit.

After making the selection, the time pause disappeared instantly, and Zhang Yanhang finally opened all the treasure boxes, but it has to be said that he did open a lot of things this time, and he chose two items for each item slot.

, resulting in the last lord's treasure chest suddenly containing ten items, which was twice the normal number in the past.

But although the treasure box was indeed opened, Zhang Yanhang was not in a hurry to count it immediately, because he wanted to check first how much energy points he would consume by using dual selection under this relatively normal situation, so,

He immediately opened the upper limit of his energy value.

[Energy value: 140/14131 (intelligence x58, the current body has been officially digitized, energy value recovery speed, 222 points per hour.)]

When Zhang Yanhang checked the energy value in the past, it was usually full because Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth gave priority to restoring his own energy value, but this time it didn't work. He had just consumed all the energy value because of making a choice, so currently it was only

More than a hundred points were automatically restored.

This chapter has been completed!
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