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Chapter 938 Installation of Nuclear Fusion Reactor

"Based on the fact that one fusion can increase the equipment score by fifty points, it only takes four fusions under normal conditions to successfully upgrade the human potential stimulating device to the legendary level, which is basically the same as the Umbrella Biochemical Test Site area.

The integration of other equipment is similar."

However, although the fusion level of +4 is not high, even if Zhang Yanhang puts in all the human potential stimulating devices that have been opened, he can only fuse +3 at most. So, what is the legendary human potential stimulating device +4?

Yes, indeed I can only think about it.

"Although it has only been fused once, perhaps due to the improvement in quality, the power effect bonus provided by the additional attributes has increased directly by 5%, from the original power effect bonus of 55% to 60% power.

Effect bonus.

And I can equip a total of four human potential stimulating devices +1. Therefore, these four human potential stimulating devices +1 can provide me with a total strength effect bonus of 240%, which is a huge improvement.


Zhang Yanhang's xx-level Long Bo's Power only provided a 265% power effect bonus. Now the four human body potential stimulating devices +1 add up to only 25% less than Long Bo's Power.

In this regard, Zhang Yanhang can only say that equipping four identical pieces of equipment at the same time is indeed such an outrageous and buggy thing.

"But this time, after the Human Potential Stimulating Device +1 was promoted to red quality, the usage requirements did not increase much. It only increased by ten points again, from the original 115 points of strength to 125 points of strength. Obviously the previous ones

Equipment generally requires an increase in attribute value of fifteen points."

But Zhang Yanhang can understand it to some extent. After all, 125 points is already the fifth level limit. If it goes higher, it will reach the sixth level. That is not within the reach of red quality equipment such as Human Potential Stimulating Device +1, so

It only stayed here and did not reach 130 points.

After briefly checking the attribute list of the red quality human potential stimulating device +1, Zhang Yanhang immediately equipped the four human potential stimulating devices +1 that he had just fused, because he felt that the actual equipment of this thing was

It felt a bit like the bones in his hand were growing, so Zhang Yanhang switched it to the hidden state as usual.

The next step is to test the strength. Zhang Yanhang first took out a 15,000-ton steel cube from the stomach space and placed it on his right hand, and then stacked a 1,000-ton steel cube on top, but nothing unexpected happened.

It's really quite easy.

So, he immediately stacked another thousand tons of steel cubes, but he still felt that there was a relatively large margin. Therefore, based on experience, he stacked another thousand tons, but he did not expect that it was slightly beyond the limit.

After successively cutting off a small portion of the steel cube, Zhang Yanhang finally calculated that his current limit strength should be 17,996 tons, which was an increase of 3,006 tons from the previous 14,990 tons. It was indeed a considerable increase.

"I remember that my total strength during the third level was 1,053 tons, which is about a thousand tons, and my increased strength this time is almost three times the total strength of the third level."

Because the fourth level mainly improves physical strength, Zhang Yanhang's current strength of almost 18,000 tons is only about 18 times that of the third level, which is not very high.

After all, promotion to the fourth level will increase his strength by ten times at the beginning. Therefore, his strength has only increased eight times by the fourth level so far. Basically, it is all provided by the human body potential stimulating device and the neck potential stimulating device.

"Then again, it would be great if it could have four more tons of power. Then it would be truly 18,000 tons, instead of the current approximately 18,000 tons."

Zhang Yanhang still feels a little uncomfortable about this.

"With a one-handed strength of 17,996 tons, if you add spiritual energy, it can reach 35,992 tons. As for the strength of both hands, it has reached 89,980 tons, which is nearly 90,000 tons."

If Zhang Yanhang's current strength is converted into kilograms, it has reached 180 million kilograms. If calculated based on one kilogram of rice per person per day, the rice he can lift with both hands can supply 180 million kilograms.

One day of food for one person means that nearly one-tenth of the empire's population can be fed for one day.

As for Qindao City, which has a population of only 20 million, Zhang Yanhang can now supply it for nine days, which is more than a week.

"The full-load displacement of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is only about 100,000 tons. In other words, I can almost lift the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier directly now. As long as I can increase the force by another 10,000 tons, it will be enough."

Zhang Yanhang will also upgrade his divination tarot cards next, which will definitely increase his upper limit of power.

But although the 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Zhang Yanhang is still a bit difficult to lift for the time being, he can lift two Aegis destroyers with one hand without any problem. After all, Aegis destroyers usually only cost 8,000 to 10,000.

tons, it can be said that even without the blessing of spiritual energy, you can lift two with one hand.

After testing his strength, Zhang Yanhang first put the remaining human potential stimulating device into his pocket, and then began to count the proceeds of other equipment.

But speaking of other equipment gains, apart from the divination tarot cards, Zhang Yanhang only found one legendary [Small Nuclear Fusion Reactor (Flesh Transformation)] in the Lord's Treasure Box this time.

Zhang Yanhang briefly observed the appearance of this small nuclear fusion reactor. He could only say that although it was legendary equipment and had lost its color quality, its surface was still flashing with a blue-gold halo of blue and gold. Unexpectedly

It's quite pretty.

At least Zhang Yanhang's straight male aesthetic still prefers this kind of blue. This kind of blue is darker and a bit purplish.

When intertwined with gold, it is much taller than the pure blue halo of the previous second level. After all, the previous second level was just ordinary blue, that is, bright blue, and now it is more similar.

In navy blue.

As for the size of this small nuclear fusion reactor itself, it can only be said that it is indeed relatively large, with a diameter of at least twenty meters, which is far beyond what the normal body type can equip. After all, let alone the heart, his entire

A human being is only about half as tall as this small nuclear fusion reactor.

"Given the maximum transformation limit of my current Fa Tian Xiang Earth skill, I should only need to activate the basic Fa Tian Xiang Earth skill to meet the equipment needs, right? It's not like I have to equip a small nuclear fusion reactor and also activate the Fa Shen state, right?

But then again, small fusion reactors are already so big, how big should medium and large fusion reactors be?"

Zhang Yanhang had always thought that this small nuclear fusion reactor would be only a few meters in size, but he did not expect that the actual object would be dozens of meters in diameter as he initially estimated in the worst case.

"A normal person's heart is only about ten centimeters. Even though I am now over twelve meters tall, my heart still remains within one meter. But after a fifty-fold increase in Fa Tian Xiang Di, my heart must have grown.

It can reach a size of tens of meters, which is enough to match a small nuclear fusion reactor."

If possible, Zhang Yanhang hopes that Dr. Kress can develop an ultra-miniature reactor similar to the palladium reactor on Iron Man's chest.

But unfortunately, Kress is still relatively young and has only developed this initial version of the nuclear fusion reactor. It is estimated that if Kress is given a few more years to grow to a middle-aged stage in his forties, he may be able to

Can we really develop ultra-miniature reactors like Iron Man?

But although he felt that Fa Tian Xiang Di should be enough, Zhang Yanhang was still a little uneasy, so he couldn't help but click on the skill effect of Fa Tian Xiang Di again and took a look, wanting to see that the current maximum transformation limit of Fa Tian Xiang Di had increased.

How much has arrived.

[Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth·Original Code lv.6 (Active Skill)]

[Active effect: After the skill is activated, the Lord of Destiny can freely change (get bigger) the body. The maximum transformation limit is 2400% + 2700% = 5100% [currently 646 meters (+2 meters)], and the power effect is +600%. None

Cooling time, a small amount of stamina consumption.】

[Additional attributes: maximum deformation limit +2700%.]

"Because only a quarter of an hour has passed since the last check, the maximum deformation limit has not increased much. It has only increased from the original 644 meters to 646 meters, which means it has only increased by two meters.

It’s just the maximum deformation limit.”

As for Zhang Yanhang's height, it has increased even less. In fact, it has only increased by five centimeters. It has just grown from the original 1262 centimeters to 1267 centimeters. These five centimeters may be considered a normal person.

It has changed a lot, and people can tell at a glance that it is different.

But for Zhang Yanhang, who is now twelve meters tall, a mere five centimeters of growth is basically the same in appearance.

"Before, I was still about 35 meters away from the world's second tallest building, the 679-meter Merdeka 118 building, but now I am still 33 meters away."

If it were done before, Zhang Yanhang felt that it would take him at least more than three hours to catch up with the 33-meter gap. However, after installing the small nuclear fusion reactor later, Zhang Yanhang felt that it would only take more than an hour at most to catch up.


By the way, although this legendary small nuclear fusion reactor is far larger than Iron Man's palladium reactor in terms of size, its overall appearance is similar, just like an enlarged version of the palladium reactor.

A bunch of coils and metal limiters.

In other words, nuclear fusion reactors all over the world are actually similar in structure.

After all, the basic structure of this kind of reactor has been determined in theoretical research in the 20th century. All subsequent research will only continue to add bricks and modifications to this optimal configuration, but it will never change from its origin. No matter where the ring structure is,

They all exist and are very similar in national research.

Although Kress is cheating, he still has to follow scientific principles after all. Therefore, the small nuclear fusion reactor he created also adheres to this principle and is generally circular, or in other words, a donut shape, like

It's like a huge reactor made of coils within one coil.

After observing the appearance of the small nuclear fusion reactor, Zhang Yanhang immediately activated the Fa Tian Xiang Earth skill and transformed into a 646-meter giant life form.

Of course, if he could grow another twenty meters and become a 666-meter giant, then Zhang Yanhang would probably be even more satisfied. After all, with the cult height of 666 meters, coupled with the three heads and six arms, he would indeed be a proper demon god.


Because it may be a bit strenuous to forcefully open the chest muscle layer with your hands and then pry open your sternum and take out your own heart, and it may be more painful, so Zhang Yanhang still chose to use the transformation technique on his own body this time.

A large hole was dug out of the chest that reached directly to the chest cavity, and then a small nuclear fusion reactor was forced into it.

Perhaps when he was only twelve meters tall, Zhang Yanhang was not half as tall as the reactor, but now that he has reached 646 meters, the diameter of Zhang Yanhang's heart alone is close to fifty meters. Therefore, under this situation, if he goes further

It will naturally be easier if a small nuclear fusion reactor of about thirty meters is inserted inside.

Zhang Yanhang initially thought that this small nuclear fusion reactor might need some complicated operations to install. After all, under normal circumstances, this thing does not look like it is for human use, and it will definitely require a lot of debugging before it can be installed normally.

But in fact, when Zhang Yanhang brought the small nuclear fusion reactor close to his heart, the surface of the small nuclear fusion reactor suddenly melted like a layer of running water and rushed towards Zhang Yanhang's heart. The layers were made of metal.

The silver light rapidly expands on the surface of the heart.

In almost a second or two, Zhang Yanhang's huge heart, which was originally as big as fifty meters, was completely wrapped by the small nuclear fusion reactor, as if a layer of silver-white metal armor was plated on the outer layer out of thin air. It was inexplicably strange.

The sense of déjà vu that is being transformed into silicon-based life is full of simple but not simple technological beauty.

Then, one ring after another of metal coils emerged on the metal armor on the surface of the heart and continued to flash with blue light representing the movement of energy.

This means that the small nuclear fusion reactor has been officially started, and a steady stream of energy is being rapidly pumped from the small nuclear fusion reactor directly into the heart and then through the blood vessels throughout the body.

This gave Zhang Yanhang a feeling that his body seemed to be continuously enriched by energy all the time. Of course, this was indeed the case. After all, his body was really being continuously enriched by energy, and with the continuous influx of energy,

Continue to expand.

In fact, the energy value restored by Zhang Yanhang's usual sky-devouring and earth-devouring skills will also continuously use energy to strengthen his body, but now, because the speed of energy influx has been greatly improved, it has caused a sudden body sensation.

aspects have become extremely obvious.

This chapter has been completed!
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