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The Disappearing Light - Part 2

November 2, Monday, the first day after Halloween, and also the second day after Zhang Yanhang entered the gray world, at 5:03 in the morning, Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site, Umbrella City Suburbs, Nuclear Explosion Plain

(formerly Umbrella Mountains).

After checking the data panel, Zhang Yanhang looked at the time on his watch and found that less than three minutes had passed. "It seemed like I had done a lot of things, but in the end I only spent so much time..."

In this regard, Zhang Yanhang can only say that with the increase in rank and strength, his sensitivity to time is indeed gradually increasing. After all, Zhang Yanhang's various reaction abilities have already been faster than bullet time.

I don't know how many times, and accordingly, he can complete a lot of things in a very short period of time that would normally take at least several hours to complete.

After all, bullet time is just about observing the world around you at the speed of bullets, and bullets are generally around Mach 3. But if Zhang Yanhang is blessed with aura now, his own movement speed alone has reached nearly Mach 50.

The intensity is seventeen times that of bullets.

Therefore, in his eyes, the trajectory of ordinary bullets is almost the same as standing still.

And after he was blessed with spiritual energy, his punching speed was as high as hundreds of Mach, which was more than thirty times the speed of a bullet.

Therefore, from this aspect, if ordinary people stood next to Zhang Yanhang and watched him doing various things, they would probably only see various fleeting afterimages, as if Zhang Yanhang's figure was everywhere in the entire space.

One moment it's on the left, and the next time you blink, it might be on the right.

It is even said that if Zhang Yanhang does not make regular movements such as moving straight forward, but makes various irregular movements, it is completely impossible for ordinary people's optic nerves to react, and there is a high probability that they will only capture afterimages.

It was quite difficult, and I couldn't see clearly what he was doing.

Moreover, even if it is a directional and regular movement, the distance must be far enough and the person must be large enough, so that there is a certain possibility of observation.

In other words, it is only possible to observe Zhang Yanhang if he is regarded as a heterogeneous meteorite or comet of the same size.

For other situations, we can refer to missiles and fighter jets that fly directly out of human sight in just one or two seconds. Zhang Yanhang's flying speed is dozens of times that of the missile.

After all, the flight speed of most missiles is not as fast as bullets. Unless they are various anti-ship missiles and intercontinental missiles, but if they are anti-tank missiles, they are really only one or two Mach. After all, fighting tanks is not

Masturbating too fast is a waste.

There are even subsonic missiles, but they can still be used. After all, unless the tank has an anti-missile system, otherwise, given the speed of the tank, once it is locked, it will definitely not be able to run, and it will have to wait to die.

"So, I have about fifty-seven minutes to deal with Raccoon City, Goblin Plains, Demonized Swamp and the corresponding lucky slot machines."

But before that, Zhang Yanhang was going to clean up the third-prize prize pool of the lucky slot machines at the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site.

Zhang Yanhang expects that after these areas and the lucky slot machines are cleared, he will collect the final benefits, which are the achievements from the achievement vending machines and the Ash-End treasure box in the evaluation settlement treasure box, and then leave the Ash-End world and return to the main page.


As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Yanhang was immediately teleported directly to the lucky slot machine at the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site.

Looking at the familiar slot machine in front of him, Zhang Yanhang quickly checked and found that the third prize pool was refreshed after five o'clock in the morning as he expected. It seems that although there is a separate transmission channel here, the lucky slot machine

The prize pool refresh time is still tied to the one in Raccoon City.

Zhang Yanhang was quite happy about this. After all, he could use the third prize pool of the lucky slot machine for free before leaving. He had always been very positive about this kind of thing.

Therefore, the enthusiastic Zhang Yanhang immediately pulled the metal rocker on the side of the lucky slot machine. As the rocker rotated, time paused suddenly. At the same time, a large text option box with a familiar format but unfamiliar content appeared on Zhang Yanhang's mind.

in front of.

[Please select the specific content of this lottery draw of the lucky slot machine]

[Option 1:???(Third Prize, Z-39 Coulomb Left Magnetic Energy Heavy Tank [Air and Land Dual Use], Tier 4 One Star, Ordinary Monster.)]

[Option 2:???(Third Prize, Ancestral Virus Infected [Divine Power Alienation], Level 4 Three Stars, Elite Monster.)]

[Option 53:???(Third Prize, D-52 Omda Electromagnetic Rail Cannon [Air and Sky Specialization], Level 4 Two Stars, Ordinary Monster.)]

[Option ninety-eight:???(Third prize, Z-39 Coulomb left magnetic energy heavy tank [air and land dual use], fourth level one star, ordinary monster.)]

[Option 147:???(Fourth prize, thank you for your patronage, no physical prizes.)]


After carefully checking the options this time, Zhang Yanhang was surprised to find that although the third-prize prize pool of the lucky slot machine at the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site had indeed been refreshed this time, it was completely different from what he had thought before.

Zhang Yanhang originally thought that the average number of monsters here would be refreshed as before, that is, about 20 monsters per monster would be refreshed. However, based on the current actual situation, all the third-level monsters that he originally thought would disappear.

, only the fourth-level monsters remain in the third-prize prize pool.

To be more precise, it includes the third-order two-star ordinary monster [T-103 type super tyrant·awakening form], the third-order three-star ordinary monster [T-0400TP type death tyrant·rage form] and the third-order three-star elite monster [T-

The third-level monsters of the three tyrant types, including Type 011 Talos Tyrant·War Form, did not occupy any of the one hundred positions in this prize pool, and they did not exist at all.

Among the one hundred positions in the prize pool are the fourth-level one-star ordinary monsters [Z-39 type Cullen left magnetic energy heavy tank [air and land dual-use]] and the fourth-level two-star ordinary monsters [D-52 type Omda electromagnetic rail train]

Cannon [Air and Sky Specialization]] each occupied forty positions.

The remaining twenty positions are all occupied by Tier 4 three-star elite monsters [Ancestral Virus Infected [Divine Power Alienation]].

Zhang Yanhang still has some understanding of why the Coulomb left magnetic energy heavy tank and Omda electromagnetic rail train gun can occupy forty positions. After all, they are weaker.

But Zhang Yanhang is still a little bit confused as to why none of the three tyrants among the third-level monsters have been allocated a position. After all, in the past, the weaker the monsters, the more positions they had. Especially for the third-level monsters, the number should have exceeded four.

It's right to be a level monster, but now not only has it not been surpassed, but it has also been cleared directly.

Although this is a good thing for Zhang Yanhang to some extent, he will definitely not object to it.

After all, to be honest, Zhang Yanhang really doesn’t care about the life ring dropped by the T-103 super tyrant, the neck potential stimulation device dropped by the T-0400TP death tyrant, and the electromagnetic energy pump dropped by the T-011 Talos tyrant.


Well, there is still a relatively weak demand for the life ring. After all, the life ring still has the potential to continue to improve, but the neck potential stimulation device and the electromagnetic energy pump really don't matter. After all, I have already collected four pieces.

The above-mentioned equipment that breaks through the limits.

Therefore, compared to the life ring, neck potential stimulating device and electromagnetic energy pump, the fourth-level monster is naturally more useful to Zhang Yanhang. After all, the number of fourth-level monsters is scarce, and the rated number in the area can only meet part of his needs.

Now, we can just rely on the third prize pool to supplement some of the demand.

"Before, my movement speed coin fragments were only one fragment away from being able to fuse into a new movement speed coin. At that time, I said that I would rely on the third prize pool of the slot machine to complete it. Now it seems that although I expected

The gap is a bit big, but it can better meet my needs."

As for the [T/G synthetic virus modification agent] dropped by the Omda electromagnetic rail train gun, let alone Zhang Yanhang, he could use it as much as he wanted, no matter how much he had, it was never too much.

Before, Zhang Yanhang thought that the newly increased luck value might not be used, but now it seems that there is definitely a lot to be done.

"So, I choose option one, third prize, fourth-level one-star ordinary monster, Z-39 Coulomb left magnetic energy heavy tank [air and land dual use]."

After checking the specific prize pool list, Zhang Yanhang immediately made a choice. At the same time, the time pause disappeared instantly, and Zhang Yanhang's hand smoothly pulled the metal joystick to the end.


November 2, Monday, the first day after Halloween, and also the second day after Zhang Yanhang entered the gray world, at 5:08 in the morning, Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site, Terra City, Lucky Slot Machine.

[Successfully killed the fourth-level two-star monster ‘D-52 Omda Electromagnetic Rail Cannon [Air and Sky Specialization] (Normal)’ × 1, soul points +7000. 】

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

[Successfully killed the fourth-level two-star monster ‘D-52 Omda Electromagnetic Rail Cannon [Air and Sky Specialization] (Normal)’ × 1, soul points +7000. 】

[Successfully killed the fourth-level two-star monster ‘D-52 Omda Electromagnetic Rail Cannon [Air and Sky Specialization] (Normal)’ × 1, soul points +7000. 】

After using a wave of death waves to kill all the monsters he had just pulled out, Zhang Yanhang finally let go of the hand that had been holding the metal joystick.

It has to be said that the more sensitive he is to time, the more tortured he feels by this fixed five-minute draw. Therefore, he feels that this problem cannot be solved at level five, which seriously affects him.

The relative hunting efficiency.

A wave of Cullen left magnetic energy heavy tanks and Omda electromagnetic rail train guns that were about to self-destruct immediately fell down on the spot after this wave of death, while Zhang Yanhang also stood quietly and began to wait for the treasure chest to drop.

of refresh.

About a few seconds later, dropped treasure boxes began to appear on the ground one after another. Zhang Yanhang simply counted fourteen dropped treasure boxes in total. To be specific, there were about eleven golden quality dropped treasure boxes and three

Dark gold quality drops from treasure chests.

These three dark gold-quality dropped treasure chests naturally come from those infected with the Ancestral Virus. Based on his current kills at the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site, he only needs to kill an average of seven monsters to obtain a dropped treasure chest.

For example, 20 can only drop three treasure chests, which is basically a normal probability.

Of the eleven gold-quality dropped treasure chests, six come from the Cullen Left Magnetic Energy Heavy Tank, and the other five come from the Omda Electromagnetic Railway Cannon.

Likewise, you only need to kill seven of them to get a dropped treasure chest. Zhang Yanhang thinks that with the number of forty, it is relatively normal to get six or five.

Well, the one with six may be a little bit more lucky. After all, under normal circumstances, you need to kill forty-two to get six dropped treasure chests, but then again, this is just an average after all, not one.

Fixed value, floating is the most normal.

"Moreover, compared to this, what is more important is that the total rated number of Omda electromagnetic rail train guns in the Umbrella Biochemical Test Site is only one hundred, but forty can be directly refreshed in the prize pool


This is equivalent to just refreshing the prize pool three times, and the number of Omda electromagnetic rail train guns that can be killed in the prize pool is higher than the rated number of the area.

In addition to the Omda electromagnetic rail cannon, the proportion of people infected with the Ancestral virus is basically the same. After all, the total number of infected people with the Ancestral virus in the Umbrella Biochemical Test Site area is only fifty, but now the prize pool alone can be refreshed.

Twenty, so it’s two-fifths of the rated quantity.”

Regarding the obvious increase in such high-level monsters, Zhang Yanhang can only say that he is happy to see it happen, and he even wonders why there can't be more.

After all, compared to the Demonized Four-Eyed Wild Boars in the Demonized Swamp, where the rated number was only seven, but a full twenty were spawned in the prize pool, this is definitely within the normal range.

In addition to increasing the number of high-level monsters, Zhang Yanhang also hopes that future lucky slot machines will have a large-capacity prize pool like the one in Raccoon City, and each monster will be generously given a hundred.

But unfortunately, from the current point of view, this is still relatively difficult to complete. After all, the update of Raccoon City is based on the second refresh one month later. In addition to monsters, the most important first and second prizes in the prize pool itself are

It has also been refreshed.

Therefore, from this aspect, it is indeed a bit unrealistic to popularize large-capacity prize pools in lucky slot machines in other regions.

After all, it is impossible for Zhang Yanhang to take a month's rest alone and then come back to clean up the prize pool. It can only be said that he is putting the cart before the horse. After all, he is cleaning up the prize pool to speed up the growth of his own strength, not to let the prize pool drag him down.

Strength growth rate.

This chapter has been completed!
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