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Chapter 954 Return to the main world!

Of course, Zhang Yanhang couldn't blame him for not having enough time. What's more, it was because the area he was cleaning was getting larger and larger, which naturally led to the longer and longer time required.

This has also led to the fact that Zhang Yanhang's cleaning efficiency has been improving, but time is not enough from time to time.

The best example is Raccoon City. With his current cleaning efficiency, it only takes a few seconds to clean Raccoon City, which once took him a week to clean. After all, Raccoon City only has 42 square kilometers.

However, it is completely different when facing the 40,000-square-kilometer Umbrella Biochemical Test Site. It is a thousand times the size of Raccoon City, and naturally requires more than a thousand times the time. In addition, it is even more time-consuming.

Open treasure chests and recover treasure chests and monster corpses, so there is not enough time.

If he didn't open the treasure box at all, or even recover the treasure box and monster corpses, then Zhang Yanhang was now fully confident that he could completely kill all the monsters in the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site in an hour and a half.

But unfortunately, that's impossible. Even if he can't open it, he still has to recover the dropped treasure chest. In that case, the cleaning time will naturally double, and it will take three hours to clean the entire Ambre.

La biochemical test site.

Of course, the reason why the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site can be cleared in three hours is mainly because the movement speed increased by a huge amount using movement speed coins.

Otherwise, based on the cleaning efficiency when he first came to Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site, even if he really only hunted monsters and recovered dropped treasure boxes and monster corpses, it would still take six hours or more.

Only then can the entire Umbrella Biochemical Test Site be cleared.

"Since there is not enough time now, it is better to return directly to the main world. There is no point in continuing to stay in the gray world."

Zhang Yanhang put the fallen treasure box on the ground back into his pocket, and then checked to see if there was anything left behind. After making sure that everything had been sorted, Zhang Yanhang immediately made the choice to return to the main world.

At the same time, the time pause immediately came to Raccoon City again after a short while, and a large row of text option boxes with a very familiar format also appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang.

【Should we continue to hunt monsters in a world that has become ashes? 】

[Option 1: Yes (Although you have coveted the Umbrella biochemical test site opposite the abandoned transmission channel in the sewer of Raccoon City a long time ago, this is indeed the first time you have entered the Umbrella biochemical test site after the transmission channel was repaired.

field, and hunt monsters in the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site.

But even though it was your first time, your good hunting habits and rich hunting experience still allowed you to formulate a relevant hunting plan at the first time and start executing the hunting plan.

However, you did not implement the hunting plan completely rigidly, but occasionally made flexible adjustments according to local conditions.

For example, right now, you feel that although the transmission channel from Raccoon City to the main world is about to be closed, you feel that there is no need to return to the main world immediately, but you can stay in the gray world for a while.

In a while, let’s explore more of the area around the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site.)】

[Option 2: No (Because you strictly implemented the hunting plan for the Umbrella Biochemical Test Site that you made, it took you less than twelve hours to kill the entire 100,000 square kilometers.

The Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site was completely emptied, and not a single biochemical monster remained inside.

But after a long period of high-intensity hunting, you gradually began to feel a little lack of energy. You felt that your physical strength was gradually exhausted. At this time, you learned about the teleportation channel from Raccoon City to the main world.

Things are going to be closed soon. You think it’s time for you to return to the main world and take a rest.)]

[Option 3: Go home (because there are only ten minutes left in the Raccoon City teleportation channel before it is closed, so you returned to Unit 301 of Durda Apartment early and lay down on the familiar shabby wooden

I began to rest on the bed while waiting for the end of the teleportation channel.

However, as you wait and wait, you suddenly feel that you don’t even want to wait for these ten minutes. Now you just want to return to the main world as soon as possible, and to be promoted to a rank immediately after returning to the main world. What do you think about promotion to the fifth level?

Although you have not waited too long to advance to the next level, your desire to advance to the next level is extremely strong at this moment.)]

"As expected of the option triggered by my active choice. In the past, when it was triggered passively, usually two of the three options were to persuade me to stay in the gray world and continue to hunt monsters. But this time, it is obvious that I understand

After understanding my feelings, only the first option among the three options was to persuade me to continue to stay in the gray world.

But the second option and the third option all made me return to the main world quickly.

Especially the third option, it even allows me to be promoted immediately after returning to the main world."

Although Zhang Yanhang is indeed anxious about being promoted to a higher rank, he is not that anxious. He is still prepared to wait until he has opened the dropped treasure chests and exhausted the treasure chests before advancing to a higher rank. After all, it is just a matter of promotion.

It's just an extra half hour of delay, the difference is not big.

"As for the first option, it seems that I have never explored the area around the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site."

And if you want to ask why, the reason is very simple, because Zhang Yanhang has no time. Yes, it is that simple. After all, he saved time all the way and just solved all the things in one minute, and after solving the things, he immediately

After being teleported to Raccoon City, where is the time to explore the surrounding area?

Because he was in a hurry to return to the main world, Zhang Yanhang would definitely not be able to detect the surrounding area this time, but next time, he should still try to detect it.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang feels that currently the only option that is more in line with his true wishes is the second option.

Of course, this is only partially consistent. After all, he does not feel any lack of energy or that his physical strength is gradually exhausted.

After all, it was a waste of time when he opened the treasure chest. In addition, he was sitting still when opening the treasure chest. This resulted in that the physical energy consumed during the battle was actually directly restored during the process of opening the treasure chest and alchemy.

It can even be said that Zhang Yanhang's current physical strength is basically full.

But this is mainly because the current time consumption of opening treasure chests is more than that of hunting. If hunting usually takes a lot of time, and then only spends a small part of the time opening treasure chests and sorting out the harvest.

, then it is definitely impossible for such a strange situation to occur.

At the same time, because of this, Zhang Yanhang has always thought about solving this problem after advancing to the fifth level. Although it is definitely impossible to completely solve it, it would be okay to shorten the time of opening the treasure chest.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books, change sources, and read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.]

Otherwise, if things continue like this, there may even be horrific things like the time it takes to open a treasure chest ten times as long as the hunting time. That would be really uncomfortable, and he might just have to open the door.

The treasure chests were moved together after returning to the main world.

But if the situation develops to that point, it is not ruled out that he obtained too many treasure boxes. As a result, the treasure boxes obtained after clearing the area were not opened for several days during the cooling process of the teleportation channel. As a result, it was delayed for the new ones.

Regional cleanup, this more extreme situation is also possible.

Therefore, for Zhang Yanhang now, the top priority is to find ways to solve the problems and difficulties first. If it doesn't work, then he can just lie down. If he lies down from the beginning, it will be completely hopeless.

"So, I choose option two, no."

After looking at all three options, Zhang Yanhang immediately chose the second most reliable option.

After Zhang Yanhang made his choice, the time pause disappeared instantly. Then, Zhang Yanhang's eyes first went dark, and then lit up again.

Probably because winter is approaching and central heating will start to work in another half month, the sky is getting up very early now.

Of course, Zhang Yanhang thinks that the light in the room has nothing to do with the fact that it is almost winter. After all, even in winter, it usually takes half past six to get the light. Therefore, in fact, it is simply because his eyesight is very good now. Even in low-light environments, he can basically see

It's almost the same as in broad daylight. After all, he is also a fourth-level awakened person.

As for the outside window, since it is still early November, there is basically only a slight amount of light.

However, Zhang Yanhang judged from this situation that he probably left early last night and therefore did not draw the curtains, causing light to leak through.

In the past, when he came back, because he went late, it was always at night, so he usually closed the curtains before leaving, but when he left yesterday, it was only six o'clock.

Although it actually started to get dark at five o'clock in this season, he did not close the curtains yesterday.

But fortunately, Zhang Yanhang is no longer afraid of outsiders peering into him through the window. After all, his strength should be among the 'excellent' among the entire group of awakened people.

Of course, sometimes Zhang Yanhang actually thinks about someone coming to make trouble, asking him to show off and slap him in the face.

However, the awakened people in the main world may indeed have a relatively peaceful mentality and basically do not fight with each other. Although he has occasionally watched others fight and was quickly arrested by the relevant departments, he himself is indeed completely incapable of fighting.

I've encountered this kind of thing before.

Maybe it's because he is really too withdrawn.

After all, how could others come out of thin air to cause trouble for him without knowing or recognizing him?

After returning to the main world, Zhang Yanhang lay down on the reassuring big bed in the bedroom for a while and took a rest. Then he took out the dropped treasure box that he had just put back in his pocket and prepared to open the treasure box again.

But before that, Zhang Yanhang first opened his soul point balance and checked it. Although he only killed some low-level monsters and logically shouldn't get many soul points, Zhang Yanhang decided to check it temporarily.

[Soul Points: 109678167 (+815260)]

"As expected, I just relied on killing those low-level monsters. Even if I killed nearly 10,000 of them, I still couldn't get many soul points. It just reduced my soul point balance from the original 100,800,000.

The increase from 1.86 million to 109.67 million has only increased by 815,260 soul points."

Moreover, of the mere 810,000 soul points, the largest proportion was still the one hundred fourth-level monsters that Zhang Yanhang killed in the third prize pool of the lucky slot machine at Umbrella Biochemical Testing Site.

It can be said that the total of the one hundred monsters contributed at least 700,000 soul points by killing them, and the remaining 110,000 soul points are the total attack of the other more than 10,000 monsters.

Kill profits.

Zhang Yanhang can only say that he is quite accustomed to this. After all, the value of high-level monsters is indeed much better than that of low-level monsters. This is why he has always preferred high-level monsters.

"Before, I thought that I might be able to directly increase the soul point balance to over 110 million by cleaning up the monsters in Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site, Demonic Swamp, Goblin Plains and Raccoon City, but

Now it seems that I have thought too much, and there is still 330,000 soul points left to reach 110 million."

But fortunately, Zhang Yanhang hasn't opened the treasure box yet. After opening the treasure box, he should be able to collect these soul points. After all, if he opens the treasure box, he can get at least one or two million soul points. If he wants to let the soul

It is absolutely easy to increase your point balance to 110 million.

Speaking of the dropped treasure boxes, Zhang Yanhang immediately started counting the number of dropped treasure boxes after checking the soul point balance.

After the inventory was completed, Zhang Yanhang discovered that the number of dropped treasure boxes he had obtained this time was indeed more than 400, even close to 500. If the dust-free treasure chests were included, the total number was 466 treasure boxes, and

After excluding the empty treasure chests, there are a total of 465 dropped treasure chests.

It has to be said that although the balance of soul points has not increased much, the number of dropped treasure boxes has indeed been obtained by relying on the numerical advantage of monsters.

Among the 465 dropped treasure boxes, the largest proportion is naturally from the dropped treasure boxes from Goblin Plains. This time, Goblin Plains contributed a total of 215 dropped treasure boxes, and almost half of the dropped treasure boxes were

Contributed by Goblin Plains.

But although there are indeed a lot of them, they are all green quality treasure chests, and most of them are the treasure chests dropped by the Claymore Goblin. Among them, the treasure chests dropped by the Claymore Goblin account for 167, and the rest are

25 treasure chests dropped by Goblin Spear Throwers and 23 treasure chests dropped by Goblin Wolf Cavalry.

This chapter has been completed!
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