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Chapter 962 Breaking Through the Limit

After counting the equipment from Raccoon City, Zhang Yanhang then began to count the equipment from Goblin Plains. However, the equipment dropped from Goblin Plains because the prize pool of the lucky slot machine was not cleared.

Both in terms of quantity and variety, they are relatively small.

The first is the Dragon Power Bracers found in the treasure chest dropped by the Goblin Spear Thrower. This time Zhang Yanhang obtained a total of twenty-five pairs of Dragon Power Bracers.

However, Zhang Yanhang has already gathered enough Dragon Power Bracers +4 in his eight hands, and the further Dragon Power Bracers +5 is somewhat whimsical, so,

Generally speaking, these dragon power wrist guards are of little significance to Zhang Yanhang.

The other piece of equipment is the swift leggings obtained from the treasure chest dropped by the Goblin Wolf Cavalry. There are twenty-three pairs in total. However, the situation of the swift leggings is similar. Zhang Yanhang currently only has two legs, and this

Both legs have already been equipped with dark purple quality quick leggings +5 that have exceeded the limit.

Therefore, from a practical point of view, the equipment obtained from the Goblin Plains this time, whether it is Dragon Power Bracers or Swift Leggings, are of little use to him.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang quickly put it directly into his pocket and began to count the equipment from the Demonized Swamp area. Compared with the Goblin Plains, the Demonized Swamp has lucky slot machines to clean it up, so not only

There is more equipment, and there are more types of equipment.

They are 56 pieces of blue hyena arm armor from the demonized hyena, 48 pieces of demonic ape leg armor from the demonized canine-toothed giant ape, 40 pieces of cloud tiger shoulder armor from the demonized saber-toothed tiger, and 40 pieces of cloud tiger shoulder armor from the demonized emperor.

An Emperor Crocodile belt from the crocodile, an ivory pendant from the Enchanted Mammoth, and an Enchanted Boar Armband from the Enchanted Four-Eyed Boar.

Among them, Zhang Yanhang is currently equipped with a blue hyena gauntlet that breaks through the limit +6 plus three blue hyena gauntlets that are integrated to the limit +5. Therefore, unless there are about 200 more blue hyena gauntlets,

Let him break through his limits, otherwise it will be basically impossible to improve.

The Demonic Ape Leg Armor has also broken through the limit and merged with the dark purple quality Demonic Ape Leg Armor +6, and because he can only equip one piece, the value of these extra Demonic Ape Leg Armor is more than that of the Blue Hyena Arm.

The armor should be lower. After all, there is still hope of improvement there, but it is really impossible to improve here.

Then there is the Yunhu Shoulder Armor. This situation is much better. In other words, Zhang Yanhang currently has a total of seven purple quality Yunhu Shoulder Armor +5 with a full score, and one Yunhu Shoulder Armor.

Armor +4, a cloud tiger pauldron +3, a cloud tiger pauldron +1 and a normal cloud tiger pauldron.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang actually only has five pieces of Yunhu Shoulder Armor before he can break through the limit and fuse a new dark purple quality Yunhu Shoulder Armor +6. However, as we all know, he never went back after being promoted to a higher level, so

, this integration progress has been stuck here.

But fortunately, this time, he was finally able to gather the last five Yunhu shoulder armors.

Zhang Yanhang immediately took out the remaining pile of Yunhu Pauldrons from his pocket, and then took off the Yunhu Pauldrons +5 on his shoulders and put them into the alchemy method.

array, and finally put five pieces of ordinary Yunhu shoulder armor that had just been released into it.

In the first round of fusion, Zhang Yanhang fused six pieces of Yunhu Shoulder Armor into three pieces of Yunhu Shoulder Armor +1, while in the second round of fusion, he added the remaining piece of Yunhu Shoulder Armor +1, resulting in a total of two pieces.

A piece of Yunhu Pauldron +2, and then in the third round of fusion, it was fused into a piece of Yunhu Pauldron +3.

In the fourth round, because there was still one piece of Yunhu Shoulder Armor +3 left before, a piece of Yunhu Shoulder Armor +4 was successfully fused. In the last round, the newly fused Yunhu Shoulder Armor was used.

Armor +4 was combined with the previously fused Cloud Tiger Shoulder Armor +4 to fuse the last Cloud Tiger Shoulder Armor +5.

In this way, Zhang Yanhang finally integrated the eighth Yunhu Shoulder Armor +5, and could start to break through the limits.

Because the alchemy level has just been upgraded, and the purple-quality Yunhu shoulder armor has broken through the limit, it can be said that there is no difficulty at all. Zhang Yanhang successfully completed the eight pieces of Yunhu shoulder armor +

5 merged into a Yunhu shoulder armor +6.

Looking at the Yunhu Shoulder Armor that was flashing dark purple light in front of him, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to check the +6 attribute list of the Yunhu Shoulder Armor.

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[Yunhu Shoulder Armor +6]

[Quality: dark purple]

[Type: Equipment]

[Origin: Main World, Qindao City, Xingfuli Community, 505 rooms, Zhang Yanhang.]

[Durability: 60/60]

[Defense: 41]

[Additional attribute: Physical recovery speed +33.5% (+11%).]

[Requirements for use: Constitution 48 points.]

[Rating: 220 (dark purple items have a rating of 151 to 260.)]

[Introduction: My name is Azkatha Storm San Silvedo. I am a war hero who is ordinary most of the time but not really that ordinary. Since a thousand years ago,

After I made great contributions in the war with the dwarves, I have been relying on this profound qualification to receive the empire's special pension without any psychological burden, and since then I have lived a boring retirement life...]

"After the Yunhu Shoulder Armor was integrated to +6, it can be said that it has successfully broken through to the dark purple quality. Before, the Yunhu Shoulder Armor +6 only had a score of 150 points, which is equivalent to a purple quality full score equipment, but now it is

It directly increased to 220 points, turning into a dark purple quality with a medium rating, and it was still above average.

In other words, just one fusion caused the Yunhu Shoulder Armor to directly increase its score by 70 points. Not to mention the dark purple quality, even if it is the orange quality, the score increase can be said to be quite outrageous."

Zhang Yanhang clearly remembers that the previous fusion of the Yunhu Shoulder Armor would only increase the score by 20 points under normal conditions. Therefore, breaking through the limit this time is equivalent to increasing the score by 3.5 fusions in the past.

Although it is a breakthrough of the limit, this kind of improvement is still very rare, at least Zhang Yanhang has not seen it a few times.

"The reason for the surge in equipment scores is the surge in additional attributes. Originally, the Yunhu Shoulder Armor could only provide a 22.5% physical recovery speed bonus, but now it has directly increased to 33.5%, which is equivalent to an improvement just by breaking through the limit.

11% physical recovery speed bonus."

It can be said that the increase in physical recovery speed bonus is even more outrageous than the score, because Zhang Yanhang's previous five fusions only increased the physical recovery speed bonus by 12.5% ​​in total, and on average it only increased by 2.5% each time.

, therefore, breaking through the limit this time is approximately equal to the improvement that can be achieved by 4.4 fusions, which is basically the same as five tops at once.

"But although the increase in additional attributes and scores is relatively abnormal, the usage requirements are relatively normal. They only increased by ten points, from the original thirty-eight points of physical attributes to the forty-eight points of physical attributes."

Zhang Yanhang remembered that the requirement for physical attributes was only increased by ten points before, so this requirement is indeed normal.

After checking the attribute list of Yunhu Shoulder Armor +6, Zhang Yanhang immediately re-equipped it on his shoulders.

"The time it took me to recover one tube of physical strength was originally twelve and a half hours, but now after adding an additional 11% physical recovery speed bonus, it can shorten the time to about a quarter of an hour, but the distance is completely reduced to

There is still a gap of twelve hours, and now it can only be considered twelve hours and a quarter of an hour at most."

Of course, Zhang Yanhang only made an approximate estimate. In reality, there will definitely be a certain range of fluctuations, such as a few minutes more or a few minutes less, which are all normal.

"My previous small goal was to improve it to less than ten hours, but at present, there is really no hope of completing it. After all, the gap of more than two hours is indeed quite large."

After settling the matter of the Yunhu Shoulder Armor, Zhang Yanhang put the remaining thirty-five pieces of ordinary Yunhu Shoulder Armor into his pocket, and then began to count other equipment.

Next is the Emperor Crocodile Belt. Zhang Yanhang previously had a gold quality Emperor Crocodile Belt +5 and twenty ordinary Emperor Crocodile Belts. If he wanted to fuse the Emperor Crocodile Belt to +6, there are still twelve pieces missing.

Emperor Crocodile Belt.

After counting the Emperor Crocodile Belt that was just released this time, Zhang Yanhang now has a gold-quality Emperor Crocodile Belt +5 and twenty-one ordinary Emperor Crocodile Belts, which means he only has one more Emperor Crocodile Belt.

It’s just the Crocodile Belt, and there are still eleven Emperor Crocodile Belts left to achieve +6 fusion.

Next is the ivory pendant. The ivory pendant is basically the same as the Emperor Crocodile Belt. Zhang Yanhang has also integrated the ivory pendant +5 with the golden quality. In addition, there are four ordinary ivory pendants left.

Therefore, even including the ivory ornaments that were just released this time, he still has a total of twenty-seven ivory ornaments before he can start to integrate +6.

Because there is currently no sign of Level 2 monsters being spawned in the Demonic Swamp, and the third prize pool of the Lucky Slot Machine in the Demonic Swamp has basically no treasure chests due to rank penalties, Zhang Yanhang feels that the Emperor Crocodile Belt and

There is probably no hope of further integration of ivory ornaments.

Compared with the above-mentioned Blue Hyena Arm Armor, Demonic Ape Leg Armor, Cloud Tiger Shoulder Armor, Emperor Crocodile Belt and Ivory Ornaments, what is really useful to Zhang Yanhang is the magic contributed by the Demonized Four-Eyed Wild Boar.

Pig armband.

Previously, because Zhang Yanhang was young and ignorant, or in other words, because he did not obtain the three-headed and six-armed skills at that time, he merged all eight magic pig armbands into one magic pig armband +3, which resulted in his current four...

There is still only one pair of arms equipped with magic pig armbands, while the other arms are still empty.

But now, he can finally equip a new magic pig armband again.

Before equipping the Magic Pig Armband, Zhang Yanhang first checked the attribute list of the Magic Pig Armband. After all, he had not obtained one for a long time.

【Magic Pig Armband】

[Quality: dark purple]

[Type: Equipment]

[Origin: Ash-End World, High Elf Empire, Supreme Forest, Elf King Arvando.]

[Durability: 60/60]

[Defense: 42]

[Additional attribute: attack speed +19%.]

[Usage requirements: 40 points of agility.]

[Rating: 260 (dark purple items have a rating of 151 to 260.)]

[Introduction: My name is Azcazar Storm San Silvedo. I am a war hero and savior of the empire who seems ordinary but upon closer inspection, is not too ordinary.

, I don’t know if it’s mediocre or not, but I am currently receiving a special military pension with no psychological burden due to my profound qualifications and living a boring retirement life...]

"Yes, it's this smell. It's so familiar. But the only pity is that I only got a pair of magic pig armbands this time. It would be great if I could get one more magic pig armband."


Even if he is equipped with this magic pig armband, Zhang Yanhang still has two empty arms, and he still needs to work hard to clear the third prize pool.

After briefly checking the attribute list of the magic pig armband, Zhang Yanhang immediately equipped it on his arm.

After obtaining this 19% attack speed bonus, the attack speed of Zhang Yanhang's six-gun pure soul-transmitting gun's cannon bullets has been increased again. Originally, the cannon bullets could only fire 7390 rounds per second, but now it is

It has been able to fire 7,580 machine gun bullets per second, which is equivalent to an increase in firing speed of 190 machine gun bullets per second.

"And this 19% attack speed bonus has finally reduced the speed at which I can clear a cannon magazine. It used to take me 1.4 seconds to clear a cannon magazine, but now it only takes 1.3 seconds to clear it.

A cannon magazine once again reduced the time by 0.1 seconds."

However, reduction is reduction, but Zhang Yanhang's mid-term goal of reducing the time to clear the cannon magazine to less than one second is still far away. There is still a gap of 0.3 seconds. Although it seems to be only 0.3 seconds, because the further back

The reason why compression becomes more difficult is that, let alone level 4 in these 0.3 seconds, it is honestly not certain whether level 5 can be completed.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yanhang classifies him as a mid-term target, and does not even rule out the possibility of becoming a long-term target.

Along with the increase in attack speed, the flying speed of Zhang Yanhang's current six pure soul-transmitting gun machine gun bullets has also increased. It has now increased from the original Mach 177 to Mach 182, which is another increase in the flying speed of Mach 5.

If converted into meters, Zhang Yanhang's cannon bullets can now fly 61,880 meters per second.

But although the overall flight speed has indeed increased, from a rounding perspective, it is still only one-seventh of the small goal of destroying the Japanese headquarters with one shot from 800 miles away.

This chapter has been completed!
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