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Chapter 987 Indecision Multiple Choices!

"In addition to the most important increase in the upper limit of the energy value, this time the recovery speed of the energy value has also been greatly improved again with the promotion of the rank."

Originally, Zhang Yanhang's energy recovery speed was only 222 points, but now it has been increased to 366 points per hour, which is equivalent to another increase of 144 points. This is undoubtedly a lot, compared to the original

It has increased by more than two-thirds.

Of course, the bulk of it this time must be the rank rewards. Zhang Yanhang remembered that when he was promoted to the fourth rank, he got 60 points of energy recovery speed, and now after being promoted to the fifth rank, it should have doubled according to the previous rules.

The energy value recovery speed is increased by 120 points.

As for the remaining 24 points of energy recovery speed, Zhang Yanhang thinks that all of them should come from the improvement of the intelligence attribute. After his intelligence attribute has been increased to 122 points, it stands to reason that the energy recovery speed should increase by three points every five points.

Calculated from twenty-two points, it is the energy value recovery speed of twelve points.

But judging from the fact that the health value recovery speed provided by the physical attribute is doubled, the energy value recovery speed provided by the intelligence attribute should also be doubled. And based on this aspect, if you calculate it, after doubling at twelve o'clock

It just happens to be the 24-point improvement in addition to the rank rewards.

"If the intelligence attribute is also doubled, wouldn't it mean that every five points of intelligence attribute increases the energy value recovery speed by six points, that is, each point of intelligence attribute increases the energy value recovery speed by two points?"

Of course, this kind of thing must still be settled at five points according to the past rules. Otherwise, Zhang Yanhang would definitely not only have a 24-point increase in energy value recovery speed. But fortunately, the problem is not big. Anyway, as long as it can be improved, it will be fine.


"Then, here comes the question. Since my basic energy recovery speed has been increased so much, to what extent should the energy recovery speed of my Sky-Eating Earth-Eating skill be increased?"

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Yanhang couldn't wait to open the skill effect of his Sky Devouring Earth Devouring skill and began to check it.

[Swallowing Heaven and Earth·Original Code 6 (Passive/Active)]

[Passive effect: Prop (gain) use (edible) effect +60%.]

[Active effect: After the skill is activated, the Lord of Destiny will be able to swallow materials and energy into the stomach space through the entrance of the mouth, and by digesting the materials and energy in the stomach space to grow his body size and restore his own energy value, there is no cooling time.

, consume a small amount of physical energy.

The current stomach naan space volume is 1200×1200×1200=17,28000000 cubic meters.

The current stomach naan space absorption efficiency is 2489-1509 (+980) [energy value recovery speed] × 6% = 149 points (+58 points) energy value/second.]


"After the basic energy value recovery speed is increased, the energy value recovery speed in the stomach naan space is also greatly improved.

Originally, my energy value recovery speed was to automatically restore 1509 energy points per hour, but now it has been directly increased to automatically restore 2489 energy points per hour, which is an increase of 980 energy points compared to before.

The recovery speed has also been increased by about two-thirds."

After being converted with a conversion ratio of 6%, the energy value recovery speed of 2489 points was converted into an energy value recovery absorption efficiency of 149 points per second. Compared with the original 91 points, this time

Directly increase the energy absorption efficiency by 58 points.

But because Zhang Yanhang can obtain 5 times the energy value by absorbing the corpse, his actual absorption efficiency per second is 224 energy points.

"I used to think that setting a small goal of two hundred energy points per second was a bit difficult to achieve, but now it seems that it can be achieved easily and directly. As expected, promotion to a higher level is always the best improvement.

The way of strength.”

Before Zhang Yanhang was promoted, let alone the small goal of 200 points, he struggled to even achieve 150 points. After all, his maximum energy absorption efficiency at that time was only 137 points, which was almost worse than it is now.

It's ninety o'clock to go out.

However, because he relied on promotion to achieve this small goal, Zhang Yanhang inevitably felt that this small goal of one hundred points at a time was a bit high. Therefore, he felt that the small goal of energy absorption efficiency should actually be

Optimize it to a quota of fifty points, so that it will be easier to complete.

"Calculated based on fifty points per quota, my next small goal is to increase the energy absorption efficiency of the stomach naan space to 250 points. Currently, I am still 26 points short of this small goal."

Although it is difficult for Zhang Yanhang to improve the energy absorption efficiency through normal methods, he has not yet upgraded to Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth. If he is upgraded later, let alone the current small goal of 250 points, even

The small goal of 300 points can definitely be easily achieved.

Moreover, Zhang Yanhang remembered that his two Mythra cores can also increase the energy recovery speed. Therefore, improving the energy absorption efficiency is definitely not something to worry about. At least it is definitely faster than increasing the health recovery speed.

Much simpler.

"Based on my current recovery rate of 224 energy points per second, I can now automatically recover 13,440 energy points in one minute, and 806,400 energy points in one hour.

As for 24 hours a day, it can automatically restore 19,353,600 energy points, which is nearly 20 million energy points."

But I don’t know if it’s because the energy value recovery speed has increased from the original 222 points to the current 366 points. The gap between his current automatic energy value recovery speed per hour and the standard energy value recovery speed has been reduced by a part.

Originally, it had reached exactly 2222 times, but now it has been reduced back to 2203 times, which is a reduction of 19 times. Well, actually the difference is not too big.

Moreover, in addition to the reduction here, the increase rate of the upper limit of his energy value still exceeds the increase rate of the energy value recovery speed. Therefore, he now wants to restore the time required for a tube of energy value.

Also longer again.

Originally, under the effect of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth, it only took him 145 seconds to automatically restore a full tube of energy, but now it has increased to 152 seconds, which is almost two and a half minutes.

It takes about 10 minutes to automatically restore the full energy value of a tube, which is seven seconds slower than before.

But because he will definitely increase the upper limit of energy value crazily in the future, Zhang Yanhang feels that this recovery speed will definitely continue to be extended in the future.

"Although I don't know the specific strength of the fifth level now because I haven't had time to check the fifth-level multiple choices, but based on the calculation that in the past, each point of energy value at the fourth level could get 500,000, I now have nearly 2,000

With an energy value of 10,000, it is possible to obtain 9,676,800,000 in one go, which is more than 9 trillion and nearly 10 trillion in cash."

And if converted into US dollars, it is actually only about 1.4 trillion US dollars. There is still a certain gap between the two trillion US dollars released by Old B. Of course, this is calculated using the fourth-level quota after all.

After Zhang Yanhang tests the actual strength of the fifth-level multiple choice, he will definitely be able to easily surpass this small goal.

"But, why do I feel that my body size growth rate has slowed down even though the energy absorption efficiency of the Sky Devouring Earth Devouring skill has been greatly improved? Is it an illusion?"

Zhang Yanhang calmed down and felt it carefully for a while, and found that his current body size growth rate seemed to be much slower than before his promotion. After his precise calculation, he found that the speed required for him to grow one centimeter in size has increased from the original seven

Thirteen seconds slowed down directly to about ninety seconds.

"Then, here comes the question, why is this? It doesn't make sense. It can't be because the total amount of energy required to increase the size after being promoted to a higher level has increased, right?"

Because he didn't quite understand, Zhang Yanhang chose to directly ask for multiple choices. After all, multiple choices have always been his purpose when he was in doubt, and it was indeed the most time-saving, saving him the trouble of guessing.

Guess wrong.

After simply making a selection and asking multiple choices, Zhang Yanhang discovered that it was really because of his promotion that his current growth rate had slowed down.

To be specific, it turns out that he only needs about 10,000 energy points to grow one centimeter in size, which is relatively economical.

Now that he has been promoted to the fifth level, probably because his own strength has increased, the cost of growing in size has also become greater, or in other words, it has doubled to 20,000 points.

It takes energy to increase your body size by one centimeter.

And this is why Zhang Yanhang's energy absorption efficiency has increased significantly, but his body size growth rate has slowed down.

Of course, in addition to the substantial increase in strength caused by the increase in rank, Zhang Yanhang feels that the further deepening of the energy body may also be one of the reasons for the increased consumption of body size, but that should only be a secondary reason, mainly caused by the promotion of rank.

Increased strength.

"Sure enough, there is still no such good thing as increasing the energy recovery efficiency to infinitely superimpose the body size growth rate. In other words, although the skill of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth is the professional skill of the Lord of Destiny, it does still need to pay more attention to energy conservation.

According to the law, it is impossible to make the fourth level and fifth level have the same level of improvement consumption."

But Zhang Yanhang can indeed understand this kind of thing. After all, it is normal for such growth-type skills to have changes in consumption. Only the almost rule-based BUG skills that are invincible can always provide better performance without consumption.

His own defense needs a higher energy shield.

Speaking of this energy shield, which now has a maximum shield value of 670,000 points, if there is really consumption, especially energy consumption, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Yanhang himself to supply it, that is, compared with the profession of destiny master

Ba Dao turned it into a non-consuming passive skill that Zhang Yanhang can use until now.

After all, his current upper limit of energy value is only more than 30,000 points. Unless he can generate a shield value of more than 20 points with a little energy value, otherwise his blue tube may not even have the automatic recovery speed per second.

Not as good as.

After all, automatic recovery has always maintained a speed of 20% per second. Now, that is a shield value recovery speed of nearly 140,000 points per second. If you want him to use energy supply, it is better to kill him directly.

, the province will have its spiritual energy drained out before death.

"Now that my body size growth rate has returned to ninety seconds, I have now returned to the original state where it takes one and a half minutes to grow one centimeter. That means I can only grow 40 centimeters per hour, and I can only grow one centimeter per day.

Increased body size by 960 centimeters."

Zhang Yanhang remembered that his peak growth rate had increased to 1,184 centimeters per day before he was promoted to a higher rank. But now that it has dropped to 960 centimeters, it is equivalent to a decrease in growth rate of 224 centimeters, which is an overall decrease of about a quarter.

, fortunately, it is still within the acceptable range.

"Although my body size growth rate has temporarily slowed down now, as long as I continue to increase the skill level of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth in the future, the skill of Devouring Sky and Devouring Earth will definitely be able to easily help me increase my body size growth rate again."

Zhang Yanhang had already thought about increasing his body growth rate to more than 20 meters at the fifth level, but now it seems that he may have to lower his expectations slightly.

But after all, it was only a slight reduction. Even if the energy consumption required to grow in size doubled, he still had a certain degree of confidence that he could increase the growth rate to more than twenty meters.

After all, if he goes crazy and triggers adventures at worst, he will definitely be able to search for a lot of treasures that can increase the speed of energy recovery, and he has indeed encountered many before.

It can also be seen from the previous situation that in fact, the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that increase the speed of energy recovery and health recovery are indeed not as valuable as the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that can directly increase the upper limit of energy and health. Otherwise,

It’s not like he could find many corresponding treasures of heaven, materials and earth at random like before.

The earth is so big, Zhang Yanhang feels that as long as he keeps changing places and collecting wool all over the world, it shouldn't be difficult to achieve any small goals.

The reason why he didn't do this before was actually simply because it was too troublesome and unnecessary. But if he really couldn't complete the small goal in the future, then he could really give it a try, but it would be really troublesome.


Moreover, after all, Tiancai Dibao is not a prop, and the corresponding value cannot be fixedly increased. Even if he relies on forcibly triggering adventures to search frantically, and relies on no taboos to use it forcefully, low-level Tiancai Dibao can still only play its original share.

to improve him.


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