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Chapter 994 Excess bonus! Completely surpass human civilization!

Judging from the information Zhang Yanhang obtained through multiple choices, the situation he is encountering now is actually a special increase caused by the deepening of the body's energy level.

Specifically speaking, after the body's energy level deepens, his body seems to have become more 'sensitive' to some bonuses. Of course, considering that it may be a bit strange to say this, it can also be called '

"Excess Bonus" allows him to enjoy an additional part of the bonus.

In other words, although the original bonus effect of the secondary attribute of Eight Arms and Eight Toes of Flying Sand and Rocks may only be 120%, it actually exerts more effects with the support of this excess bonus, which is why he moved this time

The speed increased more than he imagined.

Of course, the scope of this excess bonus is relatively small, and it can only be applied to a few limited bonuses related to the body, or in other words, to those limited bonuses related to physical fitness.

That is, strength, movement speed, attack speed and physical limit.

Others, such as energy value, health value, or more high-end skill coverage bonuses, are not affected at all, not even defense and attack power.

After all, energization affects body tissues, and naturally it cannot affect unrelated things.

Although the scope of this excess bonus is relatively small, considering that he was promoted to a higher level for free, Zhang Yanhang is actually very satisfied, and it should be able to help him increase his strength a lot.

If you want to ask what the specific excess bonus is, Zhang Yanhang can only answer that he doesn’t know. After all, this kind of thing is relatively simple. In fact, there is no detailed value. It can only be said that there is indeed such a thing.

Let him do it for free, but he doesn't understand the specific working principle at all.

To put it more bluntly, after all, this is the improvement brought about by Qiankun Wuji Gong, which is more inclined to the Eastern cultivation system. Therefore, it is naturally impossible to get any specific bonuses under this system.

If you ask about the principle, you can only explain it by saying, "Mysteries are mysteries, and they are the door to all mysteries."

"But although I really don't know the detailed value, there should still be an excess bonus of at least 30%."

As for the more detailed bonus range, Zhang Yanhang can only say that he can feel it after experiencing it several times in the future.

"Therefore, this part of the movement speed that has been increased this time, this excess bonus should have made a big contribution. Otherwise, my current movement speed may be as high as Mach 100, and it is absolutely impossible to reach what it is now.

This kind of moving speed of Mach 139.”

When Zhang Yanhang was in the fourth level, he liked to compare his speed with intercontinental ballistic missiles, but now, intercontinental ballistic missiles have become a complete younger brother in front of him. After all, his current moving speed has reached a mere twenty-seven.

Mach flying speed is more than five times that of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

"Before, I set the New Horizons at Mach 62 as a small goal, but looking at it now, this small goal is really not high at all. My basic speed is now twice the moving speed of the New Horizons.


If this is the case, then the next small goal may be the turn of Helios 1. The maximum flying speed of the Helios 1 detector is Mach 187, and I am currently still 48 Mach short of this small goal."

Of course, if Zhang Yanhang is blessed with spiritual energy, he will definitely be able to surpass this small goal immediately. After all, Mach 139 is just his normal speed. After being blessed with spiritual energy, he can actually reach Mach 278.

Movement speed.

At this level of flight speed, let alone the Helios 1 probe, even the peak flight speed of Mach 217 created by the Juno Jupiter probe, which is ranked first in history, was instantly surpassed by relying on Jupiter's gravity slingshot.


It can be said that all the instruments created by mankind can no longer surpass Zhang Yanhang's current movement speed. After being promoted to the fifth level, he has officially surpassed the previous low-level technological civilization on the earth.

In the future, it will be obvious that the awakened person's cultivation system is the real development direction of the earth or the empire.

At the same time, Zhang Yanhang is now getting closer and closer to the fourth universe speed. After adding spiritual energy, his moving speed has reached 94 kilometers per second, which is 120 kilometers per second away from the fourth universe speed.

Only 24 kilometers left.

It can be said that with the improvement of various attribute points and related bonuses, Zhang Yanhang should soon be able to directly achieve the long-term goal of the fourth cosmic speed that he originally set. You must know that he has been doing a good job in the sixth level before.

The preparations needed to be completed, after all, he didn't know before that there would be an excess bonus at level five.

But now that there are excess bonuses, it is obviously different. It is naturally much easier to achieve this original long-term goal.

"Now after I have blessed the aura, my moving speed has increased to kilometers per hour, which is almost 340,000 kilometers per hour. But originally, I couldn't even run one round trip to the equator in an hour. Now

It is now possible to travel around the Earth in just seven minutes."

From the original 7 laps in an hour, to the current 14 minutes and less than a quarter of an hour, Zhang Yanhang feels that the change is indeed huge.

"And the moon, which is originally 400,000 kilometers away from the earth, can fly there in about 70 minutes at my current speed."

Judging from the current improvement trend of his movement speed, Zhang Yanhang estimates that he should be able to fly between the earth and the moon at will when he reaches the sixth level. But now, more than an hour is still a long time after all. He temporarily

I have no interest in spending more than an hour just to go to the moon and then spend more than an hour flying back.

Of course, considering that he has more energy now, he can actually use teleportation on the return trip, but even so, it is still very troublesome, so he feels that there is no need to go to the moon to see the moon for the time being.

And when the moving speed reaches 340,000 kilometers per hour, the time it takes Zhang Yanhang to catch up with the golden record will naturally be greatly reduced.

"340,000 kilometers in one hour, that's 8.16 million kilometers in one day, and 2.9784 million kilometers in 365 days in a year. After rounding, it's almost 3 billion kilometers, and the current distance between the golden record and the earth

That’s 24 billion kilometers.”

Therefore, based on Zhang Yanhang's current moving speed, if the Golden Record remains unchanged, it will only take him eight years to catch up with the Golden Record.

But in fact, considering that the Golden Record is carried by Voyager 1, and Voyager 1 will continue to move at a speed of Mach 49, so in theory, during the eight years of his pursuit, Voyager 1 will continue to move forward.

The ship will travel billions of kilometers further, so it should ultimately take about ten years to catch up with the golden record.

However, life is precious. For him who was promoted to the fifth level in just over a month, it is naturally impossible for him to spend ten years chasing some golden records, something meaningless like that. If he is in a good mood after retirement,

I would try this kind of long-distance space marathon, but forget it for now.

After testing his movement speed, Zhang Yanhang was ready to test his current strength level.

But considering that he only had 100,000 tons of steel cubes in his stomach space now, which was definitely not enough, Zhang Yanhang immediately used local materials and used the alchemy of truth to transform a large number of new steel cubes from the surrounding magma rocks.

This kind of large-scale forced transformation may have been a little difficult in the past, but now both the transformation time and energy consumption have been greatly reduced, and it can basically be used at will.

In the past, he could only polymerize the part that originally existed in the substance and then extract it. This was how the previous batch of steel cubes were made.

Considering that the fifth level of power should increase faster, Zhang Yanhang transformed 500,000 tons of steel cubes in one go. Of course, it is definitely impossible to use them all this time. He is more preparing for the future.

Prepare for your growth and practice every time you improve.

After the transformation was successful, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to test his strength. Although his maximum strength was less than 20,000 tons when he was at the peak of the fourth level, this time, Zhang Yanhang went directly to himself from the beginning.

A 50,000-ton steel cube was placed on his right hand, and as expected, it was easy.

But after testing, Zhang Yanhang felt something was inexplicably wrong. Then he immediately released the transformation technique and regained his normal body shape of fifteen meters. "Well, this is just right."

That's right, after more than four hours, Zhang Yanhang's current size has grown from nearly 13 meters to 15 meters. This is because he was slower for a while before, otherwise he might be nearly 16 meters now.

It’s rice.

Naturally, his size is a certain blessing for his strength. However, because he is relatively small now, his weight is actually still at a relatively low level, probably only forty or fifty tons. Therefore, for him now, it is easy to

In terms of a 10,000-ton strength test, the difference is actually not that big.

But what I have to say is that he does feel much more comfortable without using the transformation technique to restrain himself. After all, no matter what kind of restraint it is, restraint is restraint, and it will definitely not make people feel comfortable. After all, he has nothing

Special hobbies.

After re-liberating his body, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to test his strength. This time, he directly placed another 100,000-ton steel cube on his right hand. In this way, he already had 150,000 tons in his right hand.

steel cube, but he still felt relaxed.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang immediately placed a hundred thousand tons of steel cube on his right hand again. This time, he finally felt that the margin had become smaller, but the smaller margin did not mean that the limit had been reached, so he finally continued

After placing more than 20,000 tons of steel cubes on top, the strength limit was finally tested.

After the test, Zhang Yanhang found that his current strength had increased from the peak level of the fourth level to 271,175 tons, which was a direct increase of 252,552 tons in one go compared to before.

"After being promoted to the fifth level this time, I feel that my strength has increased a lot. Obviously I haven't raised my strength attribute to the level limit, but I already have tons of strength. Isn't this an increase too much?

Could it be that the excess bonus is exerting its force again?

It is possible, after all, my strength bonus has already reached over 1000%, and may even be close to 1500%, so the excess bonus I enjoy is much greater than the movement speed."

When Zhang Yanhang was at the peak of the fourth level, including promotions and subsequent upgrades, his total strength growth only reached eighteen times that of the peak of the third level.

But now, he has just been promoted to the fifth level. He has not done anything yet, and has not received any strength bonus. He has only simply improved his strength attribute, but his current strength has reached the level of 6 at the peak of the fourth level.

Times, this is simply outrageous.

After all, according to his past experience, if the attribute value is simply improved, even if the power is directly raised to the top, it will only be improved by about ten times.

The limit is nearly five times greater in strength, which would not surprise Zhang Yanhang.

"If there had been a strength bonus reward for the main attribute of strength before, my current strength might have been increased to sixteen times or even more than the fourth level peak."

In view of the fact that the power increase this time was a bit easy, Zhang Yanhang felt that he would soon be able to surpass the 18-fold limit at the peak of the fourth level this time, and return to the peak-level growth rate of more than 20 times.

"Moreover, this ton is just the most basic one-handed strength. If you add some spiritual energy, you can directly reach the one-handed strength of ton. And if you calculate the strength of both hands, it has already reached the terrifying ton."

Zhang Yanhang's previous million-ton power was just an adjective, or it basically relied on other external forces and skills, but this time it was obviously different. This time it was truly a million-ton power.

"Originally, I thought about lifting a 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a full displacement, but now it seems that a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is considered a der. I can lift three with one hand even without the blessing of spiritual energy."

Zhang Yanhang remembers that the heaviest ship in the world, the Knoxville crude oil carrier, seems to have a displacement of only about 900,000 tons when fully loaded. Therefore, after surpassing the speed of man-made instruments, Zhang Yanhang's current

The power has also surpassed that of man-made instruments.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Zhang Yanhang now has the ability to destroy human beings in terms of speed and strength. Of course, it can also be said to have completely surpassed human civilization.

This chapter has been completed!
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