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Chapter 216 Qiao Anchen attacked the goalkeeper from behind

Courtois took a goal kick and Atletico Madrid started to attack.

Atletico Madrid's attack went relatively smoothly this time. After seven or eight passes back and forth, it tore apart the opponent's defense. Finally, Qiao Anchen broke through Biba full-back Ott from the right and then cut inside and passed the ball in an inverted triangle.

Midfielder Diego didn't stop the ball and shot directly near the penalty spot in the penalty area.

Unfortunately, Diego's shot was a bit soft and lacked power, and was easily confiscated by the opponent's goalkeeper Ilesos. Diego was also very embarrassed and gave a thumbs up to Qiao Anchen, saying that the ball was passed well, but he didn't shoot it.


After completing the pass, Qiao Anchen was carried out of the baseline by inertia and was about to return to the court. He and other players from both sides withdrew from the opponent's penalty area to continue the game. Suddenly, he found goalkeeper Elisos holding the ball and walking towards the penalty area.

He patted the ground for a moment, as if he was about to launch a big kick. He didn't even notice that there was Qiao Anchen behind him, and he didn't leave the small restricted area.

Qiao Anchen's eyes lit up and he immediately ran lightly behind Elisos. The Athletic Bilbao fans in the stands realized something was wrong, and many people were shocked and shouted: "Be careful behind you!"

Ilesos was still focused on observing the movement of his teammates to see which direction the big foot was going, so he did not notice the shouts of the fans in the stands. In addition, the stadium itself was noisy, and Atletico Madrid fans were also making noises to interfere.

Elisos didn't really hear it and didn't alert him at all.

Instead, center back Illaura, who was exiting the penalty area, heard the shouts of the fans. He turned around and saw his teammate, goalkeeper Ilesos, preparing to take a big kick. He didn't notice that he was quietly ambushing beside him.

Qiao Anchen from the side and rear.

Elora was immediately frightened, and while waving to Elisos, she shouted: "Be careful behind you!"

But his shout was already too late. At the same time as Elora shouted, Elisos, who was completely unaware, had already thrown the ball up and was ready to kick.

Qiao Anchen saw the right moment, and the moment Elisos threw the ball up, he immediately came out from behind the opponent. Before the ball could reach half-height of Elisos' kick, the fans in the audience were in an uproar.

He raised his foot and knocked the ball away halfway.

Ilesos, who was raising his right foot to kick the ball, was shocked. He immediately stopped the action of kicking the ball and flew out, trying to catch the ball.

However, Qiao Anchen poked the ball harder, and Elisos's flying dive failed to catch the ball. When he realized that he couldn't pounce on the ball and wanted to hug Qiao Anchen, Qiao Anchen had already avoided his throwing range.

Under the desperate gazes of Ilesos and countless Athletic Bilbao players and fans, and amid the excited cheers of Atletico Madrid fans, Qiao Anchen caught up with the ball he poked in two steps, and easily pushed the ball in.

Empty gate.

At 6 minutes and 07 seconds of the first half, Qiao Anchen intercepted the ball from goalkeeper Ilesos in the opponent's penalty area and hit an empty goal, helping Atletico Madrid lead 1-0.

This goal was so unexpected and dramatic. Qiao Anchen took advantage of the opponent's goalkeeper's carelessness and had an idea. He stole the ball from the goalkeeper and successfully scored a lightning goal in the first 6 minutes.

Amid the applause and cheers from Atletico Madrid fans, commentators from various countries all laughed and said:


"The ball is in!"

"Ilesos made a huge mistake. He was about to take a big kick without seeing the surrounding situation clearly. As a result, he was passed the ball in an inverted triangle before leaving the penalty area. Qiao Anchen, who was ambushing behind Ilesos,

He stole the ball easily and hit an empty goal, but lost a goal in vain."

"Conceding such a goal because of carelessness, and it was only 6 minutes into the game, this is a huge blow to Ilesos himself and the morale of the entire Athletic Bilbao team."

"In this final, the next time for Athletic Bilbao will be difficult."

CCTV commentator Guan Jianwen even shouted excitedly:


"The ball is in, it's in, it's in, it's in, it's in..."

"Qiao Anchen took advantage of the opponent's goalkeeper's carelessness, stole the ball and hit an empty goal, and scored in the Europa League final."

"This is the first goal for a Chinese player in the Europa League final."

"Only 6 minutes into the game, Qiao Anchen helped Atletico Madrid take a 1-0 lead, and the morale of the Athletic Bilbao goalkeeper and players will definitely take a huge hit."

"This will potentially bring Qiao Anchen the first championship trophy in his career, and it will also be the first European championship trophy for a Chinese player in the European League."

"It's so unexpected and exciting."

"Ilesos's carelessness was a great gift to Joan Chen and Atletico Madrid."

Indeed, anyone can imagine that the next state of Ilesos and his teammates will definitely be affected by this conceding goal.

And Atletico Madrid wouldn't care so much. Qiao Anchen opened his arms and ran along the baseline to celebrate, followed by Falcao, Diego, Adrian and others who were chasing after him ecstatically to celebrate together.

This was the final. He scored such a dramatic goal in just 6 minutes. He led the score and severely damaged the morale of his opponent. Atletico Madrid's players, coaches, and fans were all more confident in winning this final.


Of course, Athletic Bilbao could not bear such a blow. Whether it was Elisos, his teammates, or coaches, they all surrounded the referee Wolfgang Stark, excitedly

It said that Qiao Anchen was interfering with the goalkeeper's kick-off, and Qiao Anchen should be sentenced for a foul, and the goal was invalid.

But the referee ignored them, put his finger in the circle, and directly ruled that the goal was valid.

When the goalkeeper saves the ball and holds it, as long as the ball leaves the goalkeeper's hand, the opponent's players can grab it and continue the attack. This is similar to the rule that if the goalkeeper misses the save, the opponent can continue to shoot, as long as the ball is not forcibly grabbed from the goalkeeper's hands or arms.

Just fine.

It's just that the time between the successful save and the big kick is a bit long. Most people assume that the goalkeeper has completely controlled the ball and is no longer allowed to forcefully grab the ball, so no one pays attention to this aspect, including the goalkeeper himself.

But this is actually allowed by the rules of football.

Qiao Anchen is not the first person to successfully attack the goalkeeper in this way. I can only blame Ilesos for being careless and being succeeded by Qiao Anchen's sneak attack.

Of course, the referee has discretion on the court. Some referees will think that this behavior is immoral and interferes with the goalkeeper's kick-off, which is inappropriate and will therefore invalidate the goal.

However, today is the Europa League final, and the referee Wolfgang Stark is still of a good standard. He knows what rules should be applied to this kind of ball and how to make penalties. Therefore, he did not displease Qiao Anchen and Atletico Madrid players and fans.

The penalty was still awarded and the goal was valid.

Qiao Anchen and his teammates can celebrate with confidence and boldness, and Atletico Madrid fans can also cheer loudly and applaud Qiao Anchen's smart and decisive sneak attack with confidence.

This goal may become a trigger that breaks the morale of Athletic Bilbao.

If Atletico Madrid really wins this game today and wins the championship, then Qiao Anchen's behind-the-back attack on Ilesos will definitely become a classic scene in this Europa League final.

Amid protests from Bilbao players and boos from fans, Qiao Anchen and his teammates celebrated happily for more than half a minute before gradually returning to their own half, allowing Athletic Bilbao to kick the ball in.

After the game restarted, Athletic Bilbao was indeed hit hard. The coordination of passing and cutting was a bit confusing and there was no tacit understanding. Atletico Madrid quickly intercepted the ball and launched another attack.

At 7 minutes and 53 seconds, Adrian cut in from the left, hit the wall with Diego, and then entered the penalty area and volleyed from a small angle at the ribs. Unfortunately, it missed the goal frame and hit the side netting.

At 8 minutes and 37 seconds, Atletico Madrid made a comeback. Qiao Anchen dribbled the ball from the middle and used his perfect Matthews pass to pass two people and attracted many opposing defenders to grab the ball. Then he decisively picked the ball out and passed it to Diego.


At this time, Athletic Bilbao's defense, which had attracted too many people to Qiao Anchen, had a loophole, and Falcao ran into a huge gap in the penalty area.

As an attacking midfielder, Diego naturally discovered this gap and passed the ball decisively.

It's a pity that Falcao didn't grasp it himself. He fired a powerful shot only 8 meters away from the goal without any angle. It was sent directly to goalkeeper Elisos, who blocked it with his foot.

Although the goal was not scored, everyone could see that Atletico Madrid had completely taken the initiative. Not only was it leading in terms of score, but it also had the upper hand in terms of situation. It was only a matter of time before the second goal was scored.

At 9 minutes and 24 seconds, when Qiao Anchen was dribbling the ball on the right side of the frontcourt and preparing to use his Matthews dribble to break through again, the anxious Athletic Bilbao midfielder Herrera stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled down Qiao Anchen.

His jersey was almost torn.

Herrera naturally received a yellow card from the referee and gave Atletico Madrid a well-positioned free kick.

However, the ball was a bit far away, a full 27 meters away. Diego's direct free kick failed to hit the goal frame and missed the post, failing to pose a threat.

Despite this, Atletico Madrid's continuous bombardment still made Athletic Bilbao's goal very tight. Bilbao fans were frightened and didn't know how long they could hold their goal.

This chapter has been completed!
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