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Chapter 23 Angry at Teammates

On September 7, Camacho's second official game after taking office was the second round of the top 20 Asian preliminaries of the World Cup. The national football team lost 1-2 away to Jordan.

After this battle, Jordan won both games and accumulated 6 points, China and Iraq both accumulated 3 points, and Singapore was at the bottom with 0 points. The qualifying situation for the national football team became less clear.

However, there are still many fans and media who are looking forward to Camacho. They believe that the national football team still has the advantage in this game. The loss is just bad luck. Camacho will definitely lead the national football team to advance to the top ten.

Qiao Anchen just watched the news and did not participate in the fans' debate in the comment area. Anyway, he has been expelled from the national football team and will not be able to return in a short time.

He has to work hard to play well in the next games and strive to enter U17 as soon as possible.

After being promoted to U17, whether in training or competition, the experience will definitely be higher, and you can upgrade more quickly and improve your strength.

On September 11, the home match day, Qiao Huamei and Cao Guanhong naturally came to the sidelines of the training ground to cheer Qiao Anchen on the spot.

In addition, there is also the head coach of the U17 youth team, Pozhe Theresa.

The training grounds of the U17 youth team and the U15 youth team are next to each other, so everyone naturally knows Pogje Theresa. Therefore, when the team members saw Pogje Theresa coming to the game in person, all the U15 players were a little excited.

Although everyone understands that Theresa is here to inspect Qiao Anchen, if they perform well, they may not have the same possibility of advancing to U17.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone was excited and confused.

At 15:30 on September 11th, the fourth round of the U15A League, the match between Atletico Madrid and Valencia officially started at the Atletico Madrid U15 training ground.

Because U17 coach Poje Theresa was watching the game from the sidelines, Atletico Madrid was very proactive. From the first minute of the game, they pressed heavily and attacked crazily. Even the full-backs frequently intervened, as if they wanted to score a goal, or

The assist impressed Theresa.

However, the practice of each player wanting to perform has naturally seriously weakened Atletico Madrid's teamwork, and even the team tacit understanding established by Qiao Anchen through dream training has become ineffective.

Because the teammates did not follow the usual routine at all, they just went it alone when they got the ball. They all wanted to shoot and score, so that they could win the favor of Pozhe Theresa and transfer them to U17.

But in fact, such an approach would not only not be favored by Teresa, but would actually weaken his impression points.

On the other hand, Qiao Anchen's performance of breaking through when he needed to break through, passing when he needed to pass, and shooting when he needed to shoot made him stand out even more in the eyes of Ivan Serhi and Pozhe Theresa.

Moreover, Qiao Anchen's physique, dribbling, and stopping skills are indeed obviously superior to U15 players. Pozhe Theresa nodded secretly when he saw this.

However, due to the drag of his teammates, Qiao Anchen did not get his first chance to hit the goal frame until the 15th minute, but he still failed to score and was saved by the opponent's goalkeeper Yael Sala.

Ivan Serhi did not remind him of the chaotic performance of the players on the field, because he had reminded him before and was already in the game now, so it would be useless to say more.

Sometimes, golf intelligence is innate. If you can't understand it on your own, no matter how much others say, it's useless.

In the 20th minute, Qiao Anchen approached the penalty area with the ball in the frontcourt and was intercepted. He passed the ball diagonally to center Fran Purdo in the penalty area with his back to the goal. Then he bypassed the defensive player and tried to hit the wall with Purdo.

After shooting.

Unexpectedly, Purdo did not pass the ball back to Joanchen. Instead, after receiving the ball, he turned and kicked to hit the goal. As a result, the Valencia defender Rubin Alexander behind him stretched his foot and destroyed it.

Not only that, the ball destroyed by Alexander's extended foot did not roll out of the baseline, but was caught by another defender Ellis Richard standing in the small penalty area.

Richard observed the position of his teammates before receiving the ball, and passed the ball to the full-back without stopping. Valencia launched a quick counterattack from the wing.

Before Joan Chen had time to complain about Fran Purdo, Valencia's quick counterattack hit the frontcourt from the wing, and finally their midfielder Toby Nestor passed the ball diagonally into the penalty area.

The ball bypassed Atletico Madrid center back Marco Raudi, who was defending at the front point, and was received by Valencia winger Antonia Norton who came in behind Marco Raudi.

After Antonia Norton stopped and adjusted for two steps, before Marco Laudi could get close to interfere with him, he took a shot in the penalty area about 12 meters away from the goal.

Norton hit the ball very well, going straight to the far corner with power, speed and angle.

Goalkeeper Carlo Martinez, who was standing in the near corner, barely made a side save, but couldn't touch anything and watched helplessly as the ball rolled into the far goal.

In the 20th minute of the first half, Valencia took advantage of Atletico Madrid's offensive failure to launch a quick counterattack and successfully scored a goal, leading the Atletico Madrid U15 youth team at home 1-0.

He was extremely annoyed with his teammates for ignoring teamwork and fighting alone in the first 20 minutes. At this time, because Fran Purdo did not pass the ball and forced a shot, the opponent counterattacked with the ball. The score fell behind, and Qiao Anchen suddenly became angry.


Being able to establish himself as a Chinese in the Atletico Madrid youth training camp in a foreign country and being expelled from the national youth team for fighting is enough to illustrate Qiao Anchen's character.

His previous low profile was just because he was not strong enough and lacked confidence. In addition, he was a foreigner and it was difficult for him to yell at his teammates.

But now, he has enough strength and qualifications to get angry at his teammates.

Therefore, when he saw Valencia using this counterattack to score a goal and his opponent celebrating, Qiao Anchen shouted at Fran Purdo, who was not far away from him when he was returning to defense: "Purdo, why did you just

Don’t you want to pass the ball to me?”

Fran Purdo knew he was in the wrong, so he lowered his head and did not dare to answer.

Then, Qiao Anchen shouted to others:

"What did you play in the first 20 minutes?"

"The defense is chaotic and the offense is a one-man show. Don't you want to win the favor of Pozhe Theresa with your current performance?"

"Stop dreaming! You haven't even done what you should do in your position. Trying to win favor by scoring goals is simply wishful thinking."

"You want to be transferred to U17 just after scoring a goal. You are thinking too naively."

Qiao Anchen roared so loudly that not only his teammates on the field heard it, but also Ivan Serhi and Pozhe Theresa on the sidelines.

The players were reflecting on their performance with shame. Pozhe Theresa's eyes lit up and he said to Ivan Serhi: "Don't they all say that Chinese people are humble and introverted? I didn't expect that Qiao Anchen dared to accuse his teammates and even

So loud."

Ivan Serhi laughed and said: "He rarely got angry before, maybe it's because he's stronger now and his teammates performed poorly in this game."

Poje Teresa nodded and said: "This is a good thing. Football is a war in peacetime. How can it be done without some character and temper? Just based on his performance and character in the first 20 minutes, I already admire him very much. As long as

If he can really score goals, then I will definitely take him away."

Ivan Serhi smiled and expressed his approval.

Qiao Anchen's golf intelligence and teamwork ability were indeed more prominent in this game than before, and even more appreciated by Ivan Serhi. He definitely has the ability to cross-level and enter U17.

The U15 players who were eager to perform used their poor performance to make Qiao Anchen even better.

This chapter has been completed!
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