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Chapter 344 Football is round

Valencia scored a lightning goal in the first 5 minutes, which made the Atletico Madrid team a little anxious and angry. After the game restarted, they immediately pressed forward and launched an indiscriminate bombing of Valencia's penalty area.

But the problem is that after Valencia took the lead, everyone immediately returned to defense. Even the forwards withdrew to the top of the penalty area to participate in the defense, giving Atletico Madrid no chance to enter the penalty area.

It was raining heavily, which affected the line of sight and ground transmission, and Valencia deployed a large iron barrel formation to defend intensively. Atletico Madrid was also unable to score, and Qiao Anchen could only take powerful long-range shots from outside the penalty area from time to time.

But he himself is also the target of Valencia's focus, and there are not many opportunities to successfully start and shoot. Even if he can complete the shot, he will usually be interfered by the opponent's approach at the moment of shooting, and he will not be able to perfectly use his shot.

Because of his skill, he can't hit where he points, and when he shoots, there are usually many players in the path of the ball who are close to him and can fly to block the hole of the shot.

After playing for half an hour, Qiao Anchen had already taken 5 long-range shots, but 2 of them were blocked by the opponent flying to block the hole of the gun, and one shot missed the door frame. Only two shots hit the door frame, but at an angle.

None of them were clever enough, and they were all saved by goalkeeper Diego Alves.

In the 37th minute, Arda Turan also took a kick during a fight with the opponent, causing a calf injury and had to be replaced. Simeone replaced the attacking midfielder Raul Garcia to continue to strengthen the attack.

Raul Garcia's offensive ability in the middle is stronger than that of defensive midfielder Gaby. In the 42nd minute, he made a wonderful pass and passed the ball over Valencia's entire defense line in the penalty area.

It's a pity that Diego Costa's header into the small penalty area after being offside was not in the right place. It missed the post due to the interference of goalkeeper Diego Alves.

Until the end of the first half, Atletico Madrid failed to equalize the score.

During the halftime break, Simeone looked very serious and said:

"How do you feel now?"

"You shouldn't be happy about Barcelona being tied at this point, right?"

"If you are still holding on to the idea that Barcelona is tied and we can easily expand our lead at this time, then you will be very disappointing to me."

"Facts have proved that football is round and no one is guaranteed to win."

"Although there are many difficulties in this game, the sudden loss of the ball in the first 5 minutes is indeed the reason why you did not keep an eye on the opponent's full midfielder Jonas."

"We have been unable to score goals since then. In addition to the weather, the venue, and the opponent's intensive defense, there are also reasons why you are eager to score goals and have no patience to organize an attack."

At this point, Simeone named Qiao Anchen: "Qiao Anchen, you are the target of the opponent's focus. Even if you can get a chance to take a long shot, it will be difficult to score a goal due to the opponent's interference and blocking the gun.

"You should pay attention in the second half. If the opportunity is not very good, it is better to pass the ball to your teammates and then organize it patiently."

"No matter how dense the opponent's defense is, there is always a focus. The focus of their defense is on you. There will definitely be loopholes in other places. As long as you are patient, you can always find them and hit them with a fatal blow when the time comes."

Qiao Anchen nodded, indicating that he understood, and other teammates also understood.

After a 15-minute rest, the two sides changed sides and fought again in the second half. The rain still did not stop, and Valencia defended even more firmly.

They stayed in the first half for 45 minutes without conceding a goal. They hoped to keep the same score in the second half. In the end, they defeated Atletico Madrid with a score of 1-0 away from home and took away three points from the Calderon Stadium. This was the best ending.

But things went against expectations. After the start of the second half, Qiao Anchen used his abundant physical fitness, speed and reaction to run around in the left, center and right of the frontcourt, successfully disrupting Valencia's defense and causing the opponent to invest more troops.

Come and strictly guard Qiao Anchen.

Otherwise, there would be no way to guard against Qiao Anchen.

In the 49th minute, Qiao Anchen switched positions to the left, received the ball and cut inside, and then hit a powerful long-range shot from outside the left side of the penalty area. He almost scored, but unfortunately it bounced off the far post.

This shot naturally made Valencia even more nervous. No matter where Joan Chen ran, there would be two or three players nearby to closely mark him.

As soon as he showed signs of getting the ball, four or five people immediately surrounded him. On the one hand, they wanted to grab the ball, and on the other hand, they blocked his possible shooting route, blocked the hole of the gun, and blocked his ball.

And this is exactly what Qiao Anchen wants to achieve.

Simeone saw Qiao Anchen constantly tearing the opponent's defense to pieces with his rapid changes of direction, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He walked to the stands, raised his hands in the rain, and signaled the fans to be louder.

Let’s get louder and cheer for the team.

The bandit coach Simeone is still very charming, and the fans are also very considerate. With Simeone's upward gesture, everyone's cheers became louder, and the Atletico Madrid players on the field seemed to run more vigorously.


Finally, when the time came to the 68th minute, Qiao Anchen attracted the interception and containment of four players after picking up the ball on the right side of the frontcourt.

Upon seeing this, Qiao Anchen immediately turned around and passed the ball back to the feet of Raul Garcia who was receiving the ball from the side.

Because of Qiao Anchen's running position and receiving the ball, Valencia's defense has been attracted to the right, and Falcao on the left is in an unguarded gap.

Raul Garcia received the ball without hesitation, he directly took off his foot, made a diagonal pass, and lobbed the ball to the back of the penalty area.

The ball soared into the air, crossed Valencia's entire defense, and landed in the gap at the back of the penalty area.

Falcao rushed into the penalty area from the left, faced the ball falling from the air, made a diving dive, and finally headed the ball into the goal.

Although goalkeeper Diego Alves made a save, Falcao's diving header was too fast this time. He failed to touch the ball. The ball flew over his palm and flew in.


Atletico Madrid finally equalized the score 1-1.

More than 40,000 fans at Calderon Stadium burst into warm applause and cheers in the heavy rain, and everyone could finally celebrate loudly.

In the stadium, Falcao, who had scored the goal, also excitedly got up from the ground and rushed to the sideline with his body covered in mud and water. He made a slide and was then surrounded by his teammates who were chasing him and celebrated wildly.

After scoring the first goal and equalizing the score, everyone's pressure was relieved.

Although they haven't won yet, if the game ends with this score, at least they won't be close to Barcelona.

Of course, everyone's ideal is to score goals, eventually come back and win, and widen the points gap with Barcelona.

This chapter has been completed!
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