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Chapter Eleven The pressure is not small

"Believe me, grandpa, just hand in this document jointly with your name and your uncle's name. I guarantee that the Zhao family will benefit." Feng Sizhe knew that the first step to convince the old man was the name of the Zhao family.

It can be said that what my grandfather paid most attention to in his life was how to carry forward the Zhao family. "Opportunities and risks coexist." After finishing that sentence, Feng Sizhe clicked on this sentence again, as if he was saying to Lieutenant General Zhao, precious risks.

Zhongqiu, not to mention that even if the Gulf War did not occur in history, it would not have much impact on Lieutenant General Zhao. After all, he is also the fourth commander of the Capital Military Region. This position is not low in the eyes of many people and requires

Although he looks up to him, it is not a particularly critical position in the eyes of the country's leaders. In the Capital Military District alone, there are three people above him and four political commissars are suppressing him.

, but after all, the real power is much smaller, and in peacetime, if a soldier wants to be promoted, especially at my grandfather's age, he will be very successful if he doesn't take some risks and do things that ordinary people can't do.

When he heard the words "opportunities and risks come together", Lieutenant General Zhao visibly trembled. To be honest, at the age of sixty, he was just a lieutenant general, and his goals in life were much lighter.

, what he is thinking about is how to become a general when he retires. And if Feng Sizhe's prediction in this document is correct, then he will benefit greatly. It is not impossible to be promoted to general in advance, and it may even be possible.

Therefore, if he takes a higher position, his life will also undergo a big change. Maybe he can still work for another ten years or even have a great influence when he retires. Even if the prediction is wrong.

, that’s nothing. The worst plan is to retire from the position of lieutenant general. It’s no big deal.

Precisely because he could fight without hesitation, Lieutenant General Zhao finally nodded. Even if it was to express his support for his grandson, Lieutenant General Zhao would take the lead this time, and even if he failed, he would have no regrets.

Feng Sizhe will also remember it, then he will be the winner in the end.

"Well, then I will summon your uncle and ask him to come back and sign, and I will send it up tomorrow." Lieutenant General Zhao made a firm determination and said something like a guarantee to Feng Sizhe.

"Okay!" Feng Sizhe nodded. He believed that the day for the Zhao family's fortune would come. "And this grandpa, this is my opinion on the domestic economic situation. Take a look. If possible, I hope to

Publish it in some influential newspapers." As he spoke, Feng Sizhe handed over another document.

I glanced at the title "Economic Development, Reform and Opening Up, and the Healthy Development and Planning of the Securities Market." I was stunned when I saw Lieutenant General Zhao. As the bodyguard of the chief architect, German Chief En, he knew to some extent that the leader had a clear understanding of securities market issues.

I have been paying more attention to it recently, and Feng Sizhe can write articles on this aspect, so it seems that he has a good vision.

"These are all based on my experience in seeing some things when I was in the UK. I think they can play a certain role in our country's securities industry." Feng Sizhe laid out the words he had thought up for a long time.

After listening to what Feng Sizhe said, Lieutenant General Zhao nodded. Yes, his grandson has lived in the UK and studied financial economics and corporate management. I guess he has unique insights into the securities industry. He has no experience in this aspect.

Lieutenant General Zhao, who was not very familiar with it and could not offer any opinions, did not look at the material too carefully, but put it aside and said, "Okay, I will show this to a few experts tomorrow. If it works, I will send it to the internal reference."

let's go."

When Lieutenant General Zhao said this, Feng Sizhe was stunned. He couldn't help but know what the internal reference was. It was an intra-party document, a heavyweight document that the General Secretary and central leaders would read. It can be said that Lieutenant General Zhao had to

Feng Sizhe nodded and said that he wanted to send this document to Internal Reference, which was enough to show his trust in Feng Sizhe and also showed that he was willing to make great efforts for the development of his grandson.

Feng Sizhe nodded to his grandfather and walked out. When he was going out, he heard his grandfather dialing the phone and saying that he was looking for Zhao Wanjiang, who was staying at the General Staff Guest House.

My uncle Zhao Wanjiang was originally the commander of the 18th Division of the Northeast Military Region. He was at the division level and was placed in the main hall. He happened to be holding a military conference in the capital right now. Due to work, he was living in the guest house of the General Staff. When he heard his father summoned him, he immediately

Then he returned to the courtyard from the guest house.

Feng Sizhe just saw his uncle hurriedly enter the courtyard and walked out again in less than an hour. It seemed that he was a little hesitant and a little excited.

Feng Sizhe had no idea what was being taught in the junior high school class the next morning. He had been thinking about the impact of the two documents he wrote for his grandfather, uncle and himself after they were published. This was Feng Sizhe's rebirth.

The first major thing he did after that was to hope that history would not change and that he had made a good estimate. Only in this way would Feng Sizhe bet correctly this time and his wish to carry forward the Zhao family would be realized.

Feng Sizhe, who went back to the courtyard early to wait, was very disappointed. Neither his grandfather nor his uncle rushed home for lunch, and they didn't even make a phone call. This made Feng Sizhe's plan to know in advance what the effect of this would be like come to nothing.

It was not until night, when the car horn sounded outside, that Feng Zhe turned his serious eyes to the door of the courtyard, and then saw his grandfather and uncle walking in from the door with serious faces.

"Grandpa, uncle, how are you?" Yu Tian ran to the center of the yard and looked at his grandfather and uncle.

The uncle's eyes were startled, then he lowered his head and said nothing. Instead, grandpa smiled at Feng Sizhe and said, "Haha, Zhe'er, I showed your document about securities to several economists, and they were very impressed with you.

Some of the arguments put forward in the article are very supportive, and I also agree that your article will be published in tomorrow's internal reference. Zhe'er, it's amazing."

Indeed, Feng Zhe, who is only 22 years old, can publish an article in Internal Reference, and it is not a so-called small article, but a large article with tens of thousands of words. This is indeed remarkable.


Feng Sizhe was of course very happy when he heard that his manuscript had been reviewed for internal reference. But he also wanted to know what kind of repercussions the military article about the Gulf War he wrote for his grandfather and uncle would cause, so Feng Sizhe just kept his face.

After laughing for a while, he asked in a low voice: "Well, grandpa, what's the attitude in that article about the Gulf War?"

"Some people have criticized us, saying that we are just afraid of the world being in chaos. Others say that it is impossible for the Gulf to start a war, and the United States will not be so impulsive to start a second Vietnam War." The uncle said it bluntly.

, directly expressed the opinions of some leaders of the Military Commission.

"Wan Yong, don't talk nonsense." Lieutenant General Zhao scolded his eldest son, and then turned to Feng Sizhe and said, "It's okay, Zhe'er. It's normal to have different views on problems."

"Yeah, but please don't worry, grandpa and uncle. I won't be aimless. The war will definitely start. Just wait and see." As soon as Feng Sizhe heard what his grandpa and uncle said, he knew the article about the war.

He must have been criticized by a certain member of the Military Commission, but Feng Sizhe was not worried. He was even a little happy. The more different voices on this matter, the more it proved that his grandfather and uncle were forward-looking. The only thing he was worried about was

Can my grandpa and uncle be able to withstand this pressure?

Looking at Feng Sizhe's confident eyes, Lieutenant General Zhao nodded again, "Well, your uncle and I have made preparations this time, so it won't be a problem."

Feeling his grandfather's doubly loving eyes, Feng Sizhe knew that no matter what he did for his grandfather, he would not have any complaints. From this, he became more determined to get ahead, even if it was for the Zhao family and for his grandfather's treatment of him.

He had high expectations and could not disappoint his grandfather and others.

Turning back to the house, Feng Sizhe wrote another article titled "Modernized Local War from Modern Perspectives - Military Revolution Is Urgent". The main idea of ​​this article is that as a soldier, you must not rely on experience.

Let’s talk about the world’s military structure. As society continues to advance, the shape of war will become more complicated and confusing. Using old ideas to look at the new society will inevitably make the Republic’s military stand still. In order to be able to follow

The pace of the world's military, military revolution, and military reform have become urgent. The difference this time from last time is that he also signed his name.

This chapter has been completed!
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