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Chapter 1136 Who will be afraid

After Zhou Dajiang made his decision, he pushed the problem onto Ruan Guiben and Xiang Feng. He was very smart. He didn't want to let this responsibility fall on him alone, so he roped in these two people. This was equivalent to the provincial and municipal governments.

The three levels of government have made a unified decision. In that case, wouldn't Ke Lan still be laid off?

When Zhou Dajiang said this, he was actually trying to make things difficult for Ruan Guiben and Xiang Feng. Ruan Guiben was better off, because he didn't know who Ke Lan was, and he could totally follow Vice Governor Zhou's wishes and nod in support.

But Xiang Feng couldn't do it, because when Ke Lan came to Huanan District, he was greeted by Chen Ping, the secretary-general of the municipal government. Since it was Chen Ping who said hello, he had to think more, maybe this person is related to Chen Ping.

How could he and Chen Ping be from Feng Sizhe's family? If he also said something wrong about Ke Lan at this time, how would he face Chen Ping in the future?

For this reason, without waiting for Ruan Guiben to say anything in line, Xiang Feng spoke first, "Governor Zhou, I think there must be a misunderstanding in this matter. Let's do this. We in Huannan District will deal with this matter seriously later.

Now, Governor Zhou should go upstairs to listen to the work report of our district committee and district government."

This is equivalent to Xiang Feng putting the matter on hold. In this case, it will be much easier to deal with Ke Lan in the district.

How could Zhou Dajiang not know what Xiang Feng meant by saying this? Is this an obvious attempt to protect his subordinates? Don't you think you are the person promoted by Feng Sizhe? Oh, you think you are so great, but you did it for an ordinary person

Staff of the Petition Office, you still dare to offend me, a deputy governor. It seems that if this matter is not resolved immediately, the woman will be fine. I will let others know what happened after openly contradicting me.

If he doesn't, then that's fine. If everyone doesn't have to learn from him in the future, then how can he do his job as deputy governor?

As he thought about it, Zhou Dajiang became more and more angry, and looked at Xiang Feng's face with an extremely bad expression. Then he still pointed the finger at Ke Lan, with the idea of ​​​​causing trouble for Xiang Feng at work later,

He wanted to take down Ke Lan first and let others know that he, the deputy governor, was not a free man.

"Okay, I think this is your bad habit. Why should you ask for help if something can be solved immediately? I think this lesbian's matter can be solved now. My opinion is to fire her from public office and let her

She's writing a self-criticism, let's see what we do." Zhou Dajiang insisted on dealing with Ke Lan on the spot. He just wanted to give Xiang Feng a difficult problem and let him solve the matter in front of him.

Originally, Zhou Dajiang wanted to see what Xiang Feng would do next. If he didn't do what he said, he would be leaderless, so he could use this as an excuse to pay him. But what happened next?

When Xiang Feng said something, Ke Lan spoke again, "Why should you deal with me? Why should you fire me from public office? Just because you are the deputy governor? Just because you are the leader? If so, then you

Isn’t this leader too arbitrary? For those things I handled just now, you should at least ask these two eldest sisters whether they are fair or not. If they also think that I didn’t handle things well, then you should handle them.

I can make it in time."

As Kelan spoke, she looked at Sister Zhang and Sister Wang. She was waiting for the answers from the two parties involved.

"Very good. I think this comrade handled the problem very fairly. It was wrong for my sheep to eat other people's seedlings. I think I should pay for the seedlings and help them plant them."

Sister Zhang seemed to have suddenly thought about it and said such sensible words.

"You're right. Someone's sheep accidentally ate my seedlings. In fact, it didn't cause much damage. But I ate someone else's sheep. This is really outrageous. I'll go to the town later.

Just buy a sheep to compensate them. After all, we all come from the same village and meet each other without looking up, because why bother with such a trivial matter? Of course, we also have to thank this lesbian, if it weren't for her,

We still haven't figured out what's right or wrong. Thank you, lesbian, we are very busy in the field, so we are leaving." Sister Wang's attitude is better, and her words are more reliable and direct.

After saying these words, he shook Ke Lan's hand and turned around to leave.

"I want to thank you. We know what to do when we get back, so let's go first." Sister Zhang also came up and shook Ke Lan's hand. These two women were hired by Chen Hu from the city troupe with money.

Now that the play is almost over, it's time to leave.

Just like that, in front of everyone, the two groups who were having a big fight just now dispersed easily. Seeing them leaving with satisfaction, Ke Lan became proud and said, "How about this leader?"

, now you understand whether I did the right thing or not. If I stick to principles and pay attention to personal qualities like what I said, then this matter still cannot be solved. So, let me tell you, when you are a leader, sometimes

The instructions are not necessarily completely correct. You are not gods, you are also ordinary people. I am right."

Originally, the two groups left like this, and Zhou Dajiang was very depressed. He wanted to talk about this matter, but they left very satisfied. Wasn't this a slap in the face in public? But then Ke Lan

He said something like this again, and it was wrong to openly question what he said. Where do you want to put the face of him, the deputy governor? It sounds like Ke Lan's words are soft and thorny. He is really serious at this moment.

He got angry and said, "I'm telling you, don't think that the matter has been solved. What you did is right. This is just an example. I still have to deal with you. Now let's ask your Lianhua City officials to make a decision."

This time Zhou Dajiang was wiser and did not ask the leader of Huanan District what he thought. He knew that Xiang Feng intended to protect this girl, so he threw the question to Ruan Guiben. He wanted to see how Ruan Guiben would answer.

"No, if you just don't like me and want to solve my official duties, then I will just leave. It's just that a big leader like you can't be so arbitrary in doing things. Otherwise, you will definitely suffer. You

Do you know?" As if he was trying to teach Zhou Dajiang a lesson, Ke Lan left on the spot after saying this.

After saying these unpleasant things to Zhou Dajiang, he just walked away. How could this be possible? How could Zhou Dajiang agree? "Comrade, please stop, will I let you go? Just leave, what?"

, do you think it is enough for you to be dismissed from your official position? I also tell you that this time I will not only solve your official position, but I will also punish the corresponding leaders above you. It is because they ignore you and ignore you.

This has caused you to be so leaderless and disregard the organization."

Zhou Dajiang was already preparing to make a fuss over this matter. He had already planned to deal with Ke Lan and some of the leaders above Ke Lan, and also take advantage of Xiang Feng to talk about it. In this way, he

Even if Lotus City achieves its goal, it can effectively reduce Feng Sizhe's influence, which is what he wants to do most.

"What are you doing? Isn't it too unreasonable for you to do this? One person does the work and the other takes responsibility. Isn't it okay for me to handle this matter myself? Then if you want to talk to my leader, do you also need to talk to my father?

As for the matter, my father is also a government employee, do you also want to say that he did not educate me correctly and you want him to be laid off as well?" Ke Lan said with a very angry look.

"Oh, why do you speak so forcefully? Your father taught you about feelings. Yes, I also tell you that since ancient times, it is the son's fault if he fails to teach his father. If you have the attitude you have today, it is completely wrong.

Just because of your father's influence, I will consider your father's job." When he heard that Ke Lan also had a father who worked in the government, Zhou Dajiang was so angry that he even gave his father a job.

Zhou Dajiang finally fell into the trap and said these words. Ke Lan felt a burst of joy in his heart, but his face did not show it, but he said with doubts, "Why, do you really want to touch my father?


Ke Lan's serious look was seen in Zhou Dajiang's eyes. He thought that the other party was scared, so he said happily, "Haha, not bad, what? You are scared. It doesn't matter if you are scared. You can make it public right away."

If you apologize to me and admit your mistake, then I can consider dealing with you alone and keep your father, what do you think?"

Zhou Dajiang thought that he had finally grasped Ke Lan's sore spot. As long as she was afraid, she would apologize and admit her mistake. In this case, he could regain his face.

But Zhou Dajiangli knew what Ke Lan was thinking? How could he know who Ke Lan's father was? He thought he was just an ordinary government worker, but who could have known that he was actually a dignified person?

The secretary of the provincial party committee is also a member of the zz Bureau of the Central Committee?

"To be honest, it's not that good, because it's not me who's scared next, but you." After Ke Lan said this to Zhou Dajiang in a very solemn manner, he then took out a small women's mobile phone from his body.

, he pulled out a number, and as soon as the call came through, Ke Lan said, "Dad, someone wants to talk to you, saying that my daughter has no quality and no principles in doing things. All this is because I have an uneducated father.

What do you think we should do about the reason? Ah...you are asking what happened, right? Then I will tell you that the situation is like this..."

Next, Ke Lan explained in detail the petition situation that had just occurred for nearly ten minutes as if no one was watching.

Zhou Dajiang stood there impatiently, listening to Ke Lan talking to his father on the phone. Seeing that he seemed to have finished talking, he grabbed the phone impatiently, and then faced Ke Lan on the other end of the phone.

Lan's father said, "Hey, I am Zhou Dajiang, deputy governor of the Standing Committee of the Guanggui Provincial Committee. I say that you, an old comrade, are very lacking in educating your children. I think you have to bear the main responsibility for what happened today."


Thanks to Ming Shang Packaging and Printing for voting for a gold medal to the genius, thank you, prodigal son!!!

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