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Chapter 1225: Decision

To put it bluntly, in Tongda City, which is dominated by coal mines, and relying on those small coal mines, which unit does not have some shady income, and these incomes often go into the private pockets of the leaders, thus affecting some undocumented and insecure people.

Everyone ignored the awareness of the small coal mines, which made the coal mine market in Tongda City even more chaotic. It was so chaotic that the lives of the miners were even treated as trivial matters. But because if anything goes wrong, everyone is responsible.

The biggest leader is shouldering the responsibility, and the benefits are shared by the smaller leaders below, so everyone becomes indifferent and takes it for granted. It can be said that they know that it is wrong to do it, but they still do it.

But if Feng Sizhe's financial affairs are made public, how can you ask them to protect those small coal mines? When collecting their money, should the money be made public? If it is made public, how should the income of the money be recorded? But if it is not made public

How can they protect those unlicensed small coal mines? A unit does not have the final say. Every unit has a small collective. If you collect the money, you will not care about it. If others do not collect the money, they will go.

What should I do? So think about it, financial disclosure is very powerful.

Ignoring the comments in the audience, Feng Sizhe went on to talk about the fourth thing. "Let me talk about the last thing, that is, after I applied to the State Council, it agreed to give us more coal mine certificates in Tongda City.

The basic situation of Tongda City is to consider the development of our current seven coal mines to about 30. Therefore, there are still 23 coal mines that meet the national coal mining standards. I think everyone should have an idea.

The municipal committee will also hold special meetings and hearings on this issue. I hope everyone will pay attention to this issue and then submit a list of the 23 coal mining companies that meet the requirements. Finally, the list of 30 coal mining companies will be determined.

After that, private coal mines will no longer be allowed in our city. Otherwise, one company will be investigated and punished. The relevant leaders will punish them according to their responsibilities. In mild cases, they will give warnings or even demerits. In serious cases, they will be suspended directly. If they do not change after repeated admonitions,

Yes, then simply transfer it to the judicial authorities for handling, do you understand?"

There are thirty legal coal mines, which means there are still twenty-three golden quotas. This is definitely a big deal for Tongda City, and it is definitely a good opportunity for the cadres below. Because everyone knows that coal mines

The business is a sure-profit business. Even if you comply with national requirements and have adequate safety equipment, you will still have great profits and safety guarantees.

The reason why some small coal mines send money to some officials is simply because they do not have legal documents. In fact, the money they give to some officials is enough to purchase some good safety equipment. But if you do not have a nationally approved document

, even if your coal mine has safety equipment, the government will not let you mine. This will lead to a vicious cycle over time, that is, the coal mine owner has to use the money for safety equipment to give gifts to open up some joints.

, so that the coal kiln can produce normally.

Now, suddenly the government wants to increase the quota for 23 coal mines. It is conceivable that for this, the coal mine bosses can not rush for it? If you get this certificate, you can say that you have a golden bowl.

It's not an exaggeration.

In an instant, Feng Sizhe's above three points were ignored by everyone. Now everyone is thinking about how to grab a place among the remaining twenty-three places. Even if you only grab one place, it will be a bonus.

Made a fortune.

Mou Guoyang was not prepared at all for what Feng Sizhe was going to say. He originally wanted to wait for Feng Sizhe to speak before asking him some questions, but now because of the remaining twenty-three places, he had to be a little jealous.

, after all, there are still a lot of benefits to be gained if you can get one of these places.

Seeing that the people in the audience were a little excited, Feng Sizhe knew that his goal had been achieved. But there were some things he still had to say, so he stretched out his right hand and said to everyone, "Please be quiet. I have no appeal."

I wonder if you have any other opinions on the four questions mentioned? If not, let’s settle it like this first. After the meeting, I will discuss this matter with the relevant leaders, and then I will announce some trial methods soon.

Of course, I would like to say one more thing, that is, for the above four things, I have requested the State Council, and Premier Bao’s instruction is to allow trial implementation in Tongda City first. For this reason, I still hope that everyone can cooperate with this project.


Prime Minister Bao Jingguo agreed and gave permission. It was this sentence that made people such as Liu Xiangang and others who wanted to raise some questions about the first three matters shut their mouths. Everyone knew that Feng Sizhe was well prepared.

He has already prepared everything, and the upper joints have been opened up. If he is trying to reason at this time, he is a bit ignorant. It is better not to say anything, and wait and see what happens.

It would be the best time to stand up and challenge Feng Sizhe when this system cannot be implemented in the Tongda market.

Several people who wanted to object thought of this, and everyone remained calm and silent. Feng Sizhe nodded with satisfaction at the result, "Well, since no one objects, my speech will end here.


Feng Sizhe had finished his speech. Next, Mayor Ru Honghai spoke. Compared to Feng Sizhe, his words were not much nutritious. He only emphasized that the city government will definitely cooperate with Secretary Feng’s instructions and will make plans as soon as possible. In order to

We will do our best to ensure the safety of the city, etc.

The meeting ended with Mayor Ru's useless speech. Mou Guoyang was also prepared to speak, but was completely disrupted by the four points raised by Feng Sizhe. If he wanted to speak, he would have to make those four points.

To express his position, for him who was not ready yet, of course it was better not to speak.

The meeting was over, and everyone returned to their offices. Everyone was digesting Feng Sizhe's speeches at the meeting, and everyone was thinking about what benefits they could gain from such things.

Feng Sizhe's move was very effective, attracting everyone's attention to the twenty-three coal mine quotas. On the contrary, few people mentioned the accountability system and financial disclosure. Taking advantage of this opportunity

After careful discussion, Feng Sizhe and Ru Honghai worked out a reasonable and effective method. Three days later, at the enlarged meeting of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Ru Honghai read out the trial resolution.

The reason why it is said to be a trial implementation is because there is no legal basis for this, and the country has not established such laws for the coal mining industry. However, Feng Sizhe applied to the State Council, and with their permission, this trial plan was implemented.

There was another meeting, and it was not until Ru Honghai read out the implementation plan that Mou Guoyang and others realized the seriousness of the responsibility system and financial disclosure. Especially for the responsibility system, every member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee was assigned an area.

Regardless of whether there are registered coal mines in this area, as long as something goes wrong here, these leaders will be held accountable.

Then there is financial disclosure. Some key units in the same city are on the list, especially the two major units, the Bureau of Land and Resources and the Municipal Finance Bureau, are also included in the scope of financial disclosure. This makes Mou Guoyang

It’s no longer enough to wait for people to feel less nervous.

It can be said that the reason why Tongda City is rich depends on the coal mining industry. The coal mining industry is under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land and Resources. If even such unit finances must be disclosed, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to making Tongda City's fiscal revenue public.

. There is also the Municipal Finance Bureau, which is a piece of cake. All the accounts of the city’s economic transactions are handled in this unit. If this unit is also required to disclose its financial affairs, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to the city’s economic affairs.

The income and expenses of the financial affairs are made public. In that case, there will be no secrets at all. Similarly, it will be impossible for Mou Guoyang and others, or the Gan family, to benefit from it.

For this reason, Mou Guoyang did not wait for others to speak at the meeting, but openly expressed his opposition.

Following Mou Guoyang's objection, Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Hong Tao, Political and Legal Affairs Commission Secretary Liu Xiangang, Executive Vice Mayor Yang Chao, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Gao Renyi, and Tongshan District Party Committee Secretary Zhu Yingjie also expressed their opposition.

Suddenly there were so many members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee who objected, and the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly turned cold. Many municipal bureau units in the audience were watching, and they were all watching to see what would happen next.

They can also make the most appropriate choice.

Mayor Ru Honghai was stunned when he was opposed in public. He just wanted to announce these decisions quickly, but he did not expect that it would cause such a big backlash, and because he announced the decisions, it was hard for people to

It felt as if Mou Guoyang and others were sending it to him, which made him very embarrassed and stood there a little confused.

However, Feng Sizhe didn't look very nervous. He had long thought that the intensity of such reforms would definitely make some people unable to sit still. Now, these people have all stood up and collectively opposed these decisions. Okay,

Now that these people have stood up, he has to give these people a good slap in the face and let them understand that in Tongda City, the Gan family does not do whatever they want, as long as what you do is

If it is reasonable and legal, then Gan people cannot talk about normal work issues.

"Oh, comrades have different opinions. This is also a good thing. It proves that everyone has really thought about this matter carefully. Well, in that case, I think it is better for us to vote in public and decide." After saying this,

, Feng Sizhe glanced at Mou Guoyang very confidently, "The ones who disagree are probably the six comrades just now. Well, next I will vote and agree to support the State Council's pilot reform plan, and agree to report this plan to the State Council at the same time.

Comrades who are members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee who also agree to sign the report, please raise your hands."


Thank you zhyky for voting for a gold medal for a ghost, thank you prodigal!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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