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Chapter Thirteen First Meeting Bao Jingguo

Bao Jingguo was still as talkative as Feng Sizhe remembered. When he met Feng Sizhe, he laughed and said, "You are so young and promising. At such a young age, you have such a high level of insight into the securities industry. He is worthy of being a master's student who returned from studying abroad.

Okay, okay."

Bao Jingguo said two good words in a row, which made Feng Sizhe feel embarrassed. At the same time, Ding Quanli, the secretary next to Secretary Bao, was also impressed. He had been following Secretary Bao for two years, and Bao was among his impressions.

Secretary rarely praises people like this.

"Secretary Bao, thank you for your praise. Your righteousness and ancient style are the model for young people like us to learn from." Feng Sizhe took out the vocabulary that had been brewing in his heart for a long time. Facing the sixty-two-year-old

Bao Jingguo and Feng Sizhe actually had a lot of emotions in their hearts, because he knew that the person in front of him had worked so hard in the next ten years or so to bring the powerful economy of the Republic to a new peak. At the same time, he was fighting corruption and promoting integrity.

It is said that once when he was doing research in rural areas, he saw a problem and criticized a main leader of the municipal party committee who came with him. The department-level cadre who had problems in the first place actually fell ill after he returned. Politics

The road was cut off, and it can be said that he was also a nightmare for many problematic officials.

"Oh, I don't dare to take this seriously. I, Commander Zhao, am such a person. I joined the army at the age of fifteen and have been through blood and fire. Only a true man like this is admirable." Secretary Bao said these words.

He was very sincere at the time. Although he might be two years older than Lieutenant General Zhao in terms of age, he obviously started working earlier than Lieutenant General Zhao, so in terms of qualifications, he cannot be compared with Lieutenant General Zhao. This

It is reasonable for him to praise Lieutenant General Zhao.

The two people, an old man and a young man, sat down in a conference room that had been prepared in the hotel. Secretary Bao and secretary Ding Quanli were taking notes on the side.

"Haha, how are you? Commander Zhao is under a lot of pressure, isn't he?" After sitting down, perhaps in order to make the conversation between the two parties more casual, and also to eliminate some unnecessary tension in Feng Sizhe, Secretary Bao asked Feng Sizhe with a smile. Obviously, about

He also read the two articles written by Lieutenant General Zhao about the outbreak of the Gulf War and the urgent need for military revolution, and he should also have heard the opinions of some veteran generals on this matter. Therefore, he asked Feng Sizhe

, it can be regarded as an expression of verbal comfort.

"Fortunately, my grandpa has been through a lot, and this little thing can't crush him." Feng Sizhe smiled at Secretary Bao. It seemed like Feng Sizhe's smile was as light as the breeze, but for some reason even Secretary Bao seemed to be

I saw the strong confidence in his eyes.

"Well, people like Commander Zhao have indeed experienced a lot, but I personally think that if a country wants to develop and stabilize, the first priority is to stabilize it. This stability naturally includes the stability of the military. Only the good armed forces can protect the national policy. Then many good policies can

It can be implemented. I support Commander Zhao’s spirit of taking precautions from the bottom of my heart.” Secretary Bao appropriately expressed his opinion. Although his opinion does not have much influence in the army, no matter what

In this way, it is also a kind of support for Commander Zhao.

Feng Sizhe was very happy to have people like Bao Jingguo supporting his grandfather. Is this the foreign aid he had found? Feeling proud, he thought it should be.

"Thank you, Secretary Bao. I will definitely convey your greetings and support to my grandpa." Feng Zhe lowered his head slightly and expressed his gratitude to Secretary Bao for his verbal support. I don't know why, but before meeting Secretary Bao, Feng Zhe

, Feng Sizhe was very nervous, but after seeing it, this nervousness slowly disappeared. Perhaps it was the experience of rebirth or the powerful ability to predict that gave him strength. In short, Feng Sizhe is definitely feeling more and more excited now.

The more stable it is.

Secretary Bao was also very surprised by Feng Sizhe's performance. Under normal circumstances, any young man in his early twenties would not be extremely nervous when he saw him, and even when he spoke, he would reveal everything. But how could Feng Sizhe, a young man, be able to

Secretary Bao disagreed with the idea that he was an international student in such a relaxed manner. He had seen many international students from the UK, the United States, France, and Germany, but he had never seen anyone with such a good attitude as Feng Sizhe. He could almost be described as taking things lightly.

Yes, it's easy to take things lightly. This was Feng Sizhe's first impression on Secretary Bao.

In order to seize the initiative in the conversation, and also want to see if Feng Sizhe, the so-called double-category master's student at Cambridge University, really has ink in his stomach, Secretary Bao finally started to ask specific questions about securities. "Feng Sizhe, are you in the UK?

After a while, I read the article you wrote about securities again. It was really inspiring. Can you tell me now what issues you think should be paid attention to if our republic opens a stock exchange now?

What are the shortcomings?"

"Haha, Secretary Bao, how dare I talk nonsense?" Regarding specific incidents, Feng Sizhe really can't talk nonsense. On this kind of principled issue, he must be more cautious and more cautious, otherwise he will be careless.

Secretary Bao's good impression and hard work these days will be lost.

This chapter has been completed!
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