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Chapter 1516 Move a rock and shoot yourself in the foot

While Wang Guoguang was still thinking about these things, the conference room was suddenly pushed open, led by Guan Changxiao, Secretary of the Zhongzhou Provincial Party Committee, followed by Governor Tang Chengwei, Zhang Hai, Secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, third, Feng Sizhe, fourth, and Hua Weimei.

Five, this group of people appeared in the conference room.

As soon as the other standing committee members of Zhuangcheng City saw Feng Sizhe and Hua Weimei walking in, they all immediately understood what was going on. It seemed that the issue regarding Mayor Feng had come to an end this time.

Sure enough, after Wang Guoguang asked Guan Changxiao and his party to sit down, Guan Changxiao, who was sitting at the front seat, was the first to speak, "Comrades, I came to Zhuangcheng City today mainly to explain to everyone the matter of Feng Sizhe.

"Through the three-day investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the issue of reporting Comrade Feng Sizhe is completely false and unrealistic. Facts have proved that Feng Sizhe is also a good comrade. Please ask Comrade Zhang Hai to explain the specific situation to everyone."

After Guan Changxiao said this, Zhang Hai stood up, holding a manuscript in his hand. This was the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission's recognition report on Comrade Feng Sizhe, and he read it out on the spot.

The report pointed out that after investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was found that Comrade Feng Sizhe is an outstanding cadre of the party who works hard, adheres to principles, is pragmatic and enterprising, is conscientious and prudent, is loyal to his duties, conscientious and has strong self-discipline. It is said that Comrade Feng Sizhe is good at uniting comrades.

Being able to lead by example in everything is truly a rare talent within the party...

All in all, this report is equivalent to the evaluation of a cadre by the Organization Department. Everything is full of praise. Except for the economic work, which is not listed, everything else is mentioned. It seems that Comrade Feng Sizhe is a perfect person.

A human being is a role model that everyone should learn from.

After praising Comrade Feng Sizhe, Zhang Hai pointed out at the end of the report that it was wrong to take disciplinary action against Feng Sizhe this time. Regarding this matter, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has decided to punish the deputy director of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the leader of the matter.

Comrade Li Yongsheng, the secretary and director of the Department of Supervision and Inspection, will impose sanctions. As for the punishment, the provincial party committee will convene a standing committee to decide. After all, this is also a department-level cadre with real power, and matters related to him still need to go through some organizational procedures.

After saying this, Zhang Hai said to Feng Sizhe in front of everyone, "Comrade Feng Sizhe, for the unfair and unjust treatment given to you by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection this time, I will apologize to you on behalf of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

"Wow!" The other members of the Standing Committee of the Zhuangcheng City Committee who attended the meeting couldn't help but exclaimed.

If just now Zhang Hai said that Feng Sizhe had no problems, which had already caused great surprise to everyone present, then his public apology to Feng Sizhe made everyone's heads confused for a while.

The secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection personally apologized to a mayor. This is probably something that has never happened before, but now that it has really happened in front of everyone, everyone can't help but express exclamation and shock.

After Zhang Hai finished speaking, the provincial governor Tang Chengwei made a concluding speech. As one of Zhang Hai's backers, it was most appropriate for him to step up and wipe his ass at this time.

Comrade Tang Chengwei said, "After investigation, Comrade Feng Sizhe is a qualified cadre, a cadre with party spirit and principles who can be relied on. I hope that after this incident, the comrades in Zhuangcheng City will not have other ideas and will cooperate more with Feng Sizhe in the future."

Comrade’s work will strive to bring the economy of Zhuangcheng City to a higher level..."

Finally, Wang Guoguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhongzhou Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Zhuangcheng City Committee, spoke on behalf of Zhuangcheng City. He was nothing more than grateful for the provincial party committee's support for Zhuangcheng City's work. At the same time, he also expressed on behalf of the comrades of Zhuangcheng City that he would actively cooperate with Comrade Feng Sizhe in the future.

Work hard and strive to build Zhuang City into a better place.

At the end of the meeting, Feng Sizhe was originally scheduled to say a few words, but he really had no intention of speaking. To be honest, no one would be in such a mood at this time, so the meeting was held in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere.

The meeting was just over. People from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection were dispatched and took away Deputy Mayor Tang Jingui’s secretary Zhang Sai. This incident immediately attracted the attention of relevant comrades of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

Under normal circumstances, the secretary is one of the most trusted people around the leader, and with the secretary being arrested, it probably proves that there may be something wrong with the leader.

Tang Jingui had just returned to his office door when he saw the staff of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection taking his secretary away. He really had no choice but to see Zhang Sai looking at him for help, but he could only

You can watch it, because the work of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has just been mentioned. Comrade Zhang Sai provided false evidence to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, causing the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to be passive in its work, and must be held responsible.

Think about it, Zhang Hai fell into trouble with Feng Sizhe and even had to sacrifice his deputy Li Yongsheng. How could he let go of the little secretary to the deputy mayor? Of course he had to give a lot, and besides this

It was still one of the conditions required by Feng Sizhe, and he had to find a way to satisfy it.

It is foreseeable that Zhang Sai's life is basically like this. At least it is impossible to be Tang Jingui's secretary when he comes back. And the most important problem is that Zhang Sai has been with Tang Jingui for more than a day or two.

He knows that he leads many things, so if the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection intensifies, will he say something nonsense? Once he does say it, will Tang Jingui be implicated, and what good things can he do?

The end?

Tang Jingui's eyes looked a little desperate as he watched Zhang Sai leave. He also knew that this time it was just Zhang Hai who was in trouble, and he might also be in danger. Thinking like this, he hurriedly headed towards the office of Wang Guoguang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

Go, speaking of which, he is Secretary Wang’s man. At this time, Secretary Wang cannot ignore death.

Of course Wang Guoguang will save Tang Jingui, but it also depends on when and under what circumstances. Now Feng Sizhe was detained by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for seventy-two hours because of the photos provided by Zhang Sai. At this time, Feng Sizhe

He came out intact. How could Wang Guoguang speak for Tang Jingui at this time? Or maybe he had the intention but didn't know what to do. He couldn't use his power to suppress Feng Sizhe, the dignified secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

If it doesn't work, what can he do? For this reason, after facing Tang Jingui's gaze, Wang Guoguang can only give him advice and give him ideas, and let him go to Feng Sizhe, as long as Feng Sizhe is willing to forgive

Him, then everything will be easier to handle. Of course, the first thing to do is to release Yu Fan immediately. Feng Sizhe has come out, so why is Yu Fan still locked up, waiting for Feng Sizhe to find a reason to get angry?

For Yu Fan, of course he knew what to do. It was necessary to release him immediately, otherwise the matter would really get into trouble. Tang Jingui was indeed unwilling to admit his mistake to Feng Sizhe, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When it comes to his own future, he can't even think about bowing his head.

In the mayor's office, Liu Fei was busy making tea for several leaders.

When it comes to Feng Sizhe being taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liu Fei is the one who has the most trouble and worries. As Feng Sizhe's secretary, he will naturally attract much attention on this matter. If something goes wrong with Feng Sizhe this time

, it is conceivable that Liu Fei's zz life will probably end here. After all, he was once Feng Sizhe's secretary, and the word "Feng" has been deeply engraved on his head. It cannot be removed just by wanting to. Fortunately,

Liu Fei is still very confident. Although Feng Sizhe was taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, which greatly touched him, he still did his job well in the past three days and came to Feng Sizhe's office to clean every day. Maybe

After following Feng Sizhe through Kyoto, he already knew that his boss would not be defeated so easily.

The hard work paid off, and he finally looked forward to spring and Feng Sizhe's return intact. Now Feng Xijun, secretary of the Municipal Law Committee, Ji Fatang, deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, and Hua Weimei, deputy mayor, all came to Feng Sizhe's office to report on their work.

As a secretary, he naturally has to be very busy for them.

Liu Fei had just served tea to the four leaders. As soon as he walked out of the office, he saw Tang Jingui here who came to visit Feng Sizhe.

"Director Liu, are Mayor Feng here? I want to report to him." Seeing Liu Fei, Tang Jingui forced a smile on his face, as if he was familiar with Liu Fei, he was completely

I forgot that just yesterday he put down his big words and wanted to make Liu Fei look good. This was of course the result of Zhang Sai's instigation.

"It's Vice Mayor Tang. Please wait a moment. I'll go and ask the mayor." Liu Fei smiled at Tang Jingui, pretending to be an adult who doesn't care about the faults of villains, nodded, and turned around.

Head to the mayor's office.

In the mayor's office, Feng Sizhe was chatting with Feng Xijun, Ji Fatang and Hua Weimei.

Hua Weimei performed very well this time. When faced with the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection's staff's repeated questions, she refuted the other party righteously, especially when the other party asked whether he had an ulterior relationship with a certain leader.

At that time, she even used her special skills as a woman to fight back strongly against the interrogators, bursting into tears, leaving them completely helpless.

To say that Hua Weimei can reach the level of the main office, she has gone through countless official struggles. Although she has never been to the Discipline Inspection Commission, she has a certain understanding of the case handling process there. She knows that based on her level, this time

If you are involved in such an important matter, if you are too honest, it is inevitable that the other party will use some tricks. Sometimes in order to quickly solve the case, the Discipline Inspection Commission will compete with the public security bureau's case handling methods. Therefore, Hua Weimei, in order to protect herself,

She made full use of her characteristics as a woman to make the other party helpless.


Thank you Feiyan for returning and throwing a gold medal to the ghost, the prodigal son thanks!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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