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Chapter Fifteen: Elder He Delivers the Olive Branch Again

Feng Sizhe, who was full of hope for the future, took the car back to the Zhao Family Courtyard. Because Secretary Bao, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, personally talked to him, for a time the voices that oppressed Lieutenant General Zhao and his son were no longer so serious, and even Lieutenant General Zhao's

One of his old superiors, General He Chuanjiong, former honorary president of the National Defense University and former member of the Central Military Commission and vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, actually called Lieutenant General Zhao and went to his home. He wanted to introduce his eldest granddaughter He Shasha to Feng Sizhe again.

Senior General He Chuanzong was Lieutenant General Zhao's superior during the three major battles between the Kuomintang and the Communist Armed Forces. At that time, Lieutenant General Zhao had just left Commander De Zhengen and was deceived by Battalion Commander He Chuanzong as a guard.

Later, as the battle became more and more intense, there was a serious shortage of cadres for a while, so Lieutenant General Zhao gradually rose up the ranks. In the end, He Chuantong became the division commander from the battalion commander, and Lieutenant General Zhao also became the division commander.

From squad leader to regiment leader. However, because Lieutenant General Zhao's educational level was extremely low, he did not rise so quickly after the founding of the Republic. On the contrary, he was known as a Confucian general. General He, who had also attended a division college, did have the ability to use his skills.

On the ground, his position continued to rise, and finally he became the honorary president of the National Defense University after the Cultural Revolution. Later, when he got older, he became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It can be said that General He, who has served in both the military and the ground, is

There are disciples all over the world.

Now General He has taken a fancy to Lieutenant General Zhao's grandson and brought it up again, which is also a great deal. Immediately after Lieutenant General Zhao carefully asked Feng Sizhe and saw that he had no objection, he went to General He

Everyone expressed their agreement on the spot and basically agreed to this matter.

The reason why Lieutenant General Zhao did not agree immediately, but basically agreed, was because he knew Feng Sizhe's temper. As a person who had returned from studying abroad, his thoughts were different from those of Lieutenant General Zhao. Maybe this marriage method that seemed to be very glorious was indeed true.

The grandson simply couldn't get through. Although Lieutenant General Zhao also wanted to get involved with this relative, he still didn't fully agree until he knew Feng Sizhe's true thoughts. Although Feng Sizhe seemed to have changed a lot this time.

In his own words, he always thinks about the Zhao family. Even he, who had shaken his head at this marriage before, nodded slightly this time. But this does not mean that Feng Sizhe will definitely agree to this marriage.

In the evening, while having dinner in the courtyard, Lieutenant General Zhao suddenly brought up the matter of He Lao's granddaughter He Shasha to Feng Sizhe again.

There were only four people at the dinner table, Lieutenant General Zhao, He Jiayu, Feng Lizhu and Feng Sizhe. Suddenly hearing that Lieutenant General Zhao had introduced another girlfriend to Feng Sizhe, her aunt Zhao Lizhu couldn't help but laugh and thought about what to do.

Go make a joke on Feng Sizhe.

Feng Sizhe was indeed serious, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, he was still eating as he should. Seeing his grandson's performance, Lieutenant General Zhao nodded happily. Those who do great things should do this, no matter what they encounter.

He still needs to be calm when the sky is falling in his room. This is something that Feng Sizhe likes very much, but how does he know what Feng Sizhe is thinking about now?

The name He Shasha sounded familiar to Feng Sizhe at first, but then he had a specific impression in his mind. He Shasha, the granddaughter of Mr. He, the member of the Military Commission and the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was the murderer who committed suicide by drinking medicine in 1992.

That beautiful girl?

In the memory of the previous life, this was considered a big event. At that time, I heard that Mr. He promised his granddaughter He Shasha to his junior high school classmate Wen Rujie, who was originally the granddaughter of He Shasha, a member of the Politburo.

His status was not low, which satisfied the Wen family, but he never thought that in 1992, Mr. He was suddenly diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his lungs, which was already in the advanced stage. The medical technology at that time could not be used for this at all.

No matter how hard it was, Mr. He passed away not long after. Then Wen Rujie suddenly announced that he was severing all relations with He Shasha. At that time, He Shasha, who was already with Wen Rujie and even pregnant, simply

Feeling at a loss, being pregnant out of wedlock was a big deal in those days, so He Shasha couldn't think about it and took a whole bottle of sleeping pills and committed suicide.

This was of course a very sensational event in the political arena at the time. Wen Rujie was indeed criticized a lot for this incident. In the end, the Wen family had to force Wen Rujie to abandon his official position and go into business. After all,

He's disciples are all over the world. Naturally, the veteran cadres will stand up and speak out about the fact that the He family was bullied just after He left. But after all, He Shasha's young life has passed away, and it won't help to punish Wen Rujie. Later, He Shasha's young life has passed away.

Feng Sizhe vaguely remembered that it was because of this incident that He Shasha's father refused to give in and asked the Wen family for comment. Later, he was reprimanded by his second father, He Chuanye, Mr. He's younger brother. Then the relationship within the He family became tense, and then the He family also

He gradually fell into decline. When he heard the news, Feng Sizhe felt a little regretful, because when he first came back from England, He Shasha had introduced him to him, but he was not in the mood at that time, so he let such a good girl go.

Feng Sizhe had been blaming himself for passing away early.

Feng Sizhe, who knew these things, knew that his grandfather wanted to marry the He family. On the one hand, it was Mr. He who brought up the matter and it would be a shame, and on the other hand, he wanted to use it to add some political chips to Feng Sizhe. But if grandpa knew about the He family,

After a few years, the scenery will not be as good as it is now. I don’t know if I will still have such thoughts. But thinking about my grandpa, he is not such an unloyal person. If such a thing happened, he would definitely not let himself.

Break away from the He family. But no matter what, it is obviously not feasible for Lieutenant General Zhao to use this to gain some political capital for Feng Sizhe.

After thinking about He Shasha's tragic experience, suddenly her appearance came alive in front of Feng Sizhe.

I remember that when he was born, Feng Sizhe heard that this matter was very unfair. Later, he also heard that the girl He Shasha was actually very beautiful, so he used his connections to find someone to get a photo of He Shasha's life.

The result turned out to be that she was indeed a great beauty. But I don’t know why it all happened in the last life. Logically speaking, it would be good to think of He Shasha as a person. How could I still remember her appearance and get along with her? But the thing is

It was so unusual that He Shasha's photo kept appearing in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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