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Chapter 1565: Smash the scene

Although Zhao Lirong said all this with a smile, her meaning was still clearly expressed, especially that sentence, which made people very unhappy and made people feel a little trembling in their hearts.

"Chairman Zhao, if you can do me this favor, I will make appropriate concessions in the subsequent negotiations. What do you think?" Alwaleed Achid was still unwilling to give up and opened his mouth to talk.

On the topic of business, I also talked about Bai Caixia.

Tonight, Zhao Lilong and Prince Alwaleed Al-Achid appeared together in Mayor Wilner's estate. It was not a coincidence. It was just the birthday of Wilner's daughter Anne, which would not be such a big deal.

The reason why they came is because they have business to discuss. What they are talking about is the joint development of oil in the Middle East, and in the Middle East, the power of Saudi Prince Alwaleed al-Achid is quite powerful.

As soon as she heard that Alwaleed Aqid was threatening the oil business, Zhao Lirong's face immediately showed a hint of displeasure, "Prince Aqid, please pay attention to your wording. Don't use

Talk to me about anything in a communicative tone. Also, business is business and favor is favor. They cannot be confused. Don’t you know that this is a business rule? Okay, I’m very tired. Alina, please do it for me.

Please entertain Prince Achid, I am going back to rest with my son."

"Yes, Chairman." Alina nodded respectfully, then waved her hand, and seven or eight big men came over immediately and separated Prince Alwaleed Aqid and Zhao Lirong.


"Chairman Zhao, you can ask for anything you want and we can talk about it." Aqide still had a trace of unwillingness to give up. In his opinion, as long as the price is high, there is nothing that cannot be bought.


But at this time, Zhao Lirong had already bent down and entered her car. Standing outside the car was Feng Sizhe who opened the door for her mother. "Okay, Prince Aqide, if you really want to get Miss Bai, then pay for it."

Just take action and remember that only if you show your sincerity can you have a chance to succeed. I wish you good luck." After saying this, Feng Sizhe lowered his head and entered the car.

"Give your sincerity?" Prince Alwaleed Aqid, who was blocked by a group of bodyguards, lowered his head and thought, and he seemed to understand something.

In order to give mother and son more space, Bai Caixia did not ride in the same car with Zhao Lirong, and only Feng Sizhe was accompanying her mother. The words he shouted at Alwaleed Al Qid just now, Zhao Lirong also

After hearing this, there was no one else in the car, so she asked, "Bai Caixia is such a good girl, why don't you give her a chance?"

"Mom, you also know what your son's ambition is. For me, my love life is already very fulfilling. I can no longer give happiness to other people. It's just because I am doing it for her own good that I can't give it to others.

She has a chance, she should have a happy life of her own, right?"

Of course, mothers can understand Feng Sizhe's answer. Because her son is so good, he never lacks beautiful girls around him. Even Alina used to love her son, but because they couldn't be together, this kind of

The thought slowly faded away. But even so, Feng Sizhe already had five confidants in the country, which was enough for an official. It was even considered a very dangerous thing. If it continued

If it continues to develop, something may happen.

"Hey, even if you don't like her, you can't push her to Aqide. This person's personal life style in the past is very problematic." Zhao Lirong thought for a while before asking.

"Mom, you don't understand this. There is an old saying in our country that a prodigal son never returns with gold. What I want to talk about is people like Aqide. I can feel that he really loves Bai Caixia. This has never happened since.

I can feel it in his eyes. Maybe when they really get together, the prince will change. As far as I know, Alwaleed al-Aqid is in Saudi Arabia.

He is still very prestigious among princes, and if we can support him, he is very likely to compete for the throne of the king. Although Saudi Arabia is not very big, its oil reserves are very rich. If we

With this relationship, it will be of great benefit to the future development of Tangsheng International Company." Feng Sizhe smiled and expressed his thoughts. There was no need to hide any of his thoughts in front of his mother.

"I know you have great ambitions. Even before, I silently supported Mr. Poole of ELs according to your statement. Through our efforts, he will take up the post of president. I also secretly supported yn general secretary Meng Denon, flb president Kenoa and

Political dignitaries from other countries, aren't these enough? Do you still want to set your sights on the Middle East?" Zhao Lirong was surprised after listening to his son's narration. He really couldn't understand what his son was going to do. In fact, he had been

Everything Feng Sizhe did was beyond his comprehension as a mother.

"No, it's far from enough. The international situation is changing rapidly. If you want to be invincible, you need to have more chips in your hands. Of course, I will still respect sister Caixia as my first priority in this matter.

, only if she is willing." Feng Sizhe responded to his mother with a smile. Although Feng Sizhe has always focused on the country in these years, his mind has not given up on world events, but his current position has not yet involved some

Problem, so he can only lie dormant, but once the opportunity comes, he will respond immediately and seize every opportunity. He has been secretly working hard for this.

"Hey, my son has really grown up. Sometimes my mother can't understand it." After all, she still loves her son very much. Although she still doesn't understand some things, she believes in her son. She believes that this is sincerity.

She has a son who is strong and making more efforts for the development of the Republic. This alone is enough for her. The only thing she can care about in this life is her son, and she is willing to do anything for him.

That night, Feng Sizhe did what a son should do and spent a quiet night with his mother. Not even Bai Caixia and Ailina came to disturb him. Early the next morning, Feng Sizhe returned to the Hilton Hotel.

He will never forget what his mission is this time.

After having breakfast in the hotel, Feng Sizhe followed the delegation to the largest square in Edinburgh, where a seven-day tourism exhibition for cities from various countries will be held.

Because Feng Sizhe had a good relationship with Li Pinghua, the head of the delegation of the Republic, he was assigned to a good place. Here, Vice Mayor Hua Weimei quickly led the comrades from Zhuangcheng City to set up a booth and displayed it on an LCD TV.

A recording by the Zhuangcheng City Propaganda Department about the tourist attractions and projects in Zhuangcheng City was played, while Hua Weimei and others held a promotional text resource in their hands and were responsible for giving it to tourists from all over the world who came to the booth to watch.

Last night, Feng Sizhe was happy. He spent a peaceful night with his mother. The two talked a lot, including things about the Zhao family, and even mentioned Feng Sizhe's father. At that time, Zhao Lirong's face was peaceful, and her eyes were

There was nothing but longing for her. Her mother did not shed any tears, which made Feng Sizhe feel at ease. In the past, those who survived should live a better life. This was the greatest comfort to the dead.

Feng Sizhe barely rested all night and had been staying with his mother. Now taking advantage of the opportunity behind the booth, Feng Sizhe leaned on a chair and closed his eyes to rest. Hua Weimei, Wang Ruihua, Wang Yawen, Hong Ming and others were in charge of the front desk.

, he was still very relieved.

Although the exhibition square was very lively and there was constant noise from people coming and going, Feng Sizhe was really a little sleepy. He hadn't slept well all night, so he could still squint quickly while leaning on the chair, and until

Hearing a sudden sound not far away, his eyes widened instantly.

"What kind of stuff are these?" A very mellow English voice came, and then a booth chair was overturned. Then there were voices of discussion and blame, but most of them were

Using Chinese to describe it, it can be seen that someone must have appeared and knocked over the Republic's booth. Specifically, someone must have come to cause trouble.

Feng Sizhezhe was surprised that someone suddenly came here to cause trouble. This is the World City Tourism Exhibition held by the United Nations. With so many countries and cities participating, how could such a thing happen? Aren't they afraid of being massacred by the crowd?

Condemned? Puzzled, he stood up from his chair and walked towards the place of the accident.

There was no need for Feng Sizhe to move forward. The troublemakers had already arrived in front of Zhuangcheng City's booth. Several republic cities near Zhuangcheng City's booth had already lost their crops, and the booth made up of several tables had long been staggering.

fell to the ground, but nothing happened at the booths of other countries not far away from them. It turned out that these troublemakers were only targeting the Republic of China booth. This is no wonder why they did not attract criticism from others. There are no other countries in the world.

Referring to us, people in other countries are the same, pursuing the spirit of not having anything to do with themselves and taking matters into their own hands.

"What is this thing, what is the Shaolin Temple, what are these things? Come on, smash it for me." A burly British man over 1.9 meters tall said in his mouth, gesticulating with his hands, and suddenly there was someone behind him.

Two or three gangsters with a height of 1.8 meters appeared and walked to Zhuangcheng City's booth, intending to destroy the place.


Thank you zhyky for voting for a gold medal for a ghost, thank you prodigal!!!

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