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Chapter 1571: Ji Fatang's Weakness

"This woman is one of the external members of the Grain Bureau. Once Ji Fatang went to the Municipal Grain Bureau to conduct research, she was the one who received her. At noon, Vice Mayor Ji was resting in the Grain Bureau guest house, and it was this girl who accompanied her. Afterwards, the relationship between them became closer. Not long after, the woman resigned from the Municipal Grain Bureau and then opened a grain company of her own. This time the incident at the Municipal Grain Bureau actually happened. The government also has a great relationship with this woman. All the newly harvested grain from the Grain Bureau went into this woman's company and was resold by her. According to our investigation, she is not actually the boss of this company. , the real boss is someone else, they are Wang Hua, son of Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guoguang, and Shen Quan, son of Deputy Secretary Shen. Tongtong is nothing more than a puppet." Chen Hu couldn't help but shake his head when he said this. Shaking his head, he was also shocked when he first found out this result of the investigation. He didn't expect that this matter actually involved the sons of the municipal party committee secretary and deputy secretary.

"Oh?" As soon as he heard that Wang Guoguang and Shen Yaping's sons were involved in this matter, Feng Sizhe's face showed a more serious expression. It seems that the issue of educating the children of cadres is really a top priority. , speaking of which, Feng Sizhe is not an unkind person. As the child of a leading cadre, you can sometimes use your father's relationship to do some small things and earn a little less, but that requires the things to be harmless, such as The food issue is related to the stability of the country. Think about it, if a war happens to happen now, then the food in the Municipal Grain Bureau will indeed be moldy. This matter will become bigger and millions of people will probably There would be no food to eat, which would cost lives.

"Yes, the bosses behind the grain company are Wang Hua and Shen Quan. I have sent people to their company to find the corresponding evidence. This matter can almost be confirmed. And according to our investigation, Vice Mayor Ji and these The girl named Tongtong did have an improper relationship. Speaking of which, it’s no wonder Vice Mayor Ji. From what we know, he went to the Municipal Grain Bureau guest house that day for a routine rest, but he didn’t expect that he would The tea he drank was indeed drugged, which led to his incident with Tongtong. From then on, Deputy Mayor Ji was out of control, and according to our investigation, Deputy Mayor Ji The mayor's lover had a gynecological surgery for some reason a few years ago, and the uterus was removed. Since then, he has no ability in that area, so Vice Mayor Ji became uncontrollable as soon as something happened with this girl. I understand. In fact, this time it was Vice Mayor Ji who made a risky move for Tongtong, but what he didn’t expect was that Vice Mayor Hua was so serious about his work. He quickly investigated the situation after taking over the Municipal Grain Bureau. This problem arose and was reported to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the director of the Grain Bureau, Qin Kaixing, was such a softie and admitted everything as soon as he was arrested." Chen Hu used relatively concise language to summarize the results of the four days of investigation. Everything was told once.

Finally knowing everything that happened, Feng Sizhe said to Chen Hu, "Thank you for your hard work. Now, you have to keep an eye on these main characters, and I will take care of the other things."

"Understood, boss." Chen Hu nodded. His mission was to protect Feng Sizhe's safety and do some work that Feng Sizhe asked him to do. The rest was not something he had to worry about.

After walking out of the teahouse, Feng Sizhe returned to the car and said to the driver Li Shuang, "Go back to the Standing Committee and go to Vice Mayor Ji's house."

Twenty minutes later, the car returned to the Standing Committee House and arrived at the door of Ji Fatang's house. Feng Sizhe didn't take anyone with him. He knew that it was better not to let more people know about the topic we talked about today.

The person who opened the door was Ji Fatang's lover, whom they had met before. At that time, Feng Sizhe felt that this woman was a well-educated and reasonable woman. But now, the feeling is still the same, but it is obvious that this woman's face is paler.

She was not in good spirits. Apparently she had heard some things about her lover.

As soon as she opened the door and saw Feng Sizhe, she was obviously stunned for a moment, but her good cultivation allowed her to react quickly, "The mayor is here, please come in, Lao Ji is in the study."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." It was obvious that both Ji Fatang and his lover were older than Feng Sizhe, so it was reasonable for him to say so.

After entering the house and arriving at the study door, when Feng Sizhe opened the door, a strong smell of cigarettes floated out. It can be seen that Ji Fatang has been shutting himself in the room and smoking a lot.

of smoke.

Ji Fatang did not expect Feng Sizhe's sudden arrival. For this reason, his eyes showed a surprised expression, but it soon passed away. In exchange, he lowered his head and looked like he didn't want to see Feng Sizhe.


"Thank you, sister-in-law. Can I have a few words with Vice Mayor Ji alone?" Feng Sizhe turned around and said politely with a smile.

"Okay, let's talk." Ji Fatang's lover nodded. She had also asked her husband what happened, but she never got an answer. She hoped that Feng Sizhe could come and untie this knot.

When only Feng Sizhe was in the study, Ji Fatang finally spoke, "Has the organization made any decision about me?"

"No." Feng Sizhe shook his head.

"In that case, you should wait until the organization makes a decision before looking for me. I don't want to say anything now and I don't know anything." Ji Fatang shook his head and said.

Feng Sizhe gave Ji Fatang a chance and told him that he could call his cell phone at any time. However, in the past four days, Ji Fatang did nothing, which made Feng Sizhe somewhat disappointed. But after considering what Chen Hu reported

, Feng Sizhe understood again. After all, it was really hard for Ji Fatang, a man much older than himself, to talk to him about things between men and women. But now that things have happened, he must

Thinking of a solution, since Ji Fa Tang was embarrassed to say it, Feng Sizhe would do it.

"Comrade Ji Fatang, don't you have anything you want to tell me now? For example, the girl named Tongtong." Feng Sizhe found a seat and sat down, facing Ji Fatang and said slowly.

"Ah!" As soon as he heard the word "tongtong", Ji Fatang stood up from his seat. He really couldn't understand these clues so quickly like Feng Sizhe, so he couldn't help but open his eyes.

"How is Tongtong? Did you do anything to her? Let me tell you, mayor, she is a good girl. You must not do anything to her?"

When he mentioned Tongtong, Ji Fatang became obviously worried and excited. It seemed that this was really his weakness. No wonder he was willing to take on the affairs of the Grain Bureau by himself. It seemed that Wang Hua and Shen Quan had grasped this characteristic.

, was able to control Ji Fatang well.

Seeing Ji Fatang's nervous look, Feng Sizhe shook his head involuntarily. Everyone has their own weaknesses. Obviously this is Ji Fatang's weakness. "No, I didn't take any action against him, but then

I can’t say how it will develop next.”

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious to Feng Sizhe. He will have to look at Ji Fatang's performance next.

How could Ji Fatang not understand the meaning of Feng Sizhe's words? Indeed, the reason why he would take everything down this time and bear all these things by himself was because of Tongtong. He loved this girl, and it was this girl who gave him everything.

It gave him the vitality of young people and made him know what life is, but he really couldn't give him the promise and status that a man could give a woman. For this reason, he always thought about satisfying her in terms of money, thinking about how to satisfy her with money.

He had to make some amends in this area. As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall. When someone discovered this matter, he knew that he was finished. And out of consideration for protecting Tongtong, he wanted to take everything down.

Maybe this is all a man can do for a woman he likes.

"Tell me what's going on." Feng Sizhe took the tea cup from the desk calmly and started to pour it himself. With everything he had now, he could make a decision, but

He really wanted to give Ji Fatang a chance. It would be better for him to say some things himself. At the very least, he had to admit his mistakes.

In front of Feng Sizhe, Ji Fatang finally opened his mouth and began to tell the story between himself and Tongtong.

Everything was as reported by Chen Hu. Tongtong met under the deliberate arrangement of Wang Hua and Shen Quan, and then after drinking the medicine given by Wang Hua, the two naturally got together.

Ji Fatang was also very scared at first. As a senior cadre of the party, he knew what he was doing and that he was playing with fire, but he could not give up the good feeling that Tongtong brought him. And Tongtong had just

At first, she was with Ji Fatang for a certain purpose, and then she unconsciously fell in love with this man who could be his father. She liked the way he responded to everything and how he behaved when he had power.

This charm led to the two of them starting to get together.

Even Ji Fatang's lover knew about this incident in the end, but she did not make a fuss. Maybe it was because of her surrounding situation. She tolerated everything, and Ji Fatang also began to restrain his love for Tongtong.

He was thinking about how to end this relationship that should never have happened. In the end, he thought of using money to solve it.

However, although Ji Fatang has been in politics for many years and his rank is not low, because he has always been very self-disciplined in doing things, he does not have much money. In the end, power became a sharp weapon in his hands, a tool for Tongtong to make money, and also became a

The weapon he used to hurt his own future.

This chapter has been completed!
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