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Chapter 1684 Two Views

In the small conference room No. 1 of the Zhongzhou Provincial Party Committee Building, the thirteen most influential leaders in the province were all seated, and among them was Feng Sizhe. Sitting among these people, Feng Sizhe looked so young.

No one dares to underestimate him, because everyone knows that this young man has considerable energy, and his influence is no worse than anyone else. If many provincial party committee resolutions are to be implemented smoothly, it is necessary.

You need to get this person's support, otherwise, the consequences will be very detrimental.

The meeting was personally presided over by Guan Changxiao, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. He very seriously read the notice jointly issued by the General Office of the Central Committee and the Central People's Congress in front of everyone, and then said, "Comrade Yu Hengfu is coming to our Zhongzhou Province.

This is a concern for us and a support for the work of everyone here. It is an honor for all of us that the head of the central government comes to our Zhongzhou Province, but it is also a moment to test everyone’s work. For this reason, I request that in the remaining less than a month

Within the time, everyone must do their own work well. There is no best, only better. You must take care of your own part. When the time comes, if someone has a problem, don't blame me for going back to deal with him. Of course, today

The meeting was just a read-out meeting. Next, we need everyone to do a good job in comprehensive work after returning to prepare for inspections at any time. After a while, the provincial committee will hold a special meeting on this issue to study it again and consider our general key directions.


The meeting was not long, and everyone walked out with smiles on their faces and a hint of nervousness. Comrade Yu Hengfu is a very senior comrade in the Central Committee and has done many jobs, whether in

He has made outstanding achievements in economic construction and party building. This person has strong connections because he has been working in the central government for a long time. When such a person comes to the local government to inspect the work, everyone is very excited. If you are lucky enough to be seen by him

, it is conceivable that their career path will be much smoother in the future.

Feng Sizhe was also about to walk out of the conference room with everyone, but Guan Changxiao took the initiative to stop him, "Comrade Feng Sizhe, please wait a moment."

"Okay." Feng Sizhe stood still. After everyone turned around and left, he said again, "Secretary Guan, what do you want from me?"

"It's like this, Sizhe. On the surface, Chairman Yu is here to inspect the work in Zhongzhou Province this time, but since he only has three days, he probably won't have time in other urban areas. Maybe he will

The main thing to look at is our city, so you must be prepared accordingly." Guan Changxiao said to Feng Sizhe very formally.

It only lasted three days for the inspection after the leaders came down. On the first day, I took a plane in the morning, and it was almost noon when I arrived. It took one day to listen to the report, take a rest, and meet with the leaders here. In fact, the formal inspection took only two days.

Ji, speaking of only two days, it is true that the time to go to other places is not enough. It is not unreasonable for Guan Changxiao to say this.

"Understood, please rest assured, Secretary Guan, I promise to complete the task well and will not embarrass Zhongzhou Province." Feng Sizhe said with assurance.

"Very good, I can rest assured about your work." Guan Changxiao nodded. He was most at ease with Feng Sizhe handling the affairs of Zhuangcheng City, because in this territory, Feng Sizhe has absolute authority, and no one dares to speak to him.

No, even his deputy, Mayor Fu Yuqiang, believes in his leadership. If you can do this as a secretary, that's the real feeling.

After leaving the Provincial Party Committee, Feng Sizhe immediately held a meeting of the Zhuang City Party Committee. Everyone was a little confused about this sudden Standing Committee meeting, and they all rushed there when the time came. Naturally, Feng Sizhe presided over the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Feng Sizhe first read out the contents of the provincial party committee's meeting, and then relayed Secretary Guan's words to everyone. "Comrades, Secretary Guan and all leaders of the provincial party committee are full of confidence in the work of our Zhuangcheng City, so we must not

Shame on you, everything will be up to us from now on. I called you here today because I want to divide the work. Everyone will take charge of their own affairs and try to solve all possible problems in the shortest possible time. We are facing some old problems.

If it can't be solved at once, then we have to find a way to solve it temporarily. In short, we can't cause trouble when the chief comes to Zhuangcheng City. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Everyone answered, but the answer was an answer. Everyone was still thinking that even the provincial party committee meeting had not set a tone. What was Director Yu coming to Zhuangcheng City to inspect? How could Feng Sizhe know the focus of his inspection work?

What's the direction?

But thinking about it, no one questioned him, because everyone knew how much authority Feng Sizhe had in Zhuangcheng City. If you go against this person and question his words, you will definitely not get any good results.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Feng Sizhe nodded silently and said, "Okay, now that everyone agrees, I will start to divide the work. The development of Zhuangcheng City has been very fast in the past two years. In fact, it is practical

There are not a lot of things prepared. I think this is it. How we usually behave in the future will be the same. What is important to note is that everyone must do a good job of hygiene. After all, the central leaders are here and they cannot be allowed to see the dirty side. The second thing is

The key points in two directions are: First, the expressway in Zhuangcheng City and Linsi Tourist Area, which can only be completed in two months, must be repaired within 20 days. This is a hard target. I think this matter will be left to Comrade Feng Xijun.

Main focus, another point is the third phase of the Central Plains First Trade City project. Originally, the report I saw was that it would be completed around November, but because of the long rainy season this year, it may have to be postponed for a few days, but I think now

No, this matter cannot be left to chance. It must be completed before the National Day. Mayor Fu and Vice Mayor Hua will take care of this matter."

What Feng Sizhe said about paying attention to hygiene is actually an old saying. Every leader must prepare for inspection. This is not worth mentioning. However, the other two points seem a bit too practical and the scope is not

It's too small. Could it be that he just thinks that Chairman Yu will check these two places when he comes to Zhuangcheng City? If you don't come according to your arrangement, this is a place that you suddenly want to see, but you don't have anything else.

Special preparations, what should we do if other accidents occur? You must know that some central leaders have tempers, and they may not necessarily follow the designated route to inspect. Sometimes they will change the route when they are interested.

If so, what should we do?

But similarly, although everyone had this problem in their minds, no one said anything more, because not only did everyone know how powerful Feng Sizhe's authority was, but more importantly, they all believed that this was just Feng Sizhe's first plan.

We will continue to hold meetings to emphasize other key directions.

In fact, Feng Sizhe had no intention of convening a second meeting to discuss this matter. Dexingmin had told him as early as in Kyoto that Chairman Yu Hengfu could also be said to be Director Yu's preference. From these, he

It is analyzed that Chairman Yu came to Zhongzhou Province to see Zhuang City. In view of the recent advertisements and publicity on TV, the focus of Chairman Yu’s visit should be the most flaunted and legendary Central Plains First Trade City and

The Shaolin Temple, a place of historical interest, is the main business card of Zhuangcheng City as the first city in the Central Plains. Since then, he only made these two key arrangements. Of course, he also asked comrades to do other corresponding tasks. The work of Zhuangcheng City

It was always orderly, especially after Feng Sizhe came, the atmosphere in the officialdom became clear and clear. Everyone knew that if they wanted to be in a position, they could only rely on hard work and hard work, and the rest was just a cloud. For this reason, everyone was scrambling to do their job well.

Work, so he has nothing to worry about. Even if things are not as he imagined and Chairman Yu does not check these two things, he is not afraid in other aspects. It is also a good portrayal of the leader to give a real scene and scene.

For this reason, Feng Sizhe did not pay attention to what many people considered to be a very big deal. He still went to and from work on time every day, and the staff below also went to and from work on time. Those who should take vacations and not work overtime still did not work overtime.

Everything in Zhuangcheng City seems to be running normally. Even Mayor Fu Yuqiang and others are very supportive of Feng Sizhe's work. Qin Tian has already called him and asked him to cooperate with Secretary Feng's work, otherwise

If you say that, you will be rude to him. Although I don’t know why Master Qin suddenly changed his temper, Fu Yuqiang is indeed willing to listen to this order. Think about it, what will happen to those who want to find fault with Feng Sizhe in Zhuang City? He can

I don’t want to repeat the path of these people.

Compared with the stability of Zhuang City, Kyoto is indeed a bustling place. Of course, this kind of excitement is far from being experienced by ordinary people.

Zhu Liangmin's problem has been put on the agenda of the central government, and how to deal with him has become the focus of several forces.

In view of Zhu Liangmin's corrupt behavior, some people say that they want to create a model to alert officials across the country and punish him severely. Another view says that even though he is corrupt, he should be punished severely.

Fortunately, there are not many of them, and I have worked hard and made meritorious service for the country's construction over the years. Moreover, I am the son of the revolutionary ancestor Zhu Tianjiang. In view of various factors, such people should not be treated seriously.

, of course, proper education is a must.

These two views soon formed opposites in the central government. Although they were not in a war of words, they each held their own reasons and refused to give in to each other. Most of the people who expressed the former views were officials who favored the Lu and Wen families.

Most of the latter's comments were from De, Xi, Duan, and even some cadres from the Qin faction.


Thank you 18943229444 for voting for Guizhai. The prodigal son is very grateful for your continued support!!!

Thanks to dna0812, the leader of the double-eyed list, for giving the prodigal son a brand-name watch, dna0812 is mighty!!!

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