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Chapter 1720 Quick Counterattack

After Guan Changxiao's words, Ji Ming, the Provincial Party Committee Organization Minister, took a document and read it formally. The main idea was that according to the assessment of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Comrade Liu Xinghua was more suitable to serve as the Provincial Director of Communications.

, even Ji Ming did not propose a second candidate, which from a certain perspective fully shows that the provincial party committee has formed a unified opinion on the candidate for the director of the Department of Transportation.

After Ji Ming said this, Governor Tang Chengwei immediately expressed his opinion. As the superior supervisor of the Provincial Department of Transportation, Tang Chengwei affirmed Comrade Liu Xinghua's work ability and praised this person's personal ethics.


After Tang Chengwei, Vice Governor Gao Fengli of the Standing Committee also expressed his support. Next, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Lu Xianwen, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee Su Yang, Propaganda Minister Lu Qingfei, United Front Work Minister Ji Changsheng, Standing Committee Vice Governor Wan Erlun, Provincial Party Committee

Secretary-General Wen Xueyong also expressed his support respectively.

At this point, except for Provincial Party Committee Secretary Guan Changxiao, Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Chang Ning, Provincial Military Region Commander Jin Dake, and Zhuangcheng City Party Committee Secretary Feng Sizhe, other comrades have expressed support. Now Comrade Liu Xinghua has obtained

With as many as eight votes, it can be said that the matter has been settled. At this time, Tang Chengwei can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and his worries about Feng Sizhe's different attitude can finally be put down.

Guan Changxiao saw that most comrades expressed their agreement, and he smiled and said, "Okay, since most comrades support it and no one objects, I think this matter will be passed.


Even Secretary Guan said this, so the matter was basically settled. Just when everyone thought the matter was settled like this, Feng Sizhe's voice suddenly sounded, "I object."

"Huh?" Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes turned to him. After the matter was settled, Feng Sizhe still objected. What did he want to do? Didn't he know that doing so was inconsistent with the general situation?

Is this also an act of disapproval of other leading comrades of the provincial party committee? Think about it, everyone supports it, but you are the only one who opposes it. What do you want to do? Doesn't it mean that your thoughts are not consistent with everyone's?

Even Guan Changxiao was a little unhappy when he heard this sentence. He glanced at Feng Sizhe and said seriously, "Comrade Feng Sizhe, do you have any opinions?"

"Of course I have an opinion." When Feng Sizhe looked at Guan Changxiao, he didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he answered the question very calmly. Then he glanced at Tang Chengwei, who was a little uneasy, and sneered, "It's just me.

As we know, Comrade Liu Xinghua has very moral issues, so I object to such comrades working in more important positions."

"Comrade Feng Sizhe, what do you mean? Why do you say that? Do you have any evidence?" Upon hearing that Feng Sizhe was denying Liu Xinghua, Tang Chengwei couldn't sit still, and he quickly spoke out to fight back.

"What? Why is Governor Tang so anxious? Do you think what I said is wrong? Or can you guarantee that Comrade Liu Xinghua will not have any problems?" Feng Sizhe is not afraid of Tang Chengwei. It can be said that he has been since he came to work in Zhongzhou Province.

I have never been afraid of him. This person is just a little sheep wearing the banner of the Wen family. The two of them have fought against each other several times, and how has the other ever gained any advantage?

"You..." When Feng Sizhe asked, Tang Chengwei really couldn't explain anything. He couldn't say that he understood Liu Xinghua 100%. If he had said something big and said that there was no problem with Liu Xinghua,

, what should I do if a problem is really discovered? You must know that Feng Sizhe will not do anything without aim. Every time this person does something, he will do a lot of work in advance.

"What am I? Governor Tang doesn't dare to vouch for it anymore? Humph! In that case, don't do it." Feng Sizhe can be said to have great opinions on Tang Chengwei. In his opinion, anyone can't guarantee it.

If you have any thoughts and opinions, you can put them forward openly. Even if you don't put them forward in person, don't make small moves behind your back. Now Tang Chengwei instructs his secretary to take a photo of himself and publish it in a Kyoto newspaper. This in itself is

It's a kind of provocation. Once you make a move, he has absolutely no reason not to take it.

"Comrade Feng Sizhe, please pay attention to your words." After hearing what Feng Sizhe said, Guan Changxiao quickly reminded him, no matter how you say it, Tang Chengwei is also your leader and your superior. The way you speak must always be

Just pay attention to something.

"Yes, Secretary Guan said that." Feng Sizhe quickly expressed his attitude of admitting his mistake, but only in terms of the situation. Then he raised his head and said, "Dear leaders and comrades, regarding Liu Xinghua's personal ethics,

I’m not just talking nonsense here, but I have some basis for it, and now I think I should ask Secretary Chang to talk about it.”

When Feng Sizhe mentioned this, everyone focused their attention on Secretary Chang. This so-called Secretary Chang naturally refers to Comrade Chang Ning, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

When everyone saw this, Chang Ning sat upright, then picked up the documents placed on the table and said, "Comrades, what Comrade Feng Sizhe said is true. I do have some reports about Comrade Liu Xinghua's personal ethics.

The report said that when he was the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, Comrade Liu Xinghua accepted bribes, exploited power for profit, and even had problems with his personal life style. According to our investigation, the contents of the report are basically well-founded.

That is to say, Liu Xinghua does have a big problem. I now solemnly propose to the Provincial Party Committee to conduct an in-depth investigation into this comrade’s problem. As for whether he should be appointed as the Provincial Director of Communications, I

I also ask all leaders and comrades to be cautious."

After saying these words, Chang Ning began to distribute the documents in front of everyone one by one. It could be seen that he had prepared them in advance. He had made many copies of these reporting resources.

Chang Ning suddenly played this trick, which completely surprised everyone. Guan Changxiao, including Guan Changxiao, had no information in advance. He took the document with some doubts, and at the same time looked at Chang Ning and looked at it.

Feng Sizhe, he knows the relationship between the two people very well. It is very likely that Chang Ning would play this trick because Feng Sizhe meant it.

In fact, it was Feng Sizhe's idea. He learned from Zu Jie that Secretary Tang Chengwei had done all the newspaper work. He began to think about how to teach Tang Chengwei a lesson, so he thought of having a meeting today to discuss

content, so he arranged for Chen Hu to investigate in private. It should be said that Liu Xinghua was the one who deserved the bad luck. He had many personal problems. Chen Hu obtained a lot of information without much effort. Now he has sent all

It came in handy, and the reason why Feng Sizhe did not greet Guan Changxiao in advance is also easy to explain. He knew that if he mentioned this matter, Guan Changxiao would definitely not agree to what he did. He was the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

, and more considering the balance and superficial unity of the officialdom of Zhongzhou Province, he will not allow himself to do such a thing.

Since he knew that people would not allow him to do this after reporting it, he might as well just not report it and just show the matter in front of everyone. In this way, no one would be able to change anything.

Tang Chengwei took the documents tremblingly and read them. There was not much in one page, but the more he looked at it, the colder his heart became. This Feng Sizhe was sincerely embarrassing himself. He knew Liu Xinghua was his, but why?

The purpose of exerting force at this juncture is to greatly damage his authority. Could it be that he already knows all the things Gao Quan did? If so, this person is too terrible. He can do so in such a short period of time.

He reacted within his heart, which fully demonstrated the strong ability of this person. And in the future, I would not be comfortable with such a person as an official in the same province.

Everyone read the materials quickly and then fell silent. Just now they were supporting Liu Xinghua. Who would have thought that this cadre turned out to be a problem cadre. If this was the case, it didn't mean that they all had

Is it suspected of unknown people?

On the other hand, Jin Dake, the commander of the Provincial Military Region, saw that everyone was silent. He sneered and said, "I can't believe that this comrade has such a serious problem. From this point of view, this person is completely unreasonable."

He is suitable for the position of provincial transportation director. For this reason, I suggest that you reconsider the candidate for this director."

After reconsidering, everyone turned their attention to Ji Ming. As the Organization Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, he should have a second candidate.

Ji Ming felt everyone's gazes and felt a little embarrassed. Regarding Liu Xinghua's appointment as the director of the Department of Transportation, the provincial party committee secretary, governor, and deputy secretary all made suggestions to him. In his opinion, these three

Everyone's opinions were unanimous, and the matter was basically a done deal, so he didn't make any other preparations. But now it seems that he has not done his job well.

"In that case, let me mention one thing. I think Zhang Wei, the executive deputy director of the Provincial Department of Transportation, has good work ability. I recommend him to be the director of the Department of Transportation." Seeing that Ji Ming had already given up.

What could be done, Feng Sizhe took the initiative to stand up and support him.

"I object." Upon hearing the name Zhang Wei, Tang Chengwei immediately expressed his different opinions.

There is a reason why Tang Chengwei opposes Zhang Wei. As one of the departments in charge of the provincial government, Zhang Wei once fought against Tang Chengwei. Everyone knows about this matter. Think about it.

, a department-level official actually challenged the minister-level governor. It can be said that everyone is not optimistic about Zhang Wei's future, and this Zhang Wei is also bloody. If he offends you, Tang Chengwei is offended. He has no intention of relaxing at all.

Instead, he invested in Feng Sizhe at the right time. This also allowed him to see that in Zhongzhou Province, Feng Sizhe's power and influence were not far worse than those of the provincial governor Tang Chengwei. And taking advantage of such an opportunity, Feng Sizhe would of course find ways to deduce

One of our own has taken the position. If Zhang Wei can take the position, then this slap will be a solid slap on Tang Chengwei's face, which is why he has to oppose it with all his strength.


Thanks to 15189796686 for voting for a monthly vote for Guizi, thank you from the prodigal son!!!

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