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Chapter 1863: Capital Province First Comes into Sight

"What do you mean?" Feng Sizhe looked at Zhang Wenjie's serious expression, and he also became serious.

"Hey, what else is there to say? The capital city is completely dark now, from top to bottom, and the same is true for urban construction. People have spent most of their life savings to buy buildings, and it is very likely that they will be shoddy projects.

"Just a while ago, there was a new building that had cracks just after people moved in. After that, someone complained, but everyone had a unanimous opinion. Who are you going to sue? Who cares? I pity the people." As he said,

Zhang Wenjie shook his head as he said these words. It can be seen from this that he is really disappointed with the officialdom of the capital.

When he was in school, Zhang Wenjie was known as a good old man. In other words, as long as he could get through ordinary things, he would turn a blind eye, but even he couldn't look down on it.

You can only imagine how bad things are there.

"Is there really such a thing? Don't your officials know about it? Don't the leaders of the provincial party committee know about it?" Feng Sizhe asked with some disbelief.

Capital Province is the most populous province in the country, and its geographical area is not small. Its stability involves the stability and unity of the entire country. If something happens there, it can be said that it will have a very wide influence on the whole country.

"Clear? Know? How could it be unclear? I don't know. It's just that from top to bottom, they are all their people. The money goes into their own pockets. Everyone is used to it." Zhang Wenjie sighed again and said.


"Yes, I know this to some extent. In terms of education funds alone, the capital province requires more from the central government than any other province. According to the comrades we sent to the capital and came back, there is

Our school construction is indeed not that good." Ye Zhong, who works in the Ministry of Education, also commented.

"How could such a thing happen? I wonder where your place is the most chaotic?" Feng Sizhe couldn't help but asked anxiously when he heard that Chengcheng had such a big problem.

"Everywhere is chaotic, and the most chaotic thing is the public security. Let me tell you this, people on the street dare not go out alone at night, especially girls, because if they dare to go alone

When people go out, they are likely to encounter many unpleasant things." Zhang Wenjie briefly talked about his understanding of where he was. He thought of one time when he came home a little late because of a social event, and he met three people.

He shook his head when the young man robbed him. Although he later reported the crime and reported his position, the local police still took it seriously. It didn't take long to get his money back, but in exchange for

What about ordinary people? Will they also be treated like this?

Listening to the good old man Zhang Wenjie saying how bad the public security in the city was, Feng Sizhe became even more worried. He knew very well that if the public security in a place is not good, it often means that the government there will not be clean. These are mutually reinforcing. Of course, this

It is not something that can be changed in a short while, it takes a long time to develop, so naturally solving such a problem will not happen overnight.

Weng Houming, Zhang Wenjie, and Ye Zhong had left, but Feng Sizhe couldn't calm down anymore. He took out his mobile phone and called Huang Chicheng, the deputy leader of a group who was still working in the inspector's office. "Chicheng, find me some

I will read any report letters regarding the capital area, no matter what they are about."

It’s the New Year, and the whole of Kyoto is surrounded by celebrations. Feng Sizhe, He Shasha and his daughter Xiao Yueqing also visited the homes of many leaders one after another to complete the ceremonial New Year greetings.

Relatively speaking, the work in the inspection office is not as intensive as local work. At least it can be fully waited until after the fifteenth day before officially going to work. During this period, Feng Sizhe spent time at home with his grandfather and grandmother.

, on weekdays, he is rarely so free. Although he works in Kyoto, in addition to meeting during meal times, there are also times when he can sit down and chat.

The weather is nice today. In the courtyard of the Zhao family courtyard, Feng Sizhe listened to his grandfather telling stories about the war period.

When grandpa talked about many revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives and shed blood just to create a new country and give people the greatest happiness, Feng Sizhe asked, "Grandpa, if the quality of life of the people in some places is not as good as before, even they

When our personal safety is not fully guaranteed even when we go out, what should our generation do?"

"Find the source of the matter and solve it. Society is developing and the times are progressing. When we solve some old problems, some new situations will inevitably arise. At this time, contemporary officials must play their due role

It works. Revolutionary work is not static and needs to change with the development of the times. When judging the quality of a policy, it is not necessarily necessary to see whether some of its provisions can bring full benefits to the local people, such as

Some things take a long time to see the benefits, which inevitably hurts some interests in a short period of time. But to judge the quality of a government, it must look at the lives of the local people. Hiding wealth among the people is what makes a country

Fortunately. On the contrary, if the people have no money and the country has money, it cannot mean that the country is strong and it cannot be said that it has truly become well-off."

After retiring these years, Zhao Mingyuan has studied a lot of books about zz, and sometimes studied some economics. This is how he has made such great progress. Now he can talk about it when talking about this issue.

Talk without showing any timidity.

After saying this, Zhao Mingyuan asked, without hearing his grandson's response, "What's wrong? Did you hear something about how the people there are not living well, and are you worried?"

"Well, I heard people say that the situation in Capital Province is not very good, especially the public security environment there, which has brought a lot of inconvenience to the lives of local people." Feng Sizhe said these words not just because he heard Zhang Wenjie say this.

He had conducted an investigation, and only the Inspector's Office received a lot of reports. Perhaps it was because the Inspector's Office had handled several major cases since its establishment, and they were all very beautiful, so it was natural that the Inspector's Office would

Word spread among the people, and everyone knew that the central government had such a powerful department, so someone sent a report letter here.

Feng Sizhe didn't pay attention to it before because these reports were all trivial and not enough to attract their attention. But when their director Feng Sizhe paid attention to it, naturally related information in this regard would be sent to him continuously.

in front of me.

Looking at the pile of various case reports, Feng Sizhe really had a headache. He thought that the situation there would be bad, but he didn't expect that it would be so bad. So he wanted to do something, but of course, he didn't

If he was not an official of the Capital Province, he could not do much to improve the officialdom there, but he could indeed have a hand in the public security at that time. He could at least catch one or two typical officials and clean up some officials in the political and legal system. As long as he

It's a good thing to be able to change the security situation there even a little bit, and it's better than doing nothing at all.

"Well, I also heard something about the situation over there." After hearing what his grandson said, Zhao Mingyuan was not shocked at all. On the contrary, he said this in cooperation.

"What? Grandpa, you know." Feng Sizhe, who was pressing Mr. Zhao's shoulders, stopped curiously as soon as he heard that grandpa knew these things.

"Why can't I know? You have to be clear. Isn't Shasha's father the commander of the Central Plains Military Region? The Capital Province is under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains Military Region. I can naturally know what happened there. Hey, I won't hide it from you. The security there is

Shengli has also reported this issue to me." Zhao Mingyuan was very energetic when he said this, which shows that he still has influence on certain aspects.

"Ah? My father-in-law reported it, so why didn't he take action?" What Feng Sizhe knew was that powerful gangsters are also afraid of the army. As long as He Shengli wants to take care of this matter and sends out the army, there will definitely be trouble.

To achieve immediate results.

"Hey, it's not as easy as you think. Do you know who is in charge of the Capital Province Military Region? It's Wo Lingming. His eldest brother is Wo Lingguang, the political commissar of the Central Plains Military Region. Think about it.

You should be aware of how much pressure your father-in-law will be under if you extend your hands into their territory." Speaking of the situation there, Zhao Mingyuan had to sigh, and it was obvious that he was concerned about some of the situations there.

I am also helpless.

Not many people may know about Wo Lingming, but when it comes to his son-in-law, everyone knows that he is the outstanding figure among the younger generation of the Lu family, Lu Xingye.

Lu Xingye's wife is Wo Xiaomei, the only daughter of Wo Lingming. With the support of the Lu family, one can imagine how powerful their power will become, especially in Capital Province, where they are basically as powerful as a local emperor.

's existence.

Feng Sizhe didn't know much about this situation before. After all, he hadn't been there yet, so naturally he didn't have a complete understanding of the situation there. Now that he heard what his grandfather said, he understood it and had sympathy for the officials there.

It's also rooted, so it's no wonder that my father-in-law knew the situation there and couldn't act rashly.

"But if this is the case, then the central government just let it go and didn't think of taking care of it?" Feng Sizhe wondered. Even people like my grandfather who are not very familiar with local work have heard about these things. Ordinarily,

Those central leaders who have eyes and ears in all directions and who have many sources of information should be more aware of these situations.


Thanks to 76896356 for voting for a gold medal for a ghost, thank you prodigal!!!

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