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Chapter 1894 Under understanding

Xia Xiang mentioned Feng Sizhe's name when he came up, hoping to have better communication with Ying Weiquan and his wife, otherwise they would be conflicted and the next things would be difficult to handle.

"Feng Sizhe?" Upon hearing this unfamiliar name, Ying Weiquan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know who this person was.

When Sun Li heard the name, she obviously had an expression on her face. She had heard her daughter mention this person and had actually seen him. However, she knew her husband's temperament very well and did not dare to tell her about going to Kyoto to meet Feng Sizhe.

The reason is very simple. Her husband's personality is too conservative. If she knew that her daughter was with a married man, she would not be able to accept it. In order not to aggravate the conflict, she thought of bringing up the matter slowly, but

Xia Xiang said the name without thinking, leaving her a little at a loss.

Seeing Ying Weiquan's completely uncomprehending look, Xia Xiang was stunned for a moment, but after seeing Sun Li's expression, he seemed to understand something again. "Yes, it was Comrade Feng Sizhe who asked me to come.

I used to be colleagues with him and we have a good relationship. He called and said that you have been wronged and asked me to come over and see how it goes. If you believe me, you can tell me directly if you have anything."

"Old man, I know this person. He is a friend of Tao'er in Kyoto. I heard that he also works in the government department." At this time, Sun Li gradually began to tell Ying Weiquan about Feng Sizhe.

When she heard that she was her daughter's friend, Ying Weiquan didn't think too much. After all, he was in trouble now and there was no time for him to think about too many things.

After listening to his wife's words, he nodded to show that he understood. Then he looked at Xia Xiang and said, "Minister Xia, I really want to know one thing. Why do they arrest us?"

"What? You don't know yet?" Seeing that Ying Weiquan didn't even know why he was invited to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xia Xiang was stunned for a moment.

"Know? What do you know?" Ying Weiquan looked completely confused.

"Oh, it's like this. The County Commission for Discipline Inspection received a letter reporting that you had accepted bribes, and then jointly conducted a search of your home with the County Public Security Bureau. As a result, they found a bankbook worth 200,000 yuan, and they suspected that the money was yours.

It was obtained through improper means." Xia Xiang briefly explained the matter. After he finished speaking, he began to carefully observe the expressions of the two people. Obviously, he wanted to confirm whether this was true.

Upon hearing about the two hundred thousand bankbook, Ying Weiquan was stunned for a moment, then looked at his wife, "What two hundred thousand? Where did our family get so much money?"

"Yes...it was given to us by my daughter. Didn't I go to Kyoto two days ago? My daughter found out about you and said that she gave us money to relax and travel. You forgot, I left Kyoto that day

I even talked about this matter with you when I came back, but you didn't pay much attention to it at the time." When Sun Li heard that it was the 200,000 yuan that was responsible for the trouble, she quickly explained the whole story clearly.

"Daughter gave you so much?" Ying Weiquan was somewhat surprised when she heard the figure of two hundred thousand. After all, the money was not a decimal.

"Okay, my daughter is a star. She usually makes a lot of money by filming an advertisement. This two hundred thousand is a lot for us, but not much for her. After all, she respects our elderly people. You can give me more.

What are you afraid of?" Sun Li was a little unhappy after hearing this. No parent in the world would complain that their children are less filial. The more a daughter gives, the more it proves that she is in the heart of others, right?

Regardless of whether Ying Weiquan heard it clearly or not, Xia Xiang understood it. It didn't look like acting. The fact was clear. It should be what the woman next to Feng Sizhe said. She really gave this money to her parents.

Come to relax and travel, not to gain from corruption.

"Okay, I basically know the matter. I will follow up on this matter, but I don't understand why they are targeting you like this? Is there anything else involved?" Zai Xia

It seems that under normal circumstances, when the Discipline Inspection Commission wants to investigate a cadre, it will not go to the step of searching for a cadre unless it has certain irrefutable evidence, so he always feels that Tangche County is treating Ying Weiquan like this.

There is another hidden story.

As soon as this issue was mentioned, the expression on Ying Weiquan's face became much richer, "Hey, Minister Xia, let me tell you the truth. In fact, they are retaliating against me. This is what happened...

.." The main reason why Ying Weiquan dared to talk to Xia Xiang wanted to do this was because he was the leader of the provincial party committee. In his eyes, he was someone who could and had the ability to seek justice for himself.

The leader has said that now that things have reached this point, even if he wants to stop being laid off, it is unlikely that he will be laid off. If this is the case, then what else does he have to fear? He just has to fight for it.

Xia Xiang listened carefully to Ying Weiquan's introduction. When he heard that Zhang Ying, another deputy director of the county government office, and Sun Pinxing, the county party secretary, were bullying Ying Weiquan, his face showed anger.

It is logical to say these things. Under normal circumstances, such a big thing would not be possible without the nod of the county party committee secretary.

In more than ten minutes, Ying Weiquan finished introducing the situation, and then looked at Xia Xiang with hopeful eyes. Quite simply, he wanted to hear the leader's appraisal of his matter.

Of course Xia Xiang could make a decision right away, but if he did, he would definitely offend some powerful people. He also found out before he came that Li Pinxing was where he is today mainly because He Qiang was supporting him, and He Qiang was where he was today.

He has an inseparable relationship with Xiang Tong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. In other words, if he wants to make this matter official, he will first offend Li Pinxing, then He Qiang, and he will inevitably go

If he offends Xiang Tong, the matter will become a big deal, and he must think twice before acting.

"Okay, I already know the specifics of the matter. So, if you feel aggrieved, give me some time and I will investigate it carefully. Once I have completely figured out the situation, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation.

Yes, do you think it's okay?" Xia Xiangxiang thought that this matter was of great importance, and he couldn't make a decision casually. He had to think it over carefully, so he said this.

The dignified Organization Minister of the Provincial Party Committee has already promised to vindicate them, so what else does Ying Weiquan have to say? He also knows that despite Minister Xia's high position, he has to be careful when actually doing something.

There are many things to do, and only by doing everything well can he be able to restore his innocence. He nodded immediately, "Okay, I believe you, Minister Xia, then I will wait for you here.


"Okay." Xia Xiang stood up, shook hands with Ying Weiquan and Sun Li once, and then withdrew.

As soon as they walked out of the office, He Qiang and Li Pinxing came over. At this time, He Qiang also said something that made Xia Xiang think more, "Minister Xia, I just called the deputy secretary. He has nothing to do with you and me."

I would like to express my condolences for my work support.”

Such a short sentence does reveal a lot of information, the most important of which is that Deputy Secretary Xiang actually knows what happened here, so what should we do next? Is Minister Xia also aware of it?

You have to figure it out. Is it really appropriate to offend the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee for the sake of an old friend?

"Oh, then thank Deputy Secretary Xiang for me. Let's do this. I'll go back to the Provincial Party Committee as soon as I finish my meal. If there's anything I need to do, I'll tell Deputy Secretary Xiang personally." Xia thought about it for a moment, but still

The source of the money will not be revealed until then. Otherwise, these people will think of other ways. The most important thing now is to discuss with Feng Sizhe first and see if Feng Sizhe and Comrade Xiang Tong can talk about it. If possible,

If the matter there is resolved first, then the matter in Tangche County will not be a problem.

As soon as he heard that Xia Xiang was ready to go back, He Qiang's face immediately showed joy, "Okay, let's go have dinner first. It's just that Minister Xia finally came here, so I don't think there's any need to go back in such a hurry.

Is it just a survey when you go to the grassroots level and take a look?"

"Well, there is a lot of work to be done in the province. I think I'll do it next time if I have a chance." In order not to put more pressure on He Qiang and others, Xia Xiang made it look like he had to leave.

He Qiang's face became even happier after hearing this, and Li Pinxing was also very happy. Just now they were discussing what to do outside. If Xia Xiang really wanted to intercede for Ying Weiquan, then they

Do you want to give this face? Regarding this matter, He Qiang even called the leader, Deputy Secretary Xiang Tong. Xiang Tong also has a good relationship with Xia Xiang. After listening to He Qiang’s report, he said, you

Just tell Minister Xia for me. He is also telling Xia Xiang that this is his own territory. If you want to cause trouble, you are not giving me face.

Now it seems that Xia Xiang obviously understood this sentence and decided to leave. Wouldn't this be a happy scene for everyone?

Xia Xiang finished the meal while socializing, and then he drove away from Tangche County. This time, He Qiang did not follow him. He stayed first on the grounds that he still had official business. Then he saw him off.

After Xia Xiang left the vehicle, he quickly said to Li Pinxing beside him, "This matter needs to be handled quickly. Of course, Minister Xia also needs to be given face. I think the Discipline Inspection Commission can give a lighter punishment."

Be gentle, and if it doesn't work, just fire him from all public offices."

"Okay." After listening to Secretary He's opinion, Li Pinxing certainly wouldn't refute it.


Due to the clean-up campaign being carried out on the entire website, the name of the reborn officialdom ghost was changed to the reborn Qingyun Zhishang. The prodigal son deeply apologizes for the inconvenience this has caused.

This chapter has been completed!
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