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Chapter 1916: Remonstrance (seeking monthly ticket)

We are the same human beings. If someone can solve such a big problem by smoking a red panda, then he can't handle small things in a province or a county, right?

"Run." A huge flame rose above the lighter, lighting the cigarette in Feng Sizhe's mouth. After a while, he finally made up his mind. If he wanted to get it done once and for all, some things had to be changed. Originally, things were still the same.

I planned to talk about new opportunities after a while, but now it seems that we can no longer wait, and it is time for some suitable systems to be released.

Early the next morning, Feng Sizhe returned to the capital of Harbin Province from the soup truck, and then took a flight to Kyoto. However, the only people who returned to Beijing with him were his driver Li Shuang and his secretary Yin Fenglei. The other inspection office personnel were indeed

Was left in Tangche County.

This decision was made by Feng Sizhe early in the morning, and the comrades in the inspection office didn't know what was going on, but once the director issued the order, they just carried it out.

On the plane, Feng Sizhe sat with his eyes closed. He knew very well that the report back to Beijing this time was very important, and the resistance that would follow would be great. Of course, he was also mentally prepared for this, and any

For a new thing to be accepted by others, it requires a process.

After getting off the plane, Feng Sizhe contacted the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China by phone. After Ren Tianfang learned that Feng Sizhe had something important to report, he reported to General Secretary Qin Xianghua. Coincidentally, he had a half-hour break in the afternoon.

This makes Feng Sizhe cheaper.

After getting the approval from Ren Tianfang, Feng Sizhe didn't even return to his grandfather's courtyard, but went directly to the Zhongnanhai Central Office. The chief was definitely busy with everything, even though it was two o'clock in the afternoon, Feng Sizhe still

He thought about making preparations in advance. After all, if something happened, he could only wait for the chief, but he couldn't let the chief wait for him.

Feng Sizhe's preparations were indeed correct. At 1:40, Comrade Qin Xianghua finished the work at hand, and then Ren Tianfang found Feng Sizhe who was waiting and led him in.

Office of the General Secretary.

This is an office of about 70 square meters. The layout of the room is not complicated. There is a map of the Republic on the wall, the national flag and the party flag on the table. There are also several telephones with the most complete functions, among which a red telephone is particularly dazzling.

This phone does not have any lines, but it can reach any corner of the world. Some people say that this phone is directly controlled by satellites in space. In short, this is a very nb communication phone.

"Comrade Sizhe is here, please sit down first and I'll finish approving this document." Qin Xianghua looked up at Feng Sizhe, said a kind word, and then went back to work.

Ren Tianfang took the tea cup, and Feng Sizhe quickly stood up. This was Ren Yingying's father. He didn't dare to live with him as a guest. It was Ren Tianfang who actively cooperated and poured the tea, and then he sat down again nervously.

Went back.

It was not the first time he came to the general secretary's office, but this time Feng Sizhe was really a little nervous because he didn't know whether his proposal would be supported by Secretary Qin, so he felt a little uneasy.

After a while, Qin Xianghua finished reviewing the information in his hand, put down his pen, smiled at Feng Sizhe and asked, "Comrade Sizhe, I heard Director Ren say that you have something important to report to me?"

"Yes, General Secretary Qin, the situation is like this." After hearing Qin Xianghua's question, Feng Sizhe quickly stood up respectfully.

"No need to be so polite, Comrade Sizhe, this is not the first time we have met. Let's be more casual." Seeing Feng Sizhe standing up to report his work, Qin Xianghua pressed his hand down and motioned for him to sit down.

At Qin Xianghua's request, Feng Sizhe sat down. He was now facing the No. 1 leader of the Republic, and he was really nervous at the moment. Fortunately, such a big scene could not be regarded as the first time he had seen it. For this reason,

After taking a deep breath, he explained the purpose of his visit, "General Secretary Qin, I am currently investigating a case in Tangche County, Harr Province. It is not a big case, but I am investigating

During the process, I did discover a big problem, a bad habit that can affect our country and our system. This time I am specifically reporting to you on this matter."

"Bad habits?" After hearing this word, Qin Xianghua repeated it first. He could already guess what Feng Sizhe was going to say, but as for this matter, hadn't he already asked Ren Tianfang to inform him? This time the Central Committee

He supports this work. He really doesn't know what else this young deputy ministerial official wants to report.

"Yes, bad habits." Seeing Qin Xianghua repeating what he said, Feng Sizhe said it again solemnly.

"Well, okay, let's ask Comrade Sizhe to talk about what kind of bad habit this is." Since Feng Sizhe still wants to report on this matter, Qin Xianghua plans to listen to it. Anyway, time has been spared.

The reporter said that it was his suggestion to transfer Feng Sizhe to be the director of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. At that time, he was given great power. Now that there is a problem, of course he wants to hear what is going on.

"Okay, here's the situation. After my investigation in Tangche County, I found that the unjust accusation of Comrade Ying Weiquan, the deputy director of the county government office, is not an exception, but a decision made by some people based on the clear meaning of the organization. Of course,

Because of the intervention of our Inspectorate's Office, the case has been made public. But I think this is not the result we should want, because such things are likely to happen from time to time in all provinces, cities, counties and townships across the country. After all, the Inspectorate's Office has limited energy.

It is impossible to intervene in every such case in a timely manner, and it is impossible to ensure that we can correct the same mistakes in other places in a timely manner, so I thought of a good way to solve the problem. I believe that as long as we follow the

If we do this this way, we won't say that such a thing will happen, but at least the probability of it happening will be reduced a lot." Feng Sizhe explained the purpose of this trip in the fewest words. He also knew that Comrade Qin Xianghua had a lot of work

If he had to do it, he didn't dare to waste too much time on this matter.

Hearing that Feng Sizhe not only solved the problem, but also thought of a way to solve it, Qin Xianghua asked with interest, "Oh, tell me what good solution you have thought of?"

"Yes, I think so. Nowadays, whether in employment or in the division of specific work, some leading cadres are often accustomed to using the words "representative organization" to convey orders to their subordinates. In fact, what they mean by

Is it true that he is a representative organization? Let’s not talk about whether he has this power. It is unreasonable to say that just this sentence ended the lives of some officials and even cut off some jobs.

Of course, this habit has been developed over many years and is not easy to change. However, it is often this representative organization that can make many things blurry. For example, many people do not know who made the decision. Really

It is thought that it is under the organization. For example, some leaders often use this word when they make wrong decisions. As time passes, the organization will invisibly take the blame for many leading cadres who have made mistakes. If this continues,

Everyone's trust in the organization will naturally decline, and it will be quite dangerous if this continues."

Feng Sizhe was talking eloquently here, and of course he was also paying careful attention to Qin Xianghua's expression, because speaking of it, this man was the biggest representative figure in the organization.

"Keep talking." Qin Xianghua was stunned for a moment as he listened to Feng Sizhe talking and then stopped talking, and then he looked at Feng Sizhe sitting opposite.

"Yes, let me continue. Speaking of which, what is an organization? To put it bluntly, it is organized by people. Sometimes this organization is composed of several people, or even more, but sometimes, this organization is actually

Someone means, in short, this representative organization has no limitations. It can be big if it is big, or small if it is small. Based on these issues, I am thinking about whether we can reduce some so-called wrong decisions in the organization.

Set a rule, that is, in the future, whenever someone wants to speak on behalf of the organization, or convey an order, they should add a name after the sentence, that is, the opinions of so-and-so should be based on the organization's

This order was issued. For example, a certain county issued an order in related economic work, and this order was proposed by a certain county magistrate. Is it possible to add the name of the county magistrate after this so-called organizational decision?

The advantage of this is that if the county really suffers huge economic losses due to this decision, the first person to be held accountable will not be the collective organization of the county government, but the county magistrate.

What about the responsibility?”

Feng Sizhe continued to explain his thoughts while making metaphors, "This is what is called distribution to people. In the past, our land was under public ownership, and because of this, there were big lazy people, small lazy people, and small lazy people.

To put it bluntly, because everyone works or not, it is the same, so there is a situation of backward economic development. But later, the land was allocated to people and managed by individuals, which was directly linked to their family income and living standards. In this way,

Come, everyone's enthusiasm will be mobilized, so there will be a group of people who get rich first. Through this situation, should we also consider dividing the responsibilities specifically to each head? The advantage of this is

If someone makes a decision, the responsibility will be borne by that person, and it is a lifelong system. In this way, leading cadres need to consider more when making major decisions, because it will directly affect their future.

In this way, whether in employment or in specific work, the occurrence rate of errors will be much less. This will not only improve the pace of social development, but also allow the organization to be more efficient.

A positive situation appears in front of everyone, which can achieve multiple things with one stone."

This chapter has been completed!
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