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Chapter 1941: On the Standing Committee

The idea is beautiful, but the fact is cruel. The appearance of Feng Sizhe and Zheng Defu made all his ideas come to nothing. How could he not hate it in his heart? He even thought that if he wanted to achieve his previous goal, there was only one way.

, just trying to find a way to get Feng Sizhe and Zheng Defu to get out. As long as these two people leave, a lot of positions will be vacant. If he works hard, there is still hope for the supervisor.

Zheng Qinghe said bad things about Feng Sizhe for one purpose, which was to find ways to squeeze out Feng Sizhe and Zheng Defu and try to get them to leave as soon as possible.

And now the big boss is obviously very dissatisfied with the arrival of these two people. This can be seen from the sentence "I don't know how high the sky is". And as long as the big boss is unhappy this time, I think these two outsiders want to be stable.

It is unrealistic to stay here. You must know that this is the capital province, and Ji Quanyong's words here are equivalent to an imperial edict.

"Boss, there will be a Standing Committee meeting tomorrow morning. The main topic is for everyone to meet the new comrades. Do you think... is it okay?" Zheng Qinghe asked carefully. You must know whether the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was held before.

Ji Quanyong has the final say. At that time, he was the secretary of SW and had this power. But now that he has stepped down, he only has the status of director of the National People's Congress. So if the Standing Committee is convened, there is no need to greet him. But in the capital

The situation in the province is here, and he has to report it, or he, the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, is not that easy to do.

"This is what it should be. You tell Chao Qi that I will go tomorrow." Ji Quanyong nodded. Some work still needs to be done. Even though it is only superficial work, it still needs to be done. Otherwise, if the news spreads to the central government, it will be him.

It's no longer reasonable.

Hearing what the big boss said, Zheng Qinghe nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

The next morning, at five minutes to nine o'clock in the small conference room of the Capital Provincial Party Committee Building, Feng Sizhe and his secretary Yin Fenglei arrived at the door.

Yin Fenglei handed the small book in his hand to Feng Sizhe and stepped aside respectfully. His current status was not enough to enter this conference room, and among the secretaries, there was only the secretary of Secretary SW, which is what everyone calls him.

Only the First Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee has this power. But he knows very well that as long as he continues to follow Young Master Feng, this day will come sooner or later.

After Feng Sizhe took the book, he took a deep breath. He knew that this conference room represented the highest authority in the Capital Province, and all major events related to the Capital Province would be met and resolved here, and this was also his first time.

As the governor of a province, he was somewhat nervous when he walked into such a meeting room.

After Feng Sizhe opened the door and walked in, there were already many people in the conference room, or it could be said that everyone except SW Secretary Xu Chaoqi and Provincial People's Congress Director Ji Quanyong were here.

Originally, Feng Sizhe also considered coming in two minutes before the meeting. After all, he is the governor of the province now. Although there is a pronoun in front of him, he is still the second-largest person in the capital province. He should not come too soon.

Early. If it's too early, it will appear to be identityless, and if it's too late, it won't be justified. So usually he will choose the most suitable time to appear in this position, but this is his first time attending a meeting, so he should come earlier.

, Moreover, considering his age, it is normal for him to come earlier. The youngest member of the Standing Committee is almost fifty years old. People like him who are less than forty are very rare not only in the capital province, but also in the whole country.

Feng Sizhe walked into the conference room and immediately attracted everyone's attention. But it was just to attract attention. No one said anything or said hello. This can also be seen that the Capital Province is actually interested in

He was still a little repulsive. Of course, it cannot be said that there was no action at all. For example, Executive Vice Governor Zheng Defu stood up on his own initiative and said hello to Feng Sizhe.

But when Zheng Defu stood up and found that other people were still doing whatever they were supposed to do, his old face couldn't help but blush. Sometimes it's like this, you have to explain the situation when you flatter the leader, if everyone is indifferent and you are the only one there

Flattery seems to make it a little embarrassing. Now Zheng Defu is standing there in embarrassment, neither standing nor sitting.

Fortunately, Feng Sizhe spoke up in time to give him a step, "Vice Governor Zheng, please take a seat. We will eat in the same pot from now on, so there is no need to be so polite."

"Yes, yes." Zheng Defu chuckled and sat down again. It can be said that he was very depressed at this time. First, he was disrupted in his inauguration speech yesterday, and the long speech he originally prepared was useless.

Then he was the first to drink too much in the drinking competition. Even now, his stomach is still very uncomfortable. This is the first time for him to drink so much wine on an empty stomach, and now his performance is regarded as...

It's just flattery. You can imagine how much better his mood could be.

When he left Kyoto and became the executive deputy governor of the local area, he had great power. But now he realized that this was not the case at all. The cadres in the capital province did not welcome him very much. He couldn't help but

He was thinking about whether it was right to come to the capital from Kyoto this time. If he still stayed in Kyoto, he would at least have a chance to choose where to go. But now, does he still have such a chance?

Thirty seconds before the meeting time, the sound of footsteps sounded outside the conference room, and then the door was pushed open. The first person who caught everyone's eyes was Ji Quanyong, director of the Provincial People's Congress, and Xu Chaoqi, who was the secretary of SW, was indeed lagging behind.

Half a step away from the former secretary, he walked in like a follower.

Secretary sw is half a step behind the director of the Provincial People's Congress. This situation can only be found in the capital province in the whole country. It can be seen that although the central government has appointed Xu Chaoqi as secretary, he is actually in power here.

People are still Ji Quanyong.

Compared to everyone's indifference to Feng Sizhe just now, after Ji Quan came in, all the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee stood up, of course, except Young Master Feng.

It is an indisputable fact that all members of the Standing Committee stood up to greet Ji Quanyong. It can also be said to be an official rule of the Capital Province, and it is a habit that everyone has long described.

After Zheng Defu saw everyone standing up, he also raised his butt out of habit. But when he saw that Feng Sizhe had no intention of standing up, he didn't know why. As his buttocks sank, he sat down again.

He was thinking, since Feng Sizhe, as an outsider, does not have to stand up, can he do the same?

Zheng Defu, who had just been sitting, raised his head casually and was met with Ji Quanyong's very serious gaze. For some reason, his buttocks instantly lifted up again, as if there were nails on the seat.

His water can go down in a stable seat.

As soon as he stood up at this time, Zheng Defu's face was quite ugly. What was wrong with him? He stood and sat for a while. Why was he so unprincipled? It was not like he had never seen a big leader do this.

As the former deputy mayor of Kyoto, his chances of meeting senior leaders and central ministers are much higher than those of the people here. It is said that his determination should be very good, but for some reason, as soon as he arrived in the capital province

After that, his heart never felt at peace for a moment, and his current behavior reflects this true reality.

Zheng Defu stood up and glanced curiously at Feng Sizhe, who had been sitting firmly in the chair, with a look of embarrassment on his face. He was not only thinking that it seemed that his concentration was not enough. Looking at others, he was younger than himself, but

You can indeed be fearless of any pressure and sit there unmoved. Just this time is enough for you to study hard for a while.

Ji Quanyong's eyes looked at Zheng Defu and then at Feng Sizhe, who was the only one who did not stand up. He did not think highly of this young man, and even looked down upon him. Not long ago, he had left Young Master Feng alone.

After spending a night in the Public Security Bureau, the so-called Z Disciplinary Inspection Office returned home in vain, which was a huge loss of face. Because of this incident, Ji Quanyong looked down on Feng Sizhe, thinking that this young man just had some background.

I'm just lucky, but I don't have much real talent or learning.

Once an impression is formed on a person, it is not easy to change. For example, Ji Quanyong is putting pressure on Feng Sizhe with his eyes. He believes that as long as he dares to raise his head, his eyes will force him to stand up.


But Feng Sizhe had already seen through his trick. He knew very well that as long as he raised his head, he should stand up, even if it was out of respect for the old comrades. But just because he knew this was the result, so

Young Master Feng didn't raise his head at all. I couldn't see everything, so naturally you can't make an issue of it.

Ji Quanyong stared at Feng Sizhe for twenty seconds. If this is a martial arts analogy, it means that he has already made a ruthless move. What is hateful is that Feng Sizhe didn't take the move at all and let you be beaten by wind and rain.

, I stood still. In this way, this seemingly injurious technique was as if it were all applied to cotton, and no focus or effect could be seen.

The meeting could not continue like this forever. Seeing that Feng Sizhe did not accept the move, Ji Quanyong's face showed a little sullenness, but having been SW secretary for such a long time, his Qi-nurturing skills were not limited. What did he know?

When should you get angry, and when should you not get angry. Just like this, he was still able to control his temper very well and sat back on the chair again.

Ji Quanyong sat down, and other members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee also sat down one after another. Everyone saw the scene just now. Many people were a little confused about Feng Sizhe's performance, and some even felt sorry for Feng Sizhe in their hearts.

The young master was sentenced to death. In their opinion, if he dared to confront Ji Quanyong, at least his work in the capital would be difficult to carry out. Some people had already begun to mourn for the new acting governor.

This chapter has been completed!
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