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Chapter 1944: At the government office meeting

About five minutes passed, and footsteps sounded outside the conference room. Finally, Vice Governor Zou Anlin and Vice Governor Xie Kaiquan walked in together. As soon as they entered the office, Zou Anlin said sheepishly, "Oh, it's official business."

There are too many. Sorry for being late."

Although he said this, everyone could see that this guy didn't look embarrassed at all. It is conceivable that this was intentional.

Another deputy governor, Xie Kaiquan, former member of the Standing Committee of the Capital Provincial Committee and director of Guochuan Development Zone, was even more arrogant. He just found his seat and sat down without saying a word. It felt as if it was natural for him to be late.

, this is how it should be.

Looking at all this, Zheng Defu looked unhappy. These two people were really arrogant. One didn't explain, he was simply arrogant, and the other said he was busy at work. Damn it, he was busy because he was taking away things that he should be responsible for.

? It can be said that he was the most unhappy at this time.

Feng Sizhe, who saw all this in his eyes, secretly paid attention to everyone's expressions. He knew very well that the two people's deliberate delay was just to give him power. His previous temper was already angry this time.

But now he is the governor of a province, and his personal level has also improved. People want to make him angry, but he really doesn't get angry. "Okay, everyone is here, let's start the meeting now."

Feng Sizhe had no intention of pursuing anyone. This was both calculated and unexpected.

It is said that it is calculated because Feng Sizhe has just arrived and does not know much about all aspects of the situation. Under such circumstances, the right way is to talk less, see more and listen more. If it is unexpected, it is because he

The less angry he is, the more it proves that his Qi-nurturing skills have reached a certain level, which makes everyone admire this young man with admiration.

"Comrades, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Feng Sizhe. The central government sent me to work in Capital Province. This is a sign of trust in me. At the same time, I myself feel great pressure. First of all, I would like to thank the central government and the organization for their support.

The affirmation of my work ability and the opportunity given to me. Secondly, since we are all destined to meet each other, I hope that in my future work, I can sincerely unite with everyone to comprehensively improve the economic work of Capital Province and make Capital Province

The people have truly enjoyed the personal benefits brought by the country's good policies and economic reforms. Perhaps many comrades do not understand me. What everyone sees is that I am very young. Yes, I am younger than anyone here in terms of age.

I'm older, it's not too much for you to call me little brother, and if you want, you can call me that in private, but I am very serious when I work, one is one, two is two, as long as you put

If the work is done well, you can do whatever you want. If you can't do the job at hand well, then I'm sorry. I don't care who you are or what achievements you have made in the past. I will reward and punish you clearly."

When Feng Sizhe mentioned the distinction between rewards and punishments, several deputy governors obviously moved slightly. Apparently they heard a different sound in these words.

"Okay, since this is our first meeting, I would like to ask you all to introduce yourselves. First, I would like to ask Comrade Zheng Defu to introduce himself." Feng Sizhe ended his opening remarks and handed the right to speak to the Executive Vice Governor Zheng Defu.

Zheng Defu finally had a chance to speak, and he immediately began to talk. "Hello everyone, my name is Zheng Defu. I used to be the deputy mayor of Kyoto. During my work in Kyoto, I united my comrades, respected the leadership, and worked hard on my work.

, caring for the people, loyal to the party, and to the country..."

Maybe this guy was really holding back his nerves. When he got the chance to speak, he started to promote himself continuously. He even started to talk about some things about his work in Kyoto. This talk lasted for thirty minutes, and some people who listened were shocked.

Fell asleep.

Think about it, Feng Sizhe said it very clearly. Everyone introduces themselves and then introduces the work at hand. If it is fast, it will only take three or two minutes. If it is slow, it can be done in ten minutes. But now looking at Zheng Defu, he has no idea.

It doesn't mean anything like this.

Zou Anlin, deputy governor of the Standing Committee, frowned, but did not speak immediately. Perhaps he also knew that this was Feng Sizhe's first meeting since his arrival, so it would be inappropriate to criticize him.

But Zou Anlin didn't speak, which didn't mean others wouldn't speak. Soon a voice interrupted Zheng Defu's speech. "I said Vice Governor Zheng, we are not the organization department. We want to hear about your great achievements. Now is the time to introduce yourself."

, you should just pick the key points."

Zheng Defu, who was talking enthusiastically, was very unhappy when he heard someone interrupting his speech. He looked for reputation and found that the person who said this was Xie Kaiquan, director of Guochuan Development Zone. He immediately became unhappy, "What? I

Do you need to teach me how to speak? Do you know what your identity is? I am the executive deputy governor. You are just assuming the position of deputy governor. To put it bluntly, you are the director of a development zone. Here

Is it your turn to speak?"

Zheng Defu had been holding his breath since he got off the plane. Now that he finally had the opportunity to speak, how could he let it go so easily? He was talking happily when he was interrupted by others. But he thought

How angry I was in my heart.

Xie Kaiquan is not an ordinary person. If Ji Quanyong had not relieved the burden of SW Secretary and occupied a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee, he would still be a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of the CPC. In the past, he was also very famous in Ducheng Province, and he was among the best.

One of the fifteen people, now being evaluated like this by an outsider, how could he not be angry, and how could he bear it.

"Zheng Defu, don't be so shameless?" Xie Kaiquan suddenly stood up and pointed at the tip of Zheng Defu's nose and said bitterly.

"What? What did you say? Do you have the guts to say it again?" Suddenly being pointed at the tip of his nose and scolded, one can imagine the anger in Zheng Defu's heart.

"I said don't be shameless. This is the capital. It's not your turn to act wild as an outsider. You..." Xie Kaiquan said angrily. But he did forget that such a statement would bring Feng Si down.

Zhe was also brought in. You must know that for the Capital Province, Young Master Feng is also a foreigner.

"What are you doing? What do you all want to do? Do you want to fight? Okay, then go out and fight. Why don't you write a life and death certificate? Let's fight to the death." Feng Sizhe looked at the two deputy governors in the governor's office meeting.

There was a quarrel, and he immediately stood up and said very annoyed.

On the surface, Feng Sizhe looked very angry, but in fact he was actually a little happy. When he first arrived in the capital, he was unfamiliar with many situations. If he could use Zheng Defu to open the way and test the depth of the water, he would save a lot of trouble.

Trouble. Just like from the current situation, he can feel that this Xie Kaiquan is not an ordinary person. Even Zou Anlin, deputy governor of the Standing Committee, did not say that Zheng Defu was wrong, but he did dare to jump out, which is enough to show that this person is not a simple person.

, his identity should not be as simple as a nominal deputy governor and director of Guochuan Development Zone.

As soon as Feng Sizhe stood up and yelled, Zheng Defu and Xie Kaiquan stopped arguing. They also felt that quarreling in such an occasion was something that was detrimental to their status.

"Okay, Comrade Zou Anlin, please introduce your work." Feng Sizhe watched the scene quiet down and continued to preside over the meeting.

"Okay, then let me introduce you. Although everyone knows me, since Acting Governor Feng asked me to say it, I will say it again. My name is Zou Anlin. I am in charge of the agricultural economy of the province. Thanks to the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government,

Since then, I am now also in charge of provincial finance and taxation, supervision, land, human resources, social security and foreign affairs. I feel a lot of pressure, but I will work hard and strive for..."

Following Zou Anlin's introduction, other vice governors also introduced their jobs one by one.

Until the end, Fu Changtao, Secretary-General of the Provincial Government, spoke, "My name is Fu Changtao. I am said to be the Secretary-General of the Provincial Government, but in fact I am just a big steward. All of you here are my leaders. Whatever you need is my job. I will

I will try my best to serve all the leaders, and you don’t have to be polite to me, haha.”

After Fu Changtao's speech, several vice-governors also laughed, which seemed to dilute the quarrel between Zheng Defu and Xie Kaiquan just now.

"Okay, everyone has gotten to know each other through the speech just now. I won't say any more. Now let me talk about the issue of Baichuan Building." Feng Sizhe said seriously.

When the matter of the Baichuan Building was mentioned, the faces of all the vice-governors became much more serious. Obviously everyone also knew how much pressure this matter had brought to the Capital Province. If it had not been for this matter, Ji Quanyong would not have

Retired from the position of SW secretary.

"Vice Governor Zhao, should you explain the situation first?" Feng Sizhe said aloud, looking at Vice Governor Zhao Wenbo who was sitting there.

As one of the vice-governors of Capital Province, Zhao Wenbo is in charge of business, quality supervision, and industry and commerce. When the Baichuan Building was completed, it was inspected by the provincial quality supervision department and was moved in if deemed qualified.

For some companies and enterprises, the building collapsed in just over three months. This cannot but be said to have been derelict in his leadership as a supervisor.

When his name was called, Zhao Wenbo stood up with a serious face, "Governor Feng, as the provincial government leader in charge of the quality supervision department, I bear certain responsibilities for the Baichuan Building."

"This is not a question of accountability. You should talk about the specific situation." Feng Sizhe waved his hand. What bothered him the most was that when he encountered a problem, as a leader, he would first self-examine, as if he was not guilty after doing so.

But will this actually be the case? It is obviously impossible.

This chapter has been completed!
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